
Chapter 821 Zhao Ding

Chapter 821 Zhao Ding
Three days later, Yang Zaixing led an army of more than [-] people to Liangzhou, along with [-] camels led by Zhao Xiaoyi, loaded with food and supplies.

At this time, Wang Lun, the former general of Liangzhou, also came from Dadou Bagu to plead guilty to Chen Qing.

Inside the big tent, Wang Lun knelt down on one knee and cupped his fists and said, "Dereliction of duty, lost Liangzhou City, please punish the county king!"

The loss of Liangzhou City can’t be blamed on Wang Lun. The Yellow-headed Uighurs were destroyed without warning, and the situation in the Hexi Corridor fell into chaos. The city escaped from the blizzard and deceived the city gate. The guard Zhang Qu was killed in battle, Lingzhou fell, and more than [-] Song soldiers were killed in battle. The remaining more than [-] soldiers withdrew to Dadouba Valley.

Chen Qing supported Wang Lun and said: "I am very clear about the cause and effect. It is not easy for you to seize the big fight in time in the chaos, and it is not Zhang Qu's responsibility. He was benevolent and generous, and he died in battle, which is worthy of our memory."

"Ashamed of my humble position!"

Chen Qing patted his arm and asked with concern: "I heard that your concubine and son were captured in the city, are they all right?"

Wang Lun married a concubine in the city and gave birth to a son for him. Before he could retreat, he fell into the city. After taking Liangzhou City, Chen Qingrang looked for it, but he couldn't find it.

Wang Lun was moved, and quickly said: "Thank you for your concern, the king of the county. When the city fell, their mother and son disguised themselves as civilians and hid in ordinary houses in the city. Later, I sent people to find them and find a chance to take their mother and son to Dadouba Valley. They're safe and sound."

"As long as it's safe and sound, let Song Xinping continue guarding Dadou Bagu. You can go back to Liangzhou! How about rebuilding the city wall of Liangzhou? Can it be completed?"

Wang Lun thought for a while and said, "Liangzhou is mainly due to the lack of manpower. It is really not easy to build the city, but I can build it well, but it only takes time. I implore the county king to give me a year."

Chen Qing nodded with a smile, "I don't limit your time. The day the new city is completed is the time when you will be promoted to the capital."

"Thank you for your kindness!"

Chen Qing appeased Wang Lun's men, and then handed Wang Lun [-] troops to continue to sit in Liangzhou. Chen Qing personally led a [-] army to kill Ganzhou.

Appointed by Emperor Zhao Gou, Prime Minister Zhao Ding and Deputy Prime Minister Lu Qingshan, who came to welcome the coffin of the Supreme Emperor, finally arrived in Jingzhao.

Jiang Yanxian and Guan Shigu came to welcome them outside the city, and when everyone greeted them, Zhao Ding asked with a smile, "I don't know if your county king is here?"

Jiang Yanxian handed him a newspaper and said with a smile: "This is today's "Beijing News", and Mr. Wang will know it at a glance!"

Zhao Ding took the newspaper, only to see the headline on the front page read, "Jun Wang broke Liangzhou city at night, Hexi won the first battle." '

Zhao Ding was startled, "The king of the county has gone on an expedition to Hexi?"

Guan Shigu nodded and said with a smile: "My county king wants to restore the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties, this time he wants to recover the Hexi Corridor."

Zhao Ding sighed and said, "It's a blessing for the Son of Heaven to have such a pillar of the Song Dynasty!"

Jiang Yanxian said with a smile: "It is the duty of the courtiers to open up the frontier and open up the land. Please enter the city, Mr. Zhao, and please enter the city, Mr. Lu!"

When everyone entered Jingzhao City, there was a bustling and noisy atmosphere, the streets were full of people, and the goods in various shops were laid out, which was a prosperous scene.

Zhao Ding suddenly found that a long section of the city wall was gone. He asked in confusion, "Mr. Jiang, is the city wall being rebuilt?"

Jiang Yanxian smiled and said: "Mr. Zhao doesn't know that the population of Jingzhao has skyrocketed. When we captured Jingzhao, it was less than [-] people, but now it has soared to [-]. Doubled, the city looks crowded. We decided to expand the city five miles outward."

Zhao Ding asked in surprise, "Why is the population increasing so rapidly?"

"When the Jin soldiers invaded, a large number of Jingzhao people fled to Bashu, and then began to return one after another. This is a part, and then migrated from various places. For example, [-] Jianghuai people, we resettled half of them in Jingzhao Mansion, distributed in Jingzhao City And other counties, as well as scattered people who migrated from various places one after another, although they are scattered, they add up to more than [-], and the so-called gathering sand to form a tower is what it means."

"There's also the tax factor!"

Guan Shigu next to him said with a smile: "For the purpose of recuperating and recuperating, the king of the county promised that the Guanzhong area will be tax-free for ten years, land tax and commercial tax will be exempted, and it will not harm or disturb the people, so it has attracted a large number of people and businessmen."

After hearing this, Zhao Ding was quite moved. His political philosophy is to govern by doing nothing and recuperate. Unfortunately, it is difficult to implement in the court.

He asked puzzledly: "If there is a ten-year tax exemption, where will the military salary and military funds come from?"

Lu Qingshan next to him said lightly: "Guanzhong is exempt from tax, but Bashu is not exempt from tax."

Jiang Yan shook his head first, "Bashu taxes alone are not enough. Bashu taxes are only part of it. There are also salt tax, wine tax, and business. We have established an official firm to transport and sell bulk goods, as well as profit from spoils of war."

Mentioning the gains from the loot, Zhao Ding lifted his spirits and asked quickly: "You should have obtained countless wealth by conquering Xixia!
Jiang Yanxian smiled wryly and said: "Many people think this way. In fact, Xixia has been fighting civil wars. The country has long been impoverished and the people are poor. The population has dropped sharply. The wealth of the Xixia nobles is quite a lot, but they have all moved to Jin Kingdom in advance. When we took Xixia, there were only copper, iron, sheepskin, medicinal materials, food, etc. in the treasury, and there were no other valuable materials. We spent more than [-] million guan to fight Xixia, and the final income was just the same, and a little loss. The main reason is that pensions are overspending, of course, we have wiped out the big trouble in the north, and safety is guaranteed, and this is the most important thing.”

Zhao Ding frowned, "How did Xixia become so sleepy, it's unexpected!"

"Because of the civil war, Xixia's military strength and wealth have been exhausted. Otherwise, how could we destroy Xixia, didn't Mr. Zhao say?"

Zhao Ding shook his head and nodded, he felt strange, Xixia and Song Dynasty had confronted each other for a hundred years, they were definitely not weak, Chen Qing was just a local warlord, how could he destroy Xixia, it seems that civil war is the root of Xixia's demise.

Lu Qingshan smiled and said nothing, but he saw Lu Wei's family letter at his eldest brother's house. Chen Qing had gained a lot in Xixia, and it was by no means as pitiful as Jiang Yanxian said. The subsequent battle for Hedong was all based on the destruction of Xixia The wealth obtained is supported.

"The county king is not in Jingzhao, how do government affairs make decisions?" Zhao Ding asked curiously again.

"We have an internal affairs hall. Generally, the county king does not ask about government affairs. The power is delegated to the internal affairs hall. If it is a major government affairs, it needs to be reviewed by the prince. Because the prince is young, the princess will act as the prince. That is to say, it must be approved by the princess. .”

"How to distinguish general government affairs from major government affairs?"

"There is a secretary office under the king of the county, and the secretary office decides whether it is general government affairs or major government affairs."

Zhao Ding nodded secretly, it is really strict, but what is the difference between this and the imperial court?
Zhao Ding and Lu Qingshan lived in the VIP Court. In the afternoon, Zhao Ding and Lu Qingshan went to Tianlong Temple to pay homage to the coffin of the Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji, and then met the late emperor Zhao Huan who was recuperating in Tianlong Temple.

Both Zhao Ding and Lu Qingshan were Zhao Huan's former ministers. When they saw the first emperor, they became emotional and their voices choked up.

"Your Majesty Zhao Ding and Lu Qingshan pay their respects to your majesty.
Zhao Huan couldn't help crying, he said with tears in his eyes, "You two lovers, I haven't seen each other for many years, you are both in good health!"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, we are all in good health, and I hope Your Majesty will take good care of the dragon's body."

After Zhao Huan came back to recuperate for a period of time, his health did improve a lot, the sickness on his face disappeared, and he returned to his original thin appearance.

Zhao Huan waved his hand, "The country has no two monarchs, so don't call me Your Majesty anymore."

"If you don't call him His Majesty, what else should you call him?"

"You can call me Dijun like Chen Qing, so that everyone will not be embarrassed."

Zhao Ding and Lu Qingshan looked at each other and agreed together, "Follow the emperor's order."

Zhao Ding said again: "This time we are here to welcome the Supreme Emperor's coffin to Lin'an for burial, please go back with us!"

"Yes! Let's go back together!" Beside Lu Qingshan also persuaded.

Zhao Huan's heart is like a bright mirror, without Chen Qing's protection, he will only die if he goes to Lin'an.

He had figured it out during this time, Chen Qing just wanted to use him, but his brother Zhao Gou wanted to pour himself a glass of poisoned wine with his own hands.

"Thank you for your kindness. I am very weak and haven't recovered yet. I can't travel long distances and need to rest for a while."

This is of course an excuse, Zhao Ding and Lu Qingshan also knew that without Chen Qing's consent, the late emperor would not be able to go anywhere.

After exchanging greetings for a while, the two got up and said goodbye.

Walking out of the compound, Zhao Ding lightly touched Lu Qingshan, and pouted to the left, only then did Lu Qingshan discover a dark shadow hidden on the tree on the left.

Not only are there guards on the bright side, there are also sentries hidden in the dark, and the 'guards' are very tight.

Coming out of Tianlong Temple, Zhao Ding smiled and said, "Go for a drink together?"

"Tomorrow! Today I'm going to see my eldest brother's great-grandson. It's all agreed."

Brother Lu Qingshan's great-grandson is Chen Qing's son, Zhao Ding is naturally inconvenient to go with him, so he said with a smile: "Then I'll take a rest when I go back, if Qingshan comes back early, let's go have a drink."

(End of this chapter)

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