
Chapter 839 Consolation

Chapter 839 Consolation
Yu Ying walked into the room with a bowl of chicken soup, but saw her younger sister Yu Lian sitting by the bed wiping her tears, she laughed in surprise, "Why are you crying again!"

Yu Ying found that her younger sister had become sentimental since she became pregnant, and she always shed tears secretly.

"Aying, do you think the officials have forgotten me?"

Yu Ying put the chicken soup bowl on the table and said with a smile: "What nonsense! The officials asked me last night, how is your situation?"

"Did the official have sex with you last night?" Yu Lian asked jealously.

Yu Ying was a little embarrassed, "It was my turn last night, it's normal!"

"How long has it been since I served an official? It has been more than three months since the beginning of the year."

"With your stomach upright, of course you can't have intercourse, it will hurt the child."

Yu Lian bit her lip and whispered, "I know, but... there are other ways."

Yu Ying sighed and persuaded her: "I know what you are worried about. You are afraid that the officials will neglect you and forget about you, but don't forget that a mother is more expensive than a child. As long as you give birth to a son, You don't have to worry about falling out of favor, so don't think about anything now, just give birth to the child smoothly, don't cry, be obedient!"

Yu Lian nodded, and said again: "I heard that my husband is going to Lin'an, do you want to go too?"

Yu Ying shook her head, "You are pregnant, how can I go? I heard my wife told me to go with Yingluo."

"Ma'am not going?"

"Of course she can't go, because Ji'er must stay in Jingzhao, so Madam must also be in Jingzhao."

Yu Lian breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good that Madam is here, otherwise I'm really a little scared, what will I do when I have a baby?"

"There is me! What are you afraid of?"

Yu Lian curled her lips, "You can't, those midwives and doctors will do their best only when Madam is around."

"What are you talking about?"

Chen Qing walked in with a smile.

Yu Lian was startled, and then said, "Wow! With a cry, she got up and rushed forward, hugging her husband's neck and refusing to let go.

Chen Qing touched her lower abdomen and said with a smile: "It's so big, be careful!"

Yu Lian was full of grievances and cried: "You are heartless, people miss you day and night, and you refuse to come to see me."

"You are pregnant, we cannot have sex."

"Do you have to have sex? You hug me, talk to me, comfort me, and I will be satisfied. Besides, I can still..."

Yu Lian whispered a few words in her husband's ear, then secretly glanced at Yu Ying, Yu Ying's face suddenly turned red.

Chen Qing said a little displeased: "Stop thinking about it, children are more important than anything else now."

Perhaps because he felt that his tone was a bit harsh, Chen Qing said softly: "Besides, I will go to Lin'an in a few days, and you may have given birth when I come back. Before I leave, I will often come to see you."

"Okay! You promised."

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "Lie down first, let me listen to the fetal movement."

Yu Lian lay down slowly, pulled up the front of her clothes, and Chen Qing put his ear on her stomach, listening to the heartbeat of the child in her belly.

"Not bad! The heartbeat is strong, the child is healthy, and he drank the chicken soup."

Yu Ying quickly picked up a bowl to feed her younger sister the chicken soup, Yu Lian didn't dare to lose her temper, and obediently drank the chicken soup.

At night, Chen Qing rolled over from his wife and stretched out his hand to pull the rope. After a while, a little maid came in with a cup of tea. Chen Qing opened the curtain, drank a cup of tea, and then turned around and asked, "Madam, would you like some tea?" ?"

"I won't drink anymore, Ah Quan, I'm fine tonight, you guys go to bed early."

"Ma'am, I got it!"

The little maid took the teacup and stepped back slowly.

Chen Qing lay down again, Lu Xiu wiped the sweat off his forehead, and asked with a smile, "Did Husband visit Yu Lian today?"

Chen Qing sighed, "It's ashamed to say that, since she was pregnant, I haven't visited her. It's good that she is fine, but I never considered her mood."

"It's not my husband's fault. You've been outside for the past few months, first in Hexi, and then in Sichuan. You've been at home for at most half a month. It's normal to take care of her. Besides, don't you see her every day for dinner? ? You have to be alone with her to be caring and comforting? In my opinion! A-Lian is just a bit too hypocritical, and Ah Ying is much better than her, she can bear everything silently."

"Pregnant women! They are more sensitive and prone to depression, and you were the same back then."

"It wasn't when I was pregnant with Ji'er! In Ganquanbao, I cooked, washed, and went grocery shopping by myself. I was happy every day."

Chen Qingsheng was afraid that she would blame A-Lian again, so he quickly opened up the topic and said, "That's right! At that time, you actually went shopping for vegetables. I remember that the first vegetable you bought was eggs, right?"

"It's not eggs! It's two radishes. I pulled them out from someone's field and spent five Wen. The second time I bought a few fish and it cost twenty Wen. The third time they were eggs. "

"Do you feel that you have bought too much?"

Lu Xiu suddenly came to her senses, sighed and said: "Husband, we have talked about this topic countless times, don't worry! I won't reprimand A-Lian. She is pregnant now. I will take good care of her and give you a new life." A healthy son also gave Ji Er a younger brother, he is too lonely."

Chen Qing's thoughts were exposed, and he hugged his wife and said, "I'm going to Lin'an soon, and I'm really worried about her. Please take care of her and let the child be born safely."

"Husband, don't worry about A-Lian. Her body is the one that gave birth to a son. Her butt is so big and round. It must be a natural birth. I will arrange for Sister Liu to adjust her fetal position. Don't worry about Sister Liu's medical skills. As for A-Lian, I will Of course I will reprimand her, I am just talking."

Speaking of this, Lu Xiu sighed again and asked, "When will my husband leave?"

"We must wait until the imperial examination is over!"

Lu Xiu counted the time and said with a smile: "There are still some days! It's as if we are going to leave tomorrow."

Speaking of this, she winked at her husband again, Chen Qing understood, stretched out his hand to squeeze out the candle, the old couple understood each other's excitement, and the two soon became in harmony again.

In the past few days, the flow of people in Jingzhao City has increased significantly. The second Sichuan-Shaanxi imperial examination is about to be held, and scholars from all over the place are everywhere. Compared with the first time two years ago, the number of applicants this time is more More than [-] people, not only Chuanshan, Xihe Road, and Hedong Road, but also Lingxia Road and Hexi Road. There are eight scholars from Lingzhou Prefecture, three from Liangzhou City and Zhangye City. It was the first time in a hundred years that famous scholars came to Jingzhao to participate in the imperial examination, and it became the headline of the "Beijing News".

Of course, there are scholars from Jinghu North Road and Jingnan South Road, and scholars from Jiangnan West Road.

This time, [-] Jinshi were still admitted, and then Taixue admitted [-] people, and a total of [-] people were admitted.

Now I don’t dare to underestimate Taixue. The first batch of Taixue students recruited two years ago will end their studies next year, but they have already been booked up by various government offices. They will all become technocrats. For example, those who study surveying will go to the Metropolitan Water Department. Those who study smelting will go to the Craftsmanship Department and the Military Weapons Department; those who study mathematics will go to the Salt and Iron Department or the Taxation Department; those who study law will go to the Department of Criminal Affairs; , It shocked the jaws of countless people.

At the beginning, everyone looked down on Sichuan-Shaanxi Taixue and ridiculed it as Sichuan-Shaanxi Craftsman School. It recruited [-] people, but in the end only less than [-] people enrolled. Now everyone knows that entering Taixue can also become an official.

The restaurants and teahouses in Jingzhao City have entered the golden period since last month, and they are full of drinkers and tea customers every day, but there is no business for scholars in brothels and brothels. Enrolled in imperial examinations and Taixue.

Last year, more than [-] people were verified. Three of them were admitted to Taixue but were not admitted. They were all soldiers, and Chen Qing allowed the soldiers to enter brothels.

At noon, the Changqing Restaurant was buzzing with people, basically all the scholars taking part in the imperial examination. Almost every scholar was discussing the possible imperial examination questions this year. There were three days before the exam, and everyone was very nervous.

At a small table against the wall on the second floor, Chao Qing and his cousin Chao Kun are sitting. Chao Kun is the son of Chao Qing's second uncle. He is twenty years old this year and has outstanding literary talents. Chao Qing's second uncle traveled around and even went to Nanyang by boat for more than half a year. He once wrote an article "On the Colonization of Nanyang Cargo" and submitted it to the imperial court, but the result was like nothing.

When he was in Taiyuan last year, Chao Qing recommended this article "On the Colonization of Nanyang Goods" to Chen Qing, which was highly appreciated by Chen Qing. Although he was a little immature, he had a unique insight, especially when he mentioned rubber, which he called white glue, and thought it was extremely useful. Great, as much as spice.

Chao Kun filled his elder brother with wine and said with a smile, "Brother, you only took two exams last year, but you have to take four exams this year, do you know?"

Picking up his wine glass, Chao Qing snorted disdainfully, "What are the four subjects, and calligraphy, how about five subjects?"

(End of this chapter)

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