
Chapter 833

Chapter 833
Li Jinxiao jumped up and shouted: "Nonsense, where is the army to intercept? Bring me the messenger!"

Not long after, two messenger soldiers were brought in. They were in a state of embarrassment. They were barefoot, their legs were cut by stones, bloody, they were limping when they walked, their leather armor was gone, their clothes were torn, and their heads were covered with bruises. Wearing helmets, no one would believe they were soldiers if they hadn't kept their badges.

Li Jinxiao frowned, and shouted angrily, "What's the matter with you?"

The two soldiers knelt down and said, "We are the soldiers guarding the ship. At noon today, many cavalrymen were suddenly killed, all of them were from the Song army. The brothers couldn't resist, and there were heavy casualties. We only managed to escape by diving."

"Where is the Song Army? How many people are there?" Li Jinxiao asked.

"I don't know where the Song Army came from. There are about four or five thousand cavalry. They finally sent the fleet into Yang'an County."

Tang Qian still looked up to these soldiers. They put up the flag with the word "Wei" in an attempt to mislead the other side, but the other side's soldiers didn't know the flag at all, and they wouldn't look at it.

Li Jinxiao was furious, and ordered: "Send the order to order troops, and chase the boat back immediately!"

Zhizhou Wu Miao quickly persuaded: "Commander, it's already dark outside, walking at night is easy to be attacked by surprise, it's better to go after dawn."

Zhang Jian also persuaded: "Anyway, the fleet is in Yang'an County, tomorrow the army will simply go to Yang'an County first, and use Yang'an County to practice attacking the city."

This suggestion was not bad, so Li Jinxiao stopped sending troops, and ordered: "Build siege ladders immediately, make them simpler, and build a hundred tonight."

Chen Qing's army had been waiting thirty miles to the south for a long time, but the enemy had not yet come south. A dozen soldiers who ran back to report had already entered the camp for almost an hour, but the army had not yet been dispatched. Misfortune happened.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and asked: "Ask the logistics, how many drums did we bring?"

They carried a baggage of [-] camels, which included the Zhentian drum, which was the war drum during the attack, and the drum sounded like thunder.

After a while, the soldiers came back to report, "I brought three hundred drums!"

Three hundred noodles is enough, Chen Qing immediately ordered: "The army goes north!"

[-] cavalry assembled and marched to the north in a mighty manner. Not long after, the news reached the enemy's main camp. Li Jinxiao was shocked and ordered the whole army to gather for the battle.

The general he invited, Wang Jianxiong, rushed to find Li Jinxiao and said: "Marshal, our army has not been trained for night battles, and a battle will cause serious chaos. Don't fight, just stick to the camp."

His second son Li Yong also agreed with Wang Jianxiong's suggestion that he could not fight and had to stick to the camp.

Li Jinxiao nodded, "Pass on my order, don't fight, and stick to the camp."

In the dark night, tens of thousands of soldiers stood in front of the barracks with bows and arrows in their hands, looking at the cavalry of the Song Army two miles away in horror. The endless cavalry, holding torches in their hands, looked like a sea of ​​fire.

The [-] cavalry began to move, arrayed in three directions, southeast, north, and only the west had no troops.

Liu Qiong stared at the barracks for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, there is a problem with the other party's camping. The distance between the tents is too close, and they are in the air. I believe that they are not leather tents, but hemp tents. I suggest using fire to attack."

Chen Qing shook his head and said: "There are only [-] to [-] people who should be killed. The rest are ignorant farmers. They create food and taxes. It's a pity to kill them. Just scare them home."

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Drum formation!"

The three hundred shaking drums were also arranged in three directions. At this time, Chen Qing gave the order to beat the soul-shaking drums.

The soul-shocking drum is a kind of psychological tactics, and it will be encountered in general battles, but the effect is different. For example, the Jin soldiers suppressed the soul drum on the north bank of the Yellow River overnight, and the [-] Song troops on the other side ran clean.

For a few days, Song Jun was facing nearly [-] mobs, so Chen Qing decided to use the Soul Shocking Drum to wake up these things first.


The soul-shocking drum is like thunder in the sky. The sound of the drum is low, slow, but shocking. Every beat of the drum seems to hit the heart, which is unbearable for ordinary people, as if thousands of troops are about to kill.

The bandit soldiers were panicked and anxious.

But even this was not enough. At the second watch, the Song army ignited a mad dog iron fire thunder in the northeast corner of the enemy's camp.

"Boom!" The explosion was earth-shattering, the ground shook, and thick smoke shot straight into the sky.

This explosion woke up all the soldiers. It can be said that the explosion became the last straw that broke the camel's back. Thousands of cavalry, all the soldiers were terrified.

The escape started from the northwest corner, where the fence was pushed down by the soldiers, and the entire battalion of soldiers fled from the camp, fleeing in panic.

When Li Jinxiao got the news, he was furious and ran to the northwest corner himself.

The seriousness of the soldiers fleeing was beyond Li Jinxiao's expectations. The entire northwest corner was empty, that is, more than [-] people fled in just over an hour.

Li Jinxiao was furious, and yelled at a group of generals, "You are all a bunch of worthless trash, spending so much money to support you, it is better to raise pigs, from now on, anyone who dares to run away will be killed without mercy!"

The generals were frightened, and they all swore that they would never let a soldier escape again.

The soul-suppressing drum of the Song Army was still beating loudly, hitting everyone's hearts. At the fourth watch, some soldiers reported to Chen Qing that the number of fleeing bandits suddenly decreased.

Chen Qing knew that this must be the opponent's general taking measures to threaten the soldiers with death, and the soldiers were too frightened to run away.

A dozen generals behind him all looked at Chen Qing, waiting for his instructions.

Chen Qing looked at the night sky with his hands behind his back and said coldly: "It seems that only the cruelest war killings will wake up these fools, Liu Dutong!"

"The humble job is here!" Liu Qiong responded.

"You lead [-] iron cavalry to enter through the east gate, go deep into the barracks for three miles, and kill at least ten people. I will remember your great service. If more than a hundred people were killed, I will punish you for a felony!"

"Follow the order!" Liu Qiong led the order and went down.

A quarter of an hour later, the Song army suddenly launched a feint attack in the east, and the enemy was caught off guard. Many defensive soldiers were lying on the ground and fell asleep.

The cavalry of the Song Army rushed forward in the blink of an eye, throwing ropes one after another and pulled down the fence. The soldiers got up, but it was too late. The cavalry group passed over their heads, and the spears stabbed countless soldiers to the ground. In the big camp, stabbing with spears and slashing with swords, the heads of the bandits and soldiers were rolling, crying for their fathers and mothers, and fleeing desperately.

After two rounds of killing, more than [-] enemy soldiers were killed, and [-] cavalrymen were killed from the south. No one was killed or injured. It was simply a contest between wolves and sheep.

There was a pungent smell of blood in the air. The bloody killing and the danger of death caused the bandit soldiers to completely collapse. The entire western fence was overthrown. Fleeing, no one is a fool. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the main force of the Song army is coming, and these tens of thousands of cavalry are enough to kill them without leaving any leather armor.

If you don't run away at this time, you won't have a chance until dawn.

Even Wang Dongyuan and Zhang Jian realized that something was wrong, especially Wang Dongyuan felt it the most. Several of his nephews led [-] troops to defend the east. These [-] troops were well-trained soldiers equipped with armor Real soldiers are not those random mobs who come here to make do.

As a result, more than [-] of his [-] troops were beheaded by the Song Army cavalry. The other [-] people survived because they ran fast. What shocked him even more was that they did not see a single Song Army cavalry killed in battle.

Wang Dongyuan quietly told Zhang Jian the news, and the two of them turned pale with fright, and immediately decided that they would send all their nephews away and flee Bashu with their families. As for Li Jinxiao, both of them knew that some responsibilities must be borne by him .

[I'm sorry, Lao Gao is not feeling well, please take a leave of absence, there are only two shifts today, and I will try to resume the third shift tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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