
Chapter 842 Infighting

Chapter 842 Infighting
Chengdu Tongjuan Li Xuemin has been dismissed by the Supervision Department for conniving riots, but the new Chengdu prefect Zheng Ainong is more polite and still lets him live in the official residence temporarily.

But Li Xuemin didn't want to live in the official house anymore. He was eager to leave Chengdu and return to Lin'an. But the problem was that Zheng Ping, the army, refused to approve him to leave Chengdu. Without Zheng Ping's approval, his family would not be able to pass the checkpoint in Xiazhou. .

Li Xuemin scolded his mother for a while, and leaned his head back on the chair angrily, exposing his too broad forehead, he was only in his early forties, his head was already bald, and he had to wear a hat at home.

After Li Yi was assassinated, Li Xuemin thought that he could take over. After all, he didn't belong to the royalist faction, let alone the Chuanli faction, but a relatively moderate middle faction. He believed that Chen Qing needed himself, the middle faction, to take the top position in order to maintain the stability of the situation.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Zheng Ainong came out and took the seat of prefect abruptly. Needless to say, it must be recommended by Zheng Ping. The Sichuan-Shaanxi faction, also known as the hardliner, is a staunch supporter of Chen Qing, and it is not surprising that he is in the top position.

Although he did not get the position of prefect, Li Xuemin did not stamp his feet and beat his chest, full of remorse. He still looked down on the prefect of Chengdu. What he burned was the incense of Queen Mother Wei. This line is well maintained, so why not worry about high-ranking officials?
However, he never dreamed that Chen Qing suddenly shot him off the horse, and for a reason that didn't count, he took off his official hat, why?I am an official appointed by the imperial court, what does it have to do with you, Chen Qing, and what right do you have to remove yourself.

Li Xuemin wanted to point at Chen Qing's nose and yell, 'What do you mean by supporting a riot? ', thousands of people are lurking under the nose of your army, can your own confidant general not see it?

Thousands of them lurked with Wei Tong's secret support, so what does it have to do with me?
But the cold swords of hundreds of soldiers are the reason. If he doesn't leave the government office, he will be killed with a single knife.

Thinking of this, Li Xuemin was upset for a while, scolding the court was useless, and was kicked away like a dog by a local warlord.

At this time, the housekeeper reported in the courtyard: "Your Excellency, Wang Lin is here."

Li Xuemin was refreshed, and said quickly: "Quick! Please come to my study."

Wang Lin is the manager of Yonghe Commercial Bank. Wei Tong's confidant is Wei Tong's top supervisor on Sichuan Road. All of Wei Tong's businesses on Sichuan Road are under Wang Lin's control.

Even though Wang Lin was just a businessman, Li Xuemin didn't dare to neglect him at all, not to mention that he has been dismissed from office now, and he is just a common man.

"Li Tongpan is looking for me so urgently, what's the matter?"

Wang Lin's voice was very feminine. Many people suspected that he was an eunuch. He was tall and thin, with a pale face and a pair of triangular eyes hanging from his eyes. From the outside, he was not a kind person.

"Hey! Now I am no longer a judge."

Wang Lin waved his hand, "Who says you are not a general judge? You are the Chengdu general judge appointed by the government. Who can dismiss you except the government?"

"It's useless to say these words now. If you have the ability, the court will send troops. If you don't, we can only get out!"

"You can't say that. If the mountains don't turn, the water will turn back one day."

Speaking of this, Wang Lin looked around again and asked, "Is no one watching you?"

Li Xuemin shook his head, "Zheng Ainong is better at this point. He didn't send anyone to monitor me and let me go. Zheng Ping didn't care about me, but he knew I couldn't escape, so he didn't care."

"I know they won't, but what about the others?"

"Who else? Supervision Department, they have dismissed me, so they won't care about me anymore."

"I'm not talking about the Supervision Department, I'm talking about the inner guard?"

Li Xuemin still shook his head, "I have never dealt with the inner guards, including their investigation of Li Yi's death before, and they have never looked for me. I should not belong to their scope of responsibility."

At this time, a subordinate came in quickly and whispered a few words to Wang Lin. There was no one around to watch, so Wang Lin let go of his heart.

"Let's talk about business, what does Brother Li Xian want me for?"

"I want to leave Sichuan Road and go back to Lin'an, I beg Manager Wang to think of a way for me."

Wang Lin was taken aback, "Can't you leave now?"

"As I said just now, Zheng Ping refused to allow me to leave. If I leave with my family, I will definitely be stopped in Xiazhou."

Wang Lin took a sip of tea and said calmly, "Of course there is a solution, but I think that since Brother Li is going to leave, the two members of Wanchun Tea House may not be of much use to Brother Li."

It turned out that there were conditions, and Li Xuemin didn't want to get back the two components in his hands!The back of this Wanchun tea house is too bloody, and sooner or later something big will happen.

"Okay! I'll give it to you right now."

Li Xuemin took out a contract from the bookshelf, which indicated that two components of Wanchun Tea House belonged to Li Xuemin, and the contract was signed by Wei Tong.

"Take it!" Li Xuemin handed the contract to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin was also polite, and directly accepted the contract. His master repeatedly urged him to find a suitable opportunity to get these two people back, and now is a good opportunity.

"In fact, it's easy to leave Sichuan. It's still easy to go by water. They can't check every ship, especially small boats. They basically don't care about it. Now we have a business. First, take a big boat to the Three Gorges, and then transfer to a third boat in the Three Gorges. Baishi's small boats will be exchanged for larger boats at Jiangling."

"I just have a lot of stuff, and I'm afraid it won't fit in a three hundred stone boat."

"If it's money, it can be handed over to Baoji Cabinet, or it can be put out in a cargo ship."

One sentence reminded Li Xuemin that he could indeed find Baoji Cabinet.

Putting aside the matter of belongings, Li Xuemin thought of another thing.

"Just now you said the inner guard, is the inner guard looking for something recently?"

"Recently there has been some movement in the inner guard. I got news that Zheng Ping transferred a thousand elite soldiers to the inner guard. It seems that he is going to do something big."

Li Xuemin became nervous, "Could it be that I found you?"

"We are businessmen, businessmen are just looking for money, what does he care about us?"

"Hmph! Businessman, don't pretend to be in front of me. I know what you did. Otherwise, how could thousands of people lurk silently? You are the real driving force behind the scenes."

"Li Tongjue!"

Wang Lin's face sank, and he said coldly: "You are on the same boat as us. Do you think you can get rid of yourself when you say this? If you are a smart person, you'd better learn to shut up, otherwise no one can guarantee that you will be on your way." Safety."

Wang Lin's unceremonious threats made Li Xuemin's face turn red and turn pale. Only then did he realize that the other party didn't take him seriously at all, so he could only grunt resentfully and fell silent.

"So be it!"

Wang Lin stood up and said, "The purpose of my visit today is to send you and your family away as soon as possible. You should pack up quickly, and you don't need to look for treasures. I will directly transport them to Jiangling Mansion by cargo ship. Your family will leave tonight. I found it too dangerous for you to stay in Shuzhong."

After speaking, Wang Lin turned around and left quickly.

Wang Lin's last words made Li Xuemin motionless as if struck by lightning. When Wang Lin walked away, a deep sense of fear shrouded his heart. He knew Wang Lin too well. Eighteen members of Meng Wanchun's family were exterminated, and twenty-four members of Li Dan's family, the proprietor of Li's Distillery, were exterminated. He deliberately tested Wang Lin just now, and he found that Wang Lin had the same murderous intentions towards him.

If his whole family went with him, they would definitely be murdered and dumped on the way, and then he would blame the inner guards
Thinking of the inner guards, Li Xuemin suddenly realized that Wang Lin must have been investigated by the inner guards, that's why they were so nervous. He knew too much, and killing himself to silence his words was his purpose.

Li Xuemin was pacing back and forth, and finally his heart broke. Since Wang Lin wanted to kill him to silence him, then don't blame him for preempting it.

He immediately ordered the housekeeper in the yard: "Get me a carriage, I'm going to the barracks!"

(End of this chapter)

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