
Chapter 818

Chapter 818
In Baohe Square in the southern city of Lin'an, there is a mansion. This is the mansion of Zheng Tongquan, Duke of Hejian County. Zheng Tongquan is Zheng Ping's father. His official identity is the brother of Queen Mother Zheng. However, Empress Dowager Wei has converted to Buddhism and is in a semi-monastic state, so no one takes Zheng Tongquan's status as a national uncle seriously.

But Zheng Tongquan is a well-known big merchant of medicinal materials in Lin'an. The various medicinal materials provided by his family account for [-]% of the Lin'an market. In addition, there are restaurants. The Zheng family has more than a dozen restaurants in Lin'an, but this is nothing, another big business It is a maritime merchant. It is said that the Zheng family has hundreds of sea ships. They go to Nanyang every year and bring back countless spices and supplies. The huge profits can be imagined.

No one knows exactly how much money the Zheng family has, but last year the court was financially stressed and asked for help from various businessmen. Zheng Tongquan immediately pledged a million yuan. .

At night, Zheng Tongquan sat in his study and read today's "Beijing News". He was really shocked. He didn't expect Chen Qing to welcome the second emperor back, and also rescued tens of thousands of Bianliang people who had been kidnapped to Liaodong.

He also thought of his son Zheng Ping, who was appointed as the Jiedu Envoy of the Yongxing Army and commanded an army of [-] soldiers in Sichuan.

At this time, the housekeeper outside the door reported: "My lord, there is a messenger outside the house, and it is said that Saburo sent the letter."

Zheng Tongquan was slightly taken aback, he had only received a letter from his son Zheng Ping's family not long ago, why did he come to deliver the letter again?
But it was strange, Zheng Tongquan immediately ordered: "Let him in quickly, wait in the guest hall, I will come right away."

Zheng Tongquan put on a coat, and suddenly realized that it must be because of the things explained in the last letter. The king of the county asked him to suspend all seagoing ships today. Although he didn't know what it meant, Zheng Tongquan complied and called a stop Sea-going ships in Mingzhou Port and Quanzhou Port have canceled their plans to go to sea this year.

When Zheng Tongquan came to the guest room, he saw a middle-aged man sitting in the guest room, drinking tea in a leisurely manner. Zheng Tongquan was even more surprised. The messenger sent by his son was his own soldier, and he knew it. This time came a middle-aged man whom he had never seen before?

Zheng Tongquan coughed heavily and walked into the guest room. The middle-aged man quickly stood up and saluted, "See Uncle Zheng Guo!"

"you know me?"

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded, "I have been in Lin'an for two years, and I have seen Uncle Zheng Guo many times!"

"Who are you? I seem to have seen you somewhere."

Zheng Tongquan suddenly felt that the middle-aged man looked familiar.

The middle-aged man tore off the fake beard on his lips and chin, Zheng Tongquan' ah! ’ with a bang, “Master Guo, how could it be you?”

Zheng Tongquan recognized the person in front of him as the shopkeeper Guo Da of Qingfeng Tea House. Although he was not very familiar with him, he had indeed dealt with him before.

Shopkeeper Guo took out a silver medal, put it on the table, and said with a slight smile, "My actual identity is the chief of the Western Army's Intelligence Division stationed in Lin'an. This is my military badge."

It's actually a silver waist card, the status is not low!
"It turned out to be Director Guo, I'm sorry, please sit down!"

The two sat down as guests and hosts. The shopkeeper Guo took out two letters and put them on the table and pushed them to Zheng Tongquan. The first letter was from Zheng Ping. Zheng Tongquan recognized it at a glance. The king's military order is of great importance and must be obeyed.

Zheng Tongquan was taken aback. Could it be that the second letter was from Chen Qing?He quickly picked up the letter, and it turned out to be Chen Qing's personal letter. Zheng Tongquan quickly opened the letter. Chen Qing's tone in the letter was very polite. The issue of pensions for soldiers killed in battle.

Chen Qing still remembers this incident, it was not easy!
Zheng Tongquan was secretly proud. After all, he helped Chen Qing when he was in the most difficult time, so Chen Qing never forgot.

He continued to read, and sure enough, he mentioned sea ships. Chen Qing hoped that he would moor hundreds of Wanshi sea ships to the Yangtze River Wharf in Jiangling City within two months. It would be of great use, and the time would start from the day he read the letter. rise.

It turned out that he wanted to transfer his sea ship to Jiangling. Zheng Tongquan silently calculated in his heart that he should send pigeon letters to Mingzhou and Quanzhou in time.

In fact, half of the hundred ships belonged to the business firm that Chen Qing and Zheng Ping co-founded back then, and they were handed over to the Zheng family for unified management. Twenty-five of the ships belonged to Chen Qing privately.

As for the money earned in these years, [-]% belonged to Chen Qing. Zheng Tongquan put more than half of it in Chengdu Baoji Cabinet Workshop and rented a large warehouse. As for how much wealth he had, Zheng Tongquan once gave Zheng Quan an envelope. Passed it over to Chen Qing, and finally gave it to Chen Qing's wife, Lu Xiu. After reading the list of wealth in the envelope, Lu Xiu was so shocked that the teacup in her hand fell to the ground and shattered.

Of course Zheng Tongquan would not ask what to do with the sea boat, and the person in front of him probably didn't know, so he nodded and said, "Please tell the county king, I will definitely do it!"

In mid-March, the battle for the Jianghuai River broke out again. Wanyan Wushu sent [-] troops to attack Jianghuai. line.

The other route was led by Wanyan Wushu himself, leading [-] Jurchen troops, [-] Donghu troops, and [-] Xie troops to attack Gwangju.

General Yue Fei of the Song Army led [-] main forces to face Wanyan Wushu's army, while Zhang Jun was in charge of defending Shouchun Road. Zhang Jun also mobilized [-] troops to prepare for a decisive battle with the signing army on the front line of Shouchun.

This time it was Zhang Jun who took the initiative to apply to go north to the center line. He had already discovered a rule. Every time the Jin soldiers invaded south, the center line was handed over to the puppet Qi army. Don't be afraid to sign the army.

Both sides were dispatching troops and generals. The war first broke out in Xiacai County on the north bank of the Huaihe River. Li Qiong led [-] signed troops to Xiacai County and launched a fierce attack on Xiacai County, which had [-] defenders.

Spring in the Hexi Corridor comes late, and March in Guanzhong is mid-spring, but in the Hexi Corridor, it is still early spring. to the bone.

A scouting cavalry from the Song Army appeared near Liangzhou City. The scouting cavalry consisted of about [-] people. The leader of the scouting cavalry was Tang Qian. He led [-] people to Liangzhou ten days ago, and he immediately dispersed his troops. , and some were sent to Ganzhou for surveillance.

At present, the situation around Liangzhou has been figured out. The only thing Tang Qian cares about is the situation inside the city, the enemy's troops, equipment, and defense. The city is closed, but the interrogation is extremely strict, and the Han people will definitely not be able to enter the city.

Tang Qian could only send people to patrol around the city to see if he could meet a caravan going out of the city.

At noon, the soldiers were eating lunch in the woods. Several cavalry came galloping with a Qiang man, and they finally found someone who knew.

This Qiang man was a businessman brought by Tang Qian from Lanzhou. He was called Saige. He often went to Xizhou to do business and had friendship with some high-ranking Uighur officials in Xizhou, so his caravan easily entered the city.

After staying in the city for two days, I went out of the city to prepare to go north.

Tang Qian politely asked Sai Ge to sit down, and Sai Ge smiled and said, "There are about [-] defenders in the city. The massacre of the Han people you are worried about has not happened, and the other side also needs farmers who work in the fields. It's just that the taxes paid by the Han people are relatively high. As for The equipment is basically leather armor, leather helmets, spears and small square shields."

"How's military discipline?"

Tang Qian can't see the combat effectiveness, so it depends on the military discipline. Generally, the army with better military discipline has good combat effectiveness.Brother Se nodded, "Military discipline is generally not bad. Of course, it can't be compared with Song Jun. There are no incidents of murder, arson, or rape of women, but there are many incidents of forced buying and selling, and stealing chickens and dogs."

Tang Qian asked some other questions, and Brother Sai answered them one by one. At this time, Tang Qian had a preliminary grasp of the information on Liangzhou City.

(End of this chapter)

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