
Chapter 851 Contact

Chapter 851 Contact
The VIP Inn where Zhou Kuan lived was located on the north shore of the West Lake, and the location was relatively remote. The reason why Huang Guinian didn't arrange Zhou Kuan in a noble hotel in the city was mainly because Zhou Kuan had [-] cavalrymen. They can be temporarily arranged in a noble hotel outside the city, and they will move into the city after reporting to the emperor for approval.

But Zhou Kuan didn't care too much. He didn't come to investigate the sufferings of the people in Lin'an. He just communicated with the imperial court on behalf of Chen Qinglai.

Just when Zhou Kuan returned to the expensive hotel, one of his men came to report, "Xiangguo Li Guang has been waiting for a long time."

Zhou Kuan walked into the yard quickly, and said apologetically, "I went out to visit my boss, and I kept Li Xianggong waiting for a long time."

Li Guang came to contact Zhou Kuan under the order of the Son of Heaven. He waited for nearly a quarter of an hour, feeling a little uncomfortable, but it was not about getting angry now, and he held back his slight dissatisfaction.

"Who is Duke Zhou's old boss?"

"Hehe! My old boss is Lu Xianggong, and I just went to visit him."

"Oh? How could Mr. Lu be Mr. Zhou's old boss?"

It seems that the imperial court did not have his own resume. Zhou Kuan invited Li Guangjin to sit down in the lobby and ordered his subordinates to serve tea. Then he said to Li Guang: "During the Xuanhe period, I served as the Hebei Transshipment Envoy Xiangzhou Branch, and Lu Xianggong was the Hebei Transshipment Envoy at that time. He naturally It's my old boss."

"It turned out that Duke Zhou was also an old minister of Xuanhe, how did he go to Sichuan and Shaanxi?"

Zhou Kuan smiled and said: "The Jin soldiers entered Xiangzhou, I abandoned my official position and fled to Taihang Mountain, and followed Wang Yan all the time. Later, Wang Yan left the Western Army and entrusted me to General Chen. I have been General Chen's staff all the time. Now Served as the judge of the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi."

"So it's not easy for Duke Zhou!"

Li Guang politely said something that was not nutritious. He suddenly discovered that the court knew nothing about the situation in Sichuan and Shaanxi. Zhou Kuan was definitely wrong when he said that he was the magistrate of Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi. There are two sets of official positions, and they don't even know Zhou Kuan's real position.

But now is not the time to ask about this matter, Li Guang asked again: "Why are tens of thousands of cavalry from Sichuan and Shaanxi appearing in Huzhou? Can Duke Zhou explain?"

Zhou Kuan smiled slightly and said, "Accurately speaking, there are [-] cavalry soldiers. We are just one of the late emperor's guards to protect the late emperor's coming."

Li Guang was about to swear, it was Chen Qing's army, but he actually found an excuse to say that he was the late emperor's guard, it was extremely shameless, no!Li Guang suddenly realized, "What did Duke Zhou say just now, one of the guards, how many troops have come?"

"A total of [-] troops, [-] cavalry are only part of it."


Li Guangteng stood up abruptly, his expression changed drastically, "One hundred thousand troops! What do you guys want to do?"

"Li Xianggong doesn't need to be nervous. I have made it very clear just now that we are just the late emperor's guards. Our only mission is to ensure the safety of the late emperor, and we have no other intentions."

'Hold it!Hold back!do not worry. '

Li Guang forced himself to calm down, then he sat down slowly, took a deep breath and said, "I don't know your real position, so what should I call you?"

"I am indeed the magistrate of the Sichuan-Shanxi Xuanfu Envoy. It is no problem for Li Xianggong to call me Magistrate Zhou."

"Okay! If there is any negligence, please forgive me. I heard from Huang Shaoqing that Judge Zhou communicated with us in advance on behalf of Chen Junwang, so we simply treat each other honestly. Tell me the truth, Chen Junwang rate [-] What is the intention of the army coming to An'an?"

Zhou Kuan shook his head and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, don't think too much, what I just said is the truth, to protect the safety of the first emperor."

"What about King Chen? Don't you want his safety?" Li Guang couldn't bear it anymore.

"Our county king came to An'an this time. His main duty is to command this army. He is not here to report his duties to the court, nor is he here to meet the emperor. This army is not to protect him. Of course, if someone wants to harm him, the army will also By the way, keep him safe."

Li Guang finally understood that the other party would never admit that the [-] troops were brought by Chen Qing to threaten the court, but insisted that they were here to protect the emperor. In this way, they could stand both morally and legally.

"I understand, then I want to tell you that this [-] army is absolutely not allowed to enter Lin'an Mansion."

Zhou Kuan shook his head, "It's useless for Li Xianggong to tell me. I can only guarantee that the [-] cavalry will stop in Huzhou and will not take a step forward before the late emperor has no new order."

"Then where is Chen Qing and the other [-] troops now? Alright! Tell me, where are the late Emperor and his [-] guards now?"

"I don't know where the emperor and the other [-] guards are now? I think they will arrive soon."


A teacup was smashed against the wall and shattered. The emperor Zhao Gou roared like thunder: "He just wanted to rebel and seize my land, and he led an army of [-] to An'an. He didn't need to bother. Cut off his head and send it to him."

Zhao Gou roared like thunder, and there was silence inside and outside the imperial study room, everyone bowed their heads silently.

Li Guang knew that at this time he could only speak by himself.

"Your Majesty appeases his anger and gives Chen Qing ten courage. I'm afraid he would not dare to rebel. If there is no excuse to protect the late emperor, I believe that he would never dare to lead an army of [-] to come here."

"The first emperor?"

Zhao Gou was trembling with anger, staring at Li Guang viciously, "You tell me first, if he is the first emperor, then what is he? Are there two emperors in the Great Song Dynasty?"

Li Guang bit the bullet and said: "Your Majesty! If the first emperor refuses to issue an edict to abdicate, he is indeed the Emperor of the Song Dynasty in legal terms. Chen Qing has grasped this point, so the situation has become dangerous now. Your Majesty must calm down. Deal with dire situations."

Zhao Gou narrowed his eyes, "I understand, Chen Qing pushed him out to compete with me for the country, and I abdicated. He is Chen Qing's puppet emperor, right?"

At this time, Qin Hui said: "Your Majesty, the affairs of the world are not what Chen Qing wants. His Majesty has been on the throne for more than ten years. The people of the Song Dynasty and the people inside and outside the court have long recognized that His Majesty is the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, and he is not a captive. The one who went, he lost his country after only one year of being the emperor, he is not worthy to be the emperor, no one will recognize him.

What's more, Chen Qing's practice of coercing the emperor to order the princes is Sima Zhao's heart. Everyone knows that it is not because he has a [-] army that he can forcibly seize His Majesty's country. No one will support him. "

Xu Xiantu also said: "If Your Majesty calms down, I would like to say a few words."

After all, Zhao Gou is the Son of Heaven, and he has the endurance that ordinary people do not possess. He has quickly calmed down from the anger just now. He glanced at the eunuch at the door, and the eunuch immediately stepped forward to clean up the ceramic fragments.

"I lost my composure just now, tell me now!"

Xu Xiantu said slowly: "Your Majesty, I pay attention to the details. Their [-] cavalry must have come from Wuhu County. They can't stop when they enter Lishui Road. They can only stabilize when they go to Huzhou. They stopped in Huzhou, two miles away from Lin'an. Baili, this in itself is not offensive. From this point, it can be seen that Chen Qing's coming to An is not offensive.

Secondly, he said that they were there to protect Brother Jian Guo. This is actually not wrong. It is better not to send [-] guards. Sending [-] guards is still very risky. Sending [-] guards is safe. It can be guaranteed, but since we can send [-] people, why not send [-] people, not only to ensure safety, but also to deter us, preventing us from competing with him for Sichuan. "

"So security plus deterrence is Chen Qing's goal. The ultimate goal is to prevent us from competing with him for Sichuan?"

"Yes! Wei Chen thinks so."

Zhao Gou nodded, "Okay! Let me be more pragmatic. He really wants to send an army of [-] to deter me, but I have no choice but to know where his [-] army is now?"

Li Guang sighed and said: "Your Majesty, I thought about it all the way, and I suspect that they are at sea now, and they came by sea."

"Sea route?"

Zhao Gou suddenly turned his head and stared at the map of Hangzhou Bay on the wall. He escaped from here to the sea twice, and he was really familiar with this sea area.

(End of this chapter)

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