
Chapter 819 Decryption

Chapter 819 Decryption
Two days later, Chen Qing personally led an army of [-] to Liangzhou City. This was only the first batch of troops. Another [-] army with [-] camels loaded with food and supplies had already left Lanzhou and was rushing towards Liangzhou City. Come.

Fifty thousand Song troops set up a big camp in the south of Liangzhou City. At this time, Chen Qing was listening to Tang Qian's report in the big tent.

"Is this Brother Sai credible?" Chen Qing asked.

"Reporting to the county king, Brother Sai's son is in our army and stationed in Huangzhou. His family has lived in Lanzhou for generations, and he has no reason to threaten him in Liangzhou City. His humble position can confirm that he is trustworthy."

"Where is he now?" Chen Qing asked again.

"His caravan went to Ganzhou with his humble subordinates."

The reason why Chen Qing didn't pay much attention to the information itself, but paid more attention to the person who provided the information, was because there were doubts in it, did the enemy army seal the city?If the city is not closed, why haven't other people left the city for a few days?If the city is closed, why can this brother Sai go out of the city again?
"Reporting to the king of the county, Liangzhou is indeed currently in a state of closure. There is no special reason not to allow entry and exit from the city. This brother Sai is a high-ranking official who knows the Uighurs in Xizhou. He said his name, and the other side is lenient. The lowly position is also in Lanzhou. With this in mind, I chose Sai Ge."

Chen Qing said lightly: "Your answer is barely qualified, but it can only be qualified, but it is not enough to satisfy me. I mean, have you verified what he said? I am not saying that he is an enemy For example, he asked the shopkeeper at the inn how many soldiers there were in the city, and the shopkeeper told him there were about [-] soldiers, and he thought it was [-]. Maybe the shopkeeper of the inn was just talking nonsense. Do you understand me?"

What Chen Qing said is exactly the basic elements of a scout, verify!
"The humble officer fully understands the meaning of the king of the county. The humble officer observed the situation of the guards at the top of the city. There were very few soldiers patrolling the top of the city at night, no more than [-] soldiers. Today, the number of patrols suddenly increased to more than [-], and a few even flew out. Xinying, judging from experience, the defenders are indeed around five or six thousand people."

"anything else?"

"In addition, I sent people to check the cultivation of the farmland to make sure that it has been cultivated and sowed."

Chen Qing nodded, this verification is not bad, it indirectly confirmed that the Han people in the city were not massacred.

"Okay, let's pass!"

Tang Qian breathed a sigh of relief, his back was soaked.

"Have you sent someone to contact Da Dou to pull the valley?" Chen Qing asked again.

Tang Qian hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Reporting to the county king, I have sent someone there, and it is estimated that there will be a reply within two days."

Only then did Chen Qing slowly say to the generals in the big tent: "Military affairs are an extension of politics. Although you are generals, it doesn't mean that you don't have to think about politics. Otherwise, you can only be generals and not be able to become Commander, the reason why Guan Shigu is better than you is not that he has seniority and high prestige, but that he understands politics, so I will tell you today, what is politics?"

Liu Cui, Gao Ding, Liu Qiong, Tang Qian and several other commanders stood in the big tent. Chen Qing was not only teaching them today, but also deploying his own Hexi strategy.

"Everyone knows that Cao Changchun and I are sworn brothers, but I have never met him before, and we can't say we hit it off, and we don't have any great cause to pursue together, but we all believe that we must sworn brothers, otherwise the Hexi Corridor will not be stable. , This kind of sworn brotherhood between the chiefs of different races is actually a strengthened contract. You can't just rely on a piece of paper to agree on the division and ownership of the Hexi Corridor between the two families. He won't believe it, and I won't believe it either.

At the beginning, Cao Changchun and I made an appointment to destroy Xixia together, but he broke the appointment because the Xizhou Uighurs betrayed the agreement and suddenly occupied Shazhou by force. Is this the truth?In fact, it is not. The truth is that Cao Changchun invited the Xizhou Army to enter Shazhou. In other words, he reached an agreement with the chief of Xizhou, Bi Lego, to introduce the Xizhou Army into the Hexi Corridor. "

"Why did Cao Changchun do this?" Gao Ding asked puzzled.

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "Good question, everyone remembers that Cao Changchun brought his family to visit Jingzhao! Are you here to visit relatives? No, he has already told me clearly why he brought his son Cao An here. I hope that the brotherly contract between me and him can continue with his son. At that time, he proposed to set up a Uyghur class in Taixue, and he would send a group of noble children to study. Do you know what this means?"

"Hostage!" Liu Qiong blurted out.

Chen Qing gave a thumbs up, "That's right. After the establishment of the Anxi Protectorate in the Tang Dynasty, many small countries in the Western Regions sent their princes to study in Chang'an. This is actually a hostage, a sign of their surrender to the Tang Dynasty, so Cao Changchun offered Sending Uighur noble children to study in Jingzhao is actually testing me, so I told him clearly that his son Cao An must be included in these noble children. I just told him that I can agree to the continuation of the current agreement on his son, but The premise must be that the Yellow-headed Uighur must submit to me and send his son to Jingzhao as a hostage.

Afterwards, he never mentioned the fact that Uyghur children came to Taixue to study, but he gave my son a land deed of Jiuquan City, saying it was a gift for my son. Everyone, he is the great chief of Uyghur. Everything has a deep meaning. Giving the land to my son is actually the same intention. Let me continue to recognize that the Hexi division contract will continue to be valid in future generations.

In order to achieve this intention, he even asked his son to send a precious gemstone to my daughter.

But the next day, he left in a hurry. The reason was that Li Yanwu, the governor of Shazhou in Xixia, attacked Jiuquan. In Zhouzhou, Cao Changchun refused Lugui's army to go north to help, saying that the Xixia army had been repulsed. Later I found out that there was no such thing at all, because I explicitly asked his son Cao An to come to Jingzhao to study, which made his plan fail. He was afraid that I would detain him in Jingzhao, so he found an excuse to escape from Jingzhao. "

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. That time when Cao Changchun came to Jingzhao, there were so many behind-the-scenes incidents that they knew nothing about.

Chen Qing smiled slightly, and continued: "Everyone, this is politics. We attacked Xixia, and seeing that Xixia was about to be destroyed, Cao Changchun was afraid, afraid that my next goal would be to recover the Hexi Corridor.

So he sent envoys to Xizhou to negotiate, asking the Uighur brothers to unite to keep the Hexi Corridor. I believe that the consensus they reached included driving us out of Liangzhou and completely tearing up the Hexi division agreement I reached with Cao Changchun. It was just Cao Changchun's dream Unexpectedly, his brother Cao Yuan actually betrayed him, that's why Cao Changchun's generals surrendered to Xizhou Uighurs one after another. These generals were actually his brother Cao Yuan's people.

Cao Changchun didn't realize this until he was dying, and then asked his son Cao An to come to Jingzhao as a hostage, begging me to send troops to save the Yellow-headed Uighurs, and he agreed that the Yellow-headed Uighurs would submit to us. "

Speaking of this, Chen Qing took out a letter and said to everyone: "This is the letter I found on Cao An's body. It was the last personal letter Cao Changchun wrote to me. Only then did I understand the cause and effect. Everyone, this is politics. Politics is all about politics. Such a compromise, but it is a pity that Cao Changchun's compromise came too late, his son died, and the yellow-headed Uighur also destroyed the country."

"I ask the king of the county for instructions, what is our westward strategy this time?" Liu Cui asked.

Chen Qing glanced at everyone, and said slowly: "I have always had a dream to restore the prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties in my hands. Today is just the first step we have taken, but we must take a solid step in this step.

This time we want to occupy the Hexi Corridor, we must completely subdue the Xizhou Uighurs, let it become our vassal state, become our western barrier, and prevent the West Liao army from attacking our Lingxia Road, but one day, our iron cavalry will be restored. Embark on the journey of the Western Regions, let the Han and Tang Dynasties Protectorate of the Western Regions be re-established in the hands of our generation. "

[I have something to do at home today, I would like to ask the book friends for a chapter off, but there is no chapter at noon. 】

(End of this chapter)

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