
Chapter 812 Strange Goods

Chapter 812 Strange Goods
In the study, Prime Minister Qin Hui threw a newspaper on the desk, questioned his nephew Wang Bo and said, "Look at what is written in the newspaper, what is meant by 'crushing shame with fists', the whole article is praising Chen Qingge , if the officials see this newspaper, will you still be able to keep Wusha, the county magistrate?"

On the recommendation of Qin Hui, Wang Bo became the magistrate of Qiantang County in September last year. Qiantang County is Lin'an. He and Chen Qing are old enemies. Chen Qing is already a warlord of the separatist regime. Shun, his ups and downs are all related to women. Now he is in his thirties, a little more mature, and married the daughter of the Lu family, a prominent family in Pingjiang Prefecture.

Wang Bo lowered his head and didn't dare to say anything. He had never seen this newspaper before, so how could he answer his uncle's questioning?
"Nephew knows his mistake!"

"It's not that you can solve the problem every time you say you're wrong. You are the magistrate of this city. This newspaper has appeared in Lin'an City for two days. At least tens of thousands of copies have been sold, but you don't know anything. How can you ask me to help you?" Explain to the officials?"

Qin Hui walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and said: "You put down other things now, and you must find out the transmission route of this newspaper and its printing place for me."

"Didn't my uncle say that this is a newspaper run by Chen Qing? The printing place should be in Jingzhao!"


Qin Hui angrily reprimanded him, staring and said: "Can the newspapers from Jingzhao be transported to Lin'an so quickly from five days ago? They sent the content by Flying Eagle, and it was typeset and printed near Lin'an. They dug out the roots in Lin'an."

"My nephew found out, go and deploy the manpower immediately."

Wang Bo didn't dare to refuse, so he left in a hurry.

Mrs. Wang, who had been sitting by the side without saying a word, drank tea and said slowly: "The officials directly banned this newspaper with the power in their hands, isn't it all right?"

Qin Hui sighed and said: "Cai Jing didn't dare to ban it back then, if I banned it, I would be in big trouble."

Wang said unhurriedly: "Back then, Cai Jing didn't dare to ban "Beijing News" because it had Xiang's backer. Now it's Chen Qing, are you still afraid of him?"

"Madam doesn't know something. I'm not afraid of Chen Qing, but the contents of the newspaper involve the late emperor. If I ban it, Zhao Ding and Li Guang will definitely use this to impeach me for disrespecting the late emperor. My husband can't bear this crime!"

Mrs. Wang nodded, "The official's idea is right, instead of banning it directly, it should be cut from the root, so that it cannot survive in Lin'an, but the official is counting on Bo'er, is he expecting too much from him? ?”

Qin Hui knew that Wang was partial to his nephew, but Wang Bo was the county magistrate of Qiantang, and this was his duty. If he couldn't even do this little thing, what else could he do?
But Qin Hui was really afraid of guilt, although he was dissatisfied, he didn't say anything.

Mrs. Wang glanced at her husband, as if seeing through his mind, and asked again: "Will the officials know about this?"

Qin Hui shook his head, "No one would dare to tell him about this."

"Why?" Wang was puzzled.

Qin Hui smiled wryly and said, "I'll tell you something and you'll know it. Earlier, Zhao Ding and Li Guang strongly advocated resettling Jianghuai immigrants to Jinghu Road. As a result, hundreds of thousands of immigrants ran to Shaanxi Road. I took the opportunity to use This impeaches them both."

"And then?" Mrs. Wang knew about this, and she also wanted to know the result.

"Then the officials scolded the two of them severely, but asked me to solve this matter. How should I solve it?"

Speaking of this, Qin Hui said angrily: "The government has this problem. Whoever brings him a difficult matter, he will let him solve it. Last time I told Chen Qing to negotiate with Jin Guo, he actually asked me to stop it." Negotiations are simply speechless."

Wang said with a smile: "So whoever dares to mention the newspaper will ask someone to close the newspaper, right?"

"That's right. The "Beijing News" was founded by Chen Qing in Jingzhao. How can I close it? If I only care about Lin'an and don't care about Jingzhao, someone will definitely impeach me for deliberately confusing the seriousness and the crime of deceiving the emperor, so I'd better pretend Do not know this."

"But the officials are sure that Zhao Ding and Li Guang will not tell the officials about the newspaper?"

"I wish they would go to the court to report this matter, but they are both old and cunning, and they will never get burned. I know in my heart that no one dares to tell the officials about this matter, even the little eunuchs below."

Wang took a sip of tea and said calmly: "In this case, why did the officials want Boer to solve this matter? If he can solve it, wouldn't he be a prime minister?"

Qin Hui was startled, it turned out that his wife was waiting for him here!
He had no choice but to smile bitterly and said: "He will do his best! If it really can't be solved, I don't blame him."

This is almost the same, Wang's heart is a little satisfied, she is actually worried that her nephew will be killed by Chen Qing's men, Chen Qing's attack is so fierce now, it is not her nephew's tender arm that can stop it.

No one else dared to take care of it, but let his nephew take care of it. This Mr. Qin was really overfed and overfed.

The "Beijing News" has been circulated in Lin'an for two days. There has been a whirlwind in Lin'an, causing countless people to follow it.

At noon, Zhao Ding and Li Guang were drinking at Xindongguo Restaurant in Lin'an. The two were sitting by the window on the second floor, drinking and discussing this year's fiscal and tax expenditures. Li Guang was so worried that he couldn't sleep or eat.

He wanted to use the official land as a mortgage to seal the son, but Qin Hui objected, "only gold and silver can be used as mortgages, so there is no reason to use land and houses as mortgages." '

Qin Hui is right, the liquidity of the farmhouse is too poor, it may not be sold, and it is not worthwhile to sell at a discount in the end.

"you do not need to worry!"

Zhao Ding comforted him with a smile and said: "The taxes and taxes in various places have not been paid, so it may not be enough. Also, the hundreds of thousands of people in Jianghuai who fled to Shaanxi Road may not come back. It is possible to plan to resettle them with a million guan. Let’s embezzle it first, and the food can also be cashed in.”

"Hey! I also thought of that money, which should be used first. As for the food, it has to be given to the army and cannot be cashed in."

Just as I was talking, a drinker next door patted the table and said, "The imperial court is a bastard, why didn't the imperial court come forward? Does the imperial court have the face to speak up? What happened to Wanyan Drinking Lisa and Wanyan Qi last year? They're all idiots, don't you know?"

"that is!"

Another drinker said: "The imperial court is a soft bone. They want to negotiate and surrender all day long. They got Wanyan Nianhan and they must use it to negotiate a peace. How dare they ask to return to the first emperor? Only Chen Qing is my Han hero."

A fat drinker chuckled, "You are all wrong, the Son of Heaven must have directly slaughtered Wanyan Nianhan, and then expected Jin Guo to slaughter the first emperor in a fit of anger."

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense."

Li Guang was shocked, and asked in a low voice: "What's going on, they will know that Chen Qing used up Yan Nianhan to replace the former emperor? This is a court secret!"

Zhao Ding gave him a strange look, "Ms. Li doesn't know about the newspaper?"

"What newspaper?" Li Guang asked.

"Naturally it is the "Beijing News"! It has been circulating in Lin'an for a few days, and the whole story of the hostage exchange between Chen Qing and Jin Guo was published on the whole page, which caused a great uproar in Lin'an, and Li Xianggong didn't know about it?"

"I've been worrying about financial and tax expenses for the past two days, and I don't care about other things. I really don't know. The "Beijing News" has resumed publication?"

"It should be republished by Jingzhao. The first batch of newspapers reached Lin'an two days ago, and they were snapped up. The writing is very good. We don't know about many important things. Chen Qing actually has [-] Jurchen prisoners of war in his hands. I didn’t know that Shanzhou and Guozhou were captured by the Western Army, and the border reached Mianchi County.”

Li Guang asked anxiously, "Is the newspaper still available, lend me a read."

Zhao Ding smiled wryly and said: "You are one step late, the dog in my hand wanted to go away, I asked him last night, he said he was borrowed by his colleagues and did not return it."

"Then where else?"

Zhao Ding glanced and found that a table of drinkers at the stairs was reading a newspaper, which seemed to be the "Beijing News". He immediately turned around and whispered a few words to his entourage.

The attendant nodded, walked over quickly, discussed for a while, and came back helplessly: "The man said that the newspaper in his hand was bought for five pennies, and if we want, he can transfer it, but it costs ten pennies. "


Li Guang's eyes widened in disbelief, "Ten coins a newspaper, is he crazy?"

A drinker next to him smiled and said, "Old man, that newspaper is really at that price. Just now, someone downstairs sold a copy for ten cents. Several people rushed to ask for it. The shopkeeper can testify."

Li Guang glanced at Zhao Ding again, "You think it's the same price?"

Zhao Ding said lightly: "This is a special issue, it has great collection value, I think it is worth it."

Li Guang suddenly understood that Zhao Ding was using his son as a shield, that the newspaper must still be in his hands and had been kept by him, he just refused to lend it to himself.

Li Guang thought for a while, then took out a small ingot of silver and handed it to his attendant, "Go and buy it!"

(End of this chapter)

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