
Chapter 844 Eradication

Chapter 844 Eradication
Chen Qing knew that although the young man in front of him felt young and shy, it was only a superficial phenomenon, and his heart was much stronger. " and "Nanyang Travel Notes", it was agreed that this young man would become the best pioneer of the Western Army.

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile, "How is your father doing now?"

"My father is in Chengdu, and he plans to move to Jingzhaolai with my uncle. Thank you for your help."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "I am the son-in-law of the Lu family, and my mother-in-law is your aunt. Speaking of which, we are a family. It is also my honor that your father and uncle are willing to serve as officials."

Next to him, Chao Qing was secretly surprised that the king of the county had never been so close to him before. He immediately realized how much the king of the county valued his brother, even far more than himself.

Chao Qing was happy for his brother, but also felt a little disappointed in his heart. He wondered why the county king valued Chao Kun so much. Could it be that article?

Chen Qing laughed again: "You mentioned Penghu in "Nanyang Travel Notes". There is a saying that there are many Han people on Penghu Island. Does it refer to the big island or the small Penghu island in the middle?"

"Of course it refers to the big island. I thought the local Han people were fishermen, but when I came back, I met a fisherman in Quanzhou. He told me that there are many farmers on the big island of Penghu. As far as he knows, There are at least one or two thousand people, and people continue to go to the island."

"Why do you have to go to the Big Island of Penghu?"

"Humble job thinks it should be tax avoidance!"

Tax avoidance is a good reason, Chen Qing nodded, and continued to ask: "You also mentioned in the article that hundreds of miles south of Penghu Lake, there is a land of bliss with thousands of miles of land, where the brave can live, but you mean the Sulu Kingdom?"

"There is a Sulu Island in the south, but there is no country yet. The land of bliss mentioned by the humble official is several large islands in the north, with a radius of thousands of miles. The Nanyang people call it Luzon. The natives live on it. They are very fierce and must be defeated. Talent can gain a foothold, so the humble position is said to be for the brave."

Chen Qing smiled and said: "Go back and clean up, and go east with me, Chao Qing will tell you!"

"I told the humble job that the humble job has been packed and ready to go at any time!"

The last night before Chen Qing's departure was spent with his wife, Lu Xiu. They hugged and talked several times.

"My husband is going east this time, will the Jin soldiers take the opportunity to attack?" Lu Xiu asked with some concern.

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "If we don't attack them, they will burn incense. Hebei Jinbing is no threat to us. Even if Datong Jinbing wants to attack Taiyuan, they will not be able to attack. I am not worried at all, and you don't have to think too much about it." , there are enough troops over there."

"After my husband leaves, the government affairs will be left to me again."

"You negotiated with Qiaoyun. I think you have done a good job, but you have to remember that Qiaoyun is only assisting you and giving you advice, but it is you who make the decision, not her."

"I know, this is Ji'er's power, I'm just exercising it on his behalf, I will handle it well, husband don't have to worry."

Chen Qing nodded, and said again: "There is also A-Lian, she is six months pregnant, it is estimated that the child will be born when I come back this time, I will leave it to you."

"I'll take care of them, but what to name the baby?"

"You guys give the child a nickname first! I'll name him when I come back."

After a pause, Chen Qing smiled again: "If it's a daughter, I'll name it Jing, and if I have another daughter, I'll name it Ying. I've already thought about it."

Lu Xiu shook her head, "I'm afraid it's my son this time, my feeling is right."

Chen Qing kissed his wife on the forehead, "Rest early, I will go to the barracks at five o'clock."

Before dawn, [-] cavalrymen began to gather and marched to the south in a mighty manner. The day before, [-] cavalrymen escorted Zhao Huan and his son to go south first.

This time Chen Qing went to Lin'an to show his strength. In fact, apart from the emperor Zhao Gou and several ministers, the other officials in the government and the public hardly knew his true strength. In their eyes, Chen Qing was just a disobedient warlord. , and even regarded him as a barbarian in the West.

Therefore, there are thousands of officials sitting on the bench waiting to be recruited in Lin'an, but none of them are willing to go to Jingzhao, which is very illustrative.

Militarily powerful, politically small.

But if without Zhao Huan and his son, Chen Qing really couldn't lead troops to Lin'an, that would be a rebellion.

But now it is to protect the late emperor to go to Lin'an, the meaning is completely different, it is more of a political demonstration, Chen Qing not only needs to be strong militarily, but also step by step politically.

This is the political advantage that Zhao Huan and his son brought him.

From a jurisprudential point of view, Zhao Huan is the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty, and he did not announce his abdication, so the emperor Zhao Gou is only considered a temporary emperor, or the emperor of Jianguo. Once the emperor returns, he must abdicate to trace the source. .This is why Zhao Ji was extremely afraid of the return of the second emperor in history.

Chen Qing led an army of [-] to escort the late emperor to Lin'an, which was essentially a way of coercing the emperor to order the princes.

The [-] cavalry were very fast. Four days later, Chen Qing led the army to Chengdu.

Chen Qing pitched a camp outside the city, and then received Zheng Ping.

Seeing Chen Qing, Zheng Ping gave a thumbs up, "It's still you, you dare to bring a hundred thousand troops to Lin'an, I really admire you."

Chen Qing said indifferently: "It depends on the main aspects of the problem. The key point is that the late emperor entered the capital. The one hundred thousand troops are just guards. What does it matter if the late emperor brings more guards?"

Zheng Ping laughed loudly, "Well said, even if the late emperor's guards brought a million dollars, no one dared to say anything."

Chen Qing said again: "Are you ready for the food and supplies I asked you to prepare?"

Zheng Ping smiled triumphantly, "The thousand flat-bottomed tugboats prepared by Li Jinxiao are already fully loaded with [-] shi of grain, and I have stockpiled hundreds of thousands of shi of grain and black beans at the Three Gorges, as well as [-] dans of forage. Half a year's consumption of the army and [-] horses."

Chen Qing nodded, "We can move the grain and grass to Jiangling Mansion, and the warehouse over there can be used."

Zheng Ping was overjoyed, and quickly asked, "Does that mean we can win Jing South Road?"

"No hurry, step by step, we have been stationed in Jiangling Mansion for a year, and the court has not said anything, I don't believe they will not know, they naturally acquiesced.

Just move the warships and supplies there first, I don’t care about Jiangling Mansion, I don’t interfere with the appointment and removal of officials on Jingnan South Road, and I don’t care if the tax court wants to take them away, but I want to get the right to garrison. This time I will go to Lin’an and Negotiations with the imperial court will also talk about this point. I want to garrison the army to suppress bandits, and I want the army to support myself. "

"Humble job understands!"

At this time, Chen Qing saw that Chao Qing was hesitating to speak at the gate of the big tent, so he asked, "What's the matter?"

"Reporting to the county king, Zhong Huan, the Commander of the Internal Guard, is here."

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "Let him in!"

After a while, Zhong Huan walked quickly into the big tent and bowed to salute, "Commander of the [-]th Battalion of Internal Guards makes Zhong Huan see the king of the county!"

Zheng Ping grinned, "Boy, are you a civil servant or a general?"

Chong Huan blushed, and knelt down on one knee to give a military salute, "See the king of the county, see Zheng Dutong!"

Although Zhong Huan was born as a Jinshi, it has always been Zhong Huan's dream to inherit his grandfather's behest and lead an army on the battlefield. He did not expect his dream to take off from the inner guard. Of course, he cherishes this hard-won opportunity.

Chen Qing nodded, "Get up and talk!"

Zhong Huan stood up and presented a report, "This is the detailed report of the internal guards' investigation and elimination of Uncle Wei's property in various places on Sichuan Road. Please read it to the king of the county!"

Chen Qing took the report and asked, "Is it over?"

"Reporting to the king of the county, it's over. A total of more than [-] people were arrested, of which [-] were found guilty. The rest have been released and continue to do their work, but all properties have been transferred to the army. In addition, we confiscated [-] million taels of silver, [-] taels of gold, [-] million guan of money, and countless materials such as camellia oleifera and cloth, and the list is attached to the report.”

"There is so much wealth?" Chen Qing was really surprised.

Zheng Ping said beside him: "Before the king questioned why the Chuanli faction collected so little money, where did the accumulation of decades go? This is the answer, and Uncle Wei Guo has accumulated money in the past few years, and the low-level checkpoints are strict. Wealth they cannot transport out of Sichuan."

Chen Qing frowned, "You mean that all the wealth of the Chuanli faction is in Wei Tong's hands?"

Zhong Huan said: "Reporting to the king of the county, it should be said that it is temporarily stored in Wei Tong's hands. The Empress Dowager Wei is the backstage of the Chuanli faction. Otherwise, with the help of a few local tyrants, how could there be so many officials supporting it? We have confiscated Wei Tong. Tong's letter is enough to prove that Wei Tong is arming the Chuanli faction and arranging for them to rebel."

"Are all these criminals still there?"

"They are all here, waiting for the order of the county king to deal with them."

Chen Qing nodded, "I will take the most important ones to Lin'an to confront Wei Tong. Besides, those who commit homicide or adultery will be beheaded, and the rest will be sent to the mine."

After a pause, Chen Qing said again: "Let Li Xuemin be handed over to the Chengdu government office, and he will be dealt with according to the law after interrogation."

(End of this chapter)

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