
Chapter 838 Hidden Secrets

Chapter 838 Hidden Secrets
Early in the morning, Zhang Miao quickly came to Chen Qing's official room, clasped her fists in salute and said, "The king of the county is looking for me?"

Chen Qing smiled and waved his hands, "Sit down and talk, just want to confirm yesterday's investigation report."

Zhang Miao sat down, and he glanced at Chen Qing's desk. It was the investigation report of the Supervision Department that he had submitted yesterday. It contained the situation of more than a dozen state officials. It was unknown who had problems.

Chen Qing flipped through the report and asked: "I mainly want to ask Li Xuemin, the general judge of Chengdu. The report said that he was recommended by Zhu Shengfei. I know that he took office when Zhu Shengfei was the envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi, but does this mean that he is Zhu Shengfei? recommend?"

"Reporting to the county king, Li Xuemin was undoubtedly recommended by Zhu Shengfei. We wrote this, and there are a lot of documents to prove it. We even suspect that he is actually a member of Queen Mother Wei."

"Why do you suspect that it is Queen Mother Wei?"

"At that time, in order to fight for the position of general judge, Zhu Shengfei wrote twice to criticize Zhang Jun for wanting to control Sichuan and Shaanxi. Later, Zhu Shengfei also gave up the right to recommend the general judge of Jiangling Prefecture, and then succeeded in pushing Li Xuemin to the position. But we found that Zhu Shengfei and Li Xuemin overlap. It's not deep, on the contrary, Li Xuemin has a close relationship with the younger brother of the Empress Dowager Wei."

Chen Qing suddenly became vigilant, "You mean Uncle Wei Tong?"

Zhang Miao nodded, "Wangjianglou, the largest restaurant in Chengdu, is owned by Wei Tong. I heard that the tea in Chengdu is also controlled by Wei Tong. It all happened not long after Li Xuemin took office."

"Has Wei Tong ever intervened in salt and wine?" Chen Qing asked coldly again.

"There is no salt, but alcohol is deeply involved. He controls nearly half of the alcohol in Chengdu. We all have detailed investigation reports."

Chen Qing nodded, and ordered the door to work: "Hurry up and find Wang Hao, the commander of the inner guard!"

After walking away quickly, Chen Qing said to Zhang Miao again: "Remove Li Xuemin from office, even if you pass your opinion to the Ministry of Officials, the official reason is to cover up the traitor!"

Chen Qing signed the report and handed it to Zhang Miao, "We will deal with it as soon as possible according to your opinions."

"The humble job will deal with it today, what about Wei Tong?"

"I'll hand over Wei Tong's matter to the inner guard, and the Supervision Department will leave it alone."

"I understand it."

Zhang Miao saluted and withdrew.

Chen Qing paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. He just came back from Chengdu the day before yesterday. During this time, he has been dealing with Sichuan Road.

As a superior, he looked at the Sichuan Road Rebellion from a higher level. He knew that Qin Hui was the instigator behind the rebellion, but during the specific investigation process, Chen Qing always felt that there was still a force manipulating it. These rebels gave them a lot of resources, some of which Qin Hui could not provide.

For example, nearly [-] people lurk into Chengdu. This is not the lurking of [-] scouts, but the lurking of nearly [-] people requires contact, coordination, concealment, and survival. Qin Hui does not have this resource, and neither does Li Jinxiao and others. resource.

Chen Qing always felt that he had missed something. It wasn't until Wei Tong mentioned by Zhang Miao just now that Chen Qing suddenly realized that this third force that had been hiding behind was most likely the Empress Dowager Wei, and the specific executor was Wei Tong. Li Xuemin is the patron.

I really forgot about this role. Back then, Zhu Shengfei and Liu Guangshi served as Xuanfu envoys of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and they were all related to the Empress Dowager Wei. This woman has been intervening in the situation in Sichuan. At this critical juncture, it is impossible for her to stay out of it.

At this time, engaged in the report at the door, "Qi report to the county king, Wang Tongzhi is here."

"Let him in!"

After a while, Wang Hao walked in quickly, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See the king!"

Chen Qing originally wanted to replace Wang Hao, but his wife Lu Hao persuaded him that Wang Hao is a rare talent. Although he made some mistakes in protecting the county palace, he was very capable in other aspects.

Lu Xiu understands her husband because he uses himself as a benchmark to measure others. Few people can pass, even if it is replaced by other people.

Lu Xiu finally convinced her husband, and Chen Qing decided to give Wang Hao another chance.

Chen Qing asked: "The imperial examination will be held in five days. Is there anything unusual on the streets of Jingzhao?"

"Reporting to the county king, I have sent enough people to observe secretly. Everything is normal at present. If there is any abnormality, we will find it immediately."

Chen Qing nodded and turned back to business, "Is there any news from Chengdu?"

The Neiwei sent more than [-] people in Chengdu, led by Zhong Huan, to search for the big fish that might have been missed. Qin Hui's eyes and ears.

"Reporting to the county king, there is no new news so far."

Chen Qing said slowly: "There must be a big fish in the city of Chengdu. It is the subordinate of the uncle Wei Tong. He is very powerful in Chengdu. I suspect that the four thousand rioters could quickly lurk in Chengdu before. To be precise, they are the Empress Dowager Wei's power, which has been ignored by us. This power is distributed in the officialdom and shopping malls. We must completely uproot this force from Shu."

Wang Hao was surprised that there was such a big thing, "I will give you an order when I get back from my humble position."

Chen Qing didn't answer, but asked after a while: "Do you think Zhong Huan is suitable?"

Wang Hao nodded, "Although he is young, he is resourceful and resourceful. He has made outstanding achievements repeatedly, and the soldiers also admire him. He is now able to take charge of his own affairs. The humble official wants him to take over Han Zhengfu's position."

Chen Qing appreciated this very much, and boldly promoted the young man, "I also agree to promote him, starting from the commander, and as for the judge, you can pick another one after the new year's Jinshi comes out."

"Go! Tell him to ask Zheng Ping for help. Zheng Ping will give him a thousand elite soldiers. The number of your inner guard soldiers has reached [-]. You can expand to [-] this year, and use your own army in the future."

"I understand!" Wang Hao bowed and retreated.
After explaining the matter one by one, Chen Qing also felt a lot more relaxed. This time he rushed back from Chengdu, the most important thing was that Bi Lege, the Uighur king of Xizhou, officially sent his brother Bi Gui'an as a representative to negotiate with Chen Qing on his plenipotentiary.

Chen Qing was not worried that Bi Lege would not give in. Sixty percent of the Uighur troops in Xizhou had become his prisoners of war. Bi Le Ge didn't have any pride.

The person in charge of negotiating with Bi Gui'an was Jiang Yanxian. The negotiation had been going on for two days, and the negotiation went relatively smoothly.

Of course, the yellow-headed Uighur’s property is not given as much as it wants. There are warehouse records. If it is not enough, it has to be made up. There is no place to stand, and you have to retreat if you don’t retreat.

In fact, Chen Qing didn't care about these things. He cared more about the attitude of the Xizhou Uighurs. Would Bi Lege send his son to study in Jingzhao?

Just after lunch, Jiang Yanxian hurriedly found Chen Qing.

"Jun Wang, it's done!" Jiang Yanxian walked into the room with a smile on his face.

"They agreed to send all the noble children to study in Jingzhao, including Bi Lege's two sons and Bi Gui'an's own son."

Chen Qing was startled, and continued to say happily: "Didn't he swear yesterday that it was impossible?"

"I was pretending yesterday! The purpose is to get more yellow-headed Uighur population."


"In the end, the number of people I promised was [-]%, and Bi Gui'an completely changed his mind. He fully agreed to our four major requirements. He promised in writing to withdraw from the Hexi Corridor, return all the inventory and wealth of the Yellow-headed Uighurs, restore the Silk Road, and agree to send nobles My son came to Jingzhao to study, and then added some small requirements, such as the other party’s promise not to pretend to be a horse bandit to harass the Hexi Corridor, or agreeing that we run a school in Gaochang, and some other things, I will sort it out and ask the county king to look at it.”

"Thank you Jiang Gong, I hope an agreement can be reached as soon as possible."

Jiang Yan thought for a while and then asked: "What does the county king think about the arrangements for the garrison and generals in the Hexi Corridor?"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "It is more appropriate to garrison [-] troops in the Hexi Corridor. I am considering garrisoning [-] troops in Shazhou. I will appoint Wang Lun as the first governor of Shazhou. Qian, Song Xinping was stationed in Zhangye, Dong Huan was stationed in Liangzhou, and Dadoubagu stationed [-] troops, subordinate to Song Xinping, and both served as envoys."

"Is that possible to reduce the Lanzhou garrison accordingly?"

"Exactly, Liu Zan, the envoy of Lanzhou, will be reassigned as envoy of Lingzhou. The garrison in Lingzhou will also reach [-]. The army will be strengthened to ensure the food supply for the soldiers and civilians in Lingzhou and Xiazhou."

Jiang Yanxian thought of another important matter, and he was a little worried: "Is the county king really planning to go to Lin'an?"

Chen Qing smiled lightly: "I'm going to go there anyway, I'm afraid that if I really go, the emperor won't welcome me."

(End of this chapter)

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