
Chapter 823

Chapter 823
The chief general of the Zhangye garrison is called Bi Gui'an, the younger brother of the Xizhou Uyghur King Bi Lege, and the number two figure in the Xizhou Uyghur, the marshal in charge of the army.

Bi Gui'an sent [-] troops to sneak attack Dadou Bagu, but failed, and almost the entire army was wiped out. Even two days ago, Liangzhou Lord General Pu Gumi fled back, and the [-] troops were wiped out again.

In just one or two months, he suffered two disastrous defeats, which really made him a little frightened. The Song Army, who was fighting hard, could use fire, but the key is Liangzhou City. Bi Guian couldn't believe his ears, was Pu Gumi lying to him?

Bi Gui'an was really agitated, and immediately sent someone to find Cao Yuan for questioning.

Cao Yuan was the younger brother of Cao Changchun, and it was because of his betrayal that the Yellow-headed Uyghurs perished. Although Bi Lege promised to make him the chief of the Yellow-headed Uyghurs, judging from Bi Gui'an's actions, they were going to make him the chief of the Yellow-headed Uyghurs. All the yellow-headed Uighurs were annexed, which made Cao Yuan startled and angry, but he had no choice but to drink away his worries. He spent the whole winter in a state of drunkenness.

The reason why Cao Yuan betrayed his elder brother was that Cao Changchun wanted to implement the Han system, that is, the succession of the father to the son, breaking the tradition of Uighur brothers succeeding to the younger brother.

This made Cao Yuan, who considered himself the successor of the Yellow-headed Uyghur, extremely dissatisfied, but his city was relatively deep, and Cao Changchun had never been able to see it, so when Cao Changchun sent him to Gaochang to negotiate an alliance with the Uyghur King Bi Lege, He himself had secretly reached an agreement with Bielco.

In the past two days, Cao Yuan has also heard the news of the Song Army's westward expedition. He dare not drink anymore. He has a glimmer of hope for the Song Army, but he is also afraid of the Song Army's arrival. The yellow-headed falcon, but he was also afraid that Chen Qing would pursue his responsibility, which really made him worry about gains and losses.

Cao Yuan went to the big tent, and bowed respectfully at the door of the tent, "Your Highness Bi Gui'an, are you looking for me?"

"I have something to ask, please come in and talk!"

The two sat down on the carpet, and Bi Guian asked with a smile: "You have dealt with Chen Qing for a long time, you should know his army well!"

Cao Yuan leaned forward and said, "My elder brother and Chen Qing are sworn brothers. He knows Chen Qing's army quite well. I just heard some things from my elder brother."

"Are they good at using fire?"

"That's right! They are very good at using fire whether they are attacking or defending the city. I heard from my brother that the Jurchen and Xixia people were defeated several times, but they were defeated by their fire attack. They used a kind of kerosene to ignite the fire." It just burns, very fast."

Bi Gui'an nodded, no wonder Da Dou Ba Gu would fail miserably, without any preparation, of course he would lose.

"I heard from Pu Gumi that someone in the Song army could use black magic, and the city wall would completely collapse with a single lightning strike. Is that true?"

Cao Yuan sneered and said, "Witchcraft, does Your Highness believe it?"

"Frankly, I don't quite believe it, but I don't understand how the walls could come down?"

"It should be firearms. You should have seen all the firearms of Song Jun!"

The Xizhou Uighurs had a close relationship with the Northern Song Dynasty, and they often sent envoys to Bianliang, Tokyo to pay tribute, and the envoys also brought back some novelties from the Song Dynasty, including firearms.

"I know firearms, but firearms won't blow down the city walls!"

"That's because you don't understand Chen Qing's army. My brother said that Chen Qing's army has so much kerosene and gunpowder that no city can defend it."

Bi Guian's face suddenly became ugly, if he couldn't hold Zhangye, would he abandon the city and retreat north?Or... a fight to the death with the Song army on the grassland?

In the morning of the next day, Chen Qing's army continued to march westward, but they did not go far, probably only about ten miles away. When the scouts came to report, they found the main force of the enemy army twenty miles away, with [-] to [-] horses.

Chen Qing smiled and said to Yang Zaixing: "It seems that your judgment is correct!"

Yang Zaixing was refreshed for a while, and asked, "Excuse me, the king of the county, how should we fight this battle?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "Use the tactics used in Xixia against the Jurchen army, form a large formation of five infantry, commanded by me personally, with Li Muqing as my lieutenant general, [-] cavalry as peripheral support, supported by Yang Dutong and Gao Dutong. Liu Dutong will lead one each, and we also need a surprise soldier, little Liu Dutong!"

"The humble job is here!" Liu Qiong stepped forward to salute.

"You lead [-] cavalry around the enemy's back, and when the battle is stalemate, raid the enemy's back."

"Follow the order!" Liu Qiong took the order and left.

"Where is the Tang rule?"

"I'm humbled to obey orders!" Tang Qian stepped forward.

Chen Qing drew another command arrow, "You lead the [-] scouts from the headquarters, and use three mad dog iron fire mines to blow up Zhangye City. I don't think there are any defenders in the city. You go into the city and occupy Zhangye City!"

"Follow the order!" Tang Qian took the military order and left.

Only then did Chen Qing coldly say to the generals: "We once defeated the world-famous Jurchen iron cavalry. Although we don't know the Xizhou Army, we will definitely defeat them completely."

All the troops raised their arms and shouted, "Kill—"

The shouts went straight into the sky.

Although the [-] troops of the Song Army came on horseback, they were of different types. First, there were [-] cavalry and [-] infantry, and then there were scout troops, heavy armored cavalry, and chariot troops among the cavalry, but this time [-] heavy armored cavalry Not brought, on the one hand, the training is not enough, and secondly, it is mainly used against infantry, and it is useless on the grassland.

The chariot army is the chariot army, mobile firing positions, gunpowder barrels, fierce oil fire cabinets, bed crossbows, etc. They are generally deployed in large infantry formations.

There are many types of infantry, such as the spear army, short spear army, crossbowmen, heavy shield army, firearms army, flying dragon army, and heavy armored infantry. Among them, the flying dragon army is the most lethal, with a total of [-] soldiers. There are a thousand people in each big formation, throwing fine steel short spears, once they are targeted by them, they will definitely not survive.

The [-] heavy armored infantry is the latest type of arms, converted from Wanyan Nianhan's black armor, and it is also [-] soldiers. Each soldier is more than [-] meters tall, wearing heavy armor, and holding a foot in hand. A one-foot-long three-pointed and two-edged knife that can chop and stab.

Ten miles away from the Xizhou Army, the Song Army set up a large formation, which seemed to be densely arranged like a city wall, but was actually five large infantry formations. Once a battle broke out, the formation would change at any time.

The Han army has very high requirements for formation. Practice formation is the most important thing for every Han army. The formation is ever-changing. Five large formations form a super large formation. Once the cavalry enters the formation, they will be interspersed and cut by Song soldiers. Break into small pieces and be eaten one by one.

At this time, the battle drums in the Song army's large formation sounded, slow and dull, "Boom—boom—boom—"

A black line appeared in the distance, [-] enemy cavalry appeared, and the low-pitched shofar sounded on the grassland, "Woo——"

Bi Guian was secretly delighted, the opponent actually had infantry as the majority, so that the initiative of the war was in his hands, he would fight if he could beat it, and leave if he couldn't beat it, what could I do?
Bi Guian didn't find it strange at all. The Song army he knew was like this, with infantry as the main force and a small amount of cavalry as a supplement.

The two armies were getting closer and closer, and finally stopped at a distance of three miles. The westerly wind was hunting on the grassland, and the battle flags were fluttering. It means that the county king Chen Qing is in the army.

Guian understood this truth, he squinted his eyes, and shouted sharply: "The two wings are ready to attack!"

The horns sounded continuously, and the cavalry on both wings were eager to try. The left wing was the yellow-headed Uyghur army, [-] cavalry, commanded by Cao Yuan, and the right wing was also [-] Xizhou cavalry, commanded by Wanfu Changpu Gumi.

The Chinese army is [-] cavalry led by Bi Gui'an himself, consisting of [-] Xizhou Army and [-] Yellow Head Army.

Of course, the yellow-headed Uyghur has already destroyed the country, and they all wear the same armor, leather armor, spears, bows and arrows, small shields, and are skilled in horsemanship.

"Attack with two wings, kill—"

Bi Guian swung his sword and roared, and the horn blew continuously: "Woo! Woo! Woo!"

Forty thousand two-winged cavalry rushed out at the same time, like two floods breaking the embankment, rushing towards the Song army three miles away.

War broke out.

(End of this chapter)

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