
Chapter 822

Chapter 822
Zhao Ding returned to the VIP Garden, and the leader of the guards, Xie Qian, stepped forward and said, "Just now the county prince's mansion sent someone to send a sword, which is a gift that Chen Qinglin ordered to give to the gentleman before he left."

Xie Qian had been Zhao Dingwu's staff at the earliest, and later followed Li Gang to fight against the gold in Jingbei, and was appointed as the commander. Later, he was recommended by Zhao Ding and returned to Lin'an as the commander of the palace, becoming one of the leaders of the imperial army.

This time he led another thousand people to follow Zhao Ding to Jingzhao to welcome the late emperor's coffin. He was Zhao Ding's confidant.

Zhao Ding thought about it, he remembered that he had indeed asked Chen Qing to find a good sword for him.

"On the back table!"

Zhao Ding came to the back hall quickly, and there was indeed a sword on the table, and a string of Buddhist beads beside it, which were made of Kunlun white jade. Zhao Ding's old mother believed in Buddhism, so needless to say, the Buddhist beads were for his old mother.

Zhao Ding accepted the white jade beads, and he picked up the sword again. The sword was neither long nor short, and when he drew it out, it was shining coldly. He saw a note next to him, picked it up, and it said: "The name of the sword is Qingyue. It was seized in Nianhan's mansion and given to the public to boost the prestige of the Song Dynasty. '

It turns out that this is Qingyue, one of the famous swords in the Taishanghuang's collection. It is said that she was taken away by the Jinren, but she came back unexpectedly.

Zhao Ding liked this sword very much, he asked again: "Just give it to me?"

"Lu Xianggong also has one, and they say it was for the former Lu Xianggong."

It was for Lu Yihao. Since Chen Qing had the heart, Zhao Ding readily accepted it, and just went back and reported it to the emperor.

In the noble guest hall in Chen Qing's mansion, Lu Qingshan saw his niece and granddaughter Lu Xiu, and of course saw Lu Xiu's son and daughter.

"Goose! Goose! Goose! The neck sings to the sky, the white hair floats in the green water, and the anthurium touches the clear waves."

"It's noon on the day of hoeing the weeds, and sweat drips down the soil. Who knows that the Chinese food on the plate is hard work."

"Brother made a mistake!"

Three-year-old Chen Ji had a clear voice and recited a few poems in front of Lu Qingshan.

The chubby Chen Xue'er yelled mischievously beside her, "Brother made a mistake!"

It made Lu Qingshan laugh out loud, he likes both children.

"Grandfather gave you a gift!"

Lu Qingshan took out two small cloth bags from his bosom, and handed them to the two children, "It's a gadget I collected myself, it's not worth much, it's just a thought."

"It's a red stone!"

Xueer's hands were quick, she had already touched the gift and took it out of the pouch.

Lu Xiu recognized at a glance that it was the Dahongpao on the frozen ground, red as chicken blood, and the best of Shoushan Stone. She was touched and said: "Uncle, I have troubled you!"

Lu Qingshan waved his hand, "You know I like to collect Shoushan stones. I collected them as an official in Fuzhou. The quality is not bad. I hope Xueer likes them."

Xueer smiled brightly, "Thank you grandpa, Xueer likes it so much!"

She does, she likes shiny gemstones, brightly colored stones.

"Ji'er, why don't you take it out and have a look?" Lu Qingshan saw that Chen Ji had accepted the cloth bag, but did not take it out.

"Thank you grandpa for the gift, Ji'er will appreciate it later."

He was only three years old, yet he spoke in an old-fashioned way, which made Lu Qingshan amused and surprised. Is this child so restrained?

Lu Xiu explained with a smile: "This is the rule his father made for him. Don't open the gift in front of the guests. He will remember it after saying it twice."

"I'll open it up and show it to my brother."

Curious, Xueer snatched the cloth bag from her brother, and took out a fist-sized stone from it, but the three-colored stone was as black as ink, white as fat, and red as blood, with clear boundaries.

"Brother, yours is three colors! It's bigger than mine."

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "This is Liu Guanzhang! There is also one in my grandfather's study, no, it seems to be this one."

Lu Qingshan laughed, "This is what your grandfather gave to Ji'er, his most beloved thing. The big red robe for Xue'er is my collection, it's a gift from us two old fellows to the younger generation."

Lu Xiu knew that her daughter could not hold the stone steadily, so she took the stone from her hand. She dropped her Khotan jade many times. Fortunately, it is a wooden floor, which is not easy to break, but the floor in the living room is The bluestone slab cannot be held by her.

"Mother, hold it for you, hurry up and do a duck dance for grandpa."

The chubby Xueer danced the duckling dance, it was really cute, Lv Qingshan applauded loudly, the hall was full of laughter, after a while, Li Mei also came with two sons, these are the sons of Lu Wei , authentic Lu family children.

The lobby became even more lively.

Dadouba Valley is located at the junction of Ganzhou and Liangzhou. When the army was stationed, Chen Qing came to Dadouba Valley for inspection.

Song Xinping knelt down on one knee with thousands of soldiers, and said in unison: "See the county king!"

Chen Qing is very familiar with Song Xinping. Back then, he followed him to fight against the Jin soldiers at Jiandao Pass. He was just an illiterate soldier, but he studied hard by himself and married a woman from a scholarly family in his hometown. Now he not only Being able to read and write, and also taught himself the art of war, he gradually became able to be independent, which Chen Qing admired quite a lot.

He is the opposite of Zhao Xiaoyi. Zhao Xiaoyi doesn't think about making progress, and he only knows a few hundred words.

"General Song, please rise, brothers, please rise!"

Chen Qing said loudly to thousands of soldiers: "You have worked hard to guard the border, fought bravely against the enemy, saved Hehuang, and safeguarded the safety of our rear area. You are all meritorious soldiers. In the future, I will erect a monument with all of your names engraved on it. , your children and grandchildren will be proud of having ancestors like you."

"Long live!"

I don't know who shouted, thousands of soldiers raised their arms and shouted together, "Long live! Long live the county king!"

Song Xinping turned pale with fright, he had never taught them.

Chen Qing inspected Guancheng. He was particularly interested in the reverse warning method invented by Song Xinping, so he personally showed it to others.

"Humble job considers that if a beacon fire is lit on Qitian Ridge to call the police, when we see it, the enemy will also find it, and the humble job will not be able to carry out a counter-sneak attack. In the end, let the sentinel set fire in a place where the enemy can't see, although we can't see it either. , but we can give feedback through the middle sentry tower, and it turns out that this method is very effective for our anti-sneak attack.”

At this time, Chen Qing saw the rear sentry tower raising fire, but he couldn't see the alarm above his head, and the rear sentry tower was like a mirror, accurately feeding back the alarm from the top of the mountain.

Chen Qing nodded again and again, this kind of third-party reference method is very good, and it is worth promoting!

Chen Qing only stayed in Dadouba Valley for half a day, and then continued to lead his army northward. It was still fifty miles away from Zhangye City. At this time, it was getting late, and Chen Qing ordered the big camp to rest. Sego hurried over.

Big tent, Sai Ge introduced the information about Zhangye City to everyone, "My brother opened a wine shop in Zhangye City, and he gave me a lot of important information. I know that there are about [-] troops in Zhangye City."

Chen Qing was taken aback, "Why are there so many troops?"

"The Xizhou Army has about [-] troops, and another [-] troops are descendants of the Yellow-headed Uighurs, so there are as many as [-] troops, basically all of them are cavalry."

Chen Qing thought for a while and asked, "How many Uighur troops are there in the entire Xizhou?"

Tang Qian bowed and said, "I heard that there are less than [-] people in humble positions."

Chen Qing believes that the total number of Uighurs in Xizhou is not large after all, and it is difficult to break through the level of [-] people. They have to deal with Heihan, Xiliao, and now they have to deal with Song Army. How can their strength be enough? use?They had already wiped out [-] people in Dadouba Valley and Liangzhou City before. If they can wipe out another [-] people, the Xizhou Uighurs will have no soldiers.

At this time, Yang Zaixing said: "Jun Wang, I believe that the Xizhou Army is likely to fight us on the grassland."


"Because of the iron shell, fire and thunder, Zhangye's city walls are not much better than Liangzhou City. They can't defend the city. If this is the case, why don't they fight us on the grassland, but their strength is similar."

Chen Qing nodded, it was really possible that the [-] army could not defend the city, and if they didn't know each other well, they might have a decisive battle with the Song army.

(End of this chapter)

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