
Chapter 853 Fermentation

Chapter 853 Fermentation
The inner hall of Guojiu’s mansion was brightly lit, and several men in black knelt on the ground to plead guilty. Wei Tong cursed: "A group of idiots who failed even in such a trivial matter, and they are still under Chen Qing's subordinates. If you assassinate Chen Qing, you can still count on you!" ?”

"My lord, the other side also has very powerful guards. We didn't take precautions. We were attacked from behind by them. The brothers suffered heavy casualties. If we knew that there were such a group of people, we would also be careful."

"Who are these people? Could it be that Wang Bo's information was wrong?"

"We don't know, but it must have been not thirty cavalrymen, who came later."

"Then did you leave any clues?"

"According to the prince's order, the humble officer yelled a Jurchen word, and then retreated."

Wei Tong walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, suspicious and annoyed in his heart, he waved his hands to make the black-clothed assassins retreat.

He immediately said to the subordinates at the door: "After dawn, let Jia Yingfang come to see me!"

At dawn, Wang Bo, the county magistrate who was the first to receive the news, arrived with a large group of archers. Although he was ordered by his uncle to spy on Chen Qing and his men, there were assassins in the expensive hotel. If he is responsible, my uncle can't keep him.

But after searching around and asking Yi Cheng and others, there was no clue. The envoy Zhou Kuan was frightened and saw no one.

Wang Bo had no choice but to discuss with Jia Yingfang in a low voice, and Jia Yingfang smiled and said, "Since the messenger is fine, it is luck among misfortunes. This kind of thing is impossible to prevent, and the higher authorities cannot blame the county magistrate. The county magistrate has come to understand and check the situation." , Yicheng said that someone said Jurchenization, so it can be suspected that Jurchens did it, and then suggested that the envoys be moved into the city, so that as the county magistrate, you will be fine, but the county monarch must report to the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, Taichang Temple, it is best to inform Mr. Li."

"That Li Guang has always looked at me disliked, will he take the opportunity to clean me up?"

Jia Yingfang snorted disdainfully, "The county lord's duty of public security at night is within the county town, and now something happens in the suburbs, what does the county lord have to do with it?"


Wang Bo slapped his thigh and said excitedly, "The gates of the city are closed at night, so what do I have to do with what happens outside the city?"

He was not afraid, and immediately sent people to the government office, Dali Temple, and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to report the case. Soon, Zhang Zhu, the Yin of Lin'an Prefecture, Wang Zao, the Minister of Dali Temple, and Wang Juzheng, the Minister of the Criminal Ministry, rushed to the VIP post. news came.

Li Guang really couldn't understand Wang Bo. He wanted to use this opportunity to remove Wang Bo from his position as the magistrate of Qiantang. The preliminary investigation report has been written, and it is also watertight. The incident happened outside the city at night, and it was beyond his ability. The officials who arranged the accommodation should be severely punished. Why didn't they arrange protection?
Wang Bo's last sentence pointed to Huang Guinian. Huang Guinian belonged to Li Guang, so Li Guang couldn't say anything.

He flipped through the report and asked, "I suspect it was done by the Jurchens. Is there any evidence?"

"Reporting to Xianggong, Yicheng heard them yelling a Jurchen saying, so the humble official suspected that it was related to the Jurchen. Of course, it was just a suspicion and there was no conclusive evidence."

Li Guang nodded, a little surprised in his heart, he couldn't see that this dude still had a good method of doing things, making himself invulnerable.

"Okay! Let's leave the county government alone on this case and hand it over to the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple. You should step back!"

"Farewell to the humble post!"

Wang Bochang breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried back to report to his uncle. Li Guang was really anxious. The consequences of this incident were serious, and he had to report to the emperor.

Jia Yingfang met Wei Tong again at the Liuweiju Teahouse, and he explained: "The information I gave the prince is correct. Zhou Kuan's entourage is thirty people, all of whom are cavalry. , the day lily is cold, our source of information is the insider of the hotel, it is absolutely accurate."

"Then explain to me, who are the dozen or so blue-clothed warriors who suddenly killed them? Kill six of my subordinates."

Jia Yingfang said calmly, "Those warriors in blue are the intelligence scouts of the Western Army in Lin'an."

Wei Tong was startled, "Really?"

Jia Yingfang nodded, "We have people in the station, and we heard the conversation between them. It should be a coincidence that they came here."

Wei Tong took a sip of tea and said, "Unexpectedly, your county lord still has quite a lot of resources! Check it out clearly."

"That's right! Qin Xianggong will definitely give him resources if he asks him to do something."

Wei Tong nodded, "Okay, if you have any news, please report to me in time."

"Humble job must report in time."

After listening to Li Guang's report, Emperor Zhao Gou was not very shocked. Maybe Zhou Kuan's level was far from shocking him. He waved his hand and interrupted Li Guang's report, "Since he is fine, , let him move into the city, and strengthen his security, you can deal with this kind of thing, there is no need to report to me."

"Your Majesty, this matter will be used to make a fuss"

"Okay, I said it, you can deal with this matter, do you want me to say it a second time?"

Li Guang was really helpless, so he could only bow down and say, "My minister obeys the order!"

Zhao Gou knocked on the table, "Li Xianggong, you are a planner and in charge of the third department. Your energy should be focused on finance and taxation. I care about the money. I need money to fight wars. I need money to raise the army. Without money, I can't sleep at night." I can't sleep well. About Chen Qing, leave it to Mr. Zhu to take care of it, and you don't have to ask about it."

Li Guang couldn't wish for it, he really didn't want to ask about Chen Qing's affairs, the risk was too great.

He immediately bowed and said, "My minister obeys the order!"

Qin Hui returned to the mansion with a gloomy face, and went directly to the study. After a while, his wife Wang came to his study with tea, "What's wrong, you were reprimanded by the officials again?"


"What do you do with that gloomy face, like how much someone owes you?"

Qin Hui let out a sigh of relief, and said angrily, "I just found out today who secretly handed the "Jing Zhao" to the emperor. It was beyond my expectation!"

"who is it?"

"Zhu Shengfei!"

"Ah! Didn't you say it was Li Guang?"

"Although Li Guang is hateful, he would not do such small tricks behind his back. Even if he did, he would tell me, but Zhu Shengfei was different. He stabbed me in the back instead of showing the newspaper to the officials. The matter, the officials are very dissatisfied with me, and they even said the words of "deceiving the superior and the inferior". This Zhu Shengfei, for the sake of superiority, will use whatever means to step on me to climb up. Isn't he afraid of stepping on the air and spraining his foot?"

"Is the master going to clean him up?"

Qin Hui waved his hand, "Today, the officials have entrusted him with dealing with Chen Qing. If he can't handle it well, he will feel better."

"Isn't Li Guang in charge of this matter?"

Qin Hui sneered, "The last time Li Guang scratched the official's back when he mentioned a former emperor, he thought the official would forget? This idiot, he forgot how Zhang Bangchang died back then."

"Master, are there all these unhappy things in the court?"

Thinking of something, Qin Hui laughed and said, "Bo'er performed very well today, it's rare for Li Guang to praise him."

Wang was surprised and delighted, "Really? Even Li Guang praised him."

Although Li Guang is Qin Hui's opponent, Wang also knows that Li Guang's character is good, and even he praises him, so Bo'er must be good.

"What did Bo'er do that Li Guang praised?"

"Yesterday's assassination case, he handled it very thoughtfully and in place. Li Guang couldn't find fault with him, so he had to praise him."

"I heard from Bo'er that the assassination case last night might have been done by Jin Guo. Do you want to confirm it, master?"

Qin Hui thought for a while and said, "Whether it's the Jurchen's fault or not, I guess they will all come to me tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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