
Chapter 797 Recommendations

Chapter 797 Recommendations
In November of the seventh year of Shaoxing, a major event happened. Liu Yu was formally abolished by the Kingdom of Jin. He moved to Linhuang Mansion in Shangjing and was renamed King Cao. The puppet dynasty disappeared in history.

The original territory of the State of Qi was formally merged into the State of Jin, and Xingtai Shangshu Province was established in Bianjing. Qiu, Li Qiong, Zhang Zhongxiong and other puppet generals of the Qi army were all named capital commanders.

Wanyan Wushu was named Marshal of the Right Capital, King Liang, and actually ruled over the original territory of Qi State. He followed Fan Gong's suggestion, reduced Qi State's heavy taxes by [-]%, and reduced more than [-] signed troops to [-]. Ten thousand people greatly reduced the burden on the people in the Central Plains. At the same time, he also ordered that checkpoints be restored on all roads, and the people in the Central Plains were strictly prohibited from fleeing to Shaanxi Road.

At the same time, Wan Yanchang was also dismissed from Youxiangguo, and changed to Marshal Zuodu, who was based in Hebei and commanded [-] troops in Hebei, [-] Jurchen troops and [-] Xie Congjun troops.

While the Kingdom of Jin implemented drastic reforms in the Central Plains and Hebei, the resettlement of millions of refugees by the Western Army gradually came to an end.

A total of [-] million refugees, including [-] Jianghuai refugees and [-] Central Plains refugees, were resettled in Guanzhong, Northern Shaanxi, Central Shaanxi, Hedong Road, and Sichuan Road, of which [-] were resettled in Guanzhong counties People, of course, the resettlement of these refugees will take a year or two to complete, but it is no longer the focus of government affairs.

In November, Chen Qing also ordered the establishment of Shangshu Xingtai Division on Hedong Road, and transferred Zhang Xiao, the magistrate of Lingzhou, to be the supervisor of Hedong Xingtai Division, and concurrently served as the salt and iron transfer envoy of Hedong Road.

This morning, Chen Qing came to Taixue. Taixue is located in the northwest of Jingzhao City. It covers an area of ​​[-] acres and has a large scale of buildings. From the perspective of the Lin'an court, Jingzhao's Taixue is a miscellaneous school, including literature, medicine, and mathematics. , agronomy, astronomy, geography, engineering, etc., there are [-] students, and there are only more than [-] genuine literature students.

However, today Chen Qing is not here to inspect Taixue, but to visit Zhang Xiaochun who has just been sent to Guanzhong by Jin Guo. The official should be handed over to Chen Qing.

Including Zhang Xiaochun, Shangguan Wu, Zhang Jian, Zheng Yinian, Song Ru and others, there are a total of [-] people on the list. Jin Guo kept his promise in this matter, and he really put these [-] people together with their Together with the family, they were sent to Shanzhou, and then received by Song Jun in Guanzhong.

At present, these twenty-four are temporarily arranged to teach and research in Taixue. Chen Qing has no plans to use them for the time being, and they need to get used to it slowly.

Zhang Xiaochun was the original magistrate of Taiyuan. After the city of Taiyuan was broken, he was captured and later became the prime minister of the Puppet Qi State. In history, after the Puppet Qi Army was abolished, a large number of officials were sent back to the Song Dynasty by the Kingdom of Jin. The fate of these officials was quite miserable. .

In fact, these officials are also willing to come to Sichuan and Shaanxi, and their psychological pressure is much less. Chen Qing is more tolerant to the officials of the Puppet Qi State, and the whole social atmosphere is not hostile to the officials of the Puppet Qi State. Chen Qing is also good to them. Housing is arranged, the settlement money and subsidies are very high, at least they will not fall into poverty.

Zhang Xiaochun is currently sorting out the picture scrolls of books in Taixue. Last month, the Jurchens sent more than [-] books and paintings. They were all books and pictures that were looted from the Bianliang Palace back then. In the past, in order to exchange for more than [-] Jurchen women and children captured by the Song army, the Jurchen simply used these books and picture albums as ransom.

Anyway, for Jin Guo, these books and albums will be destroyed sooner or later, so it might as well be used in exchange for the families of more than [-] Jurchen soldiers.

These puppet Qi officials are all of Jinshi background, well-read poetry and books, and have a wealth of knowledge. Letting them be responsible for sorting out this batch of books and paintings can be regarded as finding something for them to do.

Zhang Chunxiao was about fifty years old, with a thin appearance, and he looked very elegant and shrewd. He personally went to the gate of the Sutra Library to welcome Chen Qing. The two exchanged a few words and walked into the official room.

Chen Qing sat down, Zhang Chunxiao asked the tea boy to serve tea, Chen Qing saw a thick scroll on the table, and asked with a smile: "What kind of scroll is this?"

Zhang Chunxiao sighed and said, "This is the "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" by Zhang Zeduan, the chief painter of the court. We found it yesterday."

Chen Qing was overjoyed, and quickly asked, "Is it damaged?"

"It is estimated that there is no damage. Many books, calligraphy and paintings have been damaged by moisture. This painting is covered with a hard paper shell, and it is relatively well preserved. I will officially number it for collection after the artisan of the painting has checked it carefully."

Chen Qing nodded, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's our job to be honored by the king of the county, and we are actually very comfortable doing it."

Chen Qing laughed again: "Mr. Zhang, is there any interest in serving as the deputy capital supervisor of the East Xingtai Division, and also in charge of the East Road Criminal Procuratorate?"

Zhang Chunxiao sighed and said: "When it comes to Taiyuan, I only have deep guilt in my heart. I am sorry for the soldiers and civilians who were massacred in Taiyuan, and I am even more sorry for the tens of thousands of soldiers who died defending Taiyuan. I appreciate the kindness of the county king, but I don't want to be an official yet. .”

Chen Qing didn't force it, so he smiled and said, "Let's wait a few more months! How about Mr. Zhang going to Sichuan?"

"Bashu can do it!"

Zhang Chunxiao was not hypocritical, he knew that Chen Qing wanted them back not to give them old age, but to use them for work, so he readily agreed to the arrangement to go to Sichuan.

After a pause, Zhang Chunxiao asked: "Why didn't the king of the county set up a secretary in Sichuan?"

"This... is related to the imperial court's agreement. Government affairs and personnel affairs belong to the imperial court, and I cannot interfere."

Zhang Chunxiao laughed, "The king of the county has taken Jingnan South Road in a disguised form, why is he so timid in Sichuan? Don't take it directly?"

Chen Qing sighed slightly, "To tell the truth, Mr. Zhang, it's not that I don't want to take Sichuan Road, but the black and white letters of me and the imperial court are there. I want to take it, and I still lack an opportunity."

"What does this opportunity mean? A civil war broke out? Or a complete separation from the court?"

"No, I don't want to cause war in Sichuan. I think the best way is to seal the king of Shu and control Sanchuan."

Zhang Chunxiao said with a slight smile: "So the county king took Emperor Xiaoci back, and took over Sichuan justifiably through the mouth of Emperor Xiaoci?"

Chen Qing nodded, "That's right, this is also a kind of coercion of the emperor to make the princes!"

Zhang Chunxiao was really touched, he didn't expect that Chen Qing would trust him so much, and told him such secret things frankly, this is full of sincerity!
He quickly knelt down, saluted and kowtowed: "Thank you, the king of the county, for his heart-to-heart and sincerity to the humble official, and the humble official will never betray his trust and live up to the trust of the county king!"

Chen Qing quickly helped him up and said, "Mr. Zhang, you don't have to be like this. I always employ people without suspicion. Since I want Mr. Zhang, I will definitely treat each other honestly."

Zhang Chunxiao nodded and said: "It is indeed a great event that the king of the county can welcome back the late emperor. The reputation of the world is determined. No matter who slanders the king of the county, it is useless, but I think the king of the county still lacks one thing." The sharpest weapon, with it, even in the future, it can justifiably replace Zhao Song."

"What weapon?"

"Newspaper, a newspaper that spreads all over the world, or several newspapers, so that people in the world get information from newspaper A, newspaper B, or newspaper C, but they are all in the If it is in the hands of the county king, then the county king has the truth."

Chen Qing was surprised: "Are there newspapers in this dynasty?"

Zhang Chunxiao took out a thick stack of newspapers from the back room, put them on the table, and said: "These are the newspapers of this dynasty, the official "Residence Newspaper", and dozens of various fashion and current affairs tabloids, the most famous one is "Beijing Daily News, which criticizes current affairs, is deeply loved by the people, and even Cai Jing fears it."

Flipping through the newspapers, Chen Qing was deeply moved. He had never thought of such a sharp propaganda weapon.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said, "How about asking Mr. Zhang to run a private copy of the "Beijing News" for me? I will provide all the financial resources I need."

Zhang Chunxiao smiled slightly and said: "My partner and I can contribute articles, but we have no experience in running a newspaper, and we don't know where to start. Let me recommend someone to the county king! He founded the "Beijing News" during the Xuanhe period. very popular."

Chen Qing asked anxiously, "Who is this person?"

"His name is Yang Tianfang, and he opened an engraving agency in Bianliang. The king of the county invited him, and the newspaper business was easily solved."

(End of this chapter)

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