
Chapter 847

Chapter 847
In the morning of the next day, Chen Qing boarded a Wanshi ship, which was specially prepared for him. It was probably new. It was launched in September the year before last, and last year it took a trip to Nanyang to transport spices. There was still a strong smell of spices in the cabin .

This sea ship is a Fujian sea ship, the most common sea ship in the Song Dynasty. It has a sharp bottom, a small head, a wide tail, and two upturned ends. Ocean sailing.

The cabin is at the back, with three stories high, the bottom floor is the cabin of the soldiers, the second floor is where Chen Qing handles official business, and the third floor is his sleeping cabin.

"Husband, are we going to move here?"

Their previous three-thousand-stone boat was a little smaller, although they could still ride on it, but compared to the spaciousness of the Wanshi sea boat, the three-thousand-stone boat seemed too aggrieved. Zhao Yingluo fell in love with this spacious boat all of a sudden. The big ship has a wide view, the cabin is spacious and comfortable, and it is very stable.

Chen Qing nodded with a smile, "This ship is the main ship, which is specially used to transport VIPs. Speaking of which, it is still my ship."

Zhao Yingluo asked in surprise, "How could it be your husband's ship?"

"I'll tell you slowly on the way, let the guards and maids move everything up to the third floor."

This time Zhao Yingluo followed Chen Qing, bringing ten female guards and eight maids. There are more than twenty cabins on the third floor, enough for them to live in.

Zhao Yingluo is not a flower vase either, her talent even exceeds Zhao Qiaoyun, of course she also has to assist her husband in sorting out the paperwork.

She hurriedly took the female guard and maid to transfer the luggage to the big ship.

At this time, the steward of the crew stepped forward and reported, "Your Majesty, it is best to put some food and supplies in the cargo ship, so that the cabin can be compacted and the ship will be more stable!"

Chen Qing nodded, "You can figure it out, when can you leave?"

"Pack up supplies today and tomorrow, and we can set off early in the morning the day after tomorrow."

Chen Qing nodded, turned around and asked the soldiers, "Have all the cavalry crossed the river?"

"Report to the county king, they are all here!"

When the cavalry came, they walked on the north bank, while Chen Qing's army was stationed on the south bank. There is a reason for this. The dividing line between the Jinghu and Lake roads is the Yangtze River. Although Jiangling City is located on the north bank of the Yangtze River, most of its jurisdiction is on the south bank. So it also belongs to Jingnan South Road.

Jingbei Road is Yue Fei's place. Yue Fei's army is fighting fiercely with Wanyan Wushu's army. The two armies are in a stalemate, but Yue Fei's army has the upper hand.

The central part of the Jianghuai River is Zhang Jun's territory, and the eastern part is Han Shizhong's territory. If you go from Jiangbei, it will bring some unnecessary troubles.

A large amount of food and supplies filled hundreds of large ships. Early on the third day, the fleet set off again. This was a huge fleet composed of one hundred large ships, four hundred three thousand large ships, and one thousand flat-bottomed cargo ships. Stretching for hundreds of miles, the sails covered the sky and the sun, and sailed to the east with great momentum.

In particular, the hundred-thousand-stone ship is very eye-catching. It has a huge body, and the three-thousand-stone cargo ship has become a younger brother in front of it. It is no less than a warship on the big river. The soldiers of the Western Army simply fixed hundreds of medium-sized trebuchets on the deck, and it turned into a hundred warships.

The fleet was so powerful that it moved eastward all the way, which really shocked the states along the Yangtze River. When the fleet passed by, both sides of the Yangtze River were full of people watching the excitement.

This morning, the fleet entered the territory of Anqing Mansion, and the people along the coast of Anqing Mansion ran out of the village one after another. They stood on the shore and watched the shocking scene. The huge ships sailed by one after another on the river. , the sails of the fleet behind covered the sky, and many people had never seen such a huge fleet in their entire lives.

On the river bank outside Guichi County on the north bank, stood an army of thousands of people, headed by a middle-aged general with a very burly figure and a pair of triangular eyes full of vicissitudes and cunning.

This person is Zhang Jun, the Xuanfu envoy of Huaixi. He happened to be in Guichi County and witnessed this mighty fleet with his own eyes.

"Xuanfu envoy, where is this fleet? It's so huge." A confidant general beside him asked.

Zhang Jun gave him a cold look, "What do you think?"

"No way! Chen Qing will have such a huge navy?" The generals chattered in shock.

Zhang Jun was also extremely shocked. He never dreamed that Chen Qing's strength was so powerful, and it was shown in this way, which made him vigilant. If the imperial court sent him to exterminate Chen Qing, would he go or not?

Because there are still [-] cavalry on the shore, the fleet also travels day and night. At night, the fleet anchors on the river outside Tongling County to rest, and the cavalry on the south bank also camps to rest. Wait, basically they are supplying the cavalry. The cavalry is led by Gao Ding.

At this time, a thousand-stone cargo ship approached Chen Qing's boat, and soldiers escorted Zhou Kuan onto the boat. Zhou Kuan was sitting in a big boat in front of him and lived with many civil officials.

Chen Qing asked Zhou Kuan to sit down in his official cabin, and a maid entered and served tea.

Chen Qing asked: "Did Duke Zhou talk to Dijun in the past two days?"

Zhou Kuan nodded, "I talked to him yesterday, and he was very worried about his safety when he went to Lin'an."

"Then what do you say?"

"Of course I told him that it is impossible for the king of the county to let the emperor hurt him. He must ensure his safety. He is only allowed to attend some ceremonies to confirm his identity. He will not be allowed to live in the palace, but still in the barracks."

Zhou Kuan laughed again: "He was still worried that Zhao Gou would deny him and accuse him of being a fake, so I told him clearly that if there were no [-] army guards, then his worries would most likely come true. Wan Dajun is the guard, and the emperor dare not deny it."

"well said!"

Chen Qing praised: "Everything is based on strength. I believe that after this trip to Lin'an, more and more people will recognize us again and recognize us."

"But will they think that the county king is coercing the emperor to order the world?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "Cao Cao coerced the emperor to make the princes, don't the scholars in the world know? They all know, but there are still countless scholars who come to join him. I have seen through it for a long time. The righteous people in the world are the ones who butcher dogs. These officials and scholars are the most realistic and selfish. As long as it is profitable, they will definitely rush to vote. Besides, we are not Jurchen aliens, but the dignified Song Zhengzong, and they will not have any psychological barriers, so this time Lin'an During the trip, we have to let them see the strength with their own eyes."

Zhou Kuan smiled slightly: "It is impossible to satisfy everyone, and it is impossible to get everyone to support it. As long as the interests are consistent with the county king, then he will support the county king, but this is a long process. At least Ten or twenty years, don’t be in a hurry.”

Chen Qing understood the deep meaning of Zhou Kuan's words very well. In history, decades after the establishment of the Jin Kingdom, the Han people in the north all recognized the Jin Kingdom, which meant that the interests of the Jin Kingdom were the same.

Zhou Kuan laughed again and said, "We've already arrived in Tongling, so let's divide up the troops!"

Chen Qing nodded, "The next step is to ask Duke Zhou to go ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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