
Chapter 814 Exchange

Chapter 814 Exchange

After entering February, it was early spring, and Datong Mansion began to be lively. The Han slaves brought from Liaodong arrived in Datong Mansion one after another. There are still ten days.

In addition to the exchange of nobles this time, there is also the exchange of captured soldiers for captive Bianliang Han slaves. There are a total of [-] people, not only ordinary people, but also foreign relatives, officials and their families. Relatives and officials basically died, and their children and descendants were also regarded as slaves.

A total of more than [-] people were abducted that year. Most of them could not withstand the severe cold climate in Liaodong, and died one after another in ten years. Only [-]% of them were Han Chinese who survived.

The representative of the Kingdom of Jin who was in charge of the exchange this time was Grand Master Wanyan Zongpan. Wanyan Zongpan was the eldest son of Jin Taizong Wanyan Sheng.

However, the reform was strongly opposed by Wanyan Zongjun, Wanyan Nianhan and others, so they had to give up. In the end, Wanyan Quan, the eldest grandson of Taizu Wanyan Aguda, and Wanyan Zongjun's eldest son, succeeded to the throne.

Unexpectedly, after Wanyan Quan ascended the throne, he immediately promoted the restructuring, and Wanyan Zongpan firmly opposed it. If there was no restructuring, Wanyan Zongpan's son would probably ascend the throne in the future, but once the system was reformed, there would be no chance again.

However, most of the clans were in favor of reforming the system. Wanyan Zongpan was unable to support himself alone. The Kingdom of Jin finally abolished the Bojilie system and changed it to the system of three provinces and six departments of the Han people.

The emperor Wanyan Quan treated Zongpan not badly, he was named King of Song Dynasty, Grand Master, and in charge of the power of the three provinces, Wanyan Zongpan had to face the reality and be a courtier honestly.

This morning, the last batch of [-] Han Chinese slaves arrived in Datong, along with Wan Yanchang. Upon receiving the news, Wanyan Zongqing hurriedly went outside the city to welcome Wan Yanchang.

The two of them are the main peace faction in the Kingdom of Jin, and they are also political allies, against the main combat faction of Wanyan Zongjun, Wanyan Zongqian, Wanyan Nianhan and Wanyan Wushu.

Wan Yanchang has been dismissed as the right prime minister, and his three provincial affairs have also been replaced by Wanyan Zongqian. Now he is Marshal Zuodu, replacing Nianhan in charge of Hebei. He came here this time to receive prisoners of war. He persuaded the emperor that these three Wan Nuzhen prisoners of war will stay in Hebei.

"Is Tarlan already impatient?"

Wanyan Zongpan laughed loudly, stepped forward and hugged Wanyanchang.

When the two met, Wan Yanchang smiled wryly and said, "I'm afraid that the night will be long and dreamy, and someone is also planning on these prisoners of war. I can't be careless."

"Wushu?" Wanyan Zongpan asked with a smile.

Wan Yanchang nodded, "He said that his Jurchen army was short of troops and asked for [-] more Jurchen troops, but you also know that the court's direct Jurchen army only has [-] Hezhameng'an troops, and the rest are miscellaneous troops. Shu can't be ignorant, isn't his meaning obvious? He wants these [-] people, but these [-] people themselves are the Hedong Jurchen Army, and they are my subordinates, how can I give it to him."

Wanyan Zongpan frowned slightly and said, "Is our Jurchen military strength so severe?"

Wan Yanchang sighed, "Our Jurchens have a population of [-] people. After the Liao Dynasty was destroyed, the population increased to [-] million. We claim to have [-] troops, but the real Jurchen army is the Hezhameng'an Army. They are the emperor's personal guards. , do not participate in combat, the remaining [-] people have increased or decreased over the past ten years, [-] from Wushu, [-] from mine, and only [-]. The remaining troops are either Donghu Army, Mobei Army, or It's the signature army, and these [-] Jurchen prisoners of war are very precious!"

"What is the emperor's attitude towards your later suggestion?"

Wan Yanchang supported the exchange of captured soldiers, because the captured soldiers were all from the Hedong Jurchen Army, his army, so he firmly supported the exchange of slaves for prisoners of war, but Wan Yanchang opposed the exchange of Song Dynasty emperor Wanyan Nianhan. He tried his best to persuade the emperor, but his power could not compete with the military, and he failed in the end.

Not long ago, he put forward a new proposal, exchanging hostages with the Song Dynasty court, and the reason was very fair. Chen Qing was just a local official, how could he be qualified to exchange hostages with Jin Guo?

To force the Song Dynasty court to take Nianhan, Yinshuke and Wan Fuchang high-ranking officials into their hands, and then the two countries exchange, Wan Yanchang believes that the Song Dynasty emperor will never want the late emperor to go back.

The highlight of Wan Yanchang's suggestion is that he has figured out the mind of the emperor of the Song Dynasty.

Wan Yanchang shook his head and sighed: "Zong Jun and Wu Shu resolutely opposed it, and it was not approved by the Son of Heaven."

This result was expected by Wanyan Zongqing, how could Wanyanchang be an opponent of the military.

"What is the emperor's next plan, to the west or to the south?" Wanyan Zongqing asked again.

"The Son of Heaven means to go south, pick up the soft ones first, take back the Jianghuai River, plunder the Jiangnan area, and increase financial resources. This is exactly Wushu's intention! I wonder if the Son of Heaven has reached a deal with Wushu secretly."

"You mean Nianhan?"

Wan Yanchang nodded, Wu Shu stabbed Nianhan in the back when it came to Nianhan's matter, and Nianhan was forced to abandon Hebei and fight on Shaanxi Road, and finally the whole army was wiped out.

Wan Yanchang knew some inside information. Wushu secretly assisted the emperor, so how would the emperor repay him? Obviously, he agreed with his plan to be tough on the Song Dynasty, at least to retake Jianghuai.

But this runs counter to Wan Yanchang's thinking. Wan Yanchang hopes to reconcile with the Song Dynasty court, and then concentrate his forces and resources to deal with Chen Qing.

After pondering for a moment, Wan Yanchang sneered and said, "Let them go! Come to me after they hit their heads badly."

On February [-]th, [-] Jurchen prisoners of war were escorted to Taiyuan Prefecture. Everyone wore coarse gray linen clothes, basically nothing. These prisoners of war have been serving in the mines, and the longest batch has been three years. .

Before leaving, Chen Qing gave them a lecture, telling them that it doesn't matter to fight and kill on the battlefield, but if they dare to bully the people again, once they are arrested, they will not be forgiven.

More than [-] prisoners of war were well-groomed, but they still couldn't bear the ecstasy in their hearts. They were finally going home. However, if they knew that they were going to Hebei, many of them would not want to go. Although the mines are hard work, you can eat enough to eat, and more importantly, you don't have to worry about your safety, but once you return to the army and return to the battlefield, you will lose your life.

Eighty miles north of Taiyuan City, about [-] miles away from Chitang Pass, the Song army set up two large camps. Both camps were set up according to the standard of [-] people. Liu Cui led an army of [-]. In response to this replacement, there are also [-] troops stationed in Taiyuan Prefecture and Fenzhou. That is to say, if the Kingdom of Jin wants to create a crisis, the Song Army can quickly mobilize [-] troops to deal with it.

The chief officer for this replacement was Counselor Zhou Kuan. The reason why he was sent here was because he had dealt with nearly [-] refugees from the Central Plains.

In addition to Zhou Kuan, there are more than [-] officials to assist, as well as [-] doctors, and a large amount of food and supplies.

Zhou Kuan's deputy is Wang Qiu, the order of Zhike Department, and he will soon lead several officials northward to confirm.

In the morning, a cavalry galloped over and handed a piece of information to Zhou Kuan. This was information from Chitang Town. The information told Zhou Kuan that a large number of Han people had arrived in the north of Chitang Town, tens of thousands of people There are as many as [-] golden soldiers guarding them, and there are no other heavy soldiers.

With this information, Zhou Kuan seemed to have eyes, and he was determined, and immediately sent Wang Qiu and his men to go north to coordinate.

Watching Wang Qiu's back go away, an official worried: "The Jinren are not trustworthy, will something go wrong!"

Zhou Kuan said indifferently: "Exchanging more than [-] prisoners of war, there is no conflict within the Jin soldiers, so there should be no problems. What I am worried about is exchanging the late emperor, and I am afraid that there will be extra problems. At that time, we must be extra careful."

(End of this chapter)

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