
Chapter 849 Newspapers

Chapter 849 Newspapers
Sure enough, Wang Bo found his uncle Wei Tong for help. Wei Tong heard that he was investigating the "Beijing News"'s lair in Lin'an. Beijing News is printed.

In the lobby, Wei Tong spittled and said to Wang Bo: "Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men. I don't believe that these ordinary people can withstand the temptation of money?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Uncle Guo's words are wise and famous!"

Wang Bo flattered with a smile all over his face and said, "Thanks to Uncle Guo for his generosity. I believe that with Uncle Guo's help, the "Beijing News"'s nest in Lin'an will soon be wiped out."

Wei Tong twirled a few rat whiskers and asked triumphantly: "The key is whether my reward has been made known to the people, and it will be effective if they know it."

"You all know that we not only put up a list and offered rewards, but also used various channels to spread the news. Every beggar and every gangster in Lin'an knows about it. They are the most active."

At this moment, the butler ran over and said, "My lord, a gangster came outside and said he knew where the "Beijing News" lair was?"

Wang Bo was overwhelmed with surprise, and stood up abruptly. Wei Tong raised his head and laughed loudly, "I'll just say it! Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men, and there will never be mistakes."

"The humble official will go back to the county government and lead someone to arrest him."

Wei Tong said with a murderous look on his face: "I will also send warriors to assist you, and I must catch these sons of bitches."

The rogue who reported the report, surnamed Bao, lived in Wenjia Village outside the city, about ten miles away from Lin'an City. He said to Wang Bo: "I got up last night to go to the hut, and found that the room diagonally opposite was brightly lit. I sneaked through the crack of the door. When I saw that there were many people printing newspapers, I knew that this must be the newspaper that the county offered a reward for.”

Wang Bo laughed and said, "Hurry up and lead the way, there will be a big reward."

The scoundrel salivated again and said with a smile: "I heard that there is a reward of one thousand strings!"

Wang Bo's face darkened, and when he was about to explode, his staff member Jia Yingfang gently pulled him to remind Wang Bo that it was not time to turn his face.

Wang Bo could only hold back his breath and said, "As long as the report is true, you will definitely be rewarded."

A group of more than two hundred people marched to Wenjia Village in a mighty manner. The rascal pointed to a large courtyard at the east end of the village, "That is the courtyard, and there is a big house inside."

Wang Bo nodded. The compound is close to the small river, and the waterways extend in all directions. It is indeed an ideal place for printing newspapers.

He waved his hand, "Surround the compound!"

More than a hundred archers and more than a hundred warriors outflanked it from left and right. The courtyard wall was very low. They climbed over the courtyard wall and rushed in. After a while, the gate opened, and all the archers walked out quickly, bowing and saying: "Qi Mr. Xianxian, it is indeed a printing house, but there is no one in it, and it has run away."

Wang Bo frowned, but there was no one there, so he waved his hand, "Go ahead and have a look!"

Archers surrounded Wang Bo and walked into the compound. When he entered the big room, he saw that he had put in a mess and visited countless printing utensils. Dozens of newspapers that failed to print and scattered wooden characters were scattered on the ground. It is ink, and there is a thick stack of white paper in the corner. Wang Bo nodded and said: "It seems that this is indeed the old nest of the printing office of "Beijing News". Take all the things back, this is the evidence we found."

The staff member Jia Yingfang went around, and he soon found out that something was wrong. The printing equipment was broken, and it had been broken for a long time, so it could not be printed at all. The newspapers that failed to print were scattered on the ground a long time ago. Yes, but they were at least a few months ago.

He immediately found the whistleblower and asked him, "To be honest, how did you find out about this printing house?"

"I'm not saying that I got up last night."

"Fart! Surrounded by courtyard walls, you can see a ghost. If you don't tell the truth, you will never get a penny."

The rascal had no choice but to stammer: "Actually, a person told me that this is the printing office of the "Beijing News".

"What kind of person?"

"I don't know him, but he has the door key. He took me to the window of the room to look. I saw a lot of printing tools, so I believed it. Then I rushed to the county."

Jia Yingfang immediately understood that they had been fooled, and that the other party had deliberately prepared to fool them.

"Who is the owner of this house?"

The rascal said with a mournful face, "It's my old house, I rented it out."

"Who are you renting the house to?"

"I don't know each other. The other party gave me three pennies, and I rented it to him for a month, but I never saw the other party again."

"Is it the man who showed you the printing press yesterday?"

The rascal shook his head, "It's not the same person, I don't even know each other,"

Jia Yingfang was furious after asking three questions. This guy is a fool. He thought for a while and said, "Don't tell the county king what we said just now, otherwise you won't get any reward."

The rascal nodded in panic, "I know! I know! I'm not a fool. If I tell the county magistrate the truth, there must be no reward!"

He is said to be stupid, but he is very smart when it comes to money. I don't know who is stupid?
Jia Yingfang didn't want to expose the matter, so she got up and left. He knew in his heart that if it was just the county lord, it would be fine to talk about it by himself, but when it came to Uncle Wei, to be honest, Uncle Wei was afraid that he would be in trouble when he became angry.

At this time, beside a forest in the distance, several men were watching the situation in the Dongtou compound. When Wang Bo, the magistrate of the county, brought all the things in the house out, they turned around and disappeared into the forest.

Wang Bo and his party returned to the county seat, but saw several vegetable farmers come back in a panic, shouting: "The city gate is closed, don't go back to the city, go home quickly!"

Wang Bo was a little strange, it was just after noon, how could the city gate be closed, he quickly asked the capital Ma Song to understand the situation.

Not long after, Ma Song galloped back on horseback and shouted: "Master, the city gate is indeed closed, it seems to be some kind of emergency situation!"

Wang Bo was a little dumbfounded, the emergency military situation, he is still outside the city magistrate magistrate!

Jia Yingfang said in a low voice: "The county lord might as well go and call the door, Uncle Wei's people are here too!"

Wang Bo suddenly realized that the other party did not give him face, but Wei Guo must give face.

A group of people rushed to the bottom of the city and shouted at the door. The soldiers at the top of the city heard that they were under the magistrate and Uncle Wei Guo, so they didn't dare to neglect and rushed to report.

Uncle Wei Guo was really good at it, the gatekeeper didn't dare to offend, so he had to order the door to be opened to let people in.

After entering the city, Wang Bo hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "General, what happened to close the city gate?"

"I heard that Chen Qing's tens of thousands of cavalry have arrived and have already reached Huzhou. All the higher-ups urgently ordered the city gates to be closed."

Wang Bo was taken aback. Chen Qing's tens of thousands of cavalry had reached Huzhou. Wouldn't it be possible to reach Lin'an at night?My God, is this a rebellion?

At this moment, Wang Bo suddenly felt that it was meaningless for him to search the "Beijing News" lair.

Once Chen Qing's cavalry entered the city, would he still be able to save his life?

Worried about gain and loss, Wang Bo ordered his subordinates to return to the county government office, while he rushed to his uncle's house alone.
(End of this chapter)

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