
Chapter 816 The First Emperor

Chapter 816 The First Emperor
Coming out of the camp, Pei Xiangjun saw that Chen Qing's face was a little gloomy. After all, he had been Chen Qing's staff, and he could still say a few words, so he persuaded in a low voice: "Jun Wang, after all, they are ordinary people, don't fight with them." They generally count."

Chen Qing sighed and said, "What is Sheng Mi En Dou Mi Qiu? That's it. I don't know where they lived before. Do you dare to ask Jin Bing?"

How can Chen Qing not be angry, just now the family was divided into two households, and he actually asked for another household on the grounds that the youngest son has grown up, which is equivalent to dividing the family into three households. If you want a house, you need more money.

Not only his family, but almost all the families requested to separate households, which really made Chen Qing feel very uncomfortable.

For the first time, he regretted it. You must know that he paid [-] gold soldiers to exchange these tens of thousands of people. He felt sorry for the people who were tortured in Liaodong this time, and wanted them to return to their homeland, but... They let themselves down again.

"Jun Wang, I guess they are desperately trying to fight for a little profit in order to survive in such a cruel environment in Liaodong. Those who did not fight for the profit died."

Pei Xiangjun's words may be the truth, and Chen Qing doesn't want to worry about it anymore, just take it as the price of increasing his prestige!

He said lightly: "Change the method, no longer give money by household, according to the head, each person has five pennies, as for split households, you can also, if you have two sons, regardless of whether they are married or not, they can be divided into one household, but at most There can only be one household.”

After finishing speaking, he got on his horse and said, "I'll leave the rest to Prefect Pei."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Chen Qing urged his horse to gallop north with his soldiers.

On the last day of February, a Jurchen army escorted Zhao Huan, the former emperor of the Great Song Dynasty, and his crown prince Zhao Chen, along with a car containing the coffin of Zhao Ji, the former emperor Huizong of the Great Song Dynasty.

What Wanyanchang didn't expect was that the leader of the escort team turned out to be the emperor's brother Wanyan Changsheng. Although Wanyan Changsheng was only seventeen years old and very young, Wanyanchang didn't dare to act rashly. Wanyan Changsheng actually held the golden wolf head order .

The golden wolf head order represents the authority of the emperor, which is obviously aimed at himself, which also shows that the military attaches great importance to this exchange, fearing that they will be a hindrance, so they pressure the emperor to bring the golden wolf head order to ensure nothing goes wrong.

The Golden Wolf Commander suppressed all thoughts of sabotage, and the exchange went surprisingly smoothly.

Guan Shigu and Xu Ning, as envoys, confirmed the late emperor and the crown prince. According to the regulations agreed by both parties, both sides released people at the same time. A carriage carrying Wanyan Nianhan and Wanyan Yinshu could go to Guancheng along the right passage. Driving away, there is a Jin Guo escort envoy on each side.

In the passage on the left, the same carriage carried the first emperor and the prince out of Guancheng, and Guan Shigu and Xu Ning followed on horseback.

This is when the curtain of the car was pulled open, revealing a thin and pale face. It was the late Emperor Zhao Huan. He was about thirty-seven or eighteen years old this year, with a haggard complexion and a hint of melancholy in his eyes.

When he was in Yanjing, Wan Yanchang talked with him for a long time, and told Zhao Huan the current situation in the world in detail. All hope is extinguished.

Zhao Huan silently looked at the mighty soldiers of the Song army on both sides, he couldn't be happy, this was not his army, but the army of Chen Qing, the warlord of the Sichuan-Shaanxi separatist regime.


As soon as Prince Zhao Chen spoke, Zhao Huan stopped him with a wave of his hand, "Change the title, call me father, don't call me father, that is the way to bring disaster."

At this time, dozens of generals came up to greet them, bowed and saluted immediately, "See the emperor! See the young master!"

Dijun and Shaojun are what Chen Qing called them, and they became the names of all the generals. Zhao Huan smiled and nodded slightly, "Thank you, generals!"

At this time, Liu Cui stepped forward to salute with fists in his hands and said, "The humble position is that the Western Army controls Liu Cui. Please go to the camp to rest first. My county king is still resettling the people in Taiyuan and will come soon."

Zhao Huan nodded cautiously, "Thank you, General Liu!"

He put down the curtain of the carriage, and under the escort of the cavalry of the Song Army, the carriage drove towards the camp.

Immediately afterwards, the Song army began to release the family members and the chief ten thousand. When the last thousand chief entered Chitang Pass, the pass city was closed suddenly, and the exchange between the two sides was completed.

Inside the carriage, Zhao Chen whispered to his father, "The father of Liu Dutong just now is Liu Ziyu, a famous general of the Western Army."

Zhao Huan was taken aback, "How do you know?"

"Xu Ning told the boy."

"Xu Ning? Is that the former guard who lacks a hand?"

"Father, he is not a bodyguard. He is the former instructor of the Imperial Army on duty in the golden gun squad. He has taught the child martial arts for more than a year. He can be regarded as half of the child's master. When the child was forced out of the city, he desperately guarded it. His hand was at that time. cut off."

Zhao Huan's heart moved. With this kind of relationship, is it possible to inquire about some news from this Xu Ning?
He whispered: "You find a chance to talk to him, I want to know something."

Chen Qing arrived at the camp at the first watch, Zhou Kuan and Liu Cui hadn't rested yet, when they heard the arrival of the county king, they rushed to the gate of the camp to greet him.

"See the county king!"

"How is it? It's going well!" Chen Qing asked the two with a smile.

Liu Cui bowed and saluted, "Everything is going well, both father and son are in good health, and they should rest now."

Chen Qing nodded, and asked Zhou Kuan again: "Is there any unexpected situation on our side?"

Zhou Kuan shook his head, "No, everyone met according to the etiquette ordered by the county king. I feel that the first emperor is a bit restrained. In addition, the crown prince talked with Xu Ning for a long time this afternoon."

Chen Qing was not surprised. After all, Zhao Huan had only been emperor for one year, and his career as an emperor was over before he had time to learn the majesty of an emperor. A performance of seeking knowledge?
"Has Xu Ning rested?"

"The humble job is here!" Xu Lin flashed out from the side.

"You and Counselor Zhou will come to my account later, I want to know about the situation."


Chen Qing said to Liu Cui again: "Strengthen the defense at night to prevent the enemy's sneak attack. Although the possibility is not high, we must not be careless."

"Follow the order!"

Chen Qing went to the big tent of the Chinese army, and after a while, Zhou Bandao came with Xu Ning.

Chen Qing asked the two to sit down, and said to Xu Ning with a smile, "Tell me about the meeting!"

Xu Ning pondered for a while and said, "The crown prince asked a few questions about the humble officer, which seemed to be prepared in advance. The first question is, are we still the imperial court's army?"

"It seems that someone has talked with the late emperor and told him many things."

"It's Wan Yanchang!"

Xu Ning said: "The crown prince told me that Wan Yanchang met his father in Yanjing. They talked for a long time, but he doesn't know the details."

Xu Ning had a good impression of the prince, and he didn't want the prince to be implicated by his father.

Chen Qing smiled and asked, "Then how did you answer the prince?"

"The humble official told the prince that we are all loyal to Song Dynasty, but we have some disagreements with the imperial court."

"The idea is different, well said!"

Chen Qing laughed loudly, "What else?"

"He is more concerned about how we will arrange their father and son, whether to keep them in Sichuan and Shaanxi, or send them to Lin'an? He is also worried about whether the county king will harm him."

"Harm him?"

Chen Qing laughed dumbly and said, "I worked so hard to get him back just to harm him?"

"He said that his father has been living in fear for the past few years. He always feels that Jin will kill him all the time. Sometimes when he sees a stranger, he feels that he is here to kill him, so he is very nervous."

Chen Qing thought to himself, if it was true, then Zhao Huan had some mental problems.

Xu Ning went back to rest, and Zhou Kuan asked again: "How does the county king plan to arrange the late emperor?"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "Actually, how to place him is not important, the key is that I must be recognized by the court, that is to say, the first emperor must go to Lin'an."

"But... going to Lin'an is too dangerous."

"I know it's dangerous, but even if it's dangerous, some things must be done, otherwise my hard work will be in vain, and such a good pawn will be defeated by me."

Zhou Kuan thought about it: "Going to Lin'an doesn't depend on whether it's early or late, the key is to build momentum so that everyone in Lin'an knows that the late emperor is back, and then build momentum when he goes. The imperial court did not dare to keep a low profile, and the rest is the question of authenticity.

What I mean is that the first emperor can be allowed to recuperate for a period of time, and then use this time to create public opinion in Lin'an, and finally go to Lin'an. "

Zhou Kuan's words deeply fit Chen Qing's thoughts. Isn't that why he runs the Beijing News?

Chen Qingdian nodded happily and said, "Just do it this way. During this period of time, I can just use it to solve the crisis in the Hexi Corridor."

(End of this chapter)

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