
Chapter 858 Opportunity

Chapter 858 Opportunity
The shopkeeper Dong An and Wei Yanzong looked at each other. They never thought that the person who threw the note was Jia Yingfang. When Zhong Huan next to him knew Jia Yingfang's identity, he couldn't believe that this treacherous-looking person would actually help them.

"Mr. Jia, why is it you?" Dong An couldn't understand and asked directly.

Jia Yingfang smiled wryly for a while and said, "Shopkeeper Dong thinks I can't help you? In fact, you have been exposed long ago, and you are just suppressed by me."

Dong An was even a little uneasy. He put a cup of tea in front of Jia Yingfang with his own hands, and asked nervously, "Excuse me, Mr. Jia, how could I be exposed like this?"

"Treasurer Dong asks too many questions. It's unreasonable for a shopkeeper of an ordinary teahouse to be concerned about the number of Song troops, the deployment of troops in Lin'an, the situation of food reserves, and the construction plan of the city wall all day long. You must have asked them all!"

Dong An's complexion suddenly became ugly, Bo Yangyong, the head of Lin'an County, actually betrayed himself.

"Master Yang did not betray you. He is my fellow countryman. When he was drinking at my house, he confided this to me. I immediately guessed that you are the intelligence point of the Western Army. I told Master Yang to keep silent to prevent his family from being retaliated against. .”

Zhong Huan was even more puzzled, "Why did Mr. Jia help us?"

According to the information he got, this Jia Yingfang was very greedy for money. If he exposed them to Qin Hui, he would definitely be rewarded and promoted, but he didn't do that. Instead, he helped them at a critical moment.

Jia Yingfang sighed, "I am very greedy for money, but no matter how greedy I am, I can't stop my hatred for the imperial court and the Kingdom of Jin."

Speaking of this, his eyes showed deep hatred, "I am from Chengfu County, Bozhou. My parents, wife and children all farmed in my hometown for a living. I was the only one who studied in Yingtianfu Taixue. In the second year of Jianyan, In order to stop the Jin soldiers, Du Chong, who was staying in Tokyo, broke through the Yellow River. The huge waves of the Yellow River engulfed my hometown, and none of my parents, wife and children survived."

Speaking of this, Jia Yingfang was already in tears, and he said with grief and indignation: "Later I found out that it was an order from the emperor. He only cared about running for his own life, but he didn't care about the lives of the people. He ordered the Yellow River to be dug in a frenzy. It's in vain." Emperor Song."

Everyone understands that the Yellow River seized the Huaihe River in the second year of Jianyan, and Du Chong dug the mouth of the Yellow River. Sizhou, Yingzhou, Bozhou, and Suzhou were flooded by the Yellow River. Hundreds of thousands of people died, and millions of people left their homes. Jia Yingfang's family is the victim.

Zhong Huan picked up the note, which read: "The king of the county pays homage to Yonggu Mausoleum, beware of assassins." '

Zhuang Huan raised the note and asked, "Wei Tong is going to assassinate the county king in Yonggu Mausoleum?"

In the big tent, Chen Qing read the note and handed it to Zhou Kuan who was next to him. He asked, "What does Jia Yingfang say?"

Zhong Huan quickly said: "He said that Qin Hui is the most treacherous and cunning man. Through his nephew Wang Bo, Wei Tong was hooked without knowing it. There are many forces who want to assassinate the county king, and they all pushed Wei Tong out by coincidence."

Chen Qing nodded, "This Jia Yingfang said that his whole family died on the Yellow River Duohuai, is it credible?"

"It should be credible. The humble official can see clearly that his sadness and anger are not fakes. A [-]-year-old man is crying like a child."

Zhou Kuan laughed and said, "In fact, his life experience is not important. The key is that he did save my life. If he hadn't delivered the letter in time, I would have been assassinated."

"That's right!"

Chen Qing pondered for a moment, then asked Zhou Kuan: "When will the worship of Yonggu Mausoleum be arranged?"

"The morning after tomorrow!"

Chen Qing sneered and said, "Then let the storm be more violent!"

In the morning of the next day, at the edge of the West Lake, there was a post every three steps, and a sentry post every five steps. Tens of thousands of soldiers guarded the West Lake tightly. The family will meet the first emperor on the West Lake.

The martial law by the West Lake was confirmed by gossip. Tens of thousands of people flocked to the place near the West Lake, overlooking the water from a distance, and witnessed this historic scene with their own eyes.

There is a [-] stone boat moored on the West Lake. There are more than a dozen boats in the east and west. The west boat is full of palace guards. Liu Qiong personally led three hundred soldiers to stand guard on the bow.

The emperor Zhao Gou and the late emperor Zhao Huan had both entered the big ship, and they could be seen from a distance, sitting on the second floor of the painting boat, drinking tea and chatting, laughing from time to time, looking very relaxed.

In less than half an hour, the emperor Zhao Gou disembarked first, and under the escort of his guards, he boarded another painting boat, and the boat left immediately.

Zhao Huan also disembarked. Several soldiers stepped forward to protect him with large shields, and boarded a painting boat. A dozen boats escorted the painting boat and sailed towards the southeast.

The meeting between the brothers ended within an hour. No one knew what they were talking about and whether they had reached any compromise?
But the behind-the-scenes person who arranged this double emperor meeting was drinking tea in the inner house of Lu's mansion and chatting with Lu Yihao in a leisurely manner.

"After taking Taiyuan, why didn't you think about continuing to go north to take down Datong Mansion?" Lu Yihao asked with a smile.

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Didn't win Datong, Jin Guo's focus is on how to keep Datong, and won't think about how to take back the southern part of the East Road. If there is no room left and all Datong is captured, Jin Guo will start thinking about counterattack East Road, their goal will not only be in Taiyuan Mansion."

"It makes sense. Datong is the capital of the Liao Kingdom. The Song Dynasty has almost never obtained it, and it is an important passage for the grassland nomads to go south. The population of the Jin Kingdom itself is too small. They are likely to mobilize nomadic troops to go south. You want Be vigilant."

Chen Qing nodded, now that the Kingdom of Jin is short of troops, Lu Yihao's worries are entirely possible.

"In addition, you have to be careful that Jin Guo proposes peace talks with the imperial court, and they will concentrate their forces and resources to deal with the Western Army."

"Actually, I've also thought about this question. I'm thinking about it now. Will the imperial court take this opportunity to attack Bashu, or secretly support the Kingdom of Jin?"

Lu Yihao nodded, "It's entirely possible. When Wan Yanchang went to Lin'an for the second time, he proposed to exchange the Central Plains for Sichuan."

"The imperial court didn't agree? Restore Bianliang!"

"Qin Hui urged the emperor to agree, and Empress Dowager Wei was also persuading the emperor, but Zhang Jun and I firmly opposed it. After telling the truth to the emperor, the emperor had to give up."

"How did grandfather convince the emperor?"

The grandfather in Chen Qing's tone was very natural, and he said it completely casually, which greatly pleased Lu Yihao.

He smiled slightly and said: "In reality, after the Yellow River burst in the second year of Jianyan, the originally prosperous southern Central Plains was basically destroyed, and the people were in dire straits. That's why the puppet Qi army could easily raise fifty Because of Wan Dajun, soldiers can eat their stomachs. In fact, you should have a deep understanding. In just one month after the puppet Qi was abolished, millions of people from the Central Plains fled to Guanzhong. I will not leave my hometown in the background.”

After a pause, Lu Yihao continued: "Later, we became more and more aware of the situation in the Central Plains, and then several Northern Expeditions caused strong opposition from many officials in the imperial court. They all believed that the imperial court could not afford the destroyed Central Plains, and taking it back would be a huge burden. The imperial court’s finances would collapse, so later the ruling and opposition parties reached a consensus that the Northern Expedition would end at the Huaihe River.”

Chen Qing nodded silently. What Lu Yihao said was absolutely correct. The imperial court would indeed not want the Central Plains anymore, but the imperial court gave up the Central Plains, so he couldn't give up either!

At this moment, Chen Qing suddenly realized that the Central Plains would be his greatest opportunity just because the imperial court gave up.

He cannot leave this opportunity to the court.

(End of this chapter)

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