
Chapter 796 Patrol

Chapter 796 Patrol
It didn't take long to talk, and many people came to collect food one after another, and Chao Qing and his colleagues began to get busy.

Chen Qing left the big tent, and within a short distance, he saw a family eating in front of the stove at the entrance of the big tent, there were seven or eight people, old and young.

Chen Qing walked forward with a smile, and saw a pot on the stove, the water in the pot was already boiling, and a woman was picking the prepared batter into the pot, cooking it into lumps.

This way of eating is relatively common, and it is relatively simple and labor-saving. The four children have already started eating, and the adults are still waiting for the next pot.

Although the old man at the head did not know Chen Qing, he had seen Zhang Miao behind Chen Qing, and he quickly got up to salute.

A soldier brought a small stool to Chen Qing, and Chen Qing sat down and asked with a smile, "Is there any side dish for eating this kind of batter?"

"There are dishes!"

A child picked up the long strips in the bowl and said with a smile, "My mother's pickled radishes are the best!"

"Ah Wen, don't interrupt the children when the adults are talking, let's eat noodles!"

The old man said apologetically, "I made the officials laugh."

Chen Qing nodded, "Where are you from?"

"We are from Guangshan County, Gwangju. We will come out first, and more people will come out after the autumn harvest."

"Isn't the old man waiting for the autumn harvest to come out?"

"Our family does not farm. We live in the county town and make sauce for a living. When the puppet Qi army came, our whole family fled. When we returned later, more than two hundred sauce jars were smashed to pieces and the house was burned. , I couldn’t live any longer, so I had to escape, I heard that Sichuan and Shanxi can be exempted from tax, and salt and food are cheap.”

Chen Qing said with a smile: "That Shaanxi song is wrong, the salt is not only three or five renminbi, but forty renminbi a catty."

"I know, [-] Wen a catty is also very cheap! Our place costs [-] Wen a catty. The gap is too big. A wheat in our family costs [-] Wen. A bucket of wheat here costs only [-] Wen. I should have known that. We've been here long ago."

Chen Qing said again: "Your family is making sauce, you can go to Gaoling County, Gaoling's soybean paste is very famous, people who can make sauce are very popular, you go to other people's workshops to make a few years, after saving some money you can Do it yourself, and after a few years, you will turn around completely."

"With the good words of the officials, we will go to Gaoling County. If we can survive, we will settle in Guanzhong."

Chen Qing didn't disturb the family for dinner, left the refugee camp and took a carriage to the pier.

"How much is the daily relief ration for the refugees?" Chen Qing asked in the carriage.

"Each adult has a catty and a half of wheat, and each child has a catty. Basically, every family has a small stone mill. If there is no stone mill, you can go to the mill and line up to grind flour."

Chen Qing thought for a while and said: "I'm thinking on the way, it's better to use work instead of relief, and gather the young and strong to work."

"If it's going to be long-term, it must be a labor relief. I don't know what can I ask them to do?"

"Dredging the river!"

Chen Qing said without hesitation: "We want to develop shipping, and dredging the river is a top priority. In winter, farmers are organized to build water conservancy, and the dredging of the river is done by young and strong refugees."

"Understand, I will start counting people today."

Chen Qing said again: "We must remember the principle of promoting Mi En and fighting Mi Qiu. Our relief can only ensure that they will not starve to death. If they want to live better, they must work hard. We will never raise lazy people." .”

"Remember the humble job!"

"I'm going directly to Huayin County. I'm going to ask Mr. Zhang for Daying Zheng County."

Zhang Miao was startled, and asked anxiously, "Didn't the county king just ask about the commotion last night?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "I don't care about the infighting in the imperial court. According to my temperament, I will kill all of them. Mr. Zhang has the full power to deal with it! You decide whether to kill or let go."

Zhang Miao smiled wryly, how could the county king not care about the infighting in the court?He left it to himself to deal with, but it didn't mean he didn't want to know the inside story of the infighting, and he still had to submit the final report.

Chen Qing only stayed for half a day in Zheng County for inspection, and then continued to sail eastward by boat.

Compared with the refugees from the Jianghuai River, Chen Qing paid more attention to the people of the Central Plains. It can be said that the refugees from the Jianghuai River came to Shangzhou by accident, but the refugees from the Central Plains came as a result of Chen Qing's guidance. The army captured Shanzhou and won In Mianchi County, the Weihan Ancient Road was opened up, hoping to attract the people of the Central Plains to Shaanxi Road.

Sichuan and Shanxi are the foundation of Chen Qing, and he must consolidate the foundation before he can continue to expand eastward.

To lay a solid foundation, the most critical factor is the population. If we want to wait for the population to reproduce and recover naturally, it will take at least a few decades. Chen Qingke can't wait, so borrowing population from the Central Plains is very important.

The resettlement places for the population of the Central Plains are mainly in central and northern Shaanxi. The Hanzhong area was originally a resettlement place, but the Hanzhong area was reserved for the resettlement of military families.

Yu Lian has been relatively restrained these two days, and she also knows that her husband will be busy with official duties during the day, so she gave up all kinds of plans to seduce Chen Qing, and became very obedient to take care of her husband's daily life, and her dress was neatly dressed.

Yu Lian placed a bowl of ginseng tea by Chen Qing's table. At this time, Chen Qing was carefully reading the preliminary report written by Zhou Kuan. After relocating [-] refugees to Huayin County, Shanzhou has accumulated another [-] people, which is a bit beyond their expectations!
"Is the officer in trouble?" Yu Lian pursed her lips and said with a smile.

Chen Qing put his arms around her waist, let her sit on his lap, and said with a wry smile: "You come to give me advice, just now [-] people came, but another [-] people came, what do you think? "

Yu Lian put her arms around her husband's neck, kissed him heavily on the face and said with a smile: "Didn't the officials say that the more people the better?"

"It's not that the more the better, the key is to balance. We have emptied the population of the Central Plains. In the future, if we take the Central Plains, there will be no one in the Central Plains."

Yu Lian thought for a while and said, "My family is from Yan'an Prefecture. In the past, what my mother hated the most was the large population. She complained every day that others would grab water from her. She said that with a large population, everything would be scrambled and everything would be expensive. So my husband said that I want to move people to northern Shaanxi. I don’t think they will stay for a long time. There is too little water there. The central plains also have the same tax, the same salt price and commodity prices. The people who migrate to northern Shaanxi are guaranteed to be one by one. They all ran back to the Central Plains."

Yu Lian's words made Chen Qing feel relieved, she really thought too much, the people are not fools, wherever they live well, they will naturally go where they want to go, they are not controlled by the government at all.

His hand has quietly reached into her dress, "You said that your hometown lacks water, so why is your skin so delicate, it should be very dry!"

Yu Lian had already felt the changes in her husband's body, her peach blossom eyes were almost dripping water, she twisted her waist, and said with a charming face, "I don't know why, husband, do you want to study the secrets of his skin?"

"Hmm! Makes sense! I have to study it carefully. I can't turn off the lights tonight."

Chen Qing stretched out his hand 'Wow! ' With a click, the curtains were drawn down.

The next morning, the fleet arrived in Huayin County. The refugee camp in Huayin County was even larger. More than half a million refugees gathered in the wilderness on the north bank of the Weishui River in Huayin County. The camps stretched for dozens of miles.

Zhou Kuan also personally went to the pier to welcome Chen Qing's arrival.

"It looks very imposing!" Chen Qing smiled while standing on the high pavilion.

"That's natural. Half a million refugees, the size of several counties, it's unimaginable."

Chen Qing nodded and asked again: "Have you screened everything carefully?"

With [-] refugees, the biggest concern of Chen Qing and the officials of the Internal Affairs Hall is that the puppet Qi army will be mixed in, and tens of thousands will be in trouble if they make trouble in Guanzhong.

But he couldn't give up eating because of choking, so Chen Qing adopted a three-pronged approach.

On the one hand, the refugee camps are placed in Zhengxian and Huayin counties far away from Jingzhao, so that even if something happens, Jingzhao's safety will not be threatened for the time being.

On the other hand, heavy troops were stationed near the two large camps, and [-] troops were stationed near each of the two large camps.

And the third defensive measure is to send a large number of internal guards to sneak into the camp pretending to be refugees.

Zhou Kuan nodded, "So far, no abnormalities have been found. I guess Jin Guo will abolish the puppet Qi soon, Liu Yu's real power over the army has been emptied, and Wanyan Wushu has gone to Beijing and has not returned. The generals of the puppet Qi army thought of it, but they didn’t dare to carry it out at will.”

"Your speculation is very possible, but don't take it lightly, go to the camp first to have a look!"

Chen Qing, escorted by hundreds of cavalry, followed Zhou Kuan and other officials, and rode away to the refugee camp together.

[I have something to do at home today, there are only two chapters. 】

(End of this chapter)

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