
Chapter 836 Severe Punishment

Chapter 836 Severe Punishment
The middle-aged man who ran over was Zheng Ainong, the governor of Jianzhou, about forty years old, a native of Zizhou, a Jinshi in the second year of Xuanhe, dark and thin, very prestigious in Jianzhou, and deeply loved by the people. So even Zheng Ping would recommend him.

Zheng Ainong got the news that there was a man guarding the gate with a silver medal. When Zheng Ainong asked about his age and appearance, his head went 'hum! With a click, this is the county king Chen Qing, and he rushed here with officials at the prefecture and county levels.

"Humble job. See the county king for humble job!"

Zheng Ainong ran forward and saluted out of breath, followed by the officials behind him.

The cooking lady next to me was stunned, and after a long while, she blushed and shouted: "My lord, my house has a toilet, so it's convenient to go to my house, instead of going to the latrine over there."

Chen Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he waved his hands and said, "Thank you ma'am, I'm not going to the latrine, I just want to know about the situation of epidemic prevention."

Zheng Ainong groaned inwardly ashamed, as expected he came to Weifu for inspection, fortunately he did it more meticulously, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Governor Zheng has worked so hard, and everyone has worked hard. Let me tell you another piece of good news. The rebels have been wiped out. You can pack up and go home."

The officials and the people around immediately cheered.Zheng Ainong said hastily: "The king of the county, please sit down in the big tent of the government office, have a sip of tea and rest for a while."

Chen Qing smiled, "I'm just looking for a place to drink water, let's go!"

One leaf knows the autumn, Chen Qing no longer needs to make detailed interviews, he followed Zheng Ainong and several state officials to the big tent, sat down on the main seat, and waved his hands, "Everyone sit down!"

Several state officials sat down, and Chen Qing asked, "Have your family members come out?"

Everyone was stunned, the king actually asked their family members first, everyone couldn't help being moved, Zheng Ainong quickly said: "Thank you for your concern, the family members came out together."

"That's good. I heard that Zizhou officials and their families were killed by the bandits. I was very sad and very angry. This time, I must make the bandits pay the worst price."

Zheng Ainong asked in a low voice: "The three rebel families have all been arrested, right?"

Chen Qing said coldly: "None of the three families can escape, and together with the thieves who killed Zizhou officials, they will all be executed. Not only them, but all the officials who support the thieves are not worthy of being officials, and they will all be dismissed from office. This time, the officialdom in Bashu will be completely liquidated, and they will no longer take into account the court's face as before."

Everyone understood that after this incident, Chen Qing would annex Sichuan completely and would not give it up to the imperial court. Several officials were secretly happy that they all supported Chen Qing, which meant that they would be promoted.

Chen Qing said to Zheng Ainong again: "Zheng Zhizhou, tell me what is your next plan?"

Zheng Ainong sighed and said, "Our Jianzhou's cured meat is very famous. Bacon, cured tofu, and pickled radish are special products of Jianzhou. Originally, I wanted to organize farmers to produce a large number of them this year and sell them to the military as military rations. The common people will also have income. Kill two birds with one stone." , but now the plan has been destroyed, and now all the thoughts are on relocating the people and resuming production, and there are no other plans for the time being."

Chen Qing nodded and asked, "Who is the judge?"

An official sitting on the left quickly got up and saluted, "Liu Qin, a low-ranking official, is the general judge of Jianzhou."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "From now on, you will act as the governor of Jianzhou, and you must take all the people back and resettle them properly."

Everyone was stunned, looking at Chen Qing in confusion, Chen Qing said to Zheng Ainong: "From now on, you will officially take the post of prefect of Chengdu, and you will officially take office tomorrow, and I will arrange someone to go to the prefect office to announce."

Zheng Ainong was overwhelmed with surprises, and hurriedly got up and saluted, "The humble post will definitely live up to the love of the county king, and will definitely inherit the will of the prefect Li."

Chen Qing shook his head, "I don't agree with many of Li Yi's ideas, you don't need to inherit his legacy, just bring Jianzhou's attitude to Chengdu."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Chen Qing went down with other officials, and then he asked Zheng Ainong: "I know that Bashu is divided into the Sichuan-Shaanxi faction, the middle faction, the royalist faction, and the Chuanli faction. How many people are there in the Sichuan-Shaanxi faction?
When the king of the county asked this question, Zheng Ainong was not burdened, and even the tea drinkers in the Chengdu teahouse could speak clearly and logically, so how could he not know?

Zheng Ainong smiled slightly and said: "Reporting to the county king, which faction actually has a sign, that is, the opening of Qingcang stores in each prefecture and county, and the counties where the Royalist faction and Chuanli faction are located do not open liquid storehouses.

The more Pingcang stores open, the more inclined they are to the Sichuan-Shaanxi school. For example, we have opened a total of [-] stores in Jianzhou, but there are only six stores in Chengdu, which shows that Li Yi, the magistrate, is a centrist.

Another example is that there is no family in Hezhou, or it may be that the subordinate counties may be suppressed, and they dare not open it if they want to, so they can only see the state official level, and the county official level cannot see the real situation, so they have to investigate in detail . "

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said, "You mean that the number of warehouse closing stores in the county where the state capital is located can tell the tendency of the state officials, and the county officials have no autonomy."

"The king of the county is completely correct. You can see the tendency by looking at the number of liquidation stores in the county where the state capital is located. It is not wrong at all. Of course, I mean that before the assassination of the prefect of Chengdu, the Chuanli faction failed to rebel. , certainly the winds have changed in many states."

"I see. Today you are the governor of Jianzhou for the last day. You have handed over to Tongpan and sent the people away. Tomorrow morning, you will go to Chengdu to take up your post. You should first go to Zheng Ping, and Zheng Ping will assist you."

"Humble job will definitely do the last thing to deal with the aftermath."

Chen Qing returned to the southern military camp and sent his own soldiers to send a military order to Zheng Ping. He had appointed Zheng Ainong as the prefect of Chengdu and asked Zheng Ping to assist Zheng Ainong to take office smoothly.

At this time, Lu Gui sent someone to send the news that he had wiped out the [-] rebels who had fled to the west. The main general was Li Jinxiao's second son Li Yong, who had died in the melee. Li Jinxiao's two nephews and fifteen members of his clan were also there. After being caught, [-] rebels were beheaded, [-] were captured, only a small number of rebels escaped, and [-] Song soldiers were killed or injured.

Chen Qing didn't care about the outcome at all, he only cared about how many casualties he had suffered. Sending [-] experienced cavalry to fight against a group of mob rebels was a humiliation in itself, but he really didn't have a worse army .

Fortunately, there were [-] casualties, and the maximum number of casualties was about [-], which was within his acceptable range.

In the afternoon, he received news from Tang Qian that Li Jinxiao, father and son and son-in-law Wu Miao had been captured. At dusk, he received another report from Tang Qian that they had captured Zhang Jian and fourteen of his clan's children. Another scout leader, Han Song, sent news that they had captured Wang Dongyuan and his nephews, a total of fifteen people.

These traitors, Chen Qing, were not even interested in interrogating them. He immediately ordered the captured traitors Li Jinxiao, Wang Dongyuan, Zhang Jian and their nephews to be publicly beheaded at Caishikou, Chengdu. Three hundred and fifty-five thieves killed Zizhou officials and their families, and the rest of the prisoners were all sent to mines for three years.

Chen Qing also issued three salt and iron orders at the same time. First, it announced that all the salt wells in the prefectures and counties were owned by the Sichuan Road Salt and Iron Transit Department. All the salt lords were attacked all over the road, and all the salt lords were executed; thirdly, all officials who colluded with the salt lords were also arrested and executed.

These three salt and iron orders frightened private salt dealers and officials colluding with them to flee. This is actually a blow to the Chuanli faction, basically killing them all.

Then there are the royalists, and it is very simple to deal with them. They are all dismissed from office because of their unqualified political achievements.

Of course, this is not something that can be done with one order. The Supervision Department and the Department of Officials dispatched by Chen Qing have been busy until the end of the year, before they dismissed all the officials from dozens of prefectures and counties, and then promoted officials from the Sichuan-Shanxi Province to take over their posts.

As for the cessation of execution and the separation of powers agreement with the court, it is very simple. Chen Qing ordered all the armies to set up checkpoints on the road to Sichuan, and refused the court's messengers and officials to enter Sichuan Road. The court completely lost its power over Sichuan Road.

As for the imperial court, Chen Qing still wrote a very sincere memorial to Lin'an and handed it over to the emperor Zhao Gou. He believed that the current separation of powers was being used by thieves and seriously damaged the interests of the people, so he had to suspend the current The decentralization agreement will be re-implemented when the time is ripe.

(End of this chapter)

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