
Chapter 856 Preliminary Discussion

Chapter 856 Preliminary Discussion
The words Zhu Shengfei reminded Chen Qing of many unpleasant memories. However, if there are disadvantages, there must be advantages. If it weren't for Zhu Shengfei's misconduct in Sichuan and Shaanxi, how could Wang Yan, Liu Ziyu, Wu Jie, and Wu Lin be transferred one after another? Chuanshan finally gave himself a chance.

Therefore, what Chen Qing should thank most is precisely this Zhu Shengfei.

Chen Qing thought for a while and said to Zhou Kuan: "The negotiation is not in a hurry, first arrange a meeting between the emperor and the late emperor, and then go to worship the mausoleum of the Supreme Emperor together, and finally the "Beijing News" published a special issue to set off the atmosphere of the negotiation first stand up."

Zhou Kuan laughed and said, "Has the county king not seen Zhu Shengfei?"

"I won't see him anymore, let him meet the late emperor, that's the point!"

"I understand!" Zhou Kuan got up and went out.

Chen Qing smiled at Zhao Yingluo who was sitting on the side compiling the list of memorials for him: "Does Yingluo want to see Brother Huang?"

Zhao Yingluo shook her head, "If possible, I would like to pay homage to the tomb of my father, nothing else."

"Okay, I'll accompany you later, how about we go to the West Lake for a walk now?"

Zhao Yingluo was overjoyed, "Then wait for me, I'll go change a dress."

She stood up and went to her bed tent like a gust of wind.

Zhu Shengfei never thought that the officials would hand over the matter of negotiating with Chen Qing to him, and also deal with the late emperor's affairs. Thinking about it made him afraid, and if he couldn't handle it properly, he would be overwhelmed and walk around.

But the officials had already talked to him, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and come to meet Chen Qing. He was really afraid of seeing Chen Qing, because he was afraid that Chen Qing would remember his revenge and make things difficult for him.

After waiting at the gate of the camp for a while, Zhou Kuan greeted him with a smile, "Keep Mr. Zhu waiting!"

Yesterday Zhu Shengfei had dealt with Zhou Kuan, Zhou Kuan was very gentle and kind, always had a smile on his face, which made Zhu Shengfei feel very comfortable, even a villain would like to associate with an honest person!
"So it's Duke Zhou, is the county king here?"

Zhou Kuan chuckled, "The king of the county is not in Daying. I can represent the king with full authority. If Mr. Zhu has anything to do, just tell me."

Hearing that Chen Qing was not here, Zhu Shengfei breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "I am also entrusted by the emperor, so come over and have a talk!"

"Then please enter the barracks! I will bring Mr. Zhu to meet the late emperor first."

Zhu Shengfei hesitated, and asked in a low voice, "What do you call the late emperor?"

"We call him Dijun, Zhu Xianggong, please rest assured, Dijun is very reasonable and will not embarrass you."

"That's good, ask Duke Zhou to lead the way."

Zhu Shengfei followed Zhou Kuan to the big tent where Zhao Huan lived. It was surrounded by barracks and heavily guarded. It covered an area of ​​about ten acres and had more than a dozen big tents. The girl lives here.

Zhou Kuan walked into the big tent and said a few words, then came out with a smile and said, "Mr. Zhu, please!"

Zhu Shengfei walked into the big tent, and saw the late emperor Zhao Huan sitting on the couch at a glance, he recognized it immediately, with a sore nose, knelt down and sobbed: "My humble minister Zhu Shengfei sees Your Majesty!"

"Ah! You are Zhu Aiqing."

"It's Weichen!"

The monarch and his ministers cried with each other, at this moment Zhu Shengfei completely forgot the strict order given to him by the emperor Zhao Gou: you are not allowed to address the first emperor, and you are not allowed to address your majesty.

Zhou Kuan waited outside the tent. After a while, Zhu Shengfei came out with red eyes and tears on his face. He sighed and said, "When we met, I couldn't help it. I made Duke Zhou laugh."

"It's okay, nostalgia is human nature!"

The two came to the big tent again, where the guests and the host were seated. A follower came in to serve tea. Zhou Kuan smiled and said: "The emperor wants to meet the emperor, after all, they are brothers, and the emperor also wants to pay homage to the mausoleum of the Supreme Emperor. Let's see how to arrange it." Suitable?"

Zhu Shengfei hesitated and said: "It's okay to pay homage to the emperor's mausoleum, just arrange it, but there are no two kings. It's a bit difficult to deal with who will be the king and who will be the minister when they meet!"

"I suggest not to talk about monarchs and ministers, but to meet each other between brothers to reminisce about old relationships. There are not many people. I have a plan. Zhu Xianggong will see if it is suitable?"

"Duke Zhou, please tell me!"

Zhou Kuan smiled slightly and said: "Arrange a big boat on the West Lake, and then the two brothers will meet on the big boat, and we will be guards on the nearby boat."

"You mean, there are only two brothers on the big ship?"

Zhou Kuan nodded, "On the first floor of the big ship, there can be a few court ladies and eunuchs to serve at any time. On the second floor, there are only their brothers. They can drink tea, enjoy the scenery, and talk about brotherhood."

Zhu Shengfei thought about it, and felt that the problem was not serious, so he said, "I'll go back and report to the emperor. If the emperor thinks it's feasible, I will arrange it immediately."

"Then Mr. Zhu will have to work hard."

"But... I still want to have a good talk with the county king. This is the emperor's request. You must have prepared a list. We might as well be honest."

Zhou Kuan said indifferently: "Meet us first, and we will have a good talk after they meet. I believe the king's request is not high."

Zhu Shengfei understood that the meeting between the Son of Heaven and the late Emperor was a prerequisite, and the conversation could only continue after meeting.

He nodded, "Then I will take my leave first and go back to report to the emperor!"

After listening to Zhu Shengfei's report with a gloomy face, Zhao Gou sneered and said, "It turned out that they didn't want to call the emperor your majesty, but actually called him Dijun. I can figure it out, but this title is not bad either!"

"Weichen also saw the emperor, not much changed, but he looks much older, half of his hair is gray, he is only forty years old!"

Zhao Gou snorted, "So you also cried bitterly?"

Zhu Shengfei was startled, and hurriedly said: "I don't dare, I asked them beforehand, and then I followed them to address the emperor."

Zhao Gou then asked Xu Xiantu next to him, "What do you think, Xianggong Xu?"

Xu Xiantu stroked his beard and said: "The other party regards the meeting as a prerequisite for the meeting. It is not enough for His Majesty to meet, but I also understand what Chen Qing means. The reason why Chen Qing wants to lead the army to An'an this time has nothing to do with him. Your Majesty meets the Emperor."

"Ai Qing means, I still want to see you?"

"Actually, it's not bad for His Majesty and Brother Huang to meet in the name of brothers. It means that His Majesty attaches great importance to Brother Huang and regards brotherhood as the most important thing. It can block some people's mouths. The other party's arrangement suggestions are also good. On the West Lake big boat, only Your Majesty and Brother Huang, no one knows what you say."

Zhao Gou said bitterly: "He also treats me like a puppet."

Xu Xiantu persuaded: "In order for this plague god to leave Lin'an sooner, His Majesty just agrees to him with one condition."

"Okay! I'll just see Brother Huang. After so many years of separation, I want to see him too."

Zhao Gou said to Zhu Shengfei: "Zhu Xianggong is in charge of arranging the big ship. The various guards will discuss with each other first, and every detail must be implemented. I absolutely don't want any accidents to happen."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Zhou Kuan doesn't live in Daying, he still lives in a noble hotel in the city, which is convenient for contacting people in the court.

Zhong Huan deployed more than [-] internal guard soldiers around the expensive hotel, forming a tight guard.

Chong Huan then led two of his men to the Ruyi Teahouse near Dawazi. Among the hundreds of teahouses in the city, the Ruyi Teahouse was only average and unremarkable, but it had a good location. near the house.

Ruyi Teahouse is the intelligence headquarters of the Western Army Intelligence Division in Lin'an, and there are also shops, restaurants, martial arts halls, etc.

The head of intelligence is the shopkeeper of the teahouse, named Dong An, and the scout soldiers who protected Zhou Kuan before are the instructors of the martial arts hall, and Wei Yanzong is the chief instructor of the martial arts hall.

Chong Huan showed his inner guard silver medal, and Dong An, the shopkeeper, hurriedly invited him to the backyard, and sent someone to find Wei Yanzong.

The martial arts hall is very close, not long after, Wei Yanzong arrived in a hurry.

Zhong Huan clasped his fists and said, "I'm Zhong Huan, the Commander of the Tenth Battalion of Internal Guards, who is involved in protecting the safety of the county king. Today, I'm here to find you two under the order of the county king."

"But because of the assassination of Counselor Zhou the night before yesterday?" Wei Yanzong asked.

Zhong Huan nodded, "It is for this reason that the county king asked us to find the assassin."

(End of this chapter)

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