
Chapter 809 Success

Chapter 809 Success
It was such a coincidence that the next day, Dr. Liu checked Yu Lian's pulse and found that she was indeed a happy pulse, and she was about two months pregnant.

Hearing the news, Yu Ying was both happy and sad, happy because her younger sister Yu Lian was pregnant, but sad because she was not careful and the child was gone.

Chen Qing comforted her, and when she recovered, he would count time with her and let her conceive a child, at most half a year late.

Lu Xiu also comforted her, told her to take care of her body, and she would not punish her, so Yu Ying was relieved.

Two things happened at home today, Lu Xiu was very busy, Chen Qing called Zhao Qiaoyun and Zhao Yingluo to his study, starting from today, he will spend three days to tell them the follow-up plot of Journey to the West, and let them go Go write it, and he doesn't care about the book.

The number of subscriptions of "Beijing News" has exceeded [-], and it is still on the rise. A few days ago, the first episode of "Journey to the West", "Monkey King Trouble in Heaven", was printed and launched, and the market response was unprecedented. In the Zhao area, [-] copies were sold in three days.

In the early morning of the fifth day of the first lunar month, Chen Qing brought hundreds of soldiers and a dozen generals to the firearms testing ground.

There are two testing grounds for firearms, one is in the courtyard of the institute, where some small firearms are tested, and the other is not far away. There is a hill three miles away, the hill is split, and there is a canyon two miles deep. The innermost part of the canyon is A vacant lot the size of two acres of land.

Since the emergence of firearms decades ago, this place has always been a firearms testing ground, guarded by soldiers, and no one is allowed to enter, even up the mountain. Who knows if you are an enemy spy who came to spy on the firearms tests of the Song army.

Today, the security here is heavily guarded, and all the small roads up the mountain are guarded by soldiers, and no one is allowed to go up the mountain.

This was an arrangement made two days ago. Chen Qing specially dispatched [-] troops to escort the experiment.

This test is so important that even the generals expressed their opinions after hearing the answer, that the allocation for the protection army is too little, at least [-] people are needed.

They are all experienced generals, and no one knows the importance of this experiment better than them. They tested the iron shell fire mine, and the iron shell fire mine was successfully developed.

"It would be great if the Iron Shell Fire Thunder came out earlier, it won't be of much use to us now."

It was Liu Qiong who spoke. He saw that everyone looked at him, and added: "The role of the iron-shelled fire mine is mainly for defending and attacking the city. It is useless for field battles. We have fierce fire oil, and we use iron-shelled fire mines to replace it." I don't think it makes much sense to use heavy fire oil."

Liu Qiong's thoughts can represent many people. Over the years, gunpowder barrels have been a bit of a tasteless existence. In the early days, poisoned iron nails stuffed in gunpowder barrels were very effective against the poorly equipped puppet Qi army, but now their enemy is the Jurchens The army, Donghu army and Xie Cong army are all equipped with shields, which can defend against the poisoned iron nails of the gunpowder barrel.

Therefore, the Battle of Hedong this time was basically fuel oil to clear the way, and the gunpowder barrel was not used much.

The gunpowder barrel has become a chicken rib, so how strong can the iron shell fire thunder be?They don't need firearms, as long as they fire oil,
Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "The difference between a wooden shelled fire thunder and an iron shelled fire thunder is equivalent to a three-year-old child competing for strength with a thirty-year-old strong man. If you think of an iron shelled fire thunder as a strengthening of a wooden gunpowder barrel, then You are completely wrong, I don’t talk about other functions, if we have iron fire mines, then we are kings on the water, and an iron fire mine can blow a ship to pieces.”

Liu Qiong still didn't believe it. He smiled and said, "I'm really looking forward to seeing his power with my own eyes."

Not long after, the crowd came to the mouth of the valley on horseback. More than [-] officials including Ma Xiaoyuan, commander of the Ordnance Department, and Xie Ying, deputy commander and director of the Firearms Department, were waiting at the mouth of the valley.

All the officials came forward to pay respects, Chen Qing waved his hands and smiled and said: "Everyone is very anxious, don't be delayed by these etiquette, why don't you go in directly?"

"Jun Wang, all generals, please follow me!" The commander Ma Xiaoyuan shouted loudly, and led everyone into the valley.

"Thank you, steward, how did you solve the defect?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

Xie Ying showed embarrassment and said: "The structure of the snail that the king said last time is too difficult, we have failed many times without success."

"is it hard?"

Chen Qing didn't understand, "Small snail castings don't need to be cast as a whole, they can be made into two halves, put them together and fill the seams with molten iron, then put them on the mold, and when the casting mold cools down, it will fuse with the iron shell." , I think it is relatively simple!"

Xie Ying was stunned for a moment. They all thought that the snail structure was to be cast as a whole with the iron shell, but they couldn't make it anyway, so they made it separately.

"We thought this plan was complicated at the beginning, and we can make up for it later."

"What do you guys think of now?"

"Qijun Wang, let's make a pipe on the mold. After casting, there will be a pipe inside the iron shell. Insert the fuse directly into the pipe. Insert it to the end and it will be gunpowder. Then make a pipe on top of it." A wooden cork with a hole closed the opening."

"This method is also good!" Chen Qing imagined the appearance of the pipe.

"This is actually the reminder given to us by the king of the county. As long as we buy a little time, the fire will explode before the fire escapes. The pipe will play this role and buy us a little time, so we succeeded."

Chen Qing said happily: "Whether it works! The key is to master the principle, I believe there will be a better way, let's see the explosion effect!"

The Firearms Institute painstakingly remodeled the test site. The viewing position is halfway up the mountain, about a hundred steps from the ground. Dozens of small stools have been placed, and everyone sat down one after another. They all have good eyesight. The following situation I can see clearly.

According to Xie Ying's introduction, two experiments will be carried out today, one is the iron hedgehog experiment, and the other is the iron dog experiment. The name is the experiment, and it is actually a report. They have already conducted several experiments internally. There is a cover explosion in the valley. Noise effect, so the sound cannot reach Jingzhao City.

"What is an iron hedgehog? What is an iron dog?" Gao Ding asked puzzled.

Xie Ying introduced with a smile: "This is our internal saying. A five-pound powder barrel is called a hedgehog, a thirty-pound powder barrel is called a wild dog, a one-pound box-type fire mine is called a black pig, and a five-hundred-pound box-type fire mine is called a black pig." rhino."

All the generals applauded and laughed: "This name is good, simple and easy to remember, and the army will use this code name in the future."

At this time, a horn sounded from below, and it was about to start. Everyone fell silent and looked down at the open space.

I saw a craftsman running towards a wooden house with an iron lump the size of a pumpkin in his arms. After a while, the craftsman ran out of the wooden house, ran more than [-] steps, and hid behind a big stone that was placed in advance. ear.

Without Xie Ying's reminder, Chen Qing and all the generals covered their ears.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, flames burst out, pieces of wood splashed, and black smoke rose into the air. Looking at the wooden house again, only half of it was left, and the roof and walls were blown out.

"Awesome!" The image of a ship being blown up appeared in everyone's mind.

Chen Qing stroked his beard and nodded, "Successful once, not bad!"

Immediately afterwards, several craftsmen carried a piece of black winter melon and ran towards a section of the city wall in the northeast corner. Everyone was stunned. This should be a thirty-pound wild dog, but it looks very much like a winter melon.

Everyone was not very interested in bombing wooden houses, but bombing city walls attracted everyone's attention.

The city wall is three feet long and two feet high. It is built with big blue bricks and filled with sand in the middle. It is exactly the same as the real city wall, as if a section was cut out and placed here.

A hole was dug in the city wall, and two craftsmen stuffed the iron fire mine into it, and lit the matchlock.

The two ran quickly and hid behind a large rock bunker thirty steps away.

For a moment, just listen to 'Boom! 'With a muffled sound, the city wall collapsed, everyone stood up and applauded enthusiastically.

Even Liu Qiong was convinced that thirty catties had the same effect as five hundred catties, which is amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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