
Chapter 811 Lessons

Chapter 811 Lessons
The night sky was clear, and a full moon hung on the dark blue sky. The silver-white moonlight illuminated the earth as if it were daytime. Under the reflection of the snow, there was blue in the white, which was a bit strange and confusing.

The first batch of [-] soldiers ran quickly carrying ladders, followed by [-] soldiers, who were less than a hundred steps away, also speeding up.

The moonlight is too bright, no matter how you hide, you can't hide, as long as you look up, you can see the soldiers on the snow outside.

Since you can't dodge, then simply trade your speed for time, and grab the top of the city before the enemy's reinforcements arrive. Compete.

Therefore, the Xizhou Army was not afraid of hearing footsteps above, and ran desperately.

However, the defenders at the top of the city were deaf, and they couldn't hear the footsteps of thousands of people. At first, Tie Mo was very lucky that he was not discovered by the defenders. to react.

"Not good, the enemy is cheating!"

How could the enemy army not be able to hear them? Even if they fell asleep, they would be woken up. Although Tie Mo found out that something was wrong, it was too late.

Before he could yell out, countless soldiers suddenly appeared on the top of the city, with strong crossbows facing the western army and shooting violently. Unfortunately, most of the soldiers didn't hold up their shields. They climbed the ladder with one hand and held a spear with the other. , or take a shield, since it is a sneak attack, it must be a spear.

Suddenly there was a scream on the siege ladder, and countless soldiers were shot and rolled down. Most of the first batch of [-] soldiers were reimbursed, but the second batch of enemy soldiers was very close to each other, and the soldiers on the ladder fell one after another. At that time, the second batch of soldiers had already begun to climb the city.

They reacted very quickly and immediately took the shield from their backs, holding the shield in one hand and the spear in the other, and just supported the skeletons on both sides of the ladder with their arms to stabilize their bodies. They were not affected by the Song army's ambush and continued to attack upwards.

Tie Mo, the enemy general who was about to order the troops to retreat, immediately changed his mind when he saw this scene, and shouted: "The whole army presses up to attack the city!"

Two thousand and five hundred soldiers rushed out shouting, holding up their spears and shields and rushing towards the city wall. This time, Tie Mo rushed to the front. Although the enemy army had an ambush, there were only more than one thousand people. In front of him, any tricks are not worth mentioning.

But Tie Mo never thought that the Song Army's ambushes would not be taken out all at once. Since he didn't have the whole army to cover him, how could the Song Army come out in full force.

Another thousand soldiers were squatting at the base of the wall, holding crossbows and nearly a thousand barrels of kerosene, waiting for orders.

You must know that Song Xinping, the chief general of the Song Army, is a veteran who participated in the defense of Jianbai Pass. He has mastered the three secret skills of the Song Army's defense of the city, the broad axe, kerosene and strong crossbow.

Song Xinping saw that another group of ambushing enemy soldiers had already killed them, and immediately shouted: "Axe!"

Fifty axemen, under the protection of their companions, swung their long-handled axes at the rungs of the ladder.

The soldiers of the Xizhou Army have never learned the secret skills of the Song Army's defense of the city. Their ladders are all wooden rungs. In a blink of an eye, three wooden rungs were chopped off, and the ax hand disappeared immediately. , they can't go to the city.

At this time, all the enemy troops rushed to the city wall and shouted under the city. At this moment, buckets of black liquid were suddenly poured down from the top of the city, and even the buckets were thrown down together. The straw, the wooden barrel fell to pieces, and the black kerosene flowed everywhere.

Before the enemy could understand what was going on, hundreds of torches were thrown down, "Boom!" The kerosene was ignited, the straw was ignited, and the city suddenly became a sea of ​​flames.

I don't know how many soldiers were ignited by the fire, and they were so burned that they cried and howled. In the fiery purgatory, thousands of soldiers pushed and trampled each other, scrambling to escape for their lives.

On the top of the city, two thousand soldiers shot arrows together. They managed to escape from the sea of ​​flames, but were shot down by the arrows. The Song army was still throwing oil barrels. Almost all the soldiers were more or less ignited by the fire. Many soldiers The body was covered with flames, running and running, fell to the ground, hesitated for a moment and then stopped moving.

In this battle, Xizhou suffered heavy casualties. Less than [-] of the [-] soldiers escaped from the Dadouba Valley, but in the end they returned to Zhangye City alive. There were less than [-] of them. Even the leader Tie Mo had all his hair and hair burned Meimei was seriously injured and died a month later.

The Song army captured more than [-] camels, but the casualties were less than [-], which was still the casualties at the beginning of the fierce fighting.

Ten days later, Chen Qing's commendation order arrived at Dadou Bagu. Each person will be rewarded with ten acres of land and ten pieces of silk.

In Lin'an, Lu Jin hurried to the back house with a newspaper and found his father who was fishing by the pond and basking in the sun.

Lu Yihao's health was very poor, he was as thin as a child, and several imperial doctors quietly told Lu Jin that he had to consider preparing for the old man's funeral, and it was only a matter of a year or two.

"Da Lang, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Lu Yihao turned his head and glanced at his son dissatisfied.

"Father, look at this newspaper!"

Lu Yihao took the newspaper, 'Huh! ’ said, “What’s the matter, is Jingzhao republished?”

The newspaper in his hand turned out to be the "Beijing News" that was popular in Bianliang, Tokyo back then. The header and font were exactly the same, which really surprised and delighted Lu Yihao.

Before Lu Jin could answer him, he realized something was wrong, and asked with a frown, "Why is it a newspaper from five days ago?"

"Reporting to my father, the "Beijing News" has indeed resumed publication, but it is not republished in Lin'an, but in Jingzhao. This is a newspaper published by Jingzhao five days ago. There was a sensation in the city, and tens of thousands of copies of the newspaper were robbed, and the boy managed to get this one."

"The re-publishing in Jingzhao must be done by Chen Qing!"

"It is said that Yang Tianfang, former chief manager of the Beijing News, ran the newspaper."

Lu Yihao sneered, dissatisfied with his son's political sensitivity.

"Yang Tianfang is just a shopkeeper running errands. The proprietor does not have his turn. If it is his idea, he will definitely run a newspaper in Lin'an. Lin'an is the capital! The capital of "Beijing News" is not the capital of Jingzhao, only Chen Qing Invite him, he can go to Jingzhao to run a newspaper, Chen Qingcai is the proprietor behind it, as for Chen Qing's thoughts, I also know, use this newspaper to increase his reputation."

Lu Jin secretly sighed, although his father's health is not good, but his mind is still so clear, his eyes are still so sharp, old and hot.

"Father is right, the content is indeed related to Chen Qing."

Lu Yihao took the newspaper a little farther away, and squinted his eyes to look at it. The headline on the front page was a very attractive headline, "Fist smashes shame", and the whole side was about how Chen Qing defeated the golden soldiers several times, how he captured countless Wan Jinbing, Wanyan Nianhan, Wanyan Yinshu and other important figures, and then how to force the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin to agree to exchange hostages, exchange Wanyan Nianhan and Wanyan Yinshu with the former emperor and the crown prince, and take them captive as slaves The people of Bianliang came to exchange the Jinbing prisoners of war.

Even though Lu Yihao was in poor health, he no longer read the long article in its entirety, but he was actually attracted by this article, and he read the entire article in less than half an hour.

Lu Jin suddenly noticed old tears glistening in the corners of his grandfather's eyes, and he hurriedly said, "Father, take a break and look at it slowly!"

Lu Yihao put down the newspaper, and said with a choked voice, "I never thought that I, Lu Yihao, would see this day in my lifetime."

After finishing speaking, he burst into tears and sighed endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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