
Chapter 835 Micro Interview

Chapter 835 Micro Interview
Chen Qing moved to Chengdu. After several days of continuous suppression and search, the Song army arrested more than [-] people. After rigorous interrogation, they released more than [-] people who were arrested by mistake. The remaining [-] people have all pleaded guilty.

"I don't know how to deal with this group of people, please show me the county king!"

Zheng Ping asked Chen Qing for instructions helplessly. You said that this group of people were criminals and they had done nothing, but you said they were innocent, but they all hid their weapons and were fully prepared to start a riot. I don't know how many ordinary people have suffered.

Chen Qing took a sip of tea and said in a calm manner: "Treat them as prisoners of war, send them to the mines for three years of hard labor, and let them go home after three years."

"Humble job understands!"

Zheng Ping hesitated, but still didn't say anything.

Chen Qing glanced at him and said, "Is there anything you can't say?"

Zheng Ping was a little embarrassed and said: "It's about the appointment of the new prefect of Chengdu. Is there anyone for the county king?"

Now that Zheng Ping can speak, he knows how to ask himself if he has a candidate. Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Do you have a suitable candidate?"

"If there is no candidate for the county king, I recommend Zheng Ainong, the governor of Jianzhou. Let me explain first that his surname Zheng is just a coincidence and has nothing to do with me."

Chen Qing smiled and said, "I thought you would recommend Li Xuemin, the general judge of Chengdu."

Zheng Ping shook his head, "Li Xuemin, like Li Yi, is a centrist, full of compromises in his bones. If it weren't for their indulgence, how could there be nearly four thousand traitors lurking in Chengdu? He is better for the people, and he can continue to be a general judge, but he can't Be the magistrate again."

"What about Zheng Ainong?"

Chen Qing asked lightly: "Li Miao has killed more than a dozen salt lords anyway, how many did he kill?"

"Returning to the king of the county, this is the reason why I recommend him. It's not that he doesn't kill the salt lord, but that under his rule, there are no salt lords or private salt in Jianzhou. He cut off the private salt from the source, and all the salt wells are It is controlled by the government and private salt mining is strictly prohibited. I deployed a thousand troops in Jianzhou before, and he always sent people to borrow troops from me to fight against private salt dealers. I simply helped him build a militia last year, so he did not borrow Soldiers."

"This person is not bad!"

Chen Qing praised: "Just brazenly borrowing troops to attack private salt dealers time and time again, this person's courage is very good, he can do great things, where is he?"

"In Chengdu, when the rebel army came to Zizhou, he had a bad prediction and led a thousand militia soldiers overnight to protect tens of thousands of people from Jianzhou and fled to Chengdu."

"Let me tell you! Why is there a large refugee camp outside the city? It turns out to be the people of Jianzhou. Don't call him or inform him. I'll take a look in private."

Chen Qing changed into ordinary clothes, took a fan, and led a dozen of his men to the temporary camp outside the city.

The temporary camp outside the city is the Sichuan-Shanxi Bazaar founded by Zhao Kai. To put it simply, it is the Sichuan-Shanxi bulk goods trading market. Through this market, sheepskins, livestock, wheat, briquettes, leather products, copper coins, etc. After transporting to Sichuan, the tea, cloth, sugar, oil, cured meat, chicken, duck, vegetables, fresh fruit, koji and other materials rich in Sichuan were transported to Shaanxi Road.

It can be said that the construction of this market has greatly promoted the circulation of materials between Sichuan and Shaanxi, and also guaranteed the logistics materials of the Western Army, and the means of transportation is the growing camel fleet.

In the past few days, due to the rebellion of the rebels, the Sichuan-Shaanxi market has been suspended, and the large open space in the market is just used to accommodate tens of thousands of people who escaped from Yang'an County, Jianzhou.

Zheng Ping's introduction made Chen Qing quite interested in Jianzhou governor Zheng Ainong, but seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. No matter how good the words are, it is better to see how he resettled the tens of thousands of people in Jianzhou with his own eyes.

When Chen Qing walked to the market, it was like walking into a small county town. The gates were densely packed with vendors selling all kinds of food, vegetables, melons and fruits, and they should all be farmers nearby.

There were also quite a few customers shopping, all of whom were from Yang'an County, Jianzhou, and it was quite lively to bargain.

Just as Chen Qing was about to enter the gate, a village general walked up to him and saluted Chen Qing, "Is this brother from Jianzhou?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "No, I just went in to visit a friend."

"We know that the state has an order that all foreign visitors are not allowed to bring weapons. Otherwise, your men will put the weapons outside, or you can go in alone, and your men will wait outside. We guarantee your safety.

The leader of the village soldiers was very polite, not because of Chen Qing's well-dressed clothes, but because he was followed by more than a dozen guards with knives, and he was not an ordinary person at a glance.

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Tell me a reason, why are you not allowed to bring weapons inside?"

"Because now is not a normal period, all kinds of unexpected things will happen, and the people are easy to be out of control. If there is a conflict inside, it doesn't matter if you move your fists. If blood is seen on the weapon, then the people around will become angry, and there will be a lot of trouble." Life is in danger, so Zhizhou said, we must take precautions before they happen."

It is a good reason to take precautions before they happen, and Chen Qing asked again with a smile: "Is there no room for flexibility?"

Chen Qing waited for the village soldier to ask for money, but he thought for a long time and said, "Why don't you go and ask for a military permit to carry weapons, because there is only one special situation, the military can enter with weapons."

Chen Qing chuckled, he didn't ask for money, it was beyond his expectation!
Chen Qing closed his fan, turned his head and smiled and said, "Show them!"

Yan Jun and a dozen of his subordinates took out their military badges, and the township soldiers were startled, and quickly clasped their fists and said, "I'm sorry! Don't put down your weapons, please come in!"

Chen Qing took off his saber, threw it to Yan Jun behind him, and said with a smile: "I don't have a military badge, so I have to follow your rules, so that I can enter in a fair manner."

After finishing speaking, Chen Qing led his men into the temporary camp.

Looking at the group of people walking away, they all scratched their heads and said to their opponents: "That's not right! Why did I see the silver medal just now?"

Several subordinates also said: "We also saw that it is a silver medal, and the first subordinate behind that person is a silver medal."

The silver medal is only for generals above the commanding officer, and the silver medal for the personal guards, so this man must be a general above the general, but they all know that even the leader of the personal guards who command Zheng Ping does not have a silver medal, and who else has a higher status than Zheng Ping? high?
Everyone suddenly thought of a rumor that Chen Qing was here.

Could it be that person just now
Everyone's faces turned pale with fright, and they all nodded quickly: "I'll go and tell Zhizhou immediately, don't miss out on important matters."

They all ran to the temporary government tent in the north.
Chen Qing and a group of his men were walking leisurely in the camp. The ground was clean and there was no sewage flowing across the river.

There are thousands of big tents in the temporary camp, basically one big tent for each household, it is very lively, near noon, every household is busy cooking, they actually use briquettes stove, and the used briquettes are still in the next one In the big wooden box, it looks like a trash can.

"Ma'am, why don't you burn firewood?" Chen Qing squatted down and asked an old woman who was cooking with a smile.

"Now firewood is expensive, it's not worth it."

Another old woman next to her said with a smile: "We can burn firewood in the countryside, but we can only buy firewood when we live in the city. After all, honeycomb coal is more economical. To cook a meal and boil a pot of water, you only need one piece of honeycomb coal for five yuan. Firewood is at least ten Wen."

"But kindling coal is expensive! It costs twenty Wen!"

"Break a small piece of kindling coal and go to someone's house to borrow a light."

It was only then that Chen Qing realized that ordinary people would live their lives, why use a whole piece of kindling coal, that was something only scouts could do, and ordinary people only used a small piece of coal.

"Where to buy? I mean is honeycomb good?"

"Of course it's easy to buy, just go to the Pingcang store to buy it."

The Pingcang store is run by the government, and almost every county has one. It mainly sells wheat, coarse cloth, salt, sugar, and honeycomb coal. These are the materials that guarantee the minimum living standard of the people in the city, so that the poor can eat and wear warm clothes. clothing.

But even though it is called Pingcang store, almost all the people in the county will line up to buy things. Salt is a must, and everyone likes red brown sugar.

So one store is not enough, generally there are three to four stores in the county.

Chen Qing nodded, and asked again: "Excuse me, ma'am, where is the toilet?"

The old woman stood up, pointed to the distance and said: "See, there are more than a dozen wooden houses over there, surrounded by fences, the men are on the east side, and the women are on the west side, please don't mess around behind the tents. Those who are caught will be severely punished, and the tent owner will be implicated.”

Chen Qing feigned surprise and said, "Is it so strict?"

"Of course, our Zhizhou said that if it is not strict, once the plague breaks out, everyone will die, and the children will suffer first. We can't harm the children."

Chen Qing secretly praised: This Zheng Zhizhou is really good. He is not only tough, but also educates the people to consciously maintain hygiene and ensure that there will be no epidemics.

In fact, Zhizhou is upright and clean from the fact that the soldiers guarding the gate do not take money. A corrupt official will never train soldiers who do not accept bribes.

At this time, a middle-aged man came running panting with a dozen officials.

(End of this chapter)

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