
Chapter 846 Wei Tong

Chapter 846 Wei Tong
Wei Tong's mansion is located in the east of Yujie Street. It is a mansion with an area of ​​about [-] acres. This is already a rare mansion in Lin'an where land resources are scarce.

In addition, Wei Tong also has a landscape garden house covering an area of ​​ten acres by the West Lake.

These two beautiful houses were of course given by the emperor Zhao Gou. Zhao Gou was very generous to this only uncle. He not only gave him a beautiful house, but also made him the king of Yonghe County. As a precedent, the two brothers of the Empress Dowager Xiang were both named county kings during their lifetimes.

Zhao Gou also gave Wei Tong a gold medal, allowing him to enter the palace at any time to solve the Empress Dowager Wei's worries and problems. With this gold medal, Wei Tong is not only free to enter and exit the palace gate, but also the city gate. Even in the middle of the night, the city gate must be opened , let him into the city.

Wei Tong himself is not idle, he is extremely greedy for money, Lin'an city has been occupied by him how many restaurants and teahouses, he also used the power of Queen Mother Wei to intervene in mining and casting money, and in the smelting of gold and silver mines. With the support of the emperor Zhao Gou, when the Wei Party gradually formed, Wei Tong became the contact person of the Empress Dowager Wei.

He has a large number of stewards under him, and every time a Wei party official is appointed as an official in a local area, he will send a senior steward to follow him, like a vampire, desperately sucking the fat and ointment of the local people.

Basically everyone in Lin'an knows that Wei Tong has eight famous chief stewards, known as the Eight Great King Kongs, and Wang Lin is one of the Eight Great King Kongs, ranking second.

Sichuan Road is the site that Empress Wei has always wanted to control. From Zhu Shengfei to Liu Guangshi, the two Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu envoys were all Queen Mother Wei's people. At least [-]% of the state capital officials are appointed by Queen Mother Wei.

Originally, Sichuan Road was Zhang Jun’s territory. Zhang Jun appointed a large number of officials on Sichuan Road, including Li Yi, the prefect of Chengdu, who was recommended by Zhang Jun’s operation. The emperor Zhao Gou was also happy to see the success of Zhang Jun's influence.

Those two years were also the busiest time for Wei Tong. In order to help the Empress Dowager Wei win the Sichuan Road, Wei Tong really paid for it. Many state officials who were not originally from the Queen Mother's faction were also thrown into the Wei Party by him with money and power. It costs at least a million guan.

Of course, he has already used various means to recover these capitals, and he has made ten times the huge profits.

However, Wei Tong has been really depressed these days. Just yesterday, the Queen Mother summoned him into the palace and scolded him. Only then did Wei Tong know that something happened in Sichuan. Li Jinxiao failed to raise an army and was strongly suppressed by Chen Qing.

Can Wei Tong not be depressed?It was the queen mother who asked him to stir up Li Jinxiao and others to raise troops. Now that the rise fails, it is simply unreasonable to shift the responsibility to himself!
"I told her that Li Jinxiao's troops were too small, and if he raised his troops too hastily, he would fail. She didn't believe it, thinking that all the states would respond with troops. Now, the soldiers have been completely killed, and her power has been completely wiped out. Now they are blaming me for letting them raise their troops, and I have suffered heavy losses! Who am I to reason with?"

Wei Tong was so angry that he cursed loudly in the study, and his staff Qiu Qiankai persuaded him: "This is the end, the prince should not be angry, it's better to think about how to reduce the loss."

Wei Tong sat down and asked for a while, "Is there any news about Wang Lin?"

"Not for the time being, and I have not responded to pigeon letters over there."

Wei Tong frowned, "You didn't reply to the pigeon letter?"

"I have asked about it. I have sent pigeon letters three times in a row these days, but there is no reply. It stands to reason that the reply should have arrived long ago."

Wei Tong was suddenly upset, he had great interests in Shuzhong, millions of taels of silver, hundreds of thousands of taels of gold, millions of coins, and so many properties, he was more worried than anyone else.

The wealth accumulated over the years cannot be transported, and Wei Tong's teeth itch with hatred when he thinks about it.

At this time, someone reported in the courtyard, "My lord, there is an urgent letter from Sichuan!"

Wei Tong was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Bring it in quickly!"

A confidant came in with a tube of pigeon letters, and Wei Tong asked, "Is it from Chengdu?"

"No, it says Bazhou!"

Wei Tong was stunned, why did he come from Bazhou?
Qiu Qiankai whispered: "Didn't we set up an emergency backup pigeon letter in Bazhou? Even Wang Lin didn't know about it."

Wei Tong remembered that it was an intelligence point they set up last year. It was very hidden, and the purpose was to monitor Wang Lin and his activities. Of course, Wang Lin would not know.

Suddenly something was wrong in his heart, he quickly opened the letter box and took out a thin tube of paper. Wei Tong spread out the paper, lay on it and looked at it for a while, when he suddenly yelled, his eyes went dark, and he fell on his back, frightened. Qiu Qiankai hurriedly called the maid to help him up, Wei Tong burst into tears.

Qiu Qiankai picked up the note and read it carefully. He was also taken aback, "All personnel were killed, and all wealth and property were swallowed up by the Western Army."

These two simple sentences reveal that something extremely bloody and terrifying has happened in Sichuan. Wei Tong's hard work and gains in Sichuan are completely gone. No wonder he can't accept it.

Qiu Qiankai sighed, he didn't know how to persuade him.

At this time, Wei Tong suddenly stopped crying. He wiped away his tears, his eyes became extremely resentful, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Qing, I need you to repay it a thousand times and a thousand times!"

After ten days of sailing, the fleet arrived at Jiangling Prefecture. The Western Army stationed [-] troops in Jiangling. They all came to the big ship to greet them.

Chen Qing took Zhao Yingluo off the big boat, and Yang Yuanqing went forward and knelt down on one knee to salute, "See the county king for humble posts!"

Yang Yuanqing wavered in his loyalty before, but he suffered a big loss. He finally came to his senses. , This is also Chen Qing's trust in him. If there is no accident, he will be promoted to the capital in two or three years.

Chen Qing smiled and said, "Thank you General Yang, please get up!"

Zhang Shun, the governor of Jiangling, and Ge Qinghong, the prefect of Jiangling, also stepped forward to salute. Zhang Shun had stayed in Jiangling for nearly eight years. When Wang Yan was the prefect of Jiangling, he was the prefect. Later, when Chen Qing's army was stationed in Jiangling, he also fully supported him. He used to belong to Zhang Jun's faction, but now he is the magistrate of Jiangling recognized by Chen Qing, and the court can no longer transfer him away.

Last year, the imperial court ordered him to know the affairs of Ezhou. He refused to be transferred under the pretext of staying with the people. Then the new magistrate sent by the imperial court was blocked by the army and could not enter Jiangling City. The new magistrate had to go back. He had to acquiesce in the Western Army's occupation of Jiangling Mansion.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun would report everything to the imperial court, which saved the imperial court's face. The imperial court simply kept him in the Jiangling Mansion, which was a kind of unavoidable compromise.

However, Ge Qinghong is the son-in-law of Wang Jin, a wealthy family in Jiangling. Wang Jin supports the Western Army, and Ge Qinghong is naturally a supporter of the Western Army.

Chen Qing said sincerely to the two: "[-] Jianghuai people went south to Jinghu South Road, and Jiangling Mansion settled [-] people. I know you must have made great hardships. The imperial court cannot see your achievements, but I can clearly see them." Clearly, I believe your hard work will never be in vain."

Chen Qing's statement moved the two of them very much. Zhang Shun bowed and said, "Thank you for your understanding, the king of the county. Although it took a lot of hard work to resettle the people in Jianghuai, but after they settle down, they will produce huge agricultural products for Jiangling. This year, our summer grain output will If it can be doubled, the production of cotton cloth, tea and vegetable oil will also be doubled several times, and Jiangling will soon become a land of fish and rice.”

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "This is what I expected too!"

Ge Qinghong hurriedly said: "The king of the county has worked hard all the way, please go to the city to rest!"

Chen Qing smiled and shook his head, "It's still early, go to the barracks first, and visit the defenders."

(End of this chapter)

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