
Chapter 854 Arrival

Chapter 854 Arrival
Sure enough, as Qin Hui expected, as soon as it was dark, Liu Si, the deputy envoy of the Kingdom of Jin, came to Qin Hui's residence.

Liu Si is a member of Wanyan Zonghan. He used to be the transfer envoy of Hebei Road. Now Wanyan Zonghan's faction has been demoted, and he has been demoted as the deputy envoy of the Kingdom of Jin to the Song Dynasty. Of course, he is a Han from the Liao Kingdom. First of all, language is not a problem, nor is the way of thinking. question.

More importantly, when Liu Si came to visit Qin Hui, Emperor Zhao Gou had given permission, "If there is an emergency, you can directly contact Zai Zhi."

Outsiders don't know whether Liu Si came to Qin Hui to discuss business or private matters. Maybe he has an urgent matter and needs to contact Xiangguo!

Qin Hui asked Liu Si to sit down in the guest room, Qin Hui asked: "Is the envoy Liu here because of what happened last night?"

"I heard that Chen Qing's emissary was assassinated last night. The assassin said something about Jurchen, but I want to solemnly declare that we did not send an assassin. We did not do this!"

Qin Hui smiled and said: "There is no evidence, and we have not determined that Jin Guo did it. You can't just because someone shouted on the street, 'I am the prime minister', and then everyone thinks he is the prime minister? So it will never be because of Just one sentence from Jurchen will be determined to be the work of Jin Guo, so don't worry."

Liu Si shook his head, "I know you don't have any evidence, but as an envoy of the Kingdom of Jin, I still need to solemnly declare on behalf of the Kingdom of Jin that we did not do this."

Qin Hui nodded, "I can accept your country's statement."

Liu Si handed over a formal statement to Qin Hui, who took it over and said, "I will forward it to the Son of Heaven tomorrow!"

"Then I have to send another letter to Xiangguo!"

Liu Si took out Wan Yanchang's letter from his bosom, this is Liu Si's real intention of coming to Qin Hui tonight, he came to deliver the letter to Wan Yanchang.

Qin Hui opened the letter and read it again, his brows furrowed, Wan Yanchang was going to Lin'an again.

"I see, envoy Liu, is there anything else?"

"There is nothing else. If Mr. Qin needs to reply to the letter, just hand it over to me."

After Liu Si stood up and said goodbye, Qin Hui pondered for a while and said, "You can send a message back. This time Chen Qing personally led a hundred thousand troops to come to An."

"I've heard it too, but is the news accurate?"

Qin Hui nodded, "The news is accurate!"

Liu Sigong cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Prime Minister Qin, for the announcement. I'll go back and report right away."

Liu Si left, Qin Hui went back to the study and paced back and forth, a little upset, Wan Yanchang posed a problem for him.

"Master, what happened?" Mrs. Wang appeared again without losing the opportunity.

Her desire to participate in politics is very strong, and she can always interfere in government affairs through her husband, such as turning against Chen Qing. This is Wang's suggestion to use Chen Qing, a common enemy, to form an alliance with the queen mother to ensure that Qin Hui's position will not fall.

She often goes to the palace to look for the Empress Dowager Wei, and she can also convey some of the Queen Mother's thoughts to Qin Hui. To help realize it, Qin Hui did it.

After Liu Si left today, her husband was depressed. Something must have happened.

Qin Hui sighed, "Talan gave me a letter, which said that the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin wanted to reach a permanent truce agreement with the imperial court, and even promised to return Bianliang to the imperial court."

"Master, isn't this a good thing?"

Qin Hui shook his head, "How can such a good thing happen, Jin Guo has conditions."

"What conditions does Jin Guo propose?"

"Jin Guo wants to join hands with the imperial court to exterminate Chen Qing."

"Ah! Is this possible?"

Qin Hui sneered, "I don't know if it will be possible in the future, but absolutely not now. Chen Qing's army of one hundred thousand is in Lin'an. If he knows about this, the consequences will be disastrous."

Wang's complexion changed, and he asked for a while: "Master, will Chen Qing really do this, find an opportunity to kill the official family, the official family has no descendants, and then directly support the late emperor."

Qin Hui shook his head, "Chen Qing is not an idiot. He actually did this to make a wedding dress for the late emperor. The Song Dynasty still had an army of [-]. Once these troops were loyal to the late emperor, the late emperor would get rid of Chen Qing's control. The crime of regicide wiped out Chen Qing's nine clans, so Chen Qing has only one way to rebel, go around in a big circle and return to the original point, and he also has a reputation as a regicide, and is cast aside by the world, why bother?"

"When will the tart come over?"

"This is where the trouble lies. Tarlan is very good at timing. Anyway, I have already told Liu Si and asked him to report. Now that Chen Qing's [-] troops are in Lin'an, Tarlan is just looking for death when he comes here at this time!"

While the husband and wife were talking, the steward reported in the yard, "The king of County Wang is here, and he said he has something urgent to see Mr. Wang!"

Qin Hui nodded, "Bring him here!"

Not long after, Wang Bo was taken to the study, and said urgently: "Uncle, aunt, just now my nephew got the news that a huge fleet came up the Qiantang River outside the city, and the ships were full of troops!"

Qin Hui and Wang looked at each other, and they realized at the same time that Chen Qing had finally arrived.

Chen Qing's hundred large ships were moored on the water outside Xiaoshan County, Yuezhou. The reason why the ships were placed outside was mainly because they were worried that the court would find out the source of the ships and bring disaster to the Zheng family.

And entering the Qiantang River are [-] three-thousand-stone ships, which are also huge in scale and can be clearly seen from the top of the city.

The distance between Qiantang County and the Qiantang River varies, the narrowest point is only two miles, and the river can be seen from the top of the city, but the widest point is ten miles, mainly in the northeast direction.

Chen Qing did not cruise on the Qiantang River. He had a detailed mooring map and garrison map in his hand. After confirming the map, Chen Qing immediately ordered to moor on the shore.

This is all wasteland. The land has long been requisitioned by the imperial court to expand the county. However, the imperial court is short of finances and has no money to implement it. However, farmers are not allowed to plant crops. As a result, the original good land has become wasteland, and the land has been compacted. There are not many plants and it is very flat, which is just conducive to the garrison.

The large tents were transported to the wasteland one by one. They were all large leather tents seized from Xixia. A large tent covers an area of ​​almost an acre and can accommodate dozens of people. This kind of leather tent is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the biggest advantage is It is not afraid of fire attack.

Soldiers began to dig trenches, erect camp fences, and erect large tents. Soldiers also dug a canal. Water trucks were installed on the riverside to introduce clear water from the Qiantang River into the canal, so that the camp had drinking water.

The first batch of [-] soldiers and a large amount of supplies disembarked, and the fleet then went to the waters of Xiaoshan to transport the second batch of soldiers and supplies.

The fleet came and went, made three trips at night, and transported [-] soldiers and all food supplies outside Lin'an City, while Xiaoshan County left [-] soldiers, on the one hand to guard the ships, on the other hand, they also needed Go to Jiangnan to purchase a large amount of fresh ingredients to ensure the supply of the army.

As the sky gradually dawned, a magnificent camp appeared outside the east city of Qiantang County. The camp covered an area of ​​thousands of acres, and more than [-] large tents were built. Not much smaller than the county seat, standing on the top of the city gives people a feeling of dizziness.

There are several camps in the camp, one is the warehouse camp, surrounded by fences, covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres, the other is the medical camp, where soldiers are sick and hospitalized, there are nearly a hundred military camps, and the other is the Tianzi camp , also surrounded more than a dozen tents with camp fences, and there were soldiers standing guard inside, saying that they were protecting, but in fact they were guards.

There is also a camp within a camp, which is Chen Qing's Wang Camp. It is located in the middle of the camp and covers an area of ​​[-] mu. It is divided into two parts. There are nearly a hundred tents inside. The land has three acres, the front part is the official housing area, and the back is Chen Qing's residential area.

At dawn, Emperor Zhao Gou came down to the east wall surrounded by thousands of guards, and he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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