
Chapter 841 Interrogation

Chapter 841 Interrogation
There is a large building near the North City Gate of Chengdu. The signboard is called Yonghe Commercial Bank. It covers an area of ​​about three acres. There are usually caravans, fleets, shops and warehouses under the commercial bank. The commercial bank is equivalent to the operating headquarters.

A few days ago, the inner guards had their eyes on this Yonghe firm. The clues were discovered by the case investigators of the Supervision Department. When they checked Li Xuemin's sentence in Chengdu, they found that Li Xuemin's youngest son, Li Feng, owned [-]% of Wanchuncha The owner of the village, Li Feng, is only eight years old this year. Obviously, these two members are owned by Li Xuemin, and Wanchun Tea House is one of the three major tea houses on Sichuan Road. It has a tea garden of [-] hectares, and the tuan tea produced every year occupies the market in Chengdu. As we all know, Wanchun Tea House was founded by Meng Wanchun, a famous businessman in Jianzhou.

However, the officials of the Supervision Department discovered that two months after Li Xuemin entered Sichuan as a general judge, Wanchun Tea House became the proprietor, and the proprietor became Wei Jinguang, and Li Xuemin also got two members, named after his son Li Feng. Down.

The Supervision Department had enough information in hand, and soon found out that this Wei Jinguang was Wei Tong, the uncle of the country, and Jinguang was his name.

The officials of the Supervision Department then discovered that the stewards and accountants who run the Wanchun Tea House are all from Yonghe Commercial Bank, and all the tuancha from Wanchun Tea House is sold to Yonghe Commercial Bank, and then Yonghe Commercial Bank has a large shop and The warehouse wholesales tea cakes in the market, and at the same time transports the goods from the warehouse to various tea shops and restaurants.

The investigation by the Supervision Department has come to an end. Li Xuemin has been dismissed from office, and the internal guards will take over the rest of the investigation. The internal guards are not investigating Li Xuemin, but Wei Tong.

The inner guard soon discovered a shocking situation. The original owner of the tea house, Meng Wanchun, and his family suddenly disappeared three years ago. The Jianzhou ancestral house said that they had moved to the Chengdu mansion. The gatekeeper of the Chengdu mansion said that since After the transfer of the tea house, Meng Wanchun's family returned to their hometown in Jianzhou and never came back, but it is also possible that they moved to places other than Sichuan.

However, if you leave Sichuan, you have to apply for a certificate from the government. If you leave by water with a large ship of more than [-] shi, you need not only the government’s certificate of departure from Sichuan, but also the approval of the military before the boat can leave by the Yangtze River. Otherwise, you will be arrested in Xiazhou. Interception, this is already common sense, and most people know it.

But Meng Wanchun's family did not apply for any certificates, that is to say, they did not leave Sichuan.

Zhong Huan, the new Commander of the Tenth Division of the Internal Guard, decided to use the disappearance of Meng Wanchun's family as a breakthrough point to find out the expansion of Wei Tong's forces in Sichuan.

At noon, a short and fat middle-aged man came out of Yonghe Commercial Building. He looked around for a moment and waved to the distance. A bullock cart slowly stopped in front of the man.

"Go to the market!" The middle-aged man got on the bullock cart and ordered.

"Okay, I'll send these two guests to the pier, and then I'll take you to the market."

Of course, an ox cart cannot be a taxi, but more like a minibus. It is impossible to transport only one customer. Usually there are several people, and they have to take turns to different places, but the directions are similar. The pier is not far from the market. Middle-aged The man agreed with an 'um' and closed his eyes.

The middle-aged man, surnamed Qiao, is the deputy manager of Yonghe Commercial Bank, a native of Chengdu, which is a characteristic of Yonghe Tea House. Their senior managers are all from Lin’an, and the deputy manager is hired from the local area. The status and treatment of the two are different. Deputy manager Qiao didn't have a special carriage to pick him up, and he had to go to the street to hunt cattle by himself.

The other two people on the bullock cart made Qiao Guanshi a little uneasy. These two people were too tall and strong, and they stared at him with gloomy eyes, which made him tremble in his heart.

The bullock cart went out of the city and turned to a small road. At this moment, the man sitting opposite suddenly got up and sat on the left side of Qiao Guanshi, clamping him from left to right. Two sharp daggers pressed against his waist at the same time.

"Dare to move, I will kill you!"

Manager Qiao was stunned. Today, he met a robber.

"What are you guys doing?" Steward Qiao's voice was trembling.

"Please go somewhere!"

The two started together, tied Guanshi Qiao behind his back, gagged his mouth, put a black bag on his head, and walked for a while. The bullock cart finally stopped, and the two directly pulled Guanshi Qiao out of the bullock cart and pushed him into the middle of a house. inside the gate.

After a while, Manager Qiao's eyes lit up, and the hood was taken off. He found himself in a dark room surrounded by burly men with bare upper body and various instruments of torture hanging on the walls. He was terrified. He was shaking.

At this time, a tall young man stepped forward and tore off the rag from his mouth.

"You are Qiao Yannian from Yonghe Commercial Bank?"

"The villain is right, may I ask if you are."

"We are internal guards of the Western Army!" The young man replied coldly.

Qiao Yannian buzzed in his head, he knew that the inner guards were ruthless and ruthless people who specialized in dealing with the enemy spies hiding in Sichuan and Shaanxi.

"I'm not a spy. I'm just an ordinary citizen. I earn a little money to support my family. You must be mistaken."

The young man was Zhong Huan, and he planned the whole plan. Today was his first presiding interrogation, but he had seen a lot of Han Zhengfu's interrogations, and he had learned a few tricks.

"Whose property is Yonghe Commercial Bank, as the deputy manager, you must know!"

"I know this, it's Uncle Wei's property, but it has nothing to do with me! I'm just a small steward they hired, and there are thirteen deputy stewards like me!"

Zhong Huan said indifferently: "I just came to ask you something, I hope you will answer everything, but if you dare to hide or deceive, even if you escape to Anyue County, your two sons who are studying in Chengdu Gengshan Academy will be ashamed." Can't run away, understand?"

Qiao Yannian nodded again and again, and his back was covered in cold sweat. The other party actually found out his details. He even knew his wife's hometown was in Anyue County, Puzhou, let alone his two sons.

"You are in charge of connecting with Wanchun Tea House, right!"

"I'm not in charge of the tea house itself, I'm only in charge of selling tea cakes from Wanchun Tea House."

"But you were involved in the sale of the tea house with Meng Wanchun back then, right?"

"Yes! I participated, but I'm not the main character." Qiao Yannian's voice lowered, obviously a little guilty.

"Tell us the truth, don't turn yourself into Wei Tong's accomplice. What happened to the deal back then? I promise to keep it a secret for you."

Qiao Yannian hesitated for a long time and said, "I can tell, but you must keep it secret for me."

"You want you to tell the truth and cooperate with us, we will definitely protect you."

Qiao Yannian sighed and said: "I know that sooner or later there will be a day when Wei Tong's heinous crimes committed back then will definitely be liquidated, I say!"

He plucked up his courage and said: "Back then Meng Wanchun didn't want to sell Wanchun Tea House at all, so they chopped off the head of their youngest son Meng Huan in front of him. Meng Wanchun was frightened and had to sell it for [-] yuan. They bought Wanchun Tea House and all the tea gardens, but after signing the contract, they erased the characters in the contract and sold Wanchun Tea House for [-] yuan, which was tantamount to forcibly taking away Wanchun Tea House. "

"and after?"

"Later, Meng Wanchun couldn't hold back this breath, and he also felt hatred for his son's murder. He filed a complaint with the Chengdu government, but Li Xuemin refused to accept the case because of insufficient evidence. Later, he heard that he wanted to go to Lin'an to file a complaint, and then suddenly disappeared. .”

"What happened to the sudden disappearance?"

Qiao Yannian trembled all over, and wept bitterly: "The eighteen members of Meng Wanchun's family were all killed by them, and the bodies were burned into ashes and thrown into the Minjiang River."

Rao Zhonghuan was mentally prepared, and was shocked by such a tragic event. After a while, he asked, "How do you know so clearly?"

"The coachman is my brother-in-law. He transported the bones to the river and watched them thrown into the river. He told me later."

"Your wife and brother are still in Yonghe Commercial Firm?"

"Not anymore. He broke his left leg last year and went back to his hometown in Anyue County, but he is innocent. He is just a driver and did not participate in the murder."

"I know, in the end I need you to provide us with another piece of information."

"what's the situation?"

"I need a list of all industries under Yong'an Commercial Bank, that is to say, I need a list of Wei Tong's industries on Sichuan Road, you should get it!"

Qiao Yannian nodded, "It should be possible, I have a complete list in my hand, I will go back and copy a copy, and give it to you at noon tomorrow."

Chong Huan asked the bullock cart to continue to take Qiao Yannian to the market, pretending nothing happened, Qiao Yannian thanked him and left.

Then Chong Huan ordered Liu Qin, the head of the capital, to say, "Take more than a dozen brothers and rush to Anyue County immediately. Be sure to find Qiao Yannian's wife and brother. I want a list of murderers who participated in the killing of Meng Wanchun's family. He must remember."

Liu Qin clasped his fists and said, "Let's go now!"

【Accompanying my mother to go to the bank to do business yesterday, I wasted most of my time, I only wrote two chapters, and I didn’t have one chapter at noon, I’m sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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