
Chapter 794 Refugees

Chapter 794 Refugees

Back at the mansion in the evening, Chen Qing had dinner with his family. Lu Xiu filled a glass of wine for her husband and asked with a smile, "Everywhere in the city today, it is said that my husband wants to exchange the late emperor. Is it true?"

Chen Qing glanced at Zhao Qiaoyun, saw that her eyes were slightly red, obviously she had cried, so she nodded with a smile, "Basically, we can negotiate, our capital is very hard, I am not afraid that they will not agree."

Zhao Qiaoyun filled a bowl of soup, put it in front of Chen Qing, and asked in a low voice, "Can my father's coffin be sent back together?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem. We can exchange a lot of capital, so you don't have to worry."

"Thank you officer!"

Seeing that there was still a trace of deep worry on her brow, Chen Qing knew that she still had concerns.

Chen Qing changed the subject and said with a smile, "I might go out in a few days."

All the girls said in unison: "Going to fight again?"

Chen Qing smiled and waved his hands, "I'm not going to fight, but to inspect the refugee situation. It will take about ten days. The war will end next year. I need to take a good rest."

Lu Xiu nodded, "Let A-Lian accompany you this time, and I will rest assured that she will take care of you."

Yu Lian was secretly happy in her heart, her brows brightened in spring.

Chen Qing remembered something again and asked Zhao Qiaoyun, "Your sister Zhao Yingluo, how is she doing now?"

"She's fine. She's the same as me and doesn't want to go back to Lin'an anymore. Now she can only rely on me and has nowhere to go."

"Then let her have dinner together, the family doesn't need to be so distinguished."

Zhao Qiaoyun glanced at Lu Xiu quickly, and Lu Xiu nodded silently.

Zhao Qiaoyun was overjoyed, "Then I'll let you come over tomorrow morning."

At night, Chen Qing came to Zhao Qiaoyun's yard, and happened to meet Zhao Qiaoyun's younger sister, Zhao Yingluo, in the yard. Zhao Yingluo was tall, very slender, and especially beautiful, with a pair of big black and white eyes that were particularly affectionate. , The long eyelashes are as hazy as autumn water.

Zhao Yingluo can be said to be the most beautiful woman Chen Qing has seen so far. She is two years younger than Zhao Qiaoyun, but she is only in her twenties. She is also lonely, childless, and has nowhere to go. At my sister's house.

When he just came back from Taiyuan, Chen Qing heard some comments, saying that Zhao Yingluo had become his concubine, and Chen Qing wanted to find a room for her, but when he accidentally saw her holding an umbrella, standing alone by the lake Chen Qing was shocked by Zhao Yingluo's unparalleled gentleness and beauty, and Chen Qing immediately gave up the idea of ​​letting her move out.

Chen Qing walked very fast, Zhao Yingluo bumped into Chen Qing's arms, seeing that she couldn't stand up and was about to fall to the ground, Chen Qing grabbed her hand quickly.


It was only then that Zhao Yingluo realized that it was Chen Qing who was supporting her, and she blushed with shame, she quickly withdrew her hand, and gave a deep blessing, "Yingluo walked in a hurry, I'm sorry."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Miss Yingluo, I didn't bump into you, did I?"

"No! My sister is inside, so I'll go back first."

Zhao Yingluo lowered her head, not daring to look into Chen Qing's eyes, and hurried to her small courtyard.

Chen Qing kept watching her graceful waist disappear, and rubbed his hands lightly. Zhao Yingluo's skin was really smooth, which made him a little distracted.

Zhao Qiaoyun worked hard to take care of her husband. She lay panting in her husband's arms and said in a low voice: "Eldest sister said that the husband wants to arrange another body. I'm worried."

"I originally had this idea, afraid that others would gossip, but now that I think about it, it doesn't really matter."

Zhao Qiaoyun plucked up her courage and whispered in her husband's ear: "Husband, take her too! Wanyan Nianhan has too many wives and concubines, and he fights outside all the year round, so he basically doesn't touch her. We sisters can serve your husband together."

Chen Qing's heart suddenly felt a little restless. Over the past few years, as his power has become stronger, Chen Qing's desire for women has also increased.

Moreover, Chen Qing, like Cao Cao, has no psychological burden to accept other people's wives, especially the daughters of the two emperors, which are beneficial to him politically. He said with a dry smile: "This kind of thing is decided by Madam, don't ask me .”

Knowing that her husband had acquiesced, Zhao Qiaoyun was overjoyed, and immediately began to serve her with all her might.

After scoring twice, Chen Qing finally got down to business.

"When talking about your emperor brother today, what do you seem to have on your mind?"

Zhao Qiaoyun sighed softly and said: "Brother Huang may live a little longer in the Kingdom of Jin. Now that he is back, how can the person in Lin'an tolerate him? I am afraid that Brother Huang will die of an inexplicable illness in a year or two."

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "Don't worry, with my support, he will be fine."

"Actually, I'm more worried about my husband. Isn't my husband afraid that their brothers will join forces to deal with you?"

Chen Qing kissed her forehead, and said softly: "I can promise you, no matter what happens in the future, I will spare their lives."

Zhao Qiaoyun knew very well how difficult it was for her husband to make this promise to herself. She was grateful and hugged her husband tightly.

Two days later, the negotiation ended, and the two sides reached an agreement on the details of the exchange. Chen Qing signed the exchange details, and then the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin confirmed that the texts would be effective after the two sides exchanged the text. The exchange time was at the Chitang Pass in early March. Exchange, the specific exchange method will be negotiated by both parties.

Wanyan Xiyin left Jingzhao overnight and returned to Shangjing. Just a few hours after the envoy from the Kingdom of Jin left, Chen Qing also left Jingzhao the next morning to go to Zheng County, Huazhou to inspect the refugee situation.

This time, Chen Qing set off with the third batch of aid officials and supplies. The refugees in Zheng County were those in Shangzhou, and Shangluo County was a small county that could not accommodate hundreds of thousands of refugees.

The Neizhengtang made a decision to set up the refugee camp on the south bank of the Weihe River in Zheng County. After the refugees received simple relief in Shangluo, they continued to enter Guanzhong northward.

Where to put the refugee camps is actually a manifestation of two completely different ideas. Putting the refugee camps in Shangluo is a kind of xenophobic thinking. It is only a temporary relief, and the refugees must be driven back to Xiangyang in the end.

Putting the refugee camps in Guanzhong is a way of accommodating them. In the end, these refugees should be digested and resettled in various places in Sichuan and Shaanxi.

In addition, another advantage of being resettled in Zheng County is that it is convenient for river transportation, food material transportation, and population transportation. Therefore, the Neizhengtang also decided to build a refugee camp on the north bank of the Weihe River in Huayin County to accommodate the army of refugees from Shanzhou.

Hundreds of large ships loaded with supplies sailed on the Weihe River, and on the south bank were hundreds of fiber-stretching teams and thousands of guard cavalry.

There were more than a dozen passenger ships in front of the fleet. The first big ship of [-] shi was Chen Qing's special boat. When patrolling in Guanzhong, Chen Qing basically traveled by boat, which was convenient for him to handle official duties.

And the dozens of three-thousand-stone ships behind are official ships and doctor ships, full of hundreds of doctors and [-] officials urgently transferred from various places in Bashu. They just arrived in Jingzhao City yesterday afternoon and rested overnight. Early in the morning, he set off with Chen Qing again.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Chen Qing looked at the golden rice fields on both sides, feeling very refreshed. He still remembered Guanzhong during the Battle of Fuping. In order to be full of vitality, although the population is still some distance away from the Xuanhe period, the wasteland has been wiped out, and the places where crops can be grown are full of crops. Chen Qing likes to watch this scene of a bumper harvest.

"Officer, the tea is ready, it's in the study!"

Alian's coquettish voice came from behind, and Chen Qing's heart felt hot. The word "study room" was called out by Alian, and there was a special ambiguity that only he could understand.

Chen Qing quickly walked into the cabin, and walked towards the study in the inner cabin with Yu Lian in his arms
Chen Qing lay contentedly on the soft couch, gently stroked Alian's beautiful hair, and watched her serve him hard. Yu Lian was tall and plump, but her waist was extremely thin, and her skin was white and greasy like suet. The key was that she let go , Chen Qing really fell in love with this girl, and could get great satisfaction from her every time.

"Why would Madam think of letting you out? Isn't she afraid that you will break the rules of the house?"

Yu Lian raised her head, her winking eyes said like silk: "Because you have too few women, Madam can only choose me. If the officials have more than a dozen or twenty women, I'm afraid it won't be my turn."

"There won't be so many for the time being, Madam called you yesterday, what do you say?"

Yu Lian blushed pretty, and said in a low voice: "Madam told me not to be too wild, and to cherish my husband's body."

Chen Qing smiled and gave her a wink, Yu Lian immediately understood and continued to serve.

At this moment, a maid said outside: "Your Majesty, a messenger has come, saying that there is an emergency!"

Yu Lian was startled, "Husband, I don't have any clothes on!"

Chen Qing slapped her lightly, and said with a smile, "Why are you in a hurry? I won't meet you here."

Why did he lazily say: "Wait below, I'll be right there!"

"Officer, let's go later!"

(End of this chapter)

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