
Chapter 795 Refugees

Chapter 795 Refugees

The person who came to report the letter was Zhang Miao's subordinates. He bowed and reported: "To the county king, there was a riot in the refugee camp last night, more than a hundred people were killed and injured, and Counselor Zhang was also injured."

Chen Qing was taken aback, and quickly asked, "Is Zhang Shenshi seriously injured?"

"Cunshi Zhang was hit on the shoulder with a whistle stick and sent to the county for treatment. There is no problem with his bones, but there are some bruises. Fortunately, someone next to him blocked him, otherwise it would be troublesome."

Chen Qing's face became ugly, the whistle sticks in the north are usually made of jujube wood, heavy and hard, Zhang Miao is sixty years old, if it is hit hard with a stick, it will be strange if the bones are not broken.

"What's going on? Has the assailant been arrested?"

"Reporting to the king of the county, the perpetrator has been arrested. The incident happened very strangely. Thousands of people participated. It should be someone dispatched in the refugee camp to cause the refugees to rebel. It was just that Zhang Canjun dealt with it. Sure enough, when the humble job left, there was a riot. It has been quelled by the army, but the reason is still being investigated, what Zhang Canjun means, please go slowly, the county king, and wait until the riots subside completely."

Chen Qing nodded, "I see, you go back and tell Zhang Canjun that I am still sailing normally, but I will arrive one day later."

Chen Qing arrived in Zheng County one day later than originally planned. Zhang Miao was already waiting on the pier. He asked his subordinates to arrange for others to disembark and go to the refugee camp. Zhang Miao boarded Chen Qing's big ship.

"How's the shoulder?" Chen Qing asked with concern.

Zhang Miao turned her shoulders and smiled, "It's just a little bruise, after applying some medicine, it will be fine in two days."

"Hey! Your old arm and leg, if you get hurt, how can I explain to your family?"

"At first I thought it happened by accident, but later I found out that things are not that simple."

Chen Qing waved his hand, "Go talk in the cabin!"

The two came to sit down in the meeting hall on the first floor, and Chen Qing asked the maid to serve tea, Zhang Miao then said: "The matter is probably related to the imperial court, to be precise, it is related to the court's infighting."

Chen Qing frowned, "What's going on?"

"This time, the plan of Jianghuai and Jinghu two roads was proposed by Yue Fei, which was supported by Zhao Ding and Li Guang, but Qin Hui strongly opposed it. As a result, the emperor did not listen to Qin Hui's opinion this time, but supported Zhao Ding and Li Guang. , but I never thought that after a large number of Jianghuai refugees came to Jingzhou, they did not stay, and continued to go north to Shangzhou and entered our territory. It is said that the song "Shaanxi Song" was compiled by Qin Hui to encourage refugees to go west to Shaanxi. Very annoyed, they ordered Zhao Ding and Li Guang to resolve the matter, and Zhao Ding and Li Guang sent a group of people to mix in with the refugees and persuade them to return to Jingzhao.

Then Qin Hui also sent a lot of warriors to mix in the refugees. The leader was Wang Hao, who was very cunning. He deliberately created conflicts between the people in Shouzhou and Haozhou, and then mobilized the young and strong between the two counties to fight. Qin Hui The samurai can take advantage of the chaos to kill Li Zhaoding and Li Guang's people. The humble officer thought it was a normal group fight, and ran to fight, but was hit by a samurai leader under Qin Hui. The soldiers caught the samurai leader, and I didn't know what happened What's up. "

"and then?"

"Then I began to arrest people, both factions arrested, except for a few who escaped, most of them were caught by the soldiers I sent. People are waiting for the king of the county."

Chen Qing said coldly: "Zhao Ding and Li Guang's subordinates beat each of them with [-] sticks and drove them out of Shangzhou. Qin Hui's warriors were all killed!"

Zhang Miao persuaded: "Don't kill them, the king of the county. They all have parents, wives and children. The crime is not fatal. It is better to send them to mine. And that Wang Hao, he is Qin Hui's wife and party. It is valuable, if it can be used by us, we will know a lot of Qin Hui's old background."

What Zhang Miao said made sense, Chen Qing nodded and said, "Zhang Canjun will arrange it!"

The refugee camp covers an area of ​​more than [-] mu. Tens of thousands of large tents are stationed. More than [-] people live in the camp, waiting for arrangements.

In order to resettle these refugees, the Western Army took out millions of shi of food, tens of thousands of large tents, dispatched hundreds of officials and thousands of students to participate in the management of refugees, and [-] troops to maintain order.

Hundreds of thousands of people live together, and the sanitary conditions are very poor. Chen Qing is particularly worried about the outbreak of epidemics. He specially built hundreds of latrines, disinfected them with a lot of quicklime, assigned hundreds of doctors, and dug hundreds of wells. .

Zhang Miao managed it in an orderly manner. Except for the riots in the previous few nights, no other criminal cases occurred. Of course, petty theft was inevitable, and it was common for the two families to quarrel over resources.

Fires must also be strictly guarded against. All the fire starters of the refugees were confiscated. Soldiers came to light the fires for cooking and boiling water. They were all stoves, one for each family, and there were more than a dozen pieces of briquettes.

Accompanied by Zhang Miao, Chen Qing inspected the camp under the guard of hundreds of cavalry. At this time, he came to an official camp, but unexpectedly met Chao Qing.

Chao Qing was the first batch of officials to assist Shangzhou. Together with his colleagues, he assisted hundreds of thousands of people to migrate from Shangzhou to Zheng County. It was lunch break, and he was sitting alone in the big tent writing something, The writing was very focused, and I didn't notice a group of people walking into the big tent at all.

It wasn't until Zhang Miao coughed that Chao Qing raised his head in surprise.

"Ah! The county king is here." Chao Qing was so frightened that he got up quickly.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and asked, "Have you had lunch yet?"

"I just ate a steamed bun."

Chen Qing nodded, glanced at the table and asked, "What are you writing?"


Chao Qing scratched his head in embarrassment, "Humble job has some ideas."

"What idea?"

"That's the idea of ​​resettling the common people."

Chen Qing pulled a chair and motioned for Chao Qing to sit down too, and the soldiers moved a chair for Zhang Miao.

Chen Qing smiled and said: "Let's chat for a while, tell me, what is your thinking?"

Chao Qing nodded, "The humble job starts from Guanzhong."

"you say!"

Chao Qing sorted out his thoughts and said: "The minutes of the last meeting said that [-] people should be resettled in Guanzhong. In the report of the last land clearing, we know that there is actually no shortage of farmers farming in Guanzhong. What is missing is the population in the city. To be precise, there is a shortage of handicraftsmen. The famous paper from Xianyang, porcelain from Lintong, and soybean paste from Gaoling Liquan's wine is gone now, or it is no longer famous. There is also a military inspector. In the past, the military inspector of the Western Army had a population of more than [-] craftsmen and their families, but now it has a population of only [-]. Jingzhao City, in the fifth year of Xuanhe, Jingzhao City had a population of [-], but now it is only [-], a full [-] less. Restaurants, teahouses, bookstores, inns, etc., are not even half of what they used to be. "

"So your idea is to arrange population in the city?"

Chao Qing nodded, "The humble job's idea is to take advantage of this opportunity to expand the population of Jingzhao, and build another outer city wall, so that Jingzhao City will expand."

Chen Qing was silent. Zhang Miao knew what Chen Qing was thinking. He still wanted to move the capital to Bianliang. Zhang Miao persuaded: "What Chao Canjun said makes sense. Jingzhao is our foundation. We need to build it firmly. If we work hard, maybe in a few decades, we will move back to Jingzhao.”

Chen Qing nodded, and said to Chao Qing: "You first write out the proposal and submit it to Jiang Canjun. Jiang Canjun thinks it is feasible, and then discuss it in the internal affairs hall."

(End of this chapter)

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