
Chapter 870 Promoting Peace

Chapter 870 Promoting Peace
Three days later, Chen Qing returned to Quanzhou. At this time, the imperial decree had also been sent to Quanzhou, and it was officially clarified that the jurisdiction of Quanzhou was transferred from the Fujian Road Xuanfu Envoy to the Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu Envoy.

But to Chen Qing's surprise, none of the big and small officials in Quanzhou offered to resign.

In order to better control Quanzhou, Chen Qing established the Sichuan-Shaanxi Shipping Administration in Quanzhou. Wang Di, the order of the Warehouse Administration, served as the first order of the Municipal Shipping Administration, and Pan Feng, the former imperial envoy of the Shipping Department of Quanzhou, served as the deputy. Ling, Pan Feng is Lu Yihao's disciple, and Lu Yihao recommended him to Chen Qing.

In addition, Chao Kun served as the judge of the Municipal Bureau of Shipping and at the same time served as the liaison envoy of Penghu. Chen Qing specially allocated three large ships of Wanshi to the Municipal Bureau of Shipping, one of which was used as a ferry between Quanzhou and Penghu, tentatively scheduled every ten days trip.

Commander Yang Tai served as Quanzhou Sima and regiment training envoy, and led [-] troops to station in Quanzhou. The [-] troops were renamed Quanzhou Army, which belonged to the Quanzhou local army in nature. Commander Li Hao led [-] soldiers to station in the Penghu Islands, which was rotated once a year. .

Three days had passed since the completion of the various arrangements. Chen Qing summoned all the officials of the seven counties of Quanzhou for the last time. That afternoon, ninety-seven large ships carrying [-] troops left Quanzhou Bay. go north.

Just ten days after Chen Qing left Lin'an, Wan Yanchang also arrived in Lin'an.

With Wanyan Nianhan's complete loss of power, only Wanyan Wushu was left to support the hardliners of the Jin Dynasty against the Song Dynasty, but Wanyan Wushu's record was not good. The signing army of Yue Fei's army was almost defeated in every battle, so that the court of the Kingdom of Jin gradually lost confidence in Wanyan Wushu.

At this time, Wan Yanchang took the opportunity to put forward a new idea, to join forces with the Song Dynasty to deal with Chen Qing. This proposal was actually proposed as early as after Chen Qing captured Taiyuan, and was supported by Wanyan Zongqian and Wanyan Zongqing, the moderate factions of the Jin Dynasty. He fully supported it, but Wanyan Wushu firmly opposed it. He believed that the army of the Song Dynasty was vulnerable, and they should deal with Chen Qing with all their strength after the Song Dynasty was destroyed.

The hardliners and moderates of the Kingdom of Jin continued to fight in the court of the Kingdom of Jin, but after the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin realized the growing threat from Chen Qing, especially Wanyan Wushu was unable to win Jianghuai for a long time, the attitude of the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin finally reversed. moderates.

Wanyan Wushu had to withdraw his troops and return to Bianliang, and Yue Fei also led his troops back to the front line of Nanyang, Dengzhou, to establish an atmosphere for reconciliation between the two parties.

This morning, Wan Yanchang arrived in Lin'an for the third time. Zuo Xiang Zhu Shengfei came out of the city to welcome Wan Yanchang on behalf of the emperor, and welcomed Wan Yanchang to the Jin Guoguan. Wan Yanchang kept Zhu Shengfei.

"Don't mention the previous things. The emperor is extremely aggrieved. He said that he was like having a nightmare. He was actually surrounded by Chen Qing's [-] troops. He had to agree to many aggrieved terms."

Wan Yanchang asked with a smile: "I wonder what aggrieved clauses your emperor agreed to?"

Zhu Shengfei sighed, "For example, Chen Qing was conferred the title of King Yong, and he was conferred the title of prince with a different surname during his lifetime. This has never happened since the founding of the Song Dynasty. Usually, the conferment is posthumous, and the jurisdiction of the five prefectures on South Jingnan Road is transferred. Chen Qing finally extended his hand to Jinghu South Road."

"But I heard that the Emperor of the Song Dynasty also received the edict of the late emperor's abdication, isn't it equal?"

"Marshal Wanyan heard that ministers and emperors can be equal?"

Wan Yanchang nodded, "I understand, it is Chen Qing who has lost the courtesy of a monarch and a minister, and is aggressive towards the emperor as a courtier, that's why you feel deeply aggrieved."


Wan Yanchang pondered for a while and asked again: "When I came, I heard that Chen Qing's army was still gathered in Wuhu. Could it be that Chen Qing's [-] troops have not returned to Sichuan and Shaanxi?"

"It seems not yet. Chen Qing led a part of the fleet to Quanzhou, and his army is still waiting in Wuhu."

"What did Chen Qing go to Quanzhou for?" Wan Yanchang was even more puzzled.

"They said that the Western Army's military expenditure was too high, they couldn't bear it, and they were going to do overseas trade. We really couldn't think of his reason for wanting Quanzhou, so let's just believe him."

Wan Yanchang was also full of doubts. Quanzhou was too far away from Sichuan and Shaanxi, and it was of little military value. Could it be that he really wanted to do overseas trade?
He temporarily suppressed this thought, and asked again: "Then, have you ever thought about sending troops to destroy Chen Qing?"

"How could I not have thought about it, but it is one thing to think about it, but another thing to be able to do it."

"Then what if the two of us join forces?"

Wan Yanchang asked tentatively, "Does Zhu Xianggong think the emperor will accept it?"

Wan Yanchang was not worried about Zhu Shengfei's attitude. Zhu Shengfei belonged to the Empress Dowager. Empress Dowager Wei would definitely support Jin Guo's proposition, and Qin Hui would also support it. Xu Xiantu had always been a centrist, and both the left and the right supported it. Li Guang alone could not make waves, so The key lies in the attitude of the emperor.

Zhu Shengfei hesitated for a while and said: "This matter was discussed between Qin Xianggong and the emperor. I was not there. I don't understand the emperor's attitude."

"Okay! I understand. Thank you Mr. Zhu for your sincere reception."

At nightfall, a carriage, guarded by dozens of black-clothed warriors on horseback, slowly stopped in front of Qin Hui's mansion. Although Qin Hui was very reluctant to see Wan Yanchang come to his mansion, Wan Yanchang ignored his attitude, and night fell Afterwards, he forcibly came to Qin Hui's Xiangguo, and Qin Hui had no choice but to bite the bullet and come out to greet him.

Wan Yanchang came out of the carriage, and said with a smile: "Mr. Qin is disturbing his rest!"

"Marshal please!"

The two entered the mansion and went directly to the guest hall, where they were seated separately as guest and host.

"Marshal rest is okay!"

Qin Hui wanted to exchange some pleasantries, but Wan Yanchang waved his hands and said, "Let's make a long story short. I wrote to you earlier, proposing that the two sides join forces to deal with Chen Qing. I want to know, what is your emperor's attitude towards this proposal?"

Qin Hui shook his head and said, "The emperor only agrees to half of your plan. He welcomes the long-term truce and reconciliation, but the emperor has concerns about attacking Chen Qing."

"What concerns?"

"The concern lies with the late emperor. Once we fall out with Chen Qing, he will support the late emperor to ascend the throne, and there will be two great Songs. The emperor is absolutely unwilling to see such a situation happen."

Wan Yanchang said indifferently: "Didn't the late emperor announce his abdication?"

Qin Hui smiled wryly and said, "You can also ascend the throne if you abdicate."

"Qin Xianggong didn't persuade the emperor well?"

Qin Hui said helplessly: "He is very assertive on this issue, and it is useless to persuade anyone."

Qin Hui did not tell Wan Yanchang explicitly that the Han people all over the world, including the army of the Song Dynasty, believed that Chen Qing was a hero against Jin. Once the imperial court and the Kingdom of Jin join forces to attack Chen Qing, the orthodoxy and legitimacy of the imperial court will be over, and everyone in the world will support it. Another Song Dynasty that resisted Jin.

No matter how stupid the emperor was, he was not so stupid. Therefore, the emperor vetoed the joint attack on Chen Qing and only agreed to sign a long-term armistice agreement.

Wan Yanchang came to understand a little bit, he thought for a while and said: "Maybe it can be like this, the imperial army entered Sichuan in the name of supporting Chen Qing, in name it was supporting Chen Qing, but in fact it was to seize Sichuan."

Qin Hui sighed, "This is not realistic! Unless Chen Qing agrees to the imperial army entering Sichuan to help in the battle, the two sides will definitely fight fiercely on the Three Gorges Road."

Wan Yanchang's face darkened, and he said coldly: "It means that Song Dynasty won't join forces with us to deal with Chen Qing?"


Qin Hui didn't dare to refuse directly, so he had to reply vaguely: "Let's discuss it again! See if we can find a good compromise."

(End of this chapter)

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