
Chapter 863

Chapter 863
Just as Zhou Kuan walked out of the big tent, a soldier came to report in a low voice, Zhou Kuan asked, "Does the county king know?"

"The king of the county found out, he asked the counselor to receive him."

Zhou Kuan walked quickly to the guest tent, and saw Zhu Shengfei pacing back and forth restlessly, and Yang Yizhong stood beside him, very calm and silent.

Hearing footsteps, Zhu Shengfei turned his head and saw Zhou Kuan walking in. He hurried forward and said, "May I ask Duke Zhou, how is the county king?"

Zhou Kuan said indifferently: "I was stabbed in the back, and the military doctor is treating him, hoping to save my life."

Zhu Shengfei was stunned, unexpectedly injured, and the injury was so serious that he didn't know how to speak.

Yang Yizhong next to him knew it well. He asked the real guards of the cemetery, and they all saw Chen Qing displaying his power, killing more than [-] people in one round, just like a tiger plunging into a flock of sheep. How could he be stabbed in the back when he was given to a guard?

Yang Yizhong didn't want to intervene at first, but at this time, no matter how much he hated Wei Tong, he had to stand on the side of the emperor and speak.

"There shouldn't be any major problems. The king of the county is wearing very thick armor, and there are thirty guards behind him to protect him closely. Even if he gets hit by a sword accidentally, there will be no serious problems. Please don't worry, Duke Zhou!"

"That's right! I didn't go to the scene, it seems that Yang Dutong has already been there."

"It's true that I have been there. Many guards have witnessed the scene of the county king showing his supernatural power. He killed the assassin so badly that he made me worship him."

Zhu Shengfei immediately understood that Chen Qing's problem was not serious, and he was not even injured at all. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Actually, I came here for Uncle Wei. He was so insane that he dared to assassinate the county king without authorization. It is a crime." He deserves to die, but he is the elder of the emperor after all, and the only brother of the Empress Dowager Wei, the emperor begs the prince of the county to show mercy and spare his life."

Zhou Kuan nodded, "Please wait a moment, I will tell the county king."

Zhou Kuan saluted, turned around and left, Zhu Shengfei immediately asked in a low voice: "Is Chen Qing okay?"

Yang Yizhong shook his head, "From what I know, he should be unscathed. He was the last to leave the cemetery. If he was injured, he would have been sent back to the camp for treatment."

"That makes sense, so is there any hope for Uncle Wei Guo to be saved?" Zhu Shengfei asked again.

Yang Yizhong pondered for a while and said: "From Zhou Kuan's tone just now, Wei Tong has not been killed yet. If he wanted to kill him, he should have done it long ago. He hasn't killed him yet, which means that Wei Tong is still valuable."

Zhu Shengfei snorted disdainfully, "What value can he use?"

Yang Yizhong smiled slightly, "He is rich, and this is his greatest value."

In the big tent, Zhou Kuan was also reporting the situation to Chen Qing, and Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Isn't it rumored that Uncle Wei Guo is very stingy? Why is he willing to give me all the treasury money?"

"The more stingy a person is, the more he cherishes his life. He knows that if he assassinates the king of the county, his life will be difficult to save. If he can save his life at this time, he will not care about wealth. This kind of person is easy to go to two extremes. I’m happy to hand over all the money.”

"It makes sense!"

Chen Qing said to Zhong Huan and Chao Qing next to him: "You two go to the cabinet workshop and his treasury. I will give you a thousand soldiers and fifty big ships, and remove all the items in his treasury. I got the title deed for a ten-acre piece of land."

"Follow the order!"

The two took the command arrow and left. Chen Qing said to Zhou Kuan again: "Just say that I will give the emperor face, and solve it according to the way of redemption. In addition, I want the emperor to guarantee me that no one can threaten the newspaper office in Lin'an. I let it go." Wei Tong's conditions."

"Humble job understands!"

Zhou Kuan left the big tent of the Chinese army and came to the guest tent again. He smiled and said to Zhu Shengfei and Yang Yizhong: "Our county king said that since the emperor asked for mercy, we must give this face no matter what. We can spare Wei Tong's life, but There is one condition."

Zhu Shengfei hurriedly said, "Please tell me!"

"Our county king asks the emperor to make a guarantee, and no one is allowed to harass the newspaper."

This request is not high, Zhu Shengfei breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said: "The problem should not be serious, so when will Uncle Wei Guo be released?"

Zhou Kuan smiled lightly, "The king just spared his life, but that doesn't mean he won't be held accountable for the assassination."

Zhu Shengfei was stunned for a moment, "I don't understand what Duke Zhou means?"

"When we fight against the enemy, there are generally two ways to deal with important prisoners of war. One is to execute them directly, and the other is to buy them or exchange them. Of course, the captured soldiers have to go to mines to mine. That's not suitable for Uncle Wei. Don’t mention it, since his life is spared now, if he wants to be free, he must redeem himself, you don’t need to worry about this, he has enough money to redeem himself.”

Zhu Shengfei immediately understood that the other party really deserved to squeeze Wei Tong's wealth, and he had to pay the price for his stupidity.

"If that's the case, then we'll leave."

"Please tell the emperor that we will leave Lin'an tomorrow morning."

"We must tell!"

Zhu Shengfei and Yang Yizhong left the camp, Yang Yizhong said with a smile: "I have to deal with the funeral of the assassination case in the cemetery, so I won't see the emperor."

"Alright! The matter is settled, I will report to the emperor, and General Yang will go to work."

Zhu Shengfei secretly praised Yang Yizhong for being a man. If he goes back with him, he will not be able to perform well.

Zhu Shengsheng hurried back to Da Nei and came to the Emperor's Imperial Study, but unexpectedly found that the Empress Dowager Wei was also there, but she was rather sluggish and not as aggressive as usual.

"Wei Chen sees His Majesty!"

"How is it?" Zhao Gou asked anxiously.

Empress Dowager Wei also raised her head, staring nervously at Zhu Shengfei.

"Report to Your Majesty and Empress Dowager, the matter is settled."

Zhao Gou let out a long sigh of relief, meaning that Uncle Guo is still alive, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to explain to his mother.

Empress Dowager Wei also breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "Tell me in detail!"

"Weichen talked with Zhou Kuan. The other party said that Chen Qing was stabbed in the back and was seriously injured. But for the sake of the emperor, Chen Qing promised to spare Uncle Guo's life, but made one request."

When Zhao Gou heard that Chen Qing was injured, his heart was twisted again. He didn't know what unreasonable request the other party took the opportunity to make. He asked, "What request?"

"Chen Qing asked His Majesty to guarantee the safety of the report and not to harass the newspaper office. This minister boldly agreed on His Majesty's behalf."

The request is not high, Zhao Gou let it go, waved his hands and said: "This request is not high, I can agree, and in the future, the newspaper office can take care of Sichuan and Shanxi to deliver news, so as to avoid poor communication between the two parties."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Empress Dowager Wei next to her said impatiently: "Then what do they say, when will Uncle Guo be released?"

"Reporting to the Queen Mother, the other party said that Uncle Rao didn't die, but Uncle Guo arranged for an assassin to assassinate Chen Qing. The consequences would be very serious, so Uncle Guo needs to pay to redeem himself."

Empress Dowager Wei was surprised, "How much do they want?"

"They will talk with Uncle Guo in detail. It seems that the negotiation has been concluded. As long as the ransom is sent to the military camp before dawn tomorrow, Uncle Guo will be released at dawn."

Empress Dowager Wei frowned, and was about to explode, but Zhao Gou interrupted her anger in time, "Mother, uncle Guo acted without authorization this time and caused great disaster to the court. He has to pay a heavy price to learn his lesson, please Mother Empress Mingjian!"

What Zhao Gou meant was that it would be nice to be able to save the person, so don't make any further complications.

Zhu Shengfei added: "Tomorrow morning, the other party will leave Lin'an. The time is very tight. In order for the uncle to be released safely, we must cooperate with the other party as much as possible."

Originally, Empress Dowager Wei wanted to make a fuss about the other party's arrest of the uncle without authorization, but was blocked by the emperor and Zhu Shengfei, and she couldn't get angry, but Zhu Shengfei belonged to her, which made her even more unable to get angry.

She had no choice but to stand up and said: "Ai's family will go back to the palace right away, and Uncle Guo will let me know when he comes back."

She walked quickly to the phoenix chariot outside, Zhao Gou bowed and said goodbye, "Respectfully send the empress back to the palace!"

As night fell, fifty large ships loaded with Wei Tong's wealth slowly sailed out of the Shuicheng Gate and entered the Qiantang River along the moat.

This time the harvest was extremely rich, with [-] million copper coins alone, and a large amount of wealth such as gold, silver, jewelry, jade, silk, copper, porcelain, lacquer ware, famous tea, etc. Chao Qing estimated on the spot, the total The value is around thirteen million guan.

(End of this chapter)

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