
Chapter 855 Wisdom Words

Chapter 855 Wisdom Words
The emperor Zhao Gou was almost helped back to the palace. His legs were weak and he could hardly walk. When he returned to the bedroom, he closed his eyes. The murderous scene outside the city seemed to be still shaking in front of his eyes. Looking at the boundless barracks, warships on the river are like mountains.

He also has a huge army, and he has reviewed more than [-] troops, but it has never been as shocking as it is today, and it has never made him frightened and his legs weak like today.

"murderous look!"

right!The difference between his army and the army in front of him lies in the murderous aura. The murderous aura that only the Jurchen army has has also appeared in the Song army, but this Song army does not belong to him.

Chen Qing has already approached the city, and the emperor's brother is coming again, what should I do?Give up the throne to the emperor?impossible!No way!
Zhao Gou clenched his fist slowly, even if he died, he would not give up the throne.

"The queen is coming!" shouted an eunuch outside the hall.

Zhao Gou had to withdraw his thoughts and stood up to welcome the arrival of the queen mother. It is very rare for the queen mother to come to him in person, but Zhao Gou was very troubled. He knew that the queen mother's arrival must be related to the emperor brother outside the city.

The Empress Dowager Wei came in with the help of a court lady, and she sat down unceremoniously. Zhao Gou quickly knelt down and saluted, "My son, please greet the queen mother!"

"Emperor, please stand up!"

Empress Dowager Wei glanced at him, saw that he looked sluggish and haggard, and felt a little displeased, "Why is the emperor like this, your brother came here, and you are so lost?"

"No baby."

Empress Dowager Wei interrupted him with a wave of her hand, "I can tell if you have, I came here to tell you that the struggle between the imperial powers has always been bloody, and the struggle between your father and the emperor back then, we You can see it in your eyes, how can there be any father-son friendship, I will tell you, the battle for the throne is either you die or I live, even father-son brothers will never show mercy."

Empress Dowager Wei exerted some pressure and left. As soon as she left, Prime Minister Qin Hui begged to see her. Zhao Gou waved his hand and was about to say no, but then he changed his mind and nodded, "Acclaim him an audience!"

Not long after, Qin Hui was brought into the side hall, and he bowed to salute, "See Your Majesty!"

"Did Mr. Qin go to the East City?"

"I went to see it, it's very arrogant! The emperor didn't pay attention to it, and I was threatening His Majesty. For this kind of shameless blackmail, I only have four words, 'never give in'."

Zhao Gou waved his hand and interrupted him, "Now I want to know, what should I do, Brother Huang? I need him to issue an abdication edict, how can I persuade him?"

"Your Majesty, justice rests in the hearts of the people. It doesn't matter whether Brother Jian Guo abdicates or not. The key is that the army supports His Majesty, the ministers support His Majesty, and the people of the world support His Majesty."

Zhao Gou understood Qin Hui's meaning, ignored the emperor's brother, and made him the emperor's brother Jian Guo, and he didn't care whether he accepted it or not.

That's what I said, but it will leave a lot of excuses. First of all, my own throne is not upright, and I can't stand legal scrutiny. Now everyone doesn't care, but what about in the future?
Zhao Gou knew very well that the emperor's elder brother was the legitimate emperor, and before he formally abdicated, he was just the younger brother of the supervisor, or the regent.

In the future, Chen Qing will be powerful, and he will support the emperor's brother to ascend the throne, and that will be justifiable, but his own name will not be justifiable.

Qin Hui wanted to persuade him again, but Zhao Gou was in no mood to listen anymore. Like the Queen Mother, Qin Hui focused on the present, but he was more concerned about the future.

"I understand Xiangguo's meaning, let's step back first! I want to think about it carefully."

The purpose of Qin Hui's coming here was not for Chen Qing, he didn't care about Chen Qing or the late emperor at all, that was not something he could ask about, he actually wanted to tell the emperor that Wan Yanchang was going to visit in An'an.

"Your Majesty, I have one more important thing to tell Your Majesty."

"What else?" Zhao Gou was a little impatient.

"Your Majesty, yesterday the envoys of the Kingdom of Jin came to inform the ministers that firstly, the assassination case the day before yesterday had nothing to do with them; secondly, Wan Yanchang may visit Lin'an."

Zhao Gou was taken aback, "What is he doing in Laian?"

"Now the reconciliation faction in the Kingdom of Jin has the upper hand, and the Kingdom of Jin wants to sign a permanent truce with us. Of course, they have several plans, and I am not very clear about it."

Zhao Gou's eyes lit up, a permanent armistice agreement, this is good news!He took a few steps with his hands behind his back, "Qin Xianggong told the envoy Jin that if Wan Yanchang wants to come to An'an, I have no objection!"

After Qin Hui left, Zhao Gou's troubles became more and more serious, and he was restless. After thinking for a long time, Zhao Gou said to the eunuch, "Quickly go and call Governor Xu to see me!"

Knowing the Privy Council affairs, Xu Xiantu can be regarded as Zhao Gou's confidant. The key is that Xu Xiantu's position is centered and impartial. Unlike Qin Hui, who is too selfish and always adds fuel to the problem, he can't solve the problem. From the perspective of Zhongyun, Xu Xiantu can often put forward rational and beneficial ideas. suggestion.

Not long after, Xu Xiantu rushed over. Of course he knew about Chen Qing's army camping outside the East City, and he also knew why the emperor was looking for him.

"Your Majesty don't need to worry, I believe that this humble minister will be able to solve your majesty's worries and problems."

Looking at Xu Xiantu's smiling face, Zhao Gou felt a sense of reliance in his heart. He nodded, "Now I don't know where to start, and I want to hear Xu Xianggong's suggestion."

"Your Majesty, I was thinking about why Chen Qing camped in the east of the city instead of by the West Lake last night. Didn't he know that there is no city wall in the west of the city, so is it a greater threat to us? Of course he knows. In fact, Chen Qing It seems aggressive, but it's measured and not too much."

Zhao Gou nodded, "Even if what you said makes sense, what I'm worried about now is Brother Huang. If I don't handle it well, I will be very passive."

Xu Xiantu smiled slightly and said: "Brother Jian Guo is nothing to worry about at all, he is just a pawn of Chen Qing, the key is Chen Qing, His Majesty has reached an agreement with Chen Qing, and it is guaranteed that Brother Jian Guo will be listed in the "Beijing News" Issue the edict of abdication and make it public to the world."

Xu Xiantu's words cleared Zhao Gou's blocked thoughts, and he was really confused, thinking about what the emperor brother was doing, the key was Chen Qing!Isn't Brother Huang Chen Qing's puppet?

Zhao Gou lifted his spirits, straightened his waist and asked, "What does Xu Xianggong think Chen Qing wants to talk about?"

"What can we talk about? It's nothing more than fame and fortune. Previously, the Supreme Emperor's edict said that he should be made a prince, and His Majesty said that he should come to An'an for discussions. He's here now. Being a prince must be one of his conditions."

Zhao Gou hesitated for a moment and said, "Earlier, Mr. Qin said that since he captured the Hexi Corridor, he could be named King of Liang. What does Mr. Xu think?"

Xu Xiantu secretly sighed in his heart, it was obvious, Chen Qing would only accept King Qin or King Shu, not even King Jin, so what's the point of bargaining at this time.

But Xu Xiantu couldn't explain clearly, so he could only vaguely say: "You can let Mr. Zhu get in touch with the other party, let's talk first, and see what conditions the other party will offer? Then we can discuss together."

Zhao Gou nodded, "Finish the discussion early, and send this plague god away as soon as possible!"

Zhong Huan quickly walked into the big tent, bowed and saluted, "See the county king for the humble position!"

In the big tent, apart from Chen Qing, Zhou Kuan was also sitting. Chen Qing nodded, "Did General Zhong hear about Zhou Canshi's assassination the night before?"

"Humble job has heard!"

"I'll leave this task to you. The first is to protect Counselor Zhou, and the second is to find the murderers and wipe them all out."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Zhou Kuan smiled and said: "You don't need to be too stressed. After you find the murderer, ask the county king for help. He will definitely support you. As for how to find the murderer, you can contact the Lin'an intelligence point. They have clues."

"Thank you Counselor Zhou for your help, I will resign from my humble position!"

Zhong Huan bowed and retreated slowly.

Zhou Kuan looked at his back and walked away, stroked his beard and said: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. It is not easy for him to be able to take charge of himself at such a young age! But speaking of it, I do still need a negotiating assistant."

Chen Qing laughed, "Do you want Chao Qing to help you?"

Zhou Kuan smiled slightly, "The prince knows me too!"

Chen Qing said happily: "Okay! I'll let him help you. In addition, I want to add one more condition to the imperial court. I want the jurisdiction of Quanzhou."

At this time, a soldier came to report, "Zuo Xiangguo Zhu Shengfei is begging to see him outside the camp!"

(End of this chapter)

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