
Chapter 800 Revenge

Chapter 800 Revenge
At this time, Lu Xiu and Zhao Qiaoyun both ran over hearing the sound, and they were very surprised to see Zhao Yingluo crying in Chen Qing's arms.

Zhao Yingluo also felt their presence, and quickly wiped away her tears and left Chen Qing's embrace.

She reached out and took Zhao Qiaoyun's hand, and left without saying a word.

Lu Xiu stepped forward and asked curiously: "What did my husband say to her that she cried like that?"

"I told her that I only hated myself for not being able to rescue her earlier and making her suffer for so many years."

Lu Xiu shook her head and said with a smile: "Your husband will coax all fairies into the mortal world."

"I'm telling the truth. I saved them once in Ganquan Castle. At that time, I only saved Qiaoyun and nothing else. I feel very regretful in my heart."

"Husband really wants to take her as a concubine?"

Chen Qing nodded, "She is very important to me."

Lu Xiu is very aware of her husband's ambitions. He has come to this point, and he can't turn back. He can only go on unswervingly.

I can only silently support him from behind, instead of being jealous.

"Okay! I'll arrange it. It will be this winter. In addition, the husband should treat her better. Although she is not...but she has not experienced it a few times. There are hundreds of women in Wanyan sticky, who treat her better. After getting bored, she never touched her again, so she was Wanyan Nianhan's concubine in name, but actually she was a maid serving Wanyan Nianhan's mother.

The one who really hurt Yingluo was not Wanyan Nianhan, but his wife Pucha. She hated the princesses of the Song Dynasty very much. Have you seen the scar on the back of Yingluo's hand? "

"That is how the matter"

"She was scalded with incense by that woman. You can imagine what she has suffered in the past ten years."

"How did she abuse Yingluo?"

"Slapping the mouth, kneeling against the wall, refusing to eat, these are commonplace, but her most ruthless thing is burning the back of Yingluo's hand with incense sticks, and stabbing her with needles."

A murderous intent suddenly arose in Chen Qing's heart. Isn't this woman in his hands?

At noon the next day, Chen Qing came to the military camp outside the city. This place was where the imperial examination was held last year. Now the family members of Jurchen generals are imprisoned. There are as many as a thousand people. They have been in Jingzhao for three years, and the family members of Jurchen generals captured in Taiyuan and Ping'an Mansion this time will be exchanged in March next year.

Chen Qing came to a large tent and sat down. After a while, two soldiers brought in a Jurchen woman.

The Jurchen woman is about thirty years old, with fair skin and quite a bit of beauty, but her eyebrows and eyes look a bit fierce, she is the wife of Wanyan Nianhan, Pucha.

Pu Cha timidly knelt down, bowed her head and said, "The criminal woman pays homage to the county king!"

Chen Qing waved his hands and made the two soldiers retreat.

Only Chen Qing and Pu Cha were left in the big tent.

Chen Qing said coldly: "I have decided to take Zhao Yingluo as my concubine!"

There was a flattering smile on Pu Cha's face, "That's her honor!"

"Why did you abuse her?"

Pu Cha shivered in fright, and murmured: "She is young and has a high status, I am afraid that she will replace me!"

"So you tortured her in different ways?"

Pu Cha's face turned pale with shock, and he kowtowed repeatedly: "Young King, I know I was wrong, please forgive me!"

"How could I spare you!"

Chen Qing grabbed her hair, pressed her head on the table, and pulled out his sword. Pu Cha cried out in fright, "Don't kill me, spare me! Let me do anything!"

Chen Qing pulled her hair, looked at her beauty and white greasy neck, and said coldly: "You can do anything, you said that, didn't you?"

When Pu Cha saw the burning flames in Chen Qing's eyes, she immediately understood in her heart that no man other than her husband had ever touched her, which really scared her, and she said in a trembling voice, "Yes!"

Chen Qing shook off her hair and ordered: "Get down on the ground, like a dog!"

From then on, Chen Qing would come to the camp of family members at noon every day, and he had been here for five consecutive days before he finally spared the Pu Cha family.

The reason why Chen Qing didn't kill her was because her abuse of Zhao Yingluo didn't break through Chen Qing's bottom line, otherwise she would surely die.

The abolition of the puppet state of Qi did not cause the city of Bianliang to celebrate, but the situation in Bianliang was very calm, as if nothing had happened, and the people worked hard every day to support their families.

There is an engraving society near Daxiangguo Temple in Bianliang, called Yang's Engraving Society.

It was the shop opened by Yang Tianfang. Yang Tianfang was the founder and manager of the well-known "Beijing News". Yang Tianfang is in charge of it all by himself.

After the fall of Bianjing, the "Beijing News" disappeared. Yang Tianfang called together more than a dozen craftsmen who had followed him for many years, and opened an engraving agency, which was struggling to make ends meet.

At noon that day, a Taoist priest walked into the engraving club, "Infinite longevity, good luck to the benefactors!"

Yang Tianfang rushed out to greet him, "Is the Taoist priest here for alms?"

"No, may I ask who is Yang Tianfang's proprietor?"

"I am, please ask the long dharma name, what's the matter?"

The Taoist smiled slightly and said, "The poor Daoist's dharma name is Qingsong, and I have a big deal to entrust to your company."

Yang Tian was overjoyed, "What do we need to print?"

"It's my brother from another place who wants to print thousands of scriptures. Can your company accept this job?"

"Do we need to go out of town?"

"No, it's in Bianliang."

Yang Tianfang knows that the more copies are printed, the more requests will be made and the more troublesome, but there are thousands of copies!They can't get so much business in half a year.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "You can pick it up, but we need to discuss it in detail!"

Taoist Priest Qingsong took out five taels of silver and put it on the table, "This is a deposit, I need Master Yang to write me a receipt, and then tomorrow morning, I will invite Master Yang to come to the old gentleman in the north of the city for a detailed discussion, and my brother and I will wait in the temple."

"Okay! I'll definitely be there."

Daoist Qingsong returned to the Taoist temple and saw Hu Yanlei who was waiting in the temple. Hu Yanlei only arrived in Bianliang this morning. This Laojun temple is currently one of their information points in Bianliang.

"How is it? Have you seen anyone?" Hu Yanlei asked anxiously.

Daoist Qingsong said with a smile: "I see, and I also made an appointment with him to come over tomorrow morning and talk about it in detail."

Hu Yanlei nodded, "Then I'll wait for him to come!"

Early the next morning, Yang Tianfang came to Laojun Temple alone, and Daoist Qingsong was waiting for him at the door.

"Give way to wait for a long time."

"It's okay, please come with me, Lord Benefactor Yang!"

Qingsong led Yang Tianfang to the back hall, pointed to Hu Yanlei and said: "This is my senior brother, surnamed Hu Yan!"

Yang Tianfang was startled, "Why isn't Daoist brother a monk?"

Qingsong chuckled, "I called him Senior Brother, but I didn't say that Senior Brother must be a Taoist priest!"

Yang Tianfang nodded, clasped his fists and saluted, "I'm next, Yang Tianfang, I've met Officer Huyan!"

Hu Yanlei returned the salute and said with a smile: "I have admired the reputation of Manager Yang for a long time, and I, Hu Yanlei, please sit down!"

When Yang Tianfang heard the other party call him Manager Yang, he was silent for a moment, the other party knew about his past.

The two sat down as guests and hosts, and Qingsong served them tea.

Hu Yanlei laughed and said, "I have a lot of things to print, how many craftsmen does Master Yang have?"

"There are fifteen craftsmen who have followed me for many years, and they are all old craftsmen."

Hu Yanlei frowned, "Are there only fifteen people?"

Yang Tianfang said indifferently: "Huyan officials should not underestimate these fifteen people. These fifteen people include engravers, tinkers and typesetters, and they are all the top craftsmen in Bianjing."

"I know a typewriter, but what is a tinker and a typesetter?"

"It seems that officials Huyan don't understand our business, let me explain a little bit."

Yang Tianfang explained calmly: "The craftsmen use engraving blocks to engrave characters. For example, when engraving a copy of "Tao Te Ching", they will engrave a complete engraving block, which can be used repeatedly in the future, but when engraving, it will be accidentally damaged. One word, does the whole board have to be thrown away? Prodigals don’t dare to waste it like this. At this time, a tinker is needed to take action, use a knife to dig out the engraved word, re-carve a seed, and glue it on. , I can't see any difference at all."

"I see. What about the typesetter?"

Yang Tianfang smiled and said: "We often receive business to print poetry books, usually only about ten copies are printed. If we carve a set of boards for it, it will take too much time and energy. The key is that the final price must be very expensive. I can't accept it, and it will be invalidated in the future, which is too wasteful.

At this time, it is necessary to use movable type for printing. In the past, movable clay type was used, but clay movable type was easy to be printed, and later it was improved to use wooden movable type. At this time, a typesetting artist was required to quickly find out all wooden movable type and arrange them into printing plates. .

After the printing is finished, the movable type must be put back to the original place without misplacement. This requires very skilled typesetting craftsmen, and it is not easy to train. The apprentices have to arrange movable type for at least five or even ten years before they can be trained. "

Hu Yanlei nodded, "I see, you are the masters I'm looking for."

Yang Tianfang was a little strange when he heard what he said, so he asked tentatively: "Where does the official Huyan come from?"

Huyanlei said with a smile: "Jingzhao!"

(End of this chapter)

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