
Chapter 808 Sudden Illness

Chapter 808 Sudden Illness
It takes time to redesign, make molds, and cast. They probably won't be able to finish it this year. The craftsmen have expressed their opinions and strive to complete it before the Shangyuan Festival next year. Chen Qing encouraged them again before returning to the mansion.

Time flies to the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and that night is an auspicious day, and Chen Qing accepts Zhao Yingluo as his concubine.

After a night of love, the two were latex like paint, and Zhao Yingluo dedicated her whole body and mind to Chen Qing, officially becoming Chen Qing's fifth woman.

After entering December, the New Year is approaching day by day, especially after the [-]th of the twelfth lunar month, the atmosphere of the New Year is even stronger.

Chen Qing also specially took out a batch of gunpowder to make tens of thousands of firecrackers, which flowed into the people, and the sound of bang and bang explosions could be heard everywhere in Jingzhao City.

Every household is marinating bacon, pounding rice cakes, and brewing Tusu wine. Dozens of poles have also been erected in Chen Qing's mansion, which means that the heights are high, and the poles are full of colorful auspicious objects.

A fiery red charcoal basin was burning in the study, and the room was as warm as spring, which made Zhao Yingluo's pretty face blush and charming.

She was holding a paintbrush in her hand, and she was painting a portrait of her husband. Zhao Yingluo had been taught by a famous artist, and her painting skills were extremely high.

"I said don't move! How can I draw like this?"

Chen Qing was no longer in his seat, he ran behind Zhao Yingluo, sniffed her neck, put his arms around her waist and said with a smile, "I said your master didn't teach you the essence of painting, you still don't know how to draw. "

"What is Xinhua?" Zhao Yingluo bit her lip, she felt that her husband's hands had begun to be dishonest.

"Heart painting is my portrait in your heart, you don't need to look at me, you can draw a superb picture, both spirit and form."

"It has to be very familiar."

"Yeah! You are not familiar enough with me, especially the characteristics of the body, so we need to communicate a lot"

Zhao Yingluo grabbed his hand and said in a trembling voice, "Officer, it's daytime, and the family rules don't allow it."

Chen Qing just likes to do some unspeakable things in the study, which will give him the pleasure of having an affair.

He smiled and said: "Family rules are meant to be broken by others, otherwise why make family rules?"

At first, Zhao Yingluo still couldn't let it go, but with the deepening of development, she finally tasted the sweet taste of intercourse, let her know the taste, and indulged in it fascinatedly. Chen Qing flirted a little, and she Then he couldn't hold back anymore, and gave her husband a wink, Chen Qing immediately understood, and immediately embraced her to the back room.

After some time, the two came out from the back room. Chen Qing sat in his arms with her arms around her, and said with a smile, "I guess your legs are weak, so take a rest first."

Zhao Yingluo was delicate and weak, she raised her head and kissed her husband's chin with a smile, "Eldest sister said you like to do bad things in the study, do you have the feeling of having an affair?"

Chen Qing chuckled, and changed the subject, "Yingluo, who is the master who taught you painting?"

"It's the chief painter of the palace, Zhang Zeduan."

Chen Qing clapped his hands and laughed, "I happen to have one of his masterpieces here."


Zhao Yingluo's pretty eyes lit up, "Isn't it "A Picture of Rising the River during the Qingming Festival"?"

"You guessed it right!"

Zhao Yingluo cheered and jumped up from Chen Qing, "Where is it?"

"Wait!" Chen Qing went upstairs and took down a wooden tube after a while. The wooden tube was made of nanmu to prevent insects from eating it.

Chen Qing went downstairs, but unexpectedly discovered that his wife Lu Xiu and Zhao Qiaoyun had arrived at some time, and Zhao Yingluo was standing aside, with a shy expression and a flushed face.

"Hey! Why are you here?" Chen Qing walked down and asked with a smile.

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "I heard that Yingluo is painting a portrait of her husband, so we came here to take a look. It's been half an hour, and it seems that I haven't started painting yet!"

Chen Qing didn't change his face, and said with a smile: "Her hands are frozen, and she can't feel it. Let her warm up before writing."

Zhao Qiaoyun was extremely clever, and immediately checked the topic, "What painting is the official holding?"

"I just got it yesterday, for your appreciation."

Lu Xiu's eyes lit up, and she said pleasantly, "Could it be the "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival" that my husband mentioned last time?"

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "As Madam wishes!"

Lu Xiu was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "This place is a bit too narrow, Yingluo, let's take it to Baocui Pavilion to appreciate it, by the way, Qiaoyun will invite Master here too."

The atmosphere in the room was not quite right, and Chen Qing wished they would leave quickly.

"Appreciate slowly!" He handed the wooden tube to Lu Xiu.

Lu Xiu took the wooden tube, gave him a blank look, and smiled at the two girls: "Let's go!"

Chen Qing chuckled and watched the three of them go away.

On the eve of the New Year's Eve, isn't Yin time coming? Chen Qing brought several wives and concubines and his son Chen Ji to Shuiyue Nunnery in the northeast corner. Last year, Chen Qing's son fell asleep on the road. Tonight he is in good spirits.

The head of the nunnery, Master Jingxin, waited in front of the door with six apprentices.

"Everything is ready, the king please come in!"

"Teacher is too troublesome!"

Chen Qing took his family into the apse to change clothes, then offered incense one by one, and then knelt down and worshiped three times.

The last one to offer incense was Yu Ying. Lu Xiu noticed that her complexion was not very good, so she asked in a low voice, "Ah Ying, are you feeling unwell?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Then burn the incense quickly, let's go back to rest early."

Yu Ying burned three sticks of incense, and when she knelt down to pay her respects, her body suddenly went limp, and she even fainted on the ground.

Everyone was shocked, Chen Qing quickly stepped forward to help her up, touched her breath, it was very weak.

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Does the teacher have any wine?"

Master Jingxin was too flustered and said: "There is no one in the nunnery, I will buy it now."

Yu Lian reacted very quickly, and immediately said: "Officer, it's on the altar."

Chen Qingyou didn't care anymore, he reached out and took down a bottle of shochu on the altar table, poured a few sips for Yu Ying, and then rubbed her chest and back with the wine.

After a while, Yu Ying's face became more rosy, and her breathing became better.

Only then did Chen Qing heave a sigh of relief, and said to Lu Xiu, "Let the housekeeper invite Dr. Liu!"

Doctor Liu is the female doctor who took care of Xue'er's pregnancy. She is also a full-time doctor in Chen Qing's residence.

"I just told the housekeeper to invite them."

Lu Xiu asked worriedly: "Husband, what's the matter with Ah Ying?"

Chen Qing sighed, "I don't know, but she was very dangerous just now, and she felt like she had lost too much blood on the battlefield. Let's go back first!"

Chen Qing took his cloak, wrapped Yu Ying up, got up and carried her and walked quickly to the carriage outside.

Lu Xiu was puzzled, she handed her son to the wet nurse, pulled Yu Lian aside, and asked in a low voice, "Tell me the truth, what's going on with Ah Ying?"

Yu Lian said regretfully, "I shouldn't have concealed it for her, Ah Ying had a miscarriage."

Lu Xiu was taken aback, "When did it happen?"

"Just yesterday, when we went skating at noon, she fell down and had a severe stomach pain and a lot of blood from her lower body. We were all terrified."

Lu Xiu was angry and annoyed, and said angrily, "Why didn't she tell me she was pregnant?"

"Ma'am, we didn't know at all, and Ah Ying didn't know either. This morning, I asked an old woman to find out that it was a miscarriage. She was so scared that she cried."

Lu Xiu held back her anger and asked again: "Ah Ying isn't messing around outside!"

"Madam, how is it possible?"

Lu Xiu was right when she thought about it, Yu Ying is an honest girl, she would not do anything to offend her husband, she probably didn't understand.

At this time, the carriage started, and Lu Xiu hurriedly pulled Yu Lian into the second carriage, and the two carriages drove towards the mansion quickly.

Not long after, the female doctor Liu Hui came, and Lu Xiu told her about the situation. Doctor Liu immediately ordered the medicine. Fortunately, there were all kinds of precious medicinal materials in the mansion, so he quickly boiled a thick bowl of tonic, and supported Yu Ying Drink it slowly.

It is still midnight, and there is still an hour before dawn. Seeing his wife sitting in a daze, Chen Qing pulled her up and comforted her: "Ah Ying is fine, make up your body and rest for a few days. Alian is taking care of her. Let's go!"

Lu Xiu and her husband walked out of the yard, and hurriedly led the way with a little maid holding a lantern. Lu Xiu sighed and said, "Husband, am I really bad?"

Chen Qing hugged his wife and said, "You don't have a lot to do with bad, you are very kind, but sometimes the rules are a little stricter."

"A-Lian told me today that Ah Ying lost a lot of blood, but she didn't dare to tell her, and she didn't dare to ask a doctor, because she was afraid that I would severely punish her."

"Have you punished them severely?"

Lu Xiu shook her head, "No, I just said it fiercely, but I never implemented it, like how many times A-Lian broke the rules in your study, I didn't punish her once."

"This one is abolished! It's my own problem, and it has nothing to do with them."

Lu Xiu nodded, and said sadly: "I'll talk about it later, it would be a pity if Ah Ying is pregnant with a boy this time."

Chen Qing said for a while: "If Ah Ying is pregnant but she doesn't know it, maybe A-Lian is the same."

There are some things that he can't talk about, but he knows it well, he also knows when Ah Ying will be pregnant, and Alian was there at that time, and the two sisters are in sync with each other in many ways.

(End of this chapter)

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