
Chapter 848

Chapter 848
When the fleet arrived in Wuhu County, the troops were divided into two groups. Gao Ding led [-] cavalry along Lishui, dozens of cargo ships of [-] shi and [-] flat-bottomed boats. Zhou Kuan, as the advance officer, also followed The cavalry is going, but they will stop when they reach Huzhou. This distance is not far or close, waiting for Lin'an's response.

And Chen Qing led the main force of the [-] army, that is, [-] sea-going ships and [-] [-]-stone cargo ships to continue eastward. After leaving the mouth of the Yangtze River, they went south along the coast to Hangzhou Bay, where they landed.

At this time, another [-] copies of "Beijing News" appeared in various restaurants in Lin'an City. This time it appeared at noon. The headline on the front page of the Daily News is "Junwang Chen Qing escorts the late emperor to Laian".

A stone hit a thousand layers of waves, the late emperor is finally coming, the last time the coffin of the Supreme Emperor arrived sparked heated discussions in the city, but the Supreme Emperor died after all, and this time the late emperor came back alive, this matter quickly became the concern of everyone in Lin'an City. topic of discussion.

But smart people know that the real protagonist is not the first emperor, but Chen Qing. This legendary warlord in the western part of the Song Dynasty is finally coming to Lin'an. Will he be detained by the court?Will he be killed by the court?Aroused the worry and curiosity of countless people.

In the afternoon, Lu Jin took the newspaper and ran all the way excitedly. When he came to the back house, his father Lu Yihao was sitting in front of the tea table and dozing off, and was awakened by his footsteps.

"Is it Da Lang?" Lu Yihao was too familiar with his son's footsteps.

"Father, there's the latest newspaper!"

"Ah! Show it to me quickly."

Lu Jin walked into the study excitedly, knelt down and handed the newspaper to his father.

Lu Yihao took the newspaper and glanced at it, then smiled and said, "Chen Qing is coming."

"I don't know if Xiu'er wants to come together?"

Lu Yihao shook his head, "Impossible. When Chen Qing comes here, my son will be in Jingzhao. Xiu'er must be with him."

"Father, I'm really worried about whether Chen Qing will be in danger this time?"

Lu Yihao laughed, "Your son-in-law is the most cunning little fox I have ever seen. This time he came in the name of the late emperor, and he must have brought tens of thousands of troops with him. The reason is! To protect the safety of the late emperor, no one can say anything. So you don't have to worry about his safety."

"But what is he doing here? The child doesn't understand."

Lu Yihao sighed and said: "After all, the mainstream of the Song Dynasty is in Lin'an. In Jiangnan, he has always been called the Western Warlord and has not been taken seriously by the mainstream. He thought of using the "Beijing News", but it is far from enough. Publicity Ten thousand sentences is not as good as his personal appearance in Lin'an, which will definitely cause a strong shock."

"But I'm afraid everyone will only pay attention to the late emperor?"

"You are wrong. The first emperor is just a kind of feeling, causing a little emotional touch, that's all. If the first emperor lives in the palace, within a few days, everyone will forget it completely, but if it involves everyone's personal Benefits will be remembered deeply, and that is the focus of everyone's real attention."

"What will it be?"

Lu Yihao said indifferently: "Everyone will only really pay attention to one thing, and that is the army brought by Chen Qing."

In the study, Qin Hui slammed a newspaper on Wang Bo's face, and said angrily, "How did I tell you? I asked you to find the newspaper lair and destroy the printing place. Have you found it? It appears again and again, This is slapping me in the face, you know that?"

The Wang family next to him was a little displeased and said: "Master, tell him well, don't get angry!"

Qin Hui held back his anger and sat back on his seat, "Tell me! What have you done?"

Wang Bo was full of frustration and said: "Reporting to Uncle, my nephew is indeed looking for various clues. My nephew has already confirmed that the newspaper was not printed in Lin'an Mansion, but in a county near Lin'an."

Qin Hui snorted, "What evidence do you have? Or do you make up your own nonsense to coax me?"

"My nephew didn't dare to lie to my uncle. I did find a clue before, which was the book "The Monkey King Havoc in Heaven". My nephew found a printing shop, and the shopkeeper told me that it was a Xuanzhou businessman who entrusted him to print it. It was engraved in Xuanzhou, but the businessman ran away and was not caught."

"You mean that newspapers are also printed in Xuanzhou?"

"That's exactly what my nephew meant. If they had a printing shop in Lin'an, they wouldn't have entrusted the printing house in Lin'an to print books for them."

This reason is not bad, Wang Bo is not that stupid, Qin Hui's expression softened a little and he said: "You continue to investigate, it is best to go to Uncle Wei Guo, and ask him to help you with the investigation, he must be very willing to help you."

"Nephew understands!"

Wang Bo bowed and saluted, and hurried away.

Wang asked puzzledly: "After such a long time, why are you still checking the newspaper?"

Qin Hui sighed, "I don't know who stabbed this newspaper in front of the officials. The officials were furious and called me over to scold me, saying that Chen Qing's propaganda had gotten under his nose, and we all ate it." cooking."

"What did the master say?"

"What can I say, I just say that this newspaper also has a positive side. If it hadn't published this news, we would never have known that Chen Qing had come to protect the late emperor, otherwise we would not have been prepared at all."

Mrs. Wang nodded, "That makes sense! What do you mean by official?"

"The officials said that I was fooling him, shirk responsibility for myself, and ordered me to destroy the opponent's lair within three days!"

Speaking of this, Qin Hui gritted his teeth with hatred and said: "I want to investigate carefully, which bastard stabbed the newspaper in front of the official's house, I will make him eat it and walk around!"

"I want to find out who is tripping up the master, but just now the master said to ask Bo Er to find Uncle Wei Guo, why?"

Qin Hui sneered and said: "Uncle Wei recently suffered a big loss on Sichuan Road. It is said that he lost tens of millions of pennies. He hated Chen Qing to the bone. Boer asked him to check Chen Qing's newspaper. He will definitely do his best to check it. .”

"Losing tens of millions of coins, how come?" Wang was really surprised.

"Before, I thought that Li Jinxiao and the others were instigated by me to raise troops. Later, I realized that it had nothing to do with me. Those people had long been manipulated by Uncle Wei Guo to buy armor and recruit troops. In order to get the Queen Mother's support, these people used A large amount of wealth was deposited with Uncle Wei Guo as collateral, but in the end it was wiped out by Chen Qing. Li Jinxiao and Uncle Wei Guo’s people were all ruined, and all the wealth was taken away by Chen Qing. Decades of collection! That’s not right Surely?"

"It means that the master was also set up by Uncle Wei Guo?"

Qin Hui nodded, "To be precise, she was set up by the Queen Mother. I didn't know that she had penetrated so deeply into Sichuan Road. Thirty percent of the state officials belonged to her. Madam and the Queen Mother have a good relationship. You should have heard of it! "

Mrs. Wang also sighed, "She never said anything about it, and I found that she was getting more and more negative, and her influence in Sichuan was uprooted. She didn't reveal anything about such a big matter in front of me."

Qin Hui said helplessly: "This time when Chen Qing comes to An'an, it is estimated that there will be another bloody storm. I am going to recommend Zhu Shengfei's reunification. On the one hand, it is to make friends with the Queen Mother. On the other hand, let Zhu Shengfei deal with Chen Qing at this critical moment. I'm going to step back a little bit."

"The key is whether the officials agree or not?"

Qin Hui sneered and said: "Yesterday and today, he praised Zhu Sheng for not caring about the overall situation. I guess it must be the Queen Mother who is crying behind her back. The officials want to compensate the Queen Mother for her loss on Sichuan Road. I am an idiot if I still don't understand such an obvious hint." .”

(End of this chapter)

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