
Chapter 820

Chapter 820
In the night, Chen Qing rode on a horse and stood on a high place, watching Liangzhou City several miles away. Since Liangzhou City was captured by Xixia, it has not been overhauled for nearly a hundred years. It was just replaced, and the moat was excavated together the year before last, but the city gate is not important. What Chen Qing cares about is the city wall. They have just successfully developed the Iron Fire Thunder, which happens to be a test knife in Liangzhou City.

"Gao Dutong!" Chen Qing turned around and ordered.

Gao Ding stepped out, "The end is here!"

"Immediately lead [-] cavalry in an ambush ten miles to the north. When the enemy retreats here, they will all be wiped out. Those who surrender will not die!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Gao Ding took the arrow and urged the horse to run down the hill.

Chen Qing said to Liu Qiong again: "You will be in charge of trying to blow up the city with iron fire and thunder. I will give you [-] troops and [-] firearms soldiers. At the third watch, attack the east and leave the west, and let the enemy escape from the west city."

"Humble job understands!"

The Xizhou Army on the top of the city was extremely nervous. Two thousand soldiers were deployed on the east and west of the city. The general of the Xizhou Army was called Pu Gumi. , unable to sleep at night, simply came to the top of the city to watch the movement of Song Jun.

At this time, it was the third watch, and the Song army was very quiet without any movement. He estimated that the Song army would not attack the city tonight. The Song army just arrived today, so it should be enough energy tonight to start attacking the city tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Pu Gu secretly ordered: "Leave [-] soldiers on each side of the east and west walls to defend the city, and everyone else should go back to the barracks to rest!"

When the military order was issued, the defenders at the top of the city withdrew one after another, and Pu Gumi felt a little sleepy, so he turned and went down the city.

Just after Pu Gumi left the city, more than a dozen black shadows appeared in Nancheng, carrying boxes, hugging long wooden planks, bent down and quickly approached the city wall.

There are also defenders at the head of Nancheng, but the number is very small, only fifty people. The main reason is that the ground outside Nancheng is uneven and full of rocks, which is not suitable for large-scale battles.

But the uneven ground gave a lot of convenience to a dozen soldiers. Using the terrain as a cover, they kept moving closer to the city wall, and soon came to the moat.

The moat was not wide, only three feet long, and it was paved with long planks to form a convenient small bridge. More than a dozen people rushed across the moat, leaned against the city wall, and moved eastward along the city wall.

This time the Song Army tested two iron fire mines, a hedgehog with five catties of medicine, and a wild dog with thirty catties of medicine, to test the explosive power in actual combat.

A dozen people were quickly divided into two groups, one group was on the south side of the city gate, and the other group was on the north side of the city gate. They began to look for a place to place Tie Huo Lei. The most standard place is to place it inside the city wall, of course it also depends on the city wall itself In some cases, some city walls are built so tightly that a knife cannot be inserted into the gap, so there is no chance.

But the city of Liangzhou is dilapidated, and there are many opportunities. The city wall is full of cracks. Everyone worked together and pried off a few city bricks without any effort, revealing a large black hole filled with sand. stuffed into their respective holes.

At this moment, a rapid alarm bell sounded from above their heads, which startled everyone. When they turned their heads, they saw countless soldiers appearing in the dark in the distance. Liu Qiong only gave them a quarter of an hour, and now the quarter of an hour is up.


The two groups lit the matchlocks at the same time, and ran north-south at the same time.
Pu Gumi had just arrived at the gate of the barracks at this time, and suddenly there was a rapid siren sound from the head of Dongcheng, "Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Pu Gumi was terrified that the Song army had attacked at this time, and he shouted sharply: "Order the whole army to go to the city to fight!"

The alarm bells in the barracks also sounded, and thousands of Xizhou troops stood up one after another.

Just before Pu Gumi arrived in the east city, he heard two dull bangs, "Boom! Boom!"

Immediately afterwards, the ground shook, as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking. The soldiers around him squatted down in fright, and the horses were startled like "Xi Liu! 'Called violently, raising its front hooves high.

Pu Gumi fell off his horse, and felt the world spinning, a strong smell of earth came to his face, and bricks, stones and mud fell from the sky.

After a while, he sat up, the ground was covered with mud and sand, and so was his body, his ears were buzzing, and he couldn't hear anything.

"Master Wan, look!" The soldier pointed at the city wall.

Pu Gumi was startled, only to see a large gap in the shape of a 'V' in the city wall, and the mud, sand and bricks all over the ground were thrown out from this gap.

At this time, a soldier pointed to the other side of the city wall and trembled, "Master Wan, the city wall over there... the city wall has collapsed!"

When Pu Gumi turned his head, he was stunned and saw that a full mile of the city wall to the north of the east city wall had disappeared. He suspected that he had misread it, so he shook his head and looked again. Yes, it had collapsed, just like the one here. , but the north side is much more serious.


The horns on the city wall blew, and the earth-shattering war drums rumbled. Some soldiers rushed down the city and shouted: "Master Wan, the main force of the Song army has come."

Pu Gumi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly shouted: "Order the whole army to retreat to the west city, retreat immediately!"

He didn't care about spraining his foot when he fell, so he stood up vigorously, got on his horse, and led hundreds of cavalry towards the west city gate.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The bell of Pu Gumi's order to retreat spread throughout the city, and teams of cavalry from the Xizhou Army rushed towards the direction of Xicheng.

On the high ground in the distance, Chen Qing looked at the progress of the battle. The explosion effect of the five-jin iron fire made Chen Qing shake his head. The Liangzhou City in front of him was not a solid city wall, but a dilapidated city wall that had not been repaired for a century. The siege, such a city wall only blasts a gap, so it will hardly be effective when encountering a strong city wall.

The five-jin iron fire mine was vetoed by Chen Qing, and it could not be used for bombing cities, but could be used for water warfare.

However, a thirty-pound mad dog is not bad, causing chain collapse and blowing down a mile-long city wall. If it is a solid city wall, it can at least open a gap several feet wide.

The mad dog is similar to the explosion effect of the box-type rhino before, except that the former is [-] catties, and the latter is [-] catties. The biggest advantage is that the cost is reduced. This is especially important, which means that it can be widely equipped in the army. .

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The drums sounded like thunder, and Chen Qing watched silently as Liu Qiong led the tide-like army across the moat and entered Liangzhou City.
At this time, thousands of Xizhou army cavalry who fled were also ambushed by [-] Song army cavalry. The sound of killing is loud, and the master and servant Gu Mi has rich experience. He knows that the Song army is encircling. There is a gap.

In the darkness, at the last moment when the Song army was closing in, Pugumi led a dozen of his men to rush out of the gap, and fled in a panic to a forest several miles away.

The Xizhou army in the encirclement had no chance to escape. Some soldiers were mercilessly killed by the Song army in their desperate efforts, and some soldiers chose to surrender in desperation. After half a time, thousands of Xizhou troops disappeared. [-] people were captured, and the rest died in the siege of the Song army.

As the sky gradually dawned, [-] troops entered Liangzhou City. Tens of thousands of Han people who were oppressed and exploited in the city found out that it was the Song Army who had entered the city.

Dozens of old men knelt down in front of Chen Qing, presented the pot containing Liangzhou clay to Chen Qing, and said tearfully, "Your Majesty, take it! Don't lose it again."

Chen Qing took the earthen jar, held it up high, and said loudly: "I assure all my fathers and villagers that as long as I, Chen Qing, are still there, Liangzhou City will always belong to our Han land and will never be lost again!"

(End of this chapter)

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