
Chapter 817 First Meeting

Chapter 817 First Meeting
The first meeting between Chen Qing and the late emperor Zhao Huan was very serious, and the atmosphere was a little tense. Chen Qing respectfully performed the royal ceremony, and then sat down opposite Zhao Huan.

This is Chen Qing's method of playing both soft and hard. If he is soft, he will be soft to the end. He knelt down and bowed, but he was hard but hard enough. He did not declare himself, and he sat on an equal footing.

After a long time, Zhao Huan said slowly: "Thank you, the king of the county, for welcoming my father's coffin back to the Song Dynasty, so that his soul can return to his homeland."

Yesterday afternoon, after his son talked with Xu Ning, Zhao Huan knew the true relationship between Chen Qing and the court. Wan Yanchang was right, but he also concealed things. For example, he told himself that Chen Qing sent troops to occupy Sichuan, making Sichuan his However, Wan Yanchang did not tell himself that Chen Qing was negotiating with the imperial court. Sichuan still belonged to the imperial court, and all officials were appointed by the imperial court and reported to the imperial court.

Zhao Huan then knew that Chen Qing was still a minister of the emperor in name, but in fact he had already been separated from the regime. The current etiquette fully demonstrated this. He treated himself as a courtier, but he was on an equal footing with himself.

But now Zhao Huan is no longer the new emperor who showed his sharpness back then. Ten years of torment made him more timid on the one hand, but at the same time made him more tolerant and deeper into the city.

Chen Qing sat across from him by himself, and he didn't even twitch his eyelids, as if he didn't care at all. In contrast, Chen Qing looked a little aggressive, with hideous horns on his head.

But is it so?Really not, Chen Qing was not so sharp, because this was the first time he met the late emperor, he had to show his attitude, and attitude was the most important thing at this time.

Of course, there is still a little unknown. Chen Qing vaguely guessed that Zhao Huan suffered from a mental illness, which is phobia. Being able to rely on you alone makes him willing to be controlled by you, but this has to be done slowly and subtly formed.

Zhao Huan is an extremely important pawn in Chen Qing's hands, and his dream may come true in Zhao Huan's hands.

"Dijun has a good rest for a few months and takes good care of his body. We will go to Lin'an again."

"Going to Lin'an?" Zhao Huan's pupils shrank suddenly, and fear was revealed from his eyes.

Chen Qing could see clearly, and thought to himself, it seems that he is not stupid, he knew that Zhao Gou would not tolerate him.

"The emperor should know that the court is in Lin'an!"

"I know!"

"Going to Lin'an is just to take a look, don't worry about safety, I will absolutely guarantee the safety of the emperor."

With Chen Qing's words, Zhao Huanqing breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's talk about it after a few months of rest!"

In Lin'an, a medium-sized cargo ship sailed into the West Lake. The person sitting in front of the cargo ship was Hu Yun, the steward of Jingzhao Newspaper stationed in Lin'an. After a month, he showed up again in Lin'an.

With the passage of time, the "Beijing News" matter has been gradually forgotten by people, and the county government no longer pursues the matter.

Inside the cargo ship, there were ten large boxes containing twelve thousand copies of the newly printed "Beijing News", which needed to be distributed to various places in Lin'an again.

The ship docked in front of a freight south yard, and a bullock cart was parked on the pier. A few people got off and quickly lifted ten large boxes onto the bullock cart.

These people are intelligence scouts lurking in Lin'an from the Intelligence Department of the County Prince's Mansion. There are a total of [-] of them, collecting information from various sources. Their task this time is to disperse [-] newspapers in Lin'an City.

In order to avoid being stared at, they used the simplest method to distribute [-] copies of newspapers to [-] taverns and teahouses in Lin'an, [-] copies for each family, and distributed them during the prime time of eating and drinking tea, because the imperial court did not have a ban , the shopkeepers of these taverns and teahouses are not worried, they will naturally distribute it to their guests.

At dusk, eighty people acted together. According to their lists, one person was in charge of the five families. They planned carefully and acted quickly. In just a quarter of an hour, all [-] copies were distributed.

At night, Lu Jin trotted back to the inner house with a newspaper. In the study, Lu Yihao was reading "The Monkey King Havoc in Heaven" with great interest. This was the second time he read it, and it was the second time. , he came up with a lot of interesting things. For example, Patriarch Bodhi has been paying attention to the birth of the stone monkey for a long time.

In addition, the Dragon King of the East China Sea borrowed the hand of Sun Wukong to pull out Dayu Zhenhai's magic needle, and the number of flat peaches that Monkey King ate in the Pantao Garden was completely inconsistent, and he took the blame for all the peach thieves.

It was only the second time that Lu Yihao saw these clues, and he couldn't help but write a few comments on the book.

"Father!" The eldest son Lu Jin's joyful voice came from outside the door, probably something good happened.

"Come in!"

The door opened, Lu Jin walked in quickly, holding a newspaper in his hand, Lu Yihao's eyes lit up, "Is there another "Beijing News?"

"Exactly, it came out this afternoon. The shopkeeper of Jinshan Restaurant specially sent it. Someone sent [-] copies to our restaurant and distributed it to the guests."

Jinshan Restaurant is owned by the Lu family. It opened only two years ago, and the business is quite good. Lu Yihao quickly asked, "Who sent the newspaper?"

"Treasurer Wang said that the person who came here didn't know him, so he gave the newspaper and left without asking for a penny."

Lu Yihao pondered for a while, and suddenly realized that they must be the intelligence scouts of the Western Army in Lin'an. They understand the intelligence and are responsible for distributing newspapers most conveniently.

Lu Yihao quickly took the newspaper, and he was stunned by the big words on the front page, "The Second Emperor Returns to His Homeland!" '

It is another special edition, which introduces in detail the process of negotiations with Jin Guo and the situation of the two exchanges, especially when tens of thousands of people returned to their homeland, they all cried bitterly and choked up with tears. There is a picture with a man kneeling on the ground; holding the soil with both hands, crying to the sky, and the title is, 'Dad, mother, rest in peace!The baby is finally home. '

This scene even made Lu Yihao's eyes moist.

The following is the important point. The late emperor Zhao Huan and the prince returned, and the coffin of the Supreme Emperor also returned together. The accompanying picture is a huge picture of the coffin, "The Soul of the Supreme Emperor Returns to the Homeland".

Lu Yihao sighed softly, Chen Qing was applying eye drops to the emperor!It is estimated that the emperor will not accept the move this time.

At this moment, the housekeeper said at the door: "The second master is here."

Lu Yihao quickly said to Lu Jin: "Second Uncle Ni is here, please come to my study immediately."

Lu Jin walked out quickly, and not long after, Lu Qingshan walked in.

"Brother also read the newspaper?" Lu Qingshan asked with a smile.

"Second brother should have seen it too, right?"

Lu Qingshan sat down on the chair next to him and said, "I haven't read it yet, I guess big brother has it here, but I knew the contents yesterday."

"No way! The paper didn't appear until this afternoon."

Lu Qingshan smiled slightly and said: "I'm not reading the newspaper, but Chen Qing's memorial, which arrived yesterday afternoon and was presented to the emperor this morning."

"What did God say?"

"The Son of Heaven has issued a decree this afternoon, ordering Zhao Ding to be the welcoming envoy, and I, as the deputy envoy, to rush to Jingzhao to welcome back the Supreme Emperor's coffin."

"Second brother is going to Jingzhao?"

Lu Qingshan nodded, "So I'm here tonight to look for Big Brother, and I'm leaving early tomorrow morning, what does Big Brother want me to bring over there?"

Lu Yihao hurriedly said: "I'll write a letter home right away, you sit down for a while and read the newspaper."

After a pause, Lu Yihao asked again: "What about the late emperor? Will you bring them back to Lin'an?"

Lu Qingshan shook his head, "Chen Qing said that the late emperor is too weak and needs to recuperate for a few months. This time, he will only welcome the emperor's coffin, and we will welcome the late emperor back in a few months."

(End of this chapter)

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