
Chapter 862

Chapter 862
Assassins are not fighting, they are pressed for time, they must kill the target in the shortest possible time, and then retreat immediately, one hundred and seventy-five warriors swarmed from all directions, basically using swords, they are not soldiers on the battlefield, Not good at using long weapons.

Chen Qing sneered, took Fang Tian's painted halberd from his own soldiers, and shouted, "Get out of the way!"

Knowing that the county king was going to show his power, the soldiers stepped aside one after another, and Chen Qing rushed into the crowd. In an instant, there were screams, limbs flying horizontally, blood mist filled the air, and heads rolled down the mountain road one by one.

Seeing the blood rushing, the guards followed suit and killed them. At this time, the horn sounded, and [-] inner guard soldiers also came out, and the [-] soldiers who were lying in ambush in the forest also came from all directions.

Chen Qing beheaded more than [-] warriors in a very short period of time, most of them were beheaded and sprayed with blood. The other warriors were so frightened that they turned around and ran for their lives. There was no chance. Thirty men surrounded him and raised their big shields. At the same time, more than a hundred inner guard soldiers killed him.

The warrior commander Zhang Bowu was terrified by Chen Qing's bloody killing. Seeing the soldiers of the inner guard coming out and the sound of horns sounding around him, he knew something was wrong, and the other party had prepared in advance.

He shouted urgently: "Retreat! Retreat!"

The remaining less than a hundred warriors fled to the woods on both sides, but it was too late, five thousand soldiers had already killed and surrounded them.

"Kill! No one left."

Chen Qing issued the order to kill, and shot a volley of arrows. There was a scream and then silence.

Wei Tong anxiously waited for the news in the mansion. He sent out all the warriors he raised, and it was all about success.

At this moment, he felt a little regretful in his heart again. After he calmed down, he realized that he had made a powerful enemy that he should never provoke.

A person who is not even dared to provoke the officials, but he actually sent someone to assassinate him, is he crazy?

At this moment, there was a commotion in front of him, Wei Tong was taken aback, and walked out of the inner hall quickly.

But the housekeeper yelled, "Master, run!"

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of splashing into the water. It should be that the housekeeper was thrown into the creek.

Wei Tong was stunned for a moment, what's going on?

Suddenly dozens of soldiers rushed in from the courtyard gate, Wei Tong was shocked, "Who are you, how dare you break into my mansion?"

Several soldiers rushed forward and punched him down, twisted their arms instead, grabbed his hair and asked sharply, "But the uncle Wei Tong?"

"It's just going down!"

The soldiers grabbed him and pushed him out.

"What are you going to do? Whose subordinates are you? I want to tell you in front of the emperor!"

Wei Tong was gagged with a piece of rag, pushed into the car and drove out of the city.

When the carriage stopped and several soldiers opened the door to pull him down, Wei Tong almost peed his pants in fright, and there was an endless barracks in front of him.

Emperor Zhao Gouzheng was discussing with several prime ministers about tomorrow's imperial court. He received the edict of the late emperor's abdication, so he naturally had to read it out at the imperial assembly. He also wanted to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth, and consider changing the reign title.

At this moment, an eunuch reported at the door, "Your Majesty, Yang Yizhong has an urgent matter to see you!"

Zhao Gou was startled, and immediately said, "Acclaim him an audience!"

"Your Majesty has a decree to control Yang Yizhong to have an audience in front of the Xuan Palace!"

Not long after, general Yang Yizhong walked into the imperial study room quickly, knelt down on one knee and cupped his fists and said, "The humble Yang Yizhong sees Your Majesty!"

"Yang Dutong, what urgent matter happened?"

"Your Majesty, someone assassinated Chen Qing."

"Ah!" Zhao Gou was stunned, and several Xiangguo also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Zhao Gou asked anxiously, "How is Chen Qing?"

"Your Majesty, the assassination failed, and Chen Qing has returned to the barracks safely."

Zhao Gou breathed a sigh of relief. If the assassination was successful, Chen Qing's army outside the city would definitely rebel, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Tell me in detail, what's going on?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this morning Chen Qing paid homage to the Supreme Emperor, but shortly after entering the cemetery, hundreds of assassins pretending to be bodyguards were killed. However, Chen Qing's guards were tight, and the assassins failed. Instead, they were surrounded by soldiers rushing up, and all of them were killed."

Zhao Gou's face turned livid. Hundreds of assassins, still in his father's cemetery, pretended to be bodyguards. How dare they pretend to be guards.

"Who, who did it?"

Yang Yizhong was silent for a moment and said: "The humble official has recognized the assassins, they are all warriors raised by Uncle Wei Guo."

Yang Yizhong is in charge of Lin'an's city defense and public security, and has long hated Wei Tong, the domineering uncle of the country. At this critical moment, he quietly insulted Wei Tong.

"This bastard!"

Zhao Gou was so angry that he slapped the table hard, "He is going to kill me, Yang Dutong, catch this bastard immediately!"

Yang Yizhong hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, Uncle Wei Guo has been taken away by Chen Qing's inner guard just now."


Everyone was stunned. Uncle Wei Guo was taken away by Chen Qing. Isn't this the end?
"Yang Dutong, why didn't you stop them?" Li Guang asked anxiously from the side.

"Reporting to Li Xianggong, Uncle Wei's mansion is close to the West Lake, and there is no city wall there. At that time, I was investigating the assassin in Yonggu Tomb. After getting the news, I immediately led my men to the uncle's mansion, but the person has long since disappeared. Based on the steward's description, the humble officer determined that it was Chen Qing's internal guards who started the arrest, and then conducted multiple investigations to confirm that Uncle Wei Guo was taken to the direction of the barracks."

Zhao Gou was also a little panicked. If his uncle was killed, he would not be able to explain to his mother. He hurriedly said to Zhu Shengfei: "Mr. Zhu hurried to the barracks. On my behalf, I ask Chen Qing to be merciful. Everything is negotiable."

"Yang Dutong also went together to explain the information to Chen Qing. I don't know anything about the assassination."

"The minister obeys the order!"

The two bowed together to receive the order, and Zhu Shengfei cursed in his heart that Wayne had caused trouble and burned himself, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and accept the gold medal, and hurried away with Yang Yizhong.

In the big tent, Wei Tong was sitting on the ground with snot and tears, and weeping. Although he is usually domineering, he is more afraid of death than anyone else. He knows that this time he is in danger, and his life is in danger.

At this time, the curtain was lifted, and Zhou Kuan walked in with a gloomy face. Wayne knelt down and clapped his hands together and begged, "You are Counselor Zhou, right? Please intercede for me, please spare my life!"

Zhou Kuan snorted, "The king of the county was stabbed by the assassin you sent, and the injury is not serious. All the generals are clamoring to tear your body to pieces. You see what to do!"

Wei Tong burst into tears and snot all at once, "Spare me a dog's life, I am willing to be a cow and a horse to make amends!"

Zhou Kuan said coldly: "Now you have two choices, first, hand you over to the generals and let them do what they want; second, you take out a ransom that satisfies the county king and redeem your own life, Choose yourself!"

"I am willing to hand over the ransom, how much should I give?"

"How much do you really want, how much will you give? I'm afraid you can't afford the king's asking price!"

Wei Tong cried: "I am willing to take out all the money in the treasury. I still have shops and restaurants. I can give them to the county king for ransom!"

"There is no need for shops and restaurants, but hand over all the money in your treasury and cabinet workshop. We will leave early tomorrow morning. If you can't hand over all the money before we leave, then you have no choice but to go with us." , Will it be buried in the sea, I can't guarantee it."

"I'll give it! I'll give it! Hand it all over."

At this time, Wei Tong no longer dared to think about money. Money can be earned back, but if he loses his life, he will have nothing.

He took three pieces of jade pei and a gold medal from his waist, and handed them to Zhou Kuandao: "The gold and silver in the three warehouses of Baoji cabinet are obtained with three pieces of jade pei. You can write a letter to Butler Liu, the rest are shops and restaurants."

Zhou Kuan said again: "You still have an open land of ten mu beside the third bridge, and we want that piece of land as well."

"No problem, I'll give you the title deed. In addition, I may have some copper coins in my shop. Does that count?"

"Those don't count, including those in other places, but now, how many are there in total?"

"I don't know how many, but it must be more than ten million."

Zhou Kuan asked him to write a letter, and then ordered the soldiers to keep an eye on him, and he went out to report to Chen Qing.

Wei Tong sat down on the ground, limp and weak, his whole body seemed to be exhausted, he grinned, and then burst into tears. His life was hopeful, but his money was also gone.

(End of this chapter)

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