
Chapter 845 Departure

Chapter 845 Departure
Zhong Huan retreated, and Chen Qing asked with a smile, "how is this son?"

Zheng Ping gave a thumbs up and praised: "Both civil and military, the future is boundless, no matter in command, strategy or handling ability, I feel that he is much better than Wang Hao. After a few years of hard work, he can succeed Wang Hao in the future."

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "He really needs to temper himself."

"Actually, the king of the county took him to the east. Anyway, he has nothing to do for the time being. This kid is quite strategic, and he can advise the king of the county."

Chen Qing smiled, changed the subject and asked, "What's the status of the hundred ships?"

"They are all moored on the river outside Jiangling City, and Beizhi specially sent [-] soldiers to defend them."

"Is the crew there?"

"They are all here. They are arranged to live in Jiangling City. There are thousands of people. Yang Yuanqing is responsible for taking care of them."

Chen Qing nodded, "My [-] army is not all cavalry, and in the end I only brought [-] cavalry east to Lin'an, and you have to arrange for your men to send the other [-] horses back to Jingzhao. This is very important, and you must not be careless. "

"The humble office will be properly arranged, please rest assured the county king."

"That's good, I'll leave early in the morning the day after tomorrow!"

At this time, Zhong Huan did not leave, he was chatting with Chao Qing, and there was Chao Kun sitting beside him.

"I said you brat, how did you pass the exam, you missed a sentence in the scriptures, and the number one scholar passed by, your father was so angry that he twitched!"

Chao Kun rolled his eyes, ignored Chong Huan, and Chong Huan waved his hand, "Forget it, I'm still a boring gourd, and it's boring to talk to you."

He said to Chao Qing again: "Old Chao, do you think I chose to be a general?"

Chao Qing smiled slightly and said, "Isn't it your dream to be a military general? Since you chose it, why do you regret it? Besides, you abducted all the Xixia princesses back. Can a civil servant do such a thing?"

"How many times have I told you, it's not kidnapping, it's about saving them. They are auctioning young women. Several brothels are vying to bid. I didn't bring any money, so I rushed up with my sword and pulled the princess away. Who would dare to stop her?" I?"

Chao Kun opened his eyes wide, "Brother Zhong is so powerful?"

"That is, I have practiced martial arts for ten years, and I can be a commander without a second?"

Seeing that his brother was shocked, Chao Qing smiled and said, "Don't listen to him bragging, he has three hundred men with him! Otherwise those traffickers won't beat him to death."

Chong Huan immediately lost his temper, "It's rare for Xiao Chao to worship me so much, can you save me some face?"

Chao Kun gave a thumbs up and praised: "Because you dare to marry Princess Xixia as my wife, I will worship you once."

Chao Qing sneered and said, "What is there to admire, his father can't pass that test."

Zhong Huan suddenly said triumphantly: "Why can't I make it through? My parents have already moved to Jingzhao and officially recognized Ah Jing as a daughter-in-law. I knew that as long as Ah Jing has a child in her stomach, all difficulties will be easily solved."

"Has Chong's family moved to Jingzhao?"

Zhong Huan nodded, "The Department of Officials has appointed my father as the judge of Jingzhao Mansion, in charge of prisons. My official court may take it back, and then our family will be given a five-acre official house. My father wrote yesterday to let I'll go back early."

Chao Qing whispered: "Why are you rushing back, now there is an opportunity, you don't want to seize it?"

Zhong Huan was startled, "What chance?"

"Follow the county king to the east. If you want, I will mention it for you."

"What reason?"

"What an idiot, shouldn't the county king have internal guards to protect him?"

Chong Huan scratched his head, and said happily, "Then I will ask my brother."

The next morning, Chen Qing interviewed Zhong Huan in the big tent of the military camp, "Chao Qing said that you also want to follow me eastward?"

"The matter of the humble position in Chengdu is over, and the remaining matters have been handed over to Zheng Dutong and Zheng Zhifu. It stands to reason that I should first ask the king for instructions, but according to the internal guard regulations, the county king can directly command the inner guard battalion, which is not considered a leapfrogging .”

"You are very thoughtful, but I heard that your wife is pregnant. Is it convenient for you? This trip will take at least half a year."

"My wife is taken care of by my parents. I can go eastward with peace of mind. Later, I will write a letter from my family and ask my subordinates to take it back. Some of my subordinates really have family problems and cannot go eastward with me."

"How many men do you have now?"

"Reporting to the county king, there are one hundred and twenty-five subordinates who can follow me to the east, and all of them are elite internal guards with high martial arts skills."

Chen Qing nodded, "I have soldiers and guards by my side, but there is indeed a lack of external monitoring. Your internal guards are at the right time, so clean up and take your men on board tomorrow. You go to report to Counselor Zhou. He is here. He will be the general manager of the next eastbound trip, and he will arrange all the ships."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Just as Chong Huan was about to leave, Chen Qing suddenly remembered something and asked with a smile, "What was your original name?"

Zhong Huan understood the meaning of the king of the county, and quickly explained: "When I was born in a humble position, the first emperor was still called Zhao Xuan, and later the first emperor changed his name to Zhao Huan. After he ascended the throne, my grandfather changed my name to Zhong Heng. After Jingkang, I returned to my original name. Huan."

"I see, Chao Qing, you take him to find Zhou Shenshi."

Chao Qing saluted and left with Zhong Huan.

Chen Qing watched them walk away and couldn't help sighing.

At this time, Zhao Yingluo came out from the back tent, and said with a smile, "Why are you sighing?"

Chen Qing's women all have a characteristic, they like to call Chen Qing their husbands when they come out, no matter the Yu sisters or Zhao Qiaoyun are the same, but at home they have to obediently call them officials.

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I'm just lamenting that the children of aristocratic families are so powerful. Regardless of vision or ability, children from poor families really can't catch up with them."

Zhao Yingluo pursed her lips and smiled, "Does your husband know where the problem is?"

"Tell me about it."

"Actually, it has something to do with your husband's method of selecting talent through the imperial examination!"

"Continue talking!" Chen Qing became a little interested.

Zhao Yingluo continued: "My husband's imperial examinations emphasize policies and despise theory, and the points for posting scriptures are even lower. If during Renzong's reign, a few words were missed in posting scriptures, then the name must be lost to Sun Shan. But when it comes to my husband, I missed twelve words. To be able to take the seventh place in the exam, and whether posting scriptures or writing essays, poor scholars are good at it. They study hard day and night and stay at home for ten years. It is necessary to travel around, get in touch with the officialdom, and learn more about the hardships of the people in order to write good countermeasures. Generally, only the children of aristocratic families have this kind of education and money for their children to travel. A poor scholar who has never left home for ten years, you Isn't it funny to ask him to write about world events?"

Chen Qing was a little touched. He hadn't thought about this issue before, but after the list of imperial examinations came out this year, more than [-]% of those who passed the exam were the children of aristocratic families or eunuchs, and there were very few children from poor families. He couldn't figure out what the problem was. ?But he absolutely does not want this to happen. It will solidify social classes, and the consequences will be serious.

What Zhao Yingluo said today made Chen Qing feel a little like waking up from a dream.

"Is this what you thought of?"

"Qiaoyun and I were doing imperial examination questions together. When we talked about this issue, we both felt that my husband paid too much attention to countermeasures and was very unfair to poor children."

"Then how to solve this problem? Do you want to increase the proportion of posting scriptures and papers?"

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with my husband's emphasis on countermeasures. A large number of practical and knowledgeable talents can be selected. As for the poor children, in fact, my husband can open another Mingjing subject in the imperial examination, and the poor children will have hope."

Chen Qing was overjoyed, it was really a good way to solve the problem, he hugged Zhao Yingluo and kissed her deeply, his hands began to be dishonest, Zhao Yingluo shyly pushed him away, pointing outside, there are soldiers standing guard outside the tent!

The barracks was indeed inconvenient, Chen Qing laughed, and could only look forward to boarding the ship tomorrow!

Before dawn the next day, the army and accompanying officials began to board the boats one after another. Four hundred large ships of three thousand shi and one thousand flat-bottomed tugboats were moored on the Minjiang River. , [-] troops boarded the ship.

When we arrive at Jiangling, we will send out a hundred more large ships, and continue to reduce the number to [-] cavalry to travel by land, and [-] troops to board the large ships to form an extremely large naval force. Carry a lot of supplies.

"Woo—" The low-pitched horns blew together.

The fleet began to rise slowly, lined up for dozens of miles, and headed for the Yangtze River in the south
(End of this chapter)

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