
Chapter 843 Arrest

Chapter 843 Arrest
Zhong Huan hurried to the barracks.

Just a quarter of an hour ago, Zheng Ping sent someone to inform him that there was an emergency and asked him to come to the barracks immediately.

"Zheng Dutong, what's the hurry?"

As soon as Zhong Huan arrived in front of the big tent, he met Zheng Ping. Zheng Ping pulled him aside and said in a low voice, "Just now Li Xuemin came to surrender to me and presented a lot of evidence, which is shocking!"

Chong Huan is overjoyed, Li Xuemin is the key person, he provides evidence, which can save him a lot of detours, and basically close the case.

"Why would he think of surrendering himself?" Zhong Huan asked puzzled.

"He said he knew too much, and Wei Tong's subordinates wanted to kill him to silence him."

"Wang Lin?"

"Yes! That's the name, do you know this person?"

Zhong Huan nodded, "He is the chief culprit of Meng Wanchun's extermination of the family. He is also Wei Tong's confidant. He is in charge of the entire Sichuan Road business. Four thousand thieves sneaked into Chengdu, and he is the one who funded and arranged behind the scenes."

"It's not that simple. The armor and weapons obtained by those thieves were all provided by him. To be precise, Wei Tong provided them. A few years ago, Liu Guangshi rebelled. Before I had time to seal off the water in Xiazhou, they seized this loophole. To transport more than [-] sets of armor disguised as goods to Hezhou, who else but Uncle Wei Guo has such a big hand, and got more than [-] sets of armor at one time."

Chong Huan sighed, "The king of the county also ordered the inner guard to find out the source of these soldiers. It turned out to be Wei Tong."

Zheng Ping patted his arm with a smile, "Isn't it a bit of a feeling that you have nowhere to go, and it doesn't take much effort?"

Zhong Huan scratched his head, "It really does feel that way!"

Zheng Ping put away his smile, and said solemnly: "Then do it quickly, and don't let him escape."

"Zheng Dutong, maybe my strength is not enough."

"Is a thousand soldiers not enough?"

Chong Huan sighed, "I got a list of Wei Tong's properties in various places in Sichuan, there are more than [-] properties, I still don't know which ones are their own people, which ones are hired locals, the best way It is to arrest all of them first, and then screen them one by one."

"Okay, I'll lend you [-] people, and I'll send [-] people to arrest each point. Forget it, go and arrest Wang Lin yourself. Give me the list, and I'll arrange arrests. Hurry up." Go and arrest Wang Lin, he is the key person, don't let him escape."

"The humble job is going to arrest people!"

Zhong Huan got on his horse and ran out of the camp on the horse path, towards the government office of the inner guard.

Zheng Ping looked at his back and nodded, "You brat is not bad!"

He immediately turned around and shouted, "Give me some soldiers!"

The Yonghe Commercial Bank in the north of the city was in turmoil. Countless people were burning accounts and documents. Many workers moved out the large gold and silver boxes from the underground warehouse and prepared to hide them secretly.

Wang Lin just got the news that Li Xuemin was missing.

When he left Li Xuemin's official residence, he left two of his subordinates to monitor Li Xuemin. Unexpectedly, Li Xuemin went out in a carriage, but did not come out after entering a teahouse. Min did not go home either, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Wang Lin immediately realized that something was wrong, and he wanted to move immediately, burn the important documents, and take away the gold and silver.

In fact, Wang Lin had no intention of killing Li Xuemin at all, but just wanted to send him out of Sichuan as soon as possible.

Although Li Xuemin kept probing, it only made Wang Lin realize that Li Xuemin knew too much. Once he was caught by Chen Qing, it would be very detrimental to his master.

But even at this time, Wang Lin still had no intention of killing Li Xuemin, but only decided to send their family away that night. It was true to send Li Xuemin's belongings away by cargo ship.

After all, Li Xuemin is not a businessman who can be slaughtered at will, but one of the few confidantes of Empress Dowager Wei. Wang Lin knows very well that if he offends Empress Dowager Wei, he will not be able to bear it.

But things in the world are so erroneous, so full of drama, there must be a cause and an effect.

Wang Lin's extermination of Meng Wanchun's family and Li Dan's family have already left a brand of murderous, vicious and ruthless in Li Xuemin's heart.

So much so that Wang Lin originally said very sincerely, 'I found it too dangerous for you to stay in Shuzhong. ' But Li Xuemin interpreted it as a death threat.

In the end, Li Xuemin surrendered to Zheng Ping in panic for help.

"Crash!" A loud noise not far away brought Wang Lin's thoughts back to reality.

He walked over quickly, only to see a box fall from the cart and shattered, and the blackened silver ingots inside were scattered all over the floor.

"You idiots, how do you do things?" Wang Lin pointed at several of his subordinates and scolded angrily.

Several subordinates were so frightened that they bowed their heads and did not dare to say anything.

"Hurry up and find a new box to pack!"

One of his men rushed to look for the box, and Wang Lin picked up a silver ingot, which was a twenty-five taels of horseshoe silver, blackened by time, which Wang Lin got from Li Jinxiao three years ago.

Sichuan has been rich in gold and silver since ancient times. Because of the slack mine management, many wealthy families in many places also unscrupulously mine wild mines. The Li family in Hechuan is one of them. Their family has accumulated a large amount of gold and silver for decades, and the result was used by the uncle Wei Tong for [-] yuan. Most of the armor was replaced.

These gold and silver are still in Wang Lin's hands, and there is no time to transport them back to Lin'an. The [-] taels of silver and [-] taels of gold in Yonghe Commercial Bank are only a small part of it, and more gold and silver are stored elsewhere.

"Boss, here it is!" A subordinate rushed over with a wooden box.

"Put it up and send it away!"

As soon as Wang Lin finished speaking, he only heard 'Boom! ' With a loud noise, everyone in the yard was stunned, and Wang Lin was also stunned.

At this moment, a man stumbled and fled in, shouting, "Run, the Western Army is coming in!"

There was a commotion in the yard, and the stewards scattered and fled in all directions. Wang Lin shouted: "Big carts go through the back door!"

Several guards dragged Wang Lin and ran to the backyard, "Don't worry about money, life is the most important thing!"

Behind it is a Cao River with a special pier where a boat is moored.

As soon as Wang Lin got on the boat, he saw more than a dozen small boats pouring out from the alleys in all directions. Hundreds of soldiers raised their crossbows and aimed at Wang Lin. Wang Lin was so frightened that he raised his hands and did not dare to move.

Jingzhao's second imperial examination has ended, and [-] Jinshi and [-] students have been admitted.

Chao Kun ranked seventh in the examination, and his "Revision of Nanyang Cargo Colonization Examination" won the first place in countermeasures,

His prose "Nanyang Travel Notes" won the first place in literature, and the third place in calligraphy.

Thesis "Young life is not [-], self-cultivation is to wait for it, so life is established!" ' won fifth place.

But he missed twelve words in his posting, so he could have won the number one score, but finally got the seventh place.

But even so, all the departments offered the best treatment for him to join, which was much more bullish than the number one champion, Taiyuan Wang Huanlun.

Chao Kun chose the preparatory group of the Municipal Bureau of Shipping under the Finance Department. He has a heart-warming heart and does not want to be restrained. The Municipal Bureau of Shipping, which is expanding to the outside world, is more suitable for him.

In the morning, Chao Kun, led by his elder brother Chao Qing, came to the county king's office.

After two years of experience, Chao Qing has become much more mature. In contrast, his brother Chao Kun still looks very young and nervous.

"Brother, why did the county king want me to go east together?"

Chao Qing shook his head, "I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the Municipal Bureau of Shipping. The Municipal Bureau of Shipping must deal with the east, not the west, right?"

"I see."

Seeing that his brother was a little nervous, Chao Qing smiled and said: "Don't be so nervous, the county king is very easy-going, and he won't blame you if you didn't get the first place in the exam. Don't worry! It should be a good thing."

The two brothers walked into the official room, Chao Qing asked his brother to wait at the door, he stepped forward and bowed and said: "Jun Wang, he is here!"

Chen Qing put down his pen, looked at the young man behind Chao Qing, and said with a smile, "You are Chao Kun!"

Chao Qing waved his hand lightly to his brother, and Chao Kun hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "The humble Chao Kun, see the king of the county!"

(End of this chapter)

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