
Chapter 857 It's Him

Chapter 857 It's Him
After listening to Wei Yanzong's narration calmly, Zhong Huan grasped the point in one sentence, "The person who sent a note to remind you never appeared again?"

Wei Yanzong shook his head, "No! I thought he would show up yesterday, but he didn't come."

Zhong Huan thought for a while and said, "Perhaps our enemies found that there was no chance, so we temporarily stopped the flag and drums. If there is no danger, naturally there will be no reminder."

Dong An asked next to him, "Does General Zhong know who sent the assassin?"

"I can only say that Uncle Wei Guo is the most suspected. He just suffered a big loss on Sichuan Road. He has a deep hatred for us and will definitely retaliate, but I have no evidence."

Dong An pondered for a while and said: "Uncle Wei Guo must take revenge. Since he suffered a big loss on Sichuan Road, he must take revenge, and he has raised many desperadoes. It is indeed possible for him. Xiao Wei, you can contact him personally Maybe he can get some news from his subordinates."

Wei Yanzong nodded, "The humble job will arrange it!"

Zhong Huan also said: "Tell me the detailed information about Uncle Wei, and I must take precautions!"

. . . . . . .

Wei Tong had just returned from the east city wall, Chen Qing's army had set up camp outside the east city, and the fleet in the Qiantang River was like clouds, which really stimulated Wei Tong, especially the fleet in the Qiantang River, most likely the ships of his Yonghe Trading Company.

But the mighty army made him fearful. Wei Tong was worried about gains and losses, and wanted to take revenge, but he couldn't do it.

In the afternoon, Huo Liansheng, Wei Tong's number one aide, came back in a hurry. Huo Liansheng was a Han from the Liao Kingdom. He had failed the imperial examination in the Liao Kingdom. He was introduced to work as a small tent in Wanyan Zongxian's mansion. Wei Tong was also in Wanyan Zongxian's mansion at that time. As a servant, the relationship between the two is very good.

After Wei Tong returned to the Song Dynasty and became prosperous, Huo Liansheng came to Wei Tong. It happened that Wei Tong was short of people. Huo Liansheng had a good pen, a clear mind, and had a friend with Wei Tong in times of trouble. He naturally became Wei Tong's staff and advised him , And through Wei Tong, it influenced the Empress Dowager Wei.

Speaking of which, everyone should realize that this Huo Liansheng is probably not that simple. He is indeed not an ordinary Liao Han.

It was Huo Liansheng's task to push Wei Tong to assassinate Chen Qing.

Huo Liansheng hurried into the lobby, took a cup of tea and drank it, Wei Tong asked eagerly: "How is it, is there a loophole?"

Today, Huo Liansheng took more than a hundred of his men to look for Chen Qing's loopholes near the barracks.

Huo Liansheng said with a look of regret: "This morning, Chen Qing took his woman to the West Lake to play, dressed up as ordinary tourists, and only brought a dozen of his men. It's a pity that I wasn't ready. If I was ready, I would be here this morning." The best chance for an assassination."

Wei Tong also rubbed his hands in remorse, "I should have prepared it if I knew it earlier."

Huo Liansheng waved his hand, "My lord, Chen Qing will definitely come out again, we must always be prepared, as long as he comes out, we will seize the opportunity."

Wei Tong thought for a while and said, "Should I contact Jia Yingfang and ask him to notify me immediately if he knows the situation."

Huo Liansheng nodded, "It's very necessary. If Chen Qing is going to pay homage to the Supreme Emperor, the county government usually needs to make arrangements in advance, and we can get the news."

"Okay! I'll send someone to deliver a letter to Jia Yingfang later."

Half an hour later, a man with the appearance of a housekeeper came out of the uncle's mansion and got on a bullock cart to the direction of the county government. He didn't notice that someone was following him on a donkey.

This is the monitoring method of the inner guard casting a net. As long as the uncle Wei Tong is regarded as a threat, everyone who comes out of the uncle's mansion will be monitored, and the housekeeper will naturally not let it go.

Not long after, the steward came to the county government office, he asked Archer to report, not long after, Jia Yingfang came out in a hurry, he looked to both sides, followed the steward to the side alley.

The steward handed him a letter, "The prince attaches great importance to this matter, don't neglect it."

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

Jia Yingfang quickly took the letter and stuffed it into her arms, the two broke up immediately, and Jia Yingfang went back to the county government office.

In a corner, the inner guard soldier following the butler clearly saw this scene, and his professional instinct told the soldier that there was a problem.

He hurried back to report.
In the afternoon, Zhong Huan came to the Ruyi Teahouse, and it happened that Wei Yanzong also had a harvest and rushed back.

"Wei Dutou speaks first!"

Seeing Wei Yanzong's unconcealable excitement, Zhong Huan guessed that he might have found some important information.

Wei Yanzong said: "There is a student in our martial arts school. His elder brother is a warrior in the uncle's mansion. I invited his brother out for dinner through the students at noon. During the dinner, I tentatively asked him whether the uncle's mansion is safe. He After drinking too much, he told me that more than a hundred warriors died in Chengdu, and then said that the night before yesterday, a group of their warriors went out to perform a mission and six people were killed, and a group of ten people killed six people. People, completely in line with the assassination case, I can basically confirm that the assassination counselor Zhou is them."

Zhong Huan nodded, "It seems that our intuition is not wrong. What Wei Tong really wants to assassinate is the county king, not Zhou Shenshi."

Dong An asked with a smile: "What do you gain from General Zhong?"

Zhong Huan then recounted the matter of delivering the letter today, and asked, "Does Wei Tong have anything to do with the magistrate of Qiantang?"

"Of course there is an intersection. Wang Bo, the magistrate of Qiantang County, is Qin Hui's nephew. They have always cooperated. I checked the "Beijing News" newspaper before, and it was the two of them who joined forces. The scorched bearded official mentioned by General Zhong should be Jia Yingfang, Wang Bo's aide. , a very shrewd person."

"Then shall I also monitor Jia Yingfang?"

Dong An nodded, "It's very necessary. This Jia Yingfang has a deep influence on Wang Bo. Wang Bo almost obeys him, and Wang Bo is also the old enemy of the county king. If the two of them want to join forces to deal with the county king, it's not right."

Dong An suddenly realized, "It was Qin Hui who wanted to use Wei Tong to assassinate the county king. He pushed his nephew Wang Bo and Wei Tong to join forces, and Jia Yingfang was a link between them."

Zhong Huan secretly admired Dong An's savvy, he pondered for a moment and said, "Qin Hui wanted to assassinate the county king, could it be the emperor's intention?"

Dong An sneered and said, "Everyone in Lin'an knows that their Prime Minister Qin is more representative of the interests of the Kingdom of Jin."

Zhong Huan nodded silently, it seems that Jia Yingfang is the key person!
Jia Yingfang's home is near the Bazi Bridge in the middle of the county. It is a very ordinary small courtyard, covering an area of ​​less than half an acre, with a courtyard and four or five bungalows. Jia Yingfang is not a local, but a native of Chengfu County, Bozhou. Taixue, once a county official, has a flexible mind and understands official rules. He was recommended to Qin Hui for four years in Shaoxing. Became Wang Bo's staff.

Jia Yingfang lived alone in Lin'an. As soon as night fell, Jia Yingfang left the residence and rode a donkey along the street to the south. He didn't know that he had been closely watched by several experienced internal guards.

Jia Yingfang rode a donkey into the gate of Dawazi calmly, crossed the side path, and came out through the side door. Next to the side door was the Ruyi Teahouse, which was closed. The teahouse was open during the day, but at night it was dominated by restaurants and brothels.

At this time, Jia Yingfang already had a stone wrapped in a piece of paper in his hand. Seeing that it was quiet and no one was around, he threw it hard, and the stone broke the paper on the window. 'Throw it into the teahouse.

Jia Yingfang urged the donkey to leave quickly, but unexpectedly, two black shadows appeared from the side, one from the left and the other from the right. They were extremely agile and pulled him off the donkey.

"I don't mean any harm, you guys don't mess around!" Jia Yingfang shouted in fright.

The two shadows didn't give him a chance to explain, and carried him quickly into the teahouse.

(End of this chapter)

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