
Chapter 799

Chapter 799
Of course, the small box is not sharp things like knives, but all kinds of gadgets. To be precise, he put it there specially to surprise his daughter.

Axue pouted, and began to concentrate on finding treasures in the small box. Lu Xiu beside her sighed helplessly, and said to Chen Qing, "Don't forget, my husband, you still have Bing'er, who is also your daughter."

Chen Qing chuckled, "Of course it's also my baby. I'll bring her here to play with me tomorrow."

"Hey! There are sparkles."

Axue found an egg-like jade, and grabbed it out with her small hands. It was a beautiful jade seed. The jade was mature and fat white, very plump, without any blemishes, and it had a maroon-red polyred skin color on it.

Lu Xiu's eyes lit up. Her grandfather, Lu Yihao, was known as a jade idiot. He was very obsessed with jade, which also affected Lu Xiu. In her dowry, there was a pair of Khotan Ziyu, and she began to fall in love with the gentleness of Khotan Ziyu.

Lu Xiu cast a reproachful look at her husband, she didn't give such a good baby to herself, but gave it to her daughter to play with.

Seeing her husband's smiling face, Lu Xiu immediately understood that the husband was found for her, and her daughter would get tired of playing with it after a while, so the jade should be hers.

But she was afraid that her daughter would break the jade, so she quickly took out a pearl, secretly stuffed it to her husband, and pouted at her daughter.

Chen Qing understood, took out the pearl and shook it in front of his daughter, "Does Xueer like this?"


Xue'er took the pearl, holding one in each of her two little hands, and refused to let go.

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, this is called stealing chickens and losing a handful of rice!
Lu Xiu was annoyed, so she had to hug her daughter and said, "Xue'er is good, the stone will hurt, mother will hold it for you."

She thought her daughter would not agree, but she obediently handed the seed jade to her mother. After Lu Xiu took it, she realized the reason. This jade weighed at least three taels, and she thought it was too heavy.

"Where did you come from?" Lu Xiu asked her husband in a low voice, smiling openly.

"On the way back from Taixue today, I met a caravan from Khotan. A guy gave me this piece of jade. He picked it up from the river. I gave him ten taels of silver. Everyone was happy."

Lu Xiu happily said: "Let them pick up some more, I'll spend a lot of money to buy them."

"That's up to you. I'll tell the merchant. He promises to pick up two sacks for me, and I'll reward him with an honorary officer."

At this time, a maid said in the courtyard: "Madam, dinner is served!"

"Let's go eat!"

Chen Qing took his wife and daughter to the front hall for dinner, but he didn't notice that Xue Er quietly stuffed another piece of jade into his small pocket.

Zhao Yingluo was also sitting at dinner. She ate with everyone a month ago. She was very restrained at first, but she gradually got used to it. Xueer especially liked her, and she had to sit with her every time she ate.

"Auntie, here you are!"

Xue Er took out a small piece of jade from his pocket, and Chen Qing suddenly remembered that it was given to him by that guy as an extra head. It was also a very good piece of jade with white flesh and red skin, but it was not as big as the previous one, but it could be made A very beautiful pendant.

It's just that Chen Qing didn't expect to be discovered by Xue'er, and secretly hid it. This little guy is such a villain!

Zhao Yingluo took Ziyu with a smile and said, "It's actually Khotan jade, give it to your mother! She likes it."

"No! I'll give it to my aunt."

Lu Xiu shook her head and smiled, "Yingluo, you can accept her wish!"

"That's good! Thank you Xueer."

Zhao Yingluo pinched Xue'er's little cheek, who wouldn't like such a little sycophant!

At this time, Li Qingzhao walked over quickly and said with a smile, "Sorry, I'm late!"

The maid put a set of dishes in front of her and served her a meal. Although everyone sat and ate together, the meal system was actually divided. There were plates and dishes in front of each person. If you liked something, the maid would take care of it. Add food for them.

Chen Qingxiao asked, "Have you ever heard of the Beijing News?"

Li Qingzhao said with a smile: "Of course I know that the most popular newspaper in Bianliang back then, many of my poems were first published in the "Beijing News". Let’s run the Beijing News!”

Chen Qing nodded, "Someone recommended Yang Tianfang to me. He was the chief manager of the "Beijing News" back then. I really have this idea."

"Not to mention, you should have started a newspaper a long time ago. I don't even know about the return of the late emperor. It was Lu Xiu who told me. It's time to publicize it."

Zhao Yingluo was startled, "Is the emperor coming back?"

Chen Qing glanced at Zhao Qiaoyun a little strangely, she didn't tell her sister about this.

Zhao Qiaoyun understood what Chen Qing meant, and explained to Zhao Yingluo: "Although I knew it a long time ago, it has always been an important secret. I dare not disclose it. It was not until the day before yesterday that it was unsealed. I plan to tell you today and tomorrow."

Zhao Yingluo shook her head, "It doesn't matter to me, but when the emperor comes back, wouldn't there be two emperors in Song Dynasty?"

Chen Qing nodded secretly, Zhao Yingluo could see clearly that Zhao Huan did not abdicate, nor was he honored as the Supreme Emperor, or passed away. He was respected by the current emperor Zhao Gou as the Holy Emperor of Xiaociyuan. From the orthodox and legal point of view, Zhao Huan is the real emperor, and Zhao Gou can only be regarded as the regent.

Even if Zhao Huan announced his abdication, it should be the crown prince's succession, not Zhao Gou's turn.

This is why Zhao Gou is most afraid of the return of the second emperor. Zhao Gou, the emperor, is indeed a bit of a bad name. In history, Yue Fei was killed. It is directly related to Yue Fei's desire to take back Prince Zhao Chen.

Even Zhao Yingluo understands this truth, not to mention the civil and military ministers of the court,

Chen Qing smiled lightly: "There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. First, the people come back first, and then we can talk about other things."

After dinner, Chen Qing took a walk by the river alone. Turning a corner, a slender beauty in a white dress appeared in front of him. He didn't expect to meet her here.

Chen Qing walked forward with a smile, "It's late autumn now, and the girl is still wearing a long skirt, isn't it cold?"

Zhao Yingluo lowered her head and whispered, "Compared to Liaodong, this coldness is nothing?"

Chen Qing glanced away and saw a very delicate hollow embroidered pouch hanging on her chest. Inside the embroidered pouch was the piece of Khotan jade that Xueer gave her during dinner, she did not expect that she would put it on so soon.

"Yingluo also likes jade?"

Zhao Yingluo touched the pendant on her chest, her pretty face blushed, and she whispered, "My father likes it, he likes strange stones, and he also likes jade."

Chen Qing said with a smile, "Today a merchant from Khotan promised to give me two sacks. After a few months, when he brings them, Yingluo will also pick some."

"Thank you, Prince!"

"Let's go for a walk!"

The two walked along the trail by the lake, and Chen Qingxiao asked, "Qiaoyun said she came here when she was a child, have you been here?"

Zhao Yingluo nodded, "I came here with her. At that time there were several sisters. We all argued and wanted to live in a castle in the lake. In the end, the emperor refused to let us, and we all cried."

"I lived in it for a few months last year, and it feels pretty good, or... we'll move in in two days."

Zhao Yingluo stopped suddenly, and looked at him with big eyes flickering, "Because of me?"

Chen Qing smiled and said, "That's right!"

Zhao Yingluo's eyes suddenly flustered, "This is not good, Sister Lu will be angry."

"In fact, she said it a long time ago, but I forgot it when I was busy, even if you remind me!"

Zhao Yingluo lowered her head, and she slowly mustered up her courage to ask: "Qiaoyun told me, I want to know, the county king wants to accept me because of my status?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "To be honest, it does have something to do with your identity, but it only accounts for [-]% of it at most. I like your beauty and temperament more. Of course, if you want to remarry as a wife, you don't want to be my wife." Concubine, I will not force you."

Zhao Yingluo bit her lip sorely, she couldn't open her mouth, "But me, but I was spoiled by Wanyan Nianhan, the county king doesn't mind?"

Chen Qing stroked her hair lightly, and said softly, "It's just that I wasn't there at the time, and I couldn't protect you well."

Chen Qing's words immediately broke Zhao Yingluo's inner defense. She threw herself on Chen Qing's shoulder and burst into tears, venting all the aggrieved and pain of the past few years at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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