
Chapter 832 The Rebellion

Chapter 832 The Rebellion
At noon of the same day, Zheng Ping got the news that Li Jinxiao was sentenced by Hezhou Tong to rebel with more than [-] troops. They immediately captured Chongqing Prefecture and Changzhou. Warlords, return to the Great Song' slogan.

More than a dozen states, including Fuzhou, Quzhou, Guozhou, Suizhou, Luzhou, Wanzhou, Dazhou, Nanping Army, Guang'an Army, etc., all supported them.

The bandit army was so powerful that they gathered [-] people in just half a month and conquered Zizhou, which refused to surrender to them. Jianzhou was captured again, and the front of the soldiers was directed at Chengdu, and the force expanded rapidly, reaching [-].

Full of ambition, Li Jinxiao proclaimed himself the Grand Marshal of Southern Shu and the envoy of the Guangwu Army.

That night, Chen Qing personally led [-] elite soldiers to Zizhou.

The army did not even camp in the county seat, but camped and rested in a forest in the wilderness far from the county seat.

In a small marching tent, Chen Qing held a candle to look at the marching map. The enemy's route to the north was very clear. The enemy's army was going north along the Zhongjiang River, and the luggage was most likely transported by ship.

At this moment, Chen Qing had already thought of several battle plans, attacking the enemy directly, or sneak attacking Li Jinxiao's old lair in Hezhou, or sneak attacking the enemy's food and supplies.

But he wanted to choose the best battle plan, and when he was thinking about it, a soldier reported outside the tent, "To the county king, there are scouts to report!"

Chen Qing was overjoyed, he was waiting for the scouts!

He quickly ordered: "Let him in!"

After a while, a scout commander came in and knelt down on one knee to salute, "See the county king!"

"Don't be too polite, tell me about the current situation of the enemy army."

"Reporting to the county king, the [-] enemy troops are currently concentrated on the border between Jianzhou and Chengdu. The border is a small river, but they did not cross this small river. They are all stationed on the side of the river near Jianzhou."

"Their baggage is in Yang'an County, consisting of more than a thousand flat-bottomed tank boats, moored on the shore, stretching for nearly a hundred miles."

"How many guards are there?"

"Thousands of people! I didn't find many guard troops in the humble position."

At this moment, Chen Qing made a decision. He immediately ordered people to find Tang Qian and Zhang Qu. Both of them were generals of the scout army, a chief general and a deputy general. Tang Qian was in charge of the chief general and Zhang Qu was in charge of the deputy general.

After a while, the two walked into the big tent and saluted together: "Chen Qing said with a smile: There are two tasks for you to complete."

Chen Qing drew out a command arrow and gave it to him, "General Zhang Qu, you led [-] cavalry and rushed all the way to Hechuan, and took over the Lijiabao, but don't kill people for now, I want to judge their family, of course, if they resist, you will be punished." Blow up the castle directly with iron fire and thunder"

"Follow the order!" Zhang Qu took the arrow and walked away quickly.

Chen Qing took out another command arrow and handed it to Tang Qian, "You take [-] cavalry to rob the enemy's logistics and supplies. Don't burn the boats. I still have ships. Just take the supplies and fleets into Yang'an City, understand?"


"If there are a small number of enemy troops chasing, defeat them for me."

"Follow the order!"

Tang Qian also took the arrow and left. Liu Qiong next to him was a little worried and said, "Your Majesty, the enemy army is [-] troops. Are we being careless in doing this?"

"It's just a bunch of rabble!"

Chen Qing said coldly: "I feel it is a shame for our well-hardened fighters to fight against them, not to mention that we have more than [-] troops, even if there are only [-] cavalry, I will also defeat their so-called [-] troops! "

"Humble job thinks too much."

Chen Qing patted his arm and said with a smile: "It's good to be cautious, but to be too cautious is to belittle yourself. Go and rest! The army sets out at dawn."

Liu Qiong saluted and left. Chen Qing blew out the candles and looked at the night. It was almost three o'clock, and he also took a nap. When it was almost dawn, the army got up and set off.

Tang Qian arrived in Yang'an County, Jianzhou at noon the next day. Sure enough, there were thousands of flat-bottomed tank boats moored on the river. For sailing, a thousand tank ships can transport [-] shi of grain, which is of great strategic significance. No wonder Chen Qing took a fancy to these ships.

Tang Qian led [-] cavalrymen and had already changed their banners, flying the banner of Wei. Wei refers to Wei Xiaoan, the chief general of the Song army defending Dali.

At this time, Tang Qian saw the soldiers guarding the ship, about four or five thousand soldiers lazily coming out of Yang'an County.

Tang Qian drew out his saber and shouted: "Kill!"

The five thousand cavalry suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the enemy army one mile away along the official road.
The [-] soldiers guarding the ship never thought that an army would come to kill them. Their task was only to patrol the shore to prevent thieves from stealing rice.

At this time, the official road was dusty and the horseshoes sounded like thunder. The soldiers were stunned. When they saw clearly that it was the cavalry of the Song Army, they were scared out of their wits. They turned around and ran in all directions. Some ran back to the city. Some jumped into the water, but most of the soldiers couldn't run away. They were caught up by the cavalry of the Song Army in an instant, killing more than a thousand people in a short time.

Where have these soldiers seen such a bloody massacre? They were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. Tang Qian ordered to stop the massacre and sent hundreds of people to collect the prisoners. Order the leading ship to turn around and head towards Yang'an City.
An army of [-] troops gathered on the border between Jianzhou and Chengdu. The reason why they did not continue to advance to Chengdu was mainly because they lacked siege weapons. Li Jinxiao ordered the craftsmen to rush to make a batch of siege ladders. On the other hand, Li Jinxiao also looked forward to Chengdu The defenders took the initiative to attack, so that they would be able to take the opportunity to seize the city within the thousands of places they planted in the city.

Of course, he also got the news that the Song Army was clearing up the internal response in the city. According to the internal news, the Song Army arrested about a thousand people, but this was far from the approximately [-] internal response they deployed. Li Jinxiao had another glimmer of hope.

Contrary to Li Jinxiao's self-confidence, Zhang Jian, another important traitor, is worried. Although the number of [-] troops is quite a lot, how many troops can actually fight?

In addition to the [-] and [-] state soldiers trained by themselves, only [-] people have a little training, have regular armor and weapons, and the remaining [-] people are really mobs. They were all farmers at home before. Hearing the agitation, they wanted to go to Chengdu to plunder, play with a few wealthy women, and then go home with a pile of money. Most people thought this way, so they enthusiastically signed up to join the army, which caused the army to expand rapidly. .

These [-] farmers wanted training but no training, armor but no armor, weapons but no weapons. They were all dressed in commoner clothes and carried all kinds of weapons, such as old spears, broken knives, forks, rakes, Wooden sticks, and even quite a few people were holding hoes.

They rebelled with the army in such a mighty way, gorging on the free meals provided by the army, complaining about the lack of oil and water, and looking forward to the prosperity after entering the city.

But Zhang Jian was a little anxious because he didn't march for a long time, and immediately rushed to the marshal's tent. As soon as he entered the tent, he saw Wang Dongyuan was arguing with Li Jinxiao, his face was red.

Zhang Jian heard it clearly. It turned out that Wang Dongyuan also thought that he stayed here for too long and missed the opportunity.

"You just count on the opponent to take the initiative to attack, and tell you, the opponent has already attacked if he wants to attack. Zheng Ping is not a fool. He only has [-] horses in his hand. He ran out to fight our [-] troops. Isn't he looking for death? Of course he If we want to defend the city, we will miss our opportunity here, what if Chen Qing's reinforcements arrive?"

Li Jinxiao retorted angrily: "Even if we go to attack and attack the city as you said, what do we use to attack the city? Only more than [-] siege ladders have been built now. We didn't prepare in advance, and now we find that everything is missing." .”

At this time, Wu Miao, the governor of Hezhou, said beside him: "Marshal, I have a way. In fact, it doesn't have to be too fine. I think those craftsmen have to peel the bark and measure the size. It's not necessary. Just make it rougher. As long as it can be used, I estimate that hundreds of them can be built overnight, and they can start tomorrow.”

"That's a good idea!"

Zhang Jian stepped forward and said, "Marshal, we can't wait any longer. These soldiers joined the army with enthusiasm. If time drags on for too long, their enthusiasm will fade, which will cause trouble."

Li Jinxiao saw that several important people wanted to send troops, so he nodded and said, "Just follow what Zhizhou Wu said, simply build a siege ladder and set off early tomorrow morning."

At this moment, a soldier rushed to the front of the tent to report, "Successful Commander, our supply fleet has been intercepted!"

(End of this chapter)

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