
Chapter 834 Collapse

Chapter 834 Collapse
Li Jinxiao didn't notice the small actions of Wang Dongyuan and Zhang Jian at all. He kept stopping the soldiers from escaping. The west side was blocked, and the soldiers started to flee from the south again, and the Song army in the south also evacuated.

By the time of the fifth watch, the escape of the soldiers was completely out of control. Countless escapes, even the soldiers who were stopped by law enforcement were shaken and began to disappear continuously.

Li Jinxiao couldn't help it either, he was really exhausted and sat in the big tent sulking.

Son-in-law Wu Miao persuaded: "Father-in-law, don't take this kind of thing to heart. It is not necessarily a bad thing for these soldiers to escape. If they collapse on the battlefield, it will be a big trouble."

Li Jinxiao sighed and said: "Your son-in-law is right. I am too vain. I always think that two hundred thousand people are very stylish. I didn't expect it was all a bag of water. I don't know what to do tomorrow? Tens of thousands of cavalry Ah! How could I be against it?"

Although Wu Miao is the governor of Hezhou, he is also Li Jinxiao's military adviser. He thought for a while and said, "If it's not possible, we should retreat south. If we go over the mountains, the cavalry will not be able to catch up with us."

Li Jinxiao said worriedly: "But what if they send people to kill Hezhou first? There are hundreds of people in Lijiabao!"

Wu Miao was also a little flustered, his wife and children also lived in Lijiabao, he quickly said: "Then send people to Lijiabao first, tell them to retreat first, withdraw from Sichuan, evacuate to Lin'an!"

At this moment, Li Jinxiao's second son Li Yong flew in and said, "Father, something is wrong, our army has less than [-] people!"


The news was like thunder, and Li Jinxiao was completely stunned. He thought that hundreds of thousands of people had run away, and there were at least [-] elite soldiers left behind. Unexpectedly, there were fewer than [-] soldiers.

"Yonger, you are right!" Li Jinxiao's voice changed in anxiety.

"There is absolutely no mistake. The boy gathered his troops, and only gathered [-] people, and then the entire camp was empty."

"What about Wang Dongyuan and Zhang Jian?" Li Jinxiao suddenly remembered these two people and asked anxiously.

"Neither of them can be found, including the children of their two families, none of them are gone."

"Two bastards!"

Li Jinxiao understood immediately, and the two also fled.

At this time, Wu Miao said anxiously: "Father-in-law, let's go too! Before dawn, we will be completely finished once it dawns."

Li Yongdao: "Father, I led the army to break out to the west, and you took your brother-in-law and elder brother to pretend to be ordinary soldiers and fled south. I will buy you time."

"Have you reached this point?" Li Jinxiao asked with a trembling voice.

"Father, the enemy has [-] cavalry! If they find that there are no soldiers in the camp, they won't wait for dawn any longer, so hurry up and leave! It will be too late if they don't leave."

"Go! Go now."

Li Jinxiao finally made up his mind, and he sent someone to find the eldest son Li Mi who was in charge of logistics. At this time, he could no longer trust anyone, so he had to ask his second son Li Yong to cover them.

Father and son, son-in-law Wu Miao and five or six confidantes all put on coarse clothes and fled southward with hoes and forks.

Not long after they left, the second son Li Yong led [-] people to leave the camp silently and fled westward.

But as soon as Li Yong led his army out of the barracks, he was discovered by the Song army scouts who were watching outside, and immediately some scouts rushed to report to the county king Chen Qing.

This news was a bit beyond Chen Qing's expectation. He pondered for a moment, and then said to Liu Qiong: "You lead the army to make another stabbing, and see what's going on in the barracks?"

"Follow the order!"

The three thousand cavalry hadn't been disbanded yet, and under the leadership of Liu Qiong, they charged into the enemy's camp. This time, there was no obstacle, and the army directly entered the camp.

Looking at it from a distance, Chen Qing faintly felt that something was wrong. Not only was there no one in the camp, there were not even soldiers running away in panic.

Is it true that it has become an empty camp as I thought?
After a while, a cavalryman rushed back to report, "Jun Wang, the camp is empty, without a single soldier!"

"It's not what I expected!"

Chen Qing immediately said to the commanding Lu Gui: "General Lu led [-] cavalry to chase the [-] soldiers who fled. Send more scouts, beware of enemy ambushes!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Lu Gui took the command arrow and rushed to lead the troops.

Chen Qing also sent commanders Li Yan and Wen Shunyi each to lead [-] cavalry to Guozhou and Chongqing to arrest the families of Wang Dongyuan and Zhang Jian.

At the same time, an order was sent to Tang Qian, ordering him to send a hundred scout teams to arrest suspicious people who escaped from the gang along the way.

Li Jinxiao took his son and son-in-law and fled all the way. They didn't dare to ride horses, so they could only walk on their legs. After walking for more than ten miles, Li Jinxiao couldn't walk anymore. His son-in-law Wu Miao had to go to a nearby village and rent a fishing boat at a high price. They were able to flee south on a fishing boat.

At this time, the sky was bright, and the cavalry of the Song Army ran back and forth on the official road by the river from time to time, making the situation very tense.

"dinner's ready!"

Perhaps because of the high prices, the boatman and his son were very attentive and brought them a hot breakfast, which was actually very simple, a large bucket of old rice porridge, two bowls of pickled radishes and a dozen boiled eggs, and the rest was there is none left.

When had Li Jinxiao eaten such poor food? The porridge had a musty smell that made him vomit. How could he eat it? The pickled radish was mainly unclean, and there were pickled flies on it.

Li Jinxiao had to eat two boiled eggs. He couldn't help asking, "Do you have any other fresh food on board?"


The old boatman scratched his head and said, "Or there are only fish."

Li Jinxiao likes to eat fish, he quickly said: "Fish is fine, is there any on board?"

"Not on the boat, but there are some in the small town ahead. I'll ask my son to buy some. It might be a bit expensive. It's okay, sir!"

Li Jinxiao knew that he wanted to earn the difference, so he nodded, "The price doesn't matter, let your son buy some fresh fruits and vegetables."

"Buy some more buckets of good rice, and we will cook for ourselves." Wu Miao beside him said very unhappy.

It's really unkind for these farmers to feed them stale rice.

The old boatman agreed, gave his son a money purse, and whispered to him what to buy. His son nodded repeatedly, and jumped into the water without going to the shore. Not long after, he swam ashore and ran away.

The old boatman wanted to wait for his son to come back, so the fishing boat moved slowly. About half an hour later, the fishing boat arrived in Yang'an County, and the city wall of Yang'an County could be faintly seen in the distance.

At this moment, more than a dozen small boats approached the fishing boat quickly, and everyone became nervous. Suddenly, the old fisherman took two quick steps, jumped into the river, and disappeared without a trace. ,
Almost at the same moment, Li Jinxiao suddenly saw the boatman's son, who was sitting on Song Jun's boat, looking at them with pride.

Li Jinxiao's heart sank. He knew it was over. The boatman's son was not going to buy vegetables, but to report the news.

The cunning father and son tampered with the meals to give them an excuse to leave the boat to buy vegetables. At this moment, Li Jinxiao felt that all thoughts were lost and his death was approaching.

Wu Miao was also extremely annoyed. They shouldn't have left in such a hurry. They hid in the mountains for ten days and midnight. When the limelight passed, it would not be too late for them to leave quietly.

Dozens of crossbows aimed at them, and the leading general was Tang Qian. He received the report from the fisherman's son and personally led more than a hundred men to intercept and arrest them.

"General, it's him, Li Jinxiao!"

A Hezhou soldier recognized Li Jinxiao and reported loudly.

Hearing that the other party was Li Jinxiao, the old fisherman smiled very comfortably. He has never been so happy today. He got the reward of [-] guan, and these bastards only gave him [-] guan to send them away. It's a dream!

A general jumped onto the bow of the opponent's boat, raised the curtain with a spear, and shouted sharply: "Come out with your hands up, otherwise we will shoot arrows, and no one will survive."

"Don't shoot the arrows, we surrender! Surrender!"

A few of his confidantes raised their hands and ran out, Li Jinxiao had no choice but to walk out of the cabin with his son and son-in-law.

After stepping out of the cabin, Li Jinxiao looked at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, and said with a long sigh, "I am Li Jinxiao!"

(End of this chapter)

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