
Chapter 813 Clues

Chapter 813 Clues
Wang Bo sat in the hall of the county yamen and yawned long. Last night he spent a night with a few prostitutes, and now he is really tired.

There is a stack of "Beijing News" on the table in front of him, about [-] copies. This is the result of two days of confiscation by his subordinates. More than [-] copies were issued, and only [-] copies were collected. How can he explain to his uncle? ?
Wang Bo was tired, sleepy and irritable, which made him lose his mind for a while.

Standing not far behind him was a middle-aged man with a medium-to-thin build, a rather fair egg face, and a pair of thin triangular eyes. His name was Jia Yingfang, and he was Wang Bo's Qiangu staff.

He stared at the stack of newspapers on the table, his eyes were eager. In his eyes, it was not twenty newspapers, but two hundred coins, but the dude in front of him didn't know anything.

His eyes rolled quickly, how did he get these twenty copies of "Beijing News"?After thinking for a while, there is a solution.

Jia Yingfang stepped forward with a smile and said, "The county lord should hand over these newspapers to the humble officials! I have a way to ask the county lord to give Mr. Qin an explanation."

Wang Bo cheered up, "What can you do?"

Jia Yingfang whispered: "Isn't there thousands of old mansion newspapers piled up in the warehouse? The humble official burned them all, pretending to be the confiscated "Beijing News", and then burned these newspapers together, leaving a few unburned We reported to Mr. Qin that we had confiscated [-] copies of the "Beijing News" and burned them openly. If Mr. Qin did not believe it, we would send someone to check, and the few corners of the newspaper that were not completely burned would be evidence."

Wang Bo applauded and laughed loudly, "A brilliant plan! Let's do it now."

Jia Yingfang was taken aback, how could he reap the benefits if he was really burned?He hurriedly said: "The county lord should not come forward for the time being, it will attract a lot of people's attention, there are too many people, and the humble official is worried that it will be heard by Qin Xianggong, so it is better to let the humble official burn it, and the county lord will come forward after the burning is over. Pull some people to watch and pretend."

"Okay! You can deal with it!" Wang Bo waved his hand.

Jia Yingfang quickly picked up the newspaper, secretly happy that she got the two hundred coins.

At this moment, the archers all came galloping towards Ma Song and said repeatedly: "Mr. County, good news, we have found clues."

Wang Bo didn't know how to investigate by himself, but he left the matter to his subordinates to investigate. The archer is the head of Wu Song's position, the chief of the County Public Security Bureau.

"What clues did you find?" Wang Bo's mood has improved, and the sleepiness all over his body has been swept away.

"County Lord, please read!" Ma Song handed a book to Wang Bo.

Wang Bo took the book and glanced at it, "What does "The Monkey King Havoc in Heaven" mean?"

Jia Yingfang next to her was startled, and hastily and quietly pulled out a newspaper and put it on the table.

Ma Song quickly said: ""The Monkey King Havoc in Heaven" is a serialized novel in the "Beijing News", the person who printed this book must be the person who printed the "Beijing News"."

Wang Bo slapped his forehead and said happily, "Where is the novel printed?"

"It's written in the book, Bowen Printing House, the villain knows, it's on Jiqian Street."

"Take all the brothers and arrest people now."

Seeing that Wang Bo didn't read the newspaper at all, Jia Yingfang quietly took back the newspaper for ten cents!

"Your Majesty, why don't we divide our troops into two groups, burn the newspapers in humble positions, and take people to the printing house!"


Wang Bo is no longer interested in burning newspapers, he wants to arrest people, and if he catches people, he can completely deal with them.

"let's go!"

After a while, Wang Bo rode his horse and ran towards Jiqian Street with dozens of archers.
The Bowen Printing House is neither big nor small, but it is still somewhat famous in the printing industry, otherwise Dutou Ma Song would not know about it.

The proprietor of the printing house is Hu Yuan, whose name is Bowen, and the printing house is named after him. He is an old man who is nearly sixty years old. His people and shops have moved from Bianliang to Lin'an.

When dozens of archers rushed in through the gate and pushed him to the ground, his old arm was almost broken. Hu Yuan was so frightened that he was scared out of his wits and shouted: "I didn't break the law, what are you doing?"

At this time, Wang Bo walked in and took a look. There was only a young man in a blue cloth in the store, and a few waiters, all of them were stunned.

Satisfied, Wang Bo smacked Hu Yuan's face with the book in his hand, and asked coldly, "Is this printed by you?"

Hu Yuan glanced at the book cover, nodded, "Yes!"

"Where is the person who entrusted you to print this book? He is a felon wanted by the court. If you are his accomplice, your entire family will be executed."

Wang Bo talked nonsense, he didn't know the other party's surname or name at all, and he was a repeat offender at the court!

But Hu Yuan was frightened. When he took the printing job, he knew it was risky, but he couldn't refuse the other party's offer, so he took it.

At this moment, Hu Yuan's life was at the top of his mind, and he said hastily, "He lives in the Chengnan branch of Gaosheng Inn, you can find out when you go and ask."

Wang Bo was overjoyed, and asked again: "His name?"

Hu Yuan was startled, he didn't even know the other party's name, what a fart he wanted!He immediately realized that he had been deceived by the famous magistrate.

But the words had already come out of his mouth, so he had no choice but to say bitterly: "His surname is also Hu, and his name is Hu Zunrong. He has two attendants who seem to know some martial arts. Be careful yourself."

"If you hand over the rigidity of that book, it will be none of your business."

"They brought the board for that book by themselves. The newspaper has only been out for a few days. How can I engrave it in time?"

Wang Bo was right when he thought about it, he was not reconciled, and extorted another ten taels of silver, and then led his men towards the south gate.

After the other party left, Hu Yuan said to the young man in blue next to him, "Brother Hu, I'm sorry!"

Hu Zunrong, who Wang Bo wanted to arrest, was the young man in blue next to him. The printing boards he was looking for were also piled up on the table. Because the books were selling well, Hu Zunrong wanted to print another [-] sets, and he was negotiating the price with the shopkeeper Hu. Woolen cloth!Wang Bo rushed in.

"Shopkeeper Hu, who is this! He is anticlimactic in his work."

Of course Hu Zunrong is a pseudonym. His real name is Hu Yun. He is the manager of Jingzhao Newspaper stationed in Lin'an. He is fully responsible for the distribution of "Jingbao" in Lin'an. The fire, it is estimated that Lin'an will also be popular, and the profit from selling books has exceeded that of newspapers. Of course, Yang Tianfang is also very concerned about this book.

Hu Yuan sighed, "He is the county magistrate of Qiantang, Qin Hui's nephew, Wang Bo, a well-known playboy in Lin'an, and a goddam magistrate, as you can see, he won't let go of even ten taels of silver."

"It's okay, we will pay for the loss of ten taels of silver. You didn't betray me just now, it's very righteous."

Hu Yuan was really embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "I just told you where you live, don't worry about it!"

Hu Yun smiled slightly and said: "That inn is just used to hide people's eyes and ears, and there are only two vacant rooms. I actually don't live there."

Hu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Be careful, I guess they didn't come here to print books, they must be looking for newspapers, your newspapers have turned Lin'an upside down these two days."

Hu Yuan is not a fool, he knows that the other party must be the publisher of "Beijing News", otherwise how could there be a full set of boards for "Monkey King Havoc in Heaven"?
Hu Yun also realized that he was too hasty to print the book, and now the newspaper is in the limelight, so he gave the other party a clue.

He took out an ingot of ten taels of silver, put it on the table and said, "I'll take the board first, and we will continue to cooperate after the limelight passes."

Hu Yuan cupped his hands, "This is also my suggestion to you. Avoid the limelight first, and talk about the book printing later."

Hu Yun immediately called two of his subordinates who were drinking tea in the backyard, and the three packed up the carved panels, hired an ox cart and left.

(End of this chapter)

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