
Chapter 815 Exchange

Chapter 815 Exchange

On February [-], according to the method agreed by the two parties, two passages were built with wooden fences in front of Chitang Pass, one for entry and one for exit.

At the hour of Chen Shizheng, that is, at [-] o'clock in the morning, the exchange officially began. A Jurchen official came to guide the prisoners of war to enter Chitang Pass through the right passage. Similarly, Wang Qiu was responsible for leading the Song people's captives out of Chitang Pass and through the left passage. .

In fact, the two sides were mainly afraid of causing riots, and were not worried about what the other party would do. After all, the real exchange was the second on the first day of March, and that was the highlight. Today was just an exchange of little people.

At this time, an official of the Song Dynasty came out with the help of a white-haired old man. He was very emotional, crying as he walked, and was almost paralyzed. He only came out with the support of the official.

An old lady was following behind, also wiping tears as she walked, and was supported by her son, and a young woman was holding her child behind, this was a family.

Behind them, groups of people began to come out, men, women, young and old, basically families, all of them dressed in rags, with disheveled faces, supporting each other, stumbling forward.

Everyone was crying and kept wiping away their tears. When they walked out of the fence and saw the Song Dynasty flag in front of them and countless mighty soldiers of the Song Army, many people began to lose control. Some of the whole family hugged their heads and cried, and some sat on the ground and cried. Cry loudly, the sadness is contagious, and there is a lot of crying.

A man knelt on the ground, lowered his head, tears fell down, and choked up and shouted: "Father, mother, the child is finally home!"

There were more and more people behind, and the soldiers hurried forward to help the people who lost their emotions to leave.

Not far away stood a few painters from the newspaper office, painting all the sad scenes of this scene.

There are quite a few single women in the crowd, and they all go together. They are basically court ladies or concubines. According to the details finalized by the two parties, all women must be released, including palace ladies, concubines and their children. They should be treated as ordinary people and released.

The exchange went on for more than an hour. Finally, Wang Qiu and several officials came out, and the gate of Chitangguan was closed with a loud crash.

There are mighty troops in the wilderness. Soldiers of the Song Army escorted more than [-] captives to the camp twenty miles away.

They will rest here for three days to recover their bodies before heading to Taiyuan City.

Their resettlement place is also Taiyuan City. Taiyuan City was massacred by Jin soldiers after the city was destroyed. So far, the population is less than [-]% of the original. , and save them a long journey.

Tens of thousands of people lived in the big camp, basically based on the family unit. Each family has a tent. If they are single, then five people will have one tent. If they are single women with children, then three pairs will have a big tent. , very well thought out.

There is no need for them to cook, and three meals are provided every day. It is early spring and February, the weather is not yet warm, and the night is still a bit cold. Each person is provided with a sheepskin, a suit of clothes, and a bedding. It was extremely harsh, all the people were not allowed to bring anything, they could only wear tattered clothes and skirts, and everyone didn't even have a penny.

Even so, it can't stop the tens of thousands of people yearning to go home. They would rather give up everything, as long as they can go back, even if they are barefoot, they want to go back to their homeland.

On February [-], tens of thousands of people marched to Taiyuan City. They first lived in the big camp outside Taiyuan City. Households were assigned houses by lottery, and then they received food and materials to start a new life.

On the second day after the people left, Wanyan Nianhan, Wanyan Yinshuke and their generals and family members totaled more than [-] people were escorted to the camp by [-] Song troops, along with Guan Shigu and Xu There are more than [-] officials including Ning.

In the big tent, Guan Shigu asked: "Have you sent all the people on the list?"

Zhou Kuan nodded, "I have confirmed everything one by one. The Jin people are more trustworthy in this regard. I have asked the people carefully. Except for the [-] artisan households that were detained by the Kingdom of Jin, they have sent everything else."

According to the agreement between the two parties, Jin Guo only repatriated the former emperor Zhao Huan and the prince Zhao Chen for the men in the royal family, and then Zhao Huan's concubines and daughters could come back. They all came back with the people, including Zhao Chen's wife Tian and the two Zhao Chen has no sons.

At the exchange on the first day of March, there were only the coffins of the first emperor Zhao Huan, the crown prince Zhao Chen, and the overlord Zhao Ji.

In fact, only a hundred or so royal children and their wives and children stayed in the Kingdom of Jin in the end. Soon after, they were resettled in Yanjing, each with their own houses. The conditions were greatly improved, but they were still under surveillance.

Guan Shigu nodded, "I hope everything goes well this time!"

Zhou Kuan asked, "Will the county king come?"

Guan Shigu smiled and said: "The king of the county will wait in Taiyuan City, he said that he still has to ask Counselor Zhou here."

Zhou Kuan nodded silently. He understood the county king's decision, and he should not be too humble towards the first emperor, as it would cause the other party to have hallucinations.

At this time, Chen Qing was in Taiyuan City, visiting the people who came back from Liaodong. In order to resettle these people, Chen Qing also spent a lot of capital. For example, since last year, he has started to repair the empty houses in Taiyuan City, repairing [-] sets Houses, [-] shi of grain, [-] bolts of cloth, and a lot of other supplies, and then money. Each family is given [-] guan qian as a settling allowance, allowing them to buy various daily necessities.

The last and most important step is to find something for them to do to support their family.

Accompanied by Pei Xiangjun, the magistrate of Taiyuan, Chen Qing walked into a big tent, and there were seven people in the big tent.An old couple had two sons and a daughter. The eldest son was married and had a son. The old couple was discussing something with the two sons when suddenly a group of officials came in, and the family stood up in fright.

Chen Qing clasped his fists and said with a smile: "I didn't inform you beforehand, sorry to bother you."

The old man stammered, "It doesn't matter."

At this time, the soldiers brought in more than a dozen stools, and Chen Qing told everyone to sit down. The whole family was very nervous. They were afraid that Jin Dynasty officials would come to the door in the Kingdom of Jin, and disaster would happen every time they came.

Seeing that they were very nervous, Chen Qing smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, we're just here to chat and see if you need help with any difficulties."

Hearing this, the family breathed a sigh of relief. The old man sighed and said, "To be honest, we worry about too many things now. We don't even have the most common stools, let alone other furniture. What is it like, still worried about how to cook and cook, and worried about what to do in the future?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "We will give each family [-] pennies. You can buy the cheapest daily necessities. Ten pennies will be enough to buy everything. The remaining ten pennies will be saved for emergency use. What does the house look like?" , it depends on your luck tomorrow. Your family is seven people, so you should get the second type of house. There is a small courtyard and five rooms. Don’t worry about the house, it’s all repaired. As for what to do in the future? It’s very simple Ah! If you have skills, you can do crafts. If you don’t have skills, you can learn a craft. It’s not bad to be a shop assistant. Your daughter can work in a textile workshop and earn a dowry for herself.”

The old man nodded and said: "I used to be a drum maker, specializing in making war drums for the army, and I can also make leather boots. Both of my sons can also make shoes. Now there is a problem. The Kingdom of Jin does not allow artisans to separate families, so we The whole family lives together, but according to the customs of the Song Dynasty, when my eldest son gets married and has children, he should be separated and start a family independently. May I ask the officials, do we still have a chance?"

Why did the old man want to split the family? Because a subsidy of [-] yuan per family, after the separation, they can get a subsidy of [-] yuan. They were discussing the matter of dividing the family just now.

At this time, many people squeezed into the big tent, and they all said: "Officials, you should consider the specific information. Some families have ten members, and some have three members. It's not fair. !"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "Then the draw will be postponed for two days. It is possible to separate the family, but you cannot separate the family yourself. You must apply. The government will decide whether the family can be separated."

(End of this chapter)

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