
Chapter 864

Chapter 864
At dusk, several painted boats slowly stopped in front of a private pier in Sanqiao. The back door to the door had already been opened ahead of time. After getting out of the boat, she turned around and helped Zhao Yingluo onto the shore again.

"Husband, is this here?"

Zhao Yingluo looked at the ancient stone steps, mottled walls, and lush trees protruding from the walls.

"Yes! It's here, watch your step."

Chen Qing held Zhao Yingluo's hand, walked up the steps step by step, and walked into this old house. This was Chen Qing's mansion in Lin'an, and it was closed most of the time.

His personal guards had cleared the scene beforehand to ensure safety, so Chen Qingcai came over to take a look.

"I heard my elder sister talk about this place, but she said she hasn't lived there much."

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "She lived for a few days when she first got married, then left Lin'an and never came back."

Chen Qing took Zhao Yingluo's hand and walked around the back house, where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant, but for Chen Qing who was used to living in garden palaces, the place was too small and narrow, the place was too small.

"Husband, we need to fix it here!"

Zhao Yingluo found that many tiles in the corridor fell to the ground and fell into pieces. Moss grew on the broken tiles. It has been a year or two.

"Let them fix it later. I just want to take a look at the old residence for the last time, and I won't come here again in the future."

Zhao Yingluo pursed her lips and said with a smile: "My husband doesn't want this house anymore? It is estimated to be worth tens of thousands of dollars."

Chen Qing shook his head, "It's impossible for us to live in this house anymore. I plan to use it as the Sichuan-Shaanxi Guild Hall, as the permanent office of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Propaganda Envoy in Lin'an, and temporarily let them print newspapers here before the new building is built. .”

At this time, a female guard quickly stepped forward and said, "Jun Wang, they are here."

Chen Qing nodded and said to Zhao Yingluo: "You rest here for a while, when I come back, we will come back by boat together."

"Then I'll wait for my husband on the boat!"

"Alright, you go first!"

Chen Qing asked several female guards to take Zhao Yingluo onto the boat first, while he himself went to the front yard.

There is already a group of people sitting in the atrium, and the leader is Hu Yun, who is in charge of the "Beijing News" in Lin'an. They just learned that the imperial court has allowed them to publish newspapers in Lin'an normally, and they are gearing up to do a big job. This house was notified by intelligence leader Dong Qun to come here.

Chen Qing came out of the inner house with a few soldiers, and said with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard!"

Hu Yun knew Chen Qing, stood up in fright, and bowed to salute, "See the king of the county!"

Everyone followed suit and saluted. Chen Qing asked the soldiers to move out more than a dozen chairs, calling for everyone to sit down.

"Did Manager Hu bring these from Jingzhao?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

"Basically, there are [-] people in total. Before that, we all hid in Xiaoshan County, and typed and printed in Xiaoshan County."

"So that's the case, I should send a copy of the "Beijing News" today!"

"Yes! To publish the imperial edict of the late emperor's abdication, Counselor Zhou had already ordered Beizhi yesterday. We printed [-] copies overnight, and Beizhi has handed over the newspaper to Director Dong. They are responsible for distributing it, and it is estimated that it has already been distributed."

"Okay! After we talk about it, Counselor Zhou must have told everyone that we have signed an agreement with the imperial court. The "Beijing News" will be officially published in Lin'an. No one will harass you, but there will definitely be strong competition. Opponents appeared, so I was thinking, you should run independent newspapers, current affairs, entertainment, life, literature, and of course serial novels, this is your most powerful competitive weapon."

Hu Yun said with a distressed face: "Independently running a newspaper requires a lot of resources. It needs a place, enough money, and a strong local network. These are our weaknesses."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry about these things. This house belongs to me. I plan to use it as the Sichuan-Shaanxi Guild Hall, but you can use it for a few months. Your newspaper office is not far to the south, along the small river. After walking three hundred steps, you will see a large open space, about ten acres, I have already got the land deed, and I will build a newspaper, and then I have found a new owner of the newspaper."

Speaking of this, Chen Qing waved to Zheng Tongquan who was standing at the door, "Duke Zheng, please come here!"

Zheng Tongquan came over to salute Chen Qing, and said with a smile: "I also said to go to the military camp to meet the county king, but I didn't expect to meet here."

"Uncle Zheng received the letter I wrote!

"Got it, no problem, I will contribute [-]% of the money, and I must run the newspaper well."

"Let me introduce you to everyone!"

Chen Qing smiled and introduced to everyone: "This is the father of Zheng Ping, who is in charge of the capital. The emperor named him the Duke of Hejian County. He is currently the largest businessman in Lin'an. He will also become the proprietor of the newspaper in the future. He has enough connections and resources in Lin'an. , he will help everyone, we ask Master Zheng to say a few words!"

Everyone applauded together, Zheng Tongquan stepped forward and said with a smile: "The king of the county is too flattering to me. Since the king of the county thinks highly of Zheng, and handed over the Lin'an newspaper to me, there is nothing to say. I will do my best to run the newspaper well, and I will do my best." I agree with the idea of ​​the king of the county and make it a new newspaper, but I suggest to use the name "Beijing News", which will resonate with many people."

Hu Yun was overjoyed. He knew that Uncle Zheng Guo had a deep connection in Lin'an. He turned out to be Zheng Dutong's father. With his backing, he was confident in running the newspaper.

Chen Qing wanted to take a step first, Zheng Tongquan sent Chen Qing aboard, Zheng Tongquan said with a smile: "Those hundred seagoing ships originally belonged to the county king and Zheng Ping, you can use them anyway, we still have fifty seagoing ships, enough for us Overseas trade."

Chen Qing nodded, "If the imperial court wants to trouble Uncle Zheng, Uncle Zheng will go directly to the Sichuan-Shaanxi Guild Hall, and they will come forward to negotiate with the imperial court. I believe that after this trip to Lin'an, the imperial court will not dare to pinch Sichuan-Shaanxi at will. "

"Thank you for the love of the king of the county. Although I can't talk about high status and authority, but in Lin'an, I believe I have some connections. Even if Uncle Wei Guo wants to touch me, he should think twice."

Chen Qing knew that his backer was the Qian family, and he had a very good relationship with Xu Xiantu, so he really didn't need to worry about it.

"From now on, I will ask Uncle Zheng."

Zheng Tongquan knew the importance of newspapers to Chen Qing. Since the Zheng family bet on Chen Qing, there was nothing to say, and he must go all out.

"Don't worry, king! As long as we work hard, I believe we will succeed!"

That night, the Western Army began to pull out its camp and evacuate. Batches of supplies and soldiers began to leave by boat and headed for Xiaoshan County. The [-] army divided into two groups, and the [-] army temporarily stationed together with the cavalry in Jiangning Mansion.

And Chen Qing personally led an army of [-] to Quanzhou.

At four o'clock, Wei Tong was released, and he was sent back to the mansion by the carriage of the inner guard. The moment he walked into his mansion, he felt that everything in the world was so beautiful, and being alive was already his greatest luck. up.

In the morning of the next day, Lu Jin and Lu Qingshan came to the pier to deliver a letter to Chen Qing. Chen Qing had already negotiated with Lu Yihao that the Lu family would gradually move to Sichuan and Shanxi.

Finally, Lu Yihao himself will go to Jingzhao. This time the time is relatively tight. Lu Qingshan has no time to go with Chen Qing. He will resettle his family and set off for Sichuan a month later to serve as the chief secretary of Sichuan Lu Xingtai. The general manager of Xingtai Shangshu was concurrently held by Chen Qing. In fact, the administrative power was in the hands of Chang Shi.

"Did the king go directly to Sichuan Road?" Lu Qingshan asked with a smile.

"I'm going to go to Quanzhou first, and then go back to Sichuan."

"What are you doing in Quanzhou?" Lu Qingshan asked puzzled.

Seeing that there were no officials left and right, Chen Qing smiled and said, "There is a big island opposite Quanzhou, does second grandfather know?"

"Is it Penghu Big Island?"

Chen Qing nodded, "I want to take a look. If possible, I want to grow sugar cane there. The kapok over there is also very famous."

Lu Qingshan didn't take it seriously, so much land on Guangnan East Road and Guangnan West Road has not been developed, so what to do on the island?
But Lu Qingshan didn't say much, he smiled and said: "Then I wish the king a smooth journey."

Lu Jin next to him stepped forward and said, "Son-in-law, have a good journey!"

Chen Qing clasped his fists and saluted, "Father-in-law, take care, come to Jingzhao early!"

Lu Jin smiled and nodded, "Don't worry! I will come with my grandfather."

Chen Qing boarded the boat, and the boat started slowly, sailing towards the east estuary.

At this time, Chen Qing suddenly discovered that there were many officials in the distance who came to send him away, and they stood in the distance and waved goodbye to him.

[There was something wrong at home yesterday, I only coded two chapters, and I didn't have one chapter at noon, I'm sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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