
Chapter 861

Chapter 861
That night, at the urgent urging of the emperor Zhao Gou, the two sides reached an agreement, with a total of five items.

[-]. Chen Qingjin was awarded the title of King Yong, and he was granted the title of Taishi, General of Hushi, and Sansi of Kaifu Yitong.

[-]. The two sides reached a compromise on Sichuan Road. In order to combat the flood of private salt and the collusion between local powerful forces and the government, the imperial court transferred the right to appoint county magistrates to the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and retained the right to appoint officials at the state level. In addition, all states passed judgments Appointed by the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and reported to the Ministry of Officials for the record.

[-]. In order to combat the increasingly rampant bandits and water thieves around Dongting Lake, the imperial court agreed to transfer the jurisdiction of five prefectures including Jiangling Prefecture, Lizhou, Dingzhou, Yuezhou, and Tanzhou to the Xuanfu Envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and the officials of the five prefectures Appointed by the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and reported to the Ministry of Officials for the record.

[-]. In order to solve the shortage of military expenditures of the Western Army, the imperial court agreed that the Western Army could conduct overseas trade, and transferred the jurisdiction of Quanzhou to the Sichuan-Shanxi Xuanfu Commissioner, allowing Quanzhou to form militias and township soldiers to defend against pirates.

[-]. The imperial court agreed to publish the "Beijing News" in Lin'an.

Of course, the emperor's court made so many concessions, and Chen Qing had to show the greatest sincerity. The next morning, when Zhao Gou and the Zhengshitang approved the agreement signed by the two parties, the emperor Zhao Gou got the edict of the late emperor Zhao Huan's abdication as he wished. Zhao Gou's throne will be considered truly legal only after this edict is issued.

Zhao Gou was overjoyed, and immediately issued an edict, officially canonizing Chen Qing as King Yong, his wife Lu Shi as Princess Yong, and his family was also rewarded.

The night was dark, but the inner hall of the uncle's mansion was brightly lit. Wei Tong was making the final arrangements. After Chen Qing paid homage to the Supreme Emperor tomorrow, he would leave Lin'an in the morning the day after tomorrow. In other words, they only had tomorrow as the only chance.

Then Wei Tong wouldn't cancel the action, wouldn't he take the risk?
If you don't report your grudges, then you won't be called Wei Tong. He swallowed his anger in the Kingdom of Jin and worked as a low-key servant for ten years. After returning to Lin'an, he suddenly became rich and was named the county king. His mentality has been distorted.

In Lin'an, Wei Tong has a nickname called San Geng Yan Wang, which means that if you offend him, you won't wait until the next morning, and your family will be ruined at midnight. With the protection of the emperor and the queen mother, who dares to provoke this uncle of the country? ?This made his mentality more and more inflated, not to mention that he couldn't rub the sand in his eyes, and he couldn't even blow a little wind.

Wei Tong has basically never suffered any losses, but on Sichuan Road, he fell into a big somersault, all his subordinates were executed, all property was confiscated, years of painstaking efforts were wasted, and tens of millions of dollars were lost. It was Wei Tong's most painful loss in his life.

If Chen Qing hadn't come to An'an, he would have sent assassins to Jingzhao.

However, Chen Qing's Lin'an was just a stone's throw away from him. How could he not avenge this bloody feud?

What's more, there are Wan Yanchang and Qin Hui behind him who are fueling the flames. He is completely engulfed in hatred, and he can't help himself at all.

In the lobby, Jia Yingfang, on behalf of the county magistrate Wang Bo, explained the worship process for tomorrow to everyone in front of the map.

"The worship time is at the right time in the morning, and Chen Qing will enter the Yonggu Mausoleum through the side door."

Jia Yingfang pointed to the side door with a wooden pole and said, "The county captain and guards will intercept them in front of the side door. According to regulations, in order not to disturb the mausoleum, there should be no more than [-] guards on the mountain. In other words, Chen Qing's personal guards can only have [-] people at most. , the distance from the side door to the mausoleum is about [-] steps, and then [-] steps back, our opportunity is here."

Wei Tong nodded, and asked Huo Liansheng, "What's Mr. Huo's opinion?"

Huo Liansheng pondered for a moment and said, "I don't worry about anything else, but his inner guard. I have to find a way to transfer the inner guard away."

The warrior commander Zhang Bowu said with a smile: "It's simple, if you assassinate Zhou Kuan again, the time will be around Si time, and Chen Qing's inner guard will be transferred here."

Jia Yingfang thought for a while and said, "It's best not to use the method of assassination, it will make Chen Qing feel unsafe, and he will temporarily cancel the plan to pay homage to the mausoleum."

Wei Tong stroked his beard and said: "It makes sense, you can't risk an assassination, it's better to set a fire in the expensive hotel, treat it as an accidental fire, and attract the inner guards."

At this time, Huo Liansheng waved: "Let's repeat it again to see if there are any loopholes. The most important thing is the warriors pretending to be guards. There are a total of [-] people. Everyone must be in place."

The next morning, three thousand soldiers escorted Chen Qing and his concubine Zhao Yingluo to the side gate of Yonggu Mausoleum. Pretty big."

Chen Qing frowned and asked, "Is Counselor Zhou in your hotel?"

"He went to the Political Affairs Hall to submit the edict of abdication. He was not in the expensive hotel, and there were no casualties in his entourage."

"Leave it alone, did you find an ambush ahead?"

"There are three hundred guards on the way to the mausoleum, but I estimate that most of them are assassins."

Chen Qing nodded, "Follow the plan!"

"Obey!" Zhong Huan left quickly.

Chen Qing apologized to Zhao Yingluo: "I'm afraid the sacrifice will not be made today. Later, I will add a spiritual seat to your father in the ancestral hall. You and Qiao Yun will worship together."

Zhao Yingluo said: "It doesn't matter to me, it's the same when worshiping at the foot of the mountain, but it's too dangerous for my husband to go up the mountain."

Chen Qing chuckled, "People who can kill me in this world have not yet been born! Besides, the armor worn by your husband can't even pierce a spear, so I'm afraid they won't come."

Chen Qing's strong confidence reassured Zhao Yingluo. She also knew that her husband's decision could not be changed by herself, so she said, "I'm waiting for my husband at the foot of the mountain!"

At this time, the team arrived at the side door, and a dispute broke out. A soldier reported to Chen Qing: "Qijun Wang, the other side does not allow troops to enter, saying that there are only [-] guards allowed."

Chen Qing smiled lightly: "Don't embarrass them, just follow the rules!"

Chen Qing got out of the car, and a female personal guard with strong martial arts was wearing the same dress as Zhao Yingluo, and followed Chen Qing. Chen Qing was wearing a purple robe, a leather belt around his waist, and a golden helmet on his head. Wearing a special armor weighing more than twenty kilograms.

This pair of armor was obtained from Wanyan Nianhan. It was specially made by the top craftsman of the Song Dynasty for Emperor Zhao Ji. After the Jin Emperor Wanyan Sheng got it, he gave it to Wanyan Nianhan, and finally fell into the hands of Chen Qing.

This pair of armor is densely woven with gold thread, which is impenetrable to arrows. It is covered with a dense layer of gold rings, making it even more invulnerable. It hangs down to the knees and weighs twenty-two catties. Chen Qing wears a neck helmet, and the exposed part is his face.

The female guard beside Chen Qing also wore a rare silver silk inner armor, which was also impenetrable to arrows, but if the opponent stabbed with a spear, they might still be unable to resist.

Thirty guards followed behind Chen Qing. They were all tall, wearing iron armor and helmets, and holding spears and large shields. These thirty guards could be called the elite among the elite. Block ten, and on the periphery, Chen Qing also deployed [-] people, like a big net, which would wipe out the assassins.

Chen Qing walked up the mountain path paved with stone steps. The female guard next to him was wearing a bamboo hat and covered her face with a light veil, and followed closely beside Chen Qing.

There were guards in the woods on both sides. They were secret guards. There were dozens of guards standing guard in front of the mausoleum above.

When walking two hundred steps, a chiming dysprosium came from the woods, "Whoosh! ' shot at Chen Qing, making a sharp sound.

'call out--'

Chen Qing drew his long sword out of its sheath, and an arrow smashed the cold arrow into the air. Mingdi was the signal, and dozens of arrows from both sides shot at Chen Qing together.

His subordinates had been prepared for a long time. At the same time as the beeping sounded, they raised their big shields and surrounded Chen Qing and the female guards tightly, and shot all their arrows on the shields.

Someone yelled, "All out, kill him!"

Nearly two hundred assassins came from all directions.
(End of this chapter)

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