
Chapter 852 Night Thorn

Chapter 852 Night Thorn
Wei Tong finished reading the seized printing utensils and printed items in the county government with a dark face, his face was gloomy like water, it is your business that you, Wang Bo, want to fool the above, but you also fooled me Wei Tong, do you think I am an idiot?Paying someone to play with you?

The more Wei Tong thought about it, the angrier he became, and he kicked it away, "Wow! ’ A printing press fell, shattering four or five pieces of the city.

"Where's Wang Zhi County?" Wei Tong turned around and asked viciously.

Staff member Jia Yingfang stepped forward and said tremblingly: "The county lord has just been summoned by Qin Xiangguo."

One sentence reminded Wei Tong that Wang Bo was Qin Hui's nephew, maybe it was Qin Hui's idea to fool the emperor.

At this moment, he wondered if he could catch Qin Hui?

He looked at Jia Yingfang and immediately had an idea in his mind. He smiled and asked, "Are you Mr. Jia?"

Jia Yingfang was startled, and quickly bowed and said: "The villain dare not, the villain is Jia Yingfang."

Wei Tong stepped forward and whispered: "The new tea in the Liuweiju teahouse near you is good. Let's taste it together. I'll go first and wait for Mr. Jia in the teahouse."

Wei Tong chuckled, and led the people away, Jia Yingfang blushed, as if she had heard the most provocative love words.

He walked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he ran towards the teahouse.
After a few glasses of wine, Jia Yingfang gained a little courage, smiled and waved her hands and said, "Uncle Guo thinks too highly of this dude magistrate, so he didn't even know that he was fooled. He moved back happily yesterday, and even ran to take Qin Xianggong away." Please come and have a look, and was scolded by Mr. Qin on the spot."

"and then?"

"Then Mr. Qin asked him to change to two printing machines that could be used, and he wrote his report to read it, and asked him to pass it to Lin'an Mansion."

"What do you mean?" Wei Tong asked quickly.

"Uncle Wei Guo doesn't understand? Qin Xianggong approved the words on the report. How dare the Lin'an Prefecture not approve it? In this way, the Lin'an Prefecture Yin was also brought in, and then the Lin'an Prefecture Yin reported to the emperor that the "Beijing News" had been destroyed. Lin'an's lair, this matter is over."

"But what if the "Beijing News" appears on the streets of Lin'an again?"

Jia Yingfang laughed, "If the "Beijing News" appears again, does Uncle Guo think that the emperor will know about it? Even if he knows, can it be explained that the "Beijing News" has made a comeback?"

"well said!"

Wei Tong was very appreciative, poured him a glass of wine himself, and asked, "What have you been up to lately?"

"Our county lord has received a new task assigned by Mr. Qin, and has recently been monitoring Chen Qing and his men."

Wei Tong was immediately interested, "Is there any gain?"

"Yesterday, he told me that the man Chen Qing sent with the surname Zhou lived in a VIP post outside the city, and his guards were all cavalry. It would be a breeze to assassinate him."

Wei Tong's heart moved, and a vicious thought jumped into his heart.

He took out twenty taels of gold, put it on the table and pushed it to Jia Yingfang, "Report to me in the future, and I will guarantee that you will become the head of a county within three years."

Zhou Kuan had nothing to do today. He spent a day learning about the construction of the city wall in Lin'an. In fact, this information had already been obtained through the intelligence point stationed in Lin'an. Zhou Kuan just wanted to verify it himself.

There used to be a city wall between Lin'an City and West Lake, but the city wall was demolished to build official residences, leaving only a few city gates.

The original plan of the Lin'an government was to demolish the old city wall and build a circle around the West Lake, turning the West Lake into a lake within the city. However, the old city wall was demolished for eight years, and the new city wall was still on the blueprint. The annual military expenditure weighed heavily on the court. Unfortunately, there is simply no financial resources to build a new city wall.

The original plan was to expand Lin'an City to the Qiantang River, but there is still no movement.

After strolling around, Zhou Kuan knew in his mind that Lin'an was on the side of the West Lake, and it was completely undefended. It would be a breeze for the army to invade Lin'an City.

At night, Zhou Kuan sits under the lamp and writes hard. He has a lot of thoughts along the way, and he has no time to write them down until now. Jingnan South Road is intertwined with water and networks, and the fertile fields are thousands of miles away. It is a rich land of fish and rice. However, the imperial court did not pay much attention to it. The Western Army must take this rich land and manage it well, and there will be unexpected surprises.

Just then, an arrow 'whoosh! 'The ground shot through the window, passed over his head, and nailed it to the wall. Zhou Kuan's face turned pale with fright, and he squatted under the table, reaching out and grabbing the sword next to him.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of fierce fighting in the yard, and there was a scream from time to time.

"Bang!" The door was knocked open, and a man in blue warrior uniform rolled in, holding a crossbow arrow in his hand, blocking Zhou Kuan with his back, raising the crossbow and shooting out the door, a man in black couldn't dodge in time. An arrow hit his chest, and he fell out screaming.

Zhou Kuan wanted to stab the blue-clothed warrior's back fiercely with his sword, but suddenly realized something was wrong, so he stopped his sword and asked, "Who are you?"

"Counselor Zhou, don't stand up!"

The warrior in blue kicked the chair, and the chair hit a man in black. The warrior in blue seized this momentary opportunity and jumped up. The sharp long sword pierced the chair, and the tip of the sword pierced through the chair. The chest of the man in black behind.

At this moment, more than [-] guards of Zhou Kuan came, and someone in the yard shouted in Jurchen language: "The wind is tight, go!"

The remaining men in black jumped onto the roof and fled into the distance.

Zhou Kuan had already guessed who the blue-clothed warrior was, and he actually called himself Counselor Zhou. Then they must be from the Lin'an intelligence point. At this moment, Zhou Kuan stood up and asked, "Are you Dong Qun's subordinates?"

The blue-clothed warrior who was protecting him just now clasped his fists and said, "In Wei Yanzong, Guanshi Dong's scout Dutou surprised Counselor Zhou."

"Very good! Very good! Thanks to your protection today."

At this time, a cavalry leader rushed in and saw that Zhou Kuan was fine, he was relieved, and quickly knelt down on one knee to plead guilty, "The low-level guards are ineffective, and it almost caused a catastrophe. Please punish Zhou Kuan!"

"Hey! You are battlefield guards, not personal guards, and it's not your responsibility. Get up!"

Zhou Kuan knew in his heart that it would be no problem for thirty cavalry to protect him on the battlefield, but if they were to defend against assassins, they really couldn't.

Zhou Kuan walked into the yard, and saw five or six corpses lying in the yard, plus two corpses in the room, a total of eight people died.

"These are all assassins?"

The head of the scouts, Wei Yanzong, stepped forward and said sadly: "Two of our men were unfortunately killed in battle. The other six were assassins, but there were no survivors. We specially kept two wounded assassins, and they also committed suicide by taking poison. "

Zhou Kuan frowned, "Is there any clue? I can find out who did it."

"Reporting to Counselor Zhou, I've seen it just now, and there are no clues on them, but..."

"But what?" Zhou Kuan asked.

"But half an hour ago, someone threw a note to our residence. The note said, 'Someone is going to assassinate Zhou Kuan tonight,' and we hurried over and stopped the assassin."


Zhou Kuan was taken aback, "Who is this person?"

Wei Yanzong shook his head, "We were also shocked. The other party actually knew that Ruyi Teahouse was our intelligence point, but this person should have no malicious intentions, and thanks to his timely report."

Zhou Kuan thought for a while and said: "The situation in Lin'an is unpredictable, I guess he will come again in the next two days, you can set up an ambush, you should be able to catch this person, but don't hurt him, he saved my life. "


Wei Yanzong explained a few more words to the cavalry leader, and then left with the bodies of his fallen men.

"Counselor, why don't we go back to Huzhou, it's too unsafe here."

Zhou Kuan shook his head, "The king of the county will be here tomorrow. At this critical moment, I can't leave in a fit of anger. This will only be detrimental to the king. Tomorrow I will ask Li Xianggong for an explanation. He must ensure my safety. "

"Then I will strengthen the guards with my subordinates tonight, so that no more accidents can happen."

Zhou Kuan smiled and said, "I probably won't be here tonight."

That being said, the cavalry were still divided into two squads to watch the night, and they stayed up all night, and indeed no assassins came to harass them.

(End of this chapter)

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